297 resultados para Greatrakes, Valentine
"The Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, in cooperation with the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station."
Supplements: Insect enemies of eastern forests, by Frank Cooper Craighead.
Includes index.
"Music on the Maine coast": p. 87-101.
Partly reprinted from various periodicals.
Top Row: Kris Aasvved, Phyllis Askew, Stephanie Babboni, Carolyn Backus, Carol Bockeloo, Veronica Banks, Patte Barland, Sally Barling, Rowena Beebe, Ginger Behr, Bobbi Bergmooser, Clary Bestor, Terry A. Bilinski, Debbie Blauer, Kathleen Bly, Lois K. Boer, Aurelia boyer, Polly Bradley, Sue Brenkert, Sherry Brezina
Row 2: Andrea Brown, Phyllis Buchholz, Michele Bujak, Barbara Burcham, Carol Burg, Mary Ann Campbell, Nancy Cartwright, Sally Chin, Kathleen Christmas, Barbara Clark, Marlene Clarkson, Alma Cole, Judy Coltson, Donna Craig, Janet L. Davies, Catherine Davidson, Sandra Detrisac, Toni Doherty, Kathleen Dumas, Deretha Eddings
Row 3: Marcia Ferrand, Karen Finger, Carol Fischer, Susan Fischer, Suzanne M. Fleszar, Barbara Fritz, Lola Garland, Susan Goldstein, Pam Goltz, Diane Gorman, Debby Goudreau, Diane Greenfield, Debbie Gross, Joan Hamman, Cheryl Hauch, Michelle Hays, Betty Henderson, Christena Henson, Constance Hill, Linda Hill
Row 4: Pamela Hill, Marilyn Holland, Patricia Horvath, Lois Huissen, Nance J. Huston, Phyllis Isackson, Angela Janik, Kim Johnson, Marjorie Kelsey, Wanda Kent, Eugenie Kimura, Lesley Kinnard, Kathleen Klute, Peggy Koskela, Linda Ksiazkiewicaz, Barbara Lang, Karen C. Carson, Kathryn Linder, Kathleen Lipinski, Janie Locke
Row 5: Nancy Luth, Denise Lyons, Susan Malkewitz, Diane Mannino, Nancy Marsh, Denise M. McCann, Carol McVannel, Vicky Melancon, Darlene Mikolajczak, Jane Monroe, Pam Morris, Cari Mulholland, Sandra Muller, Jacqueline Murphy, Terri Murtland, Colleen Nash, Debbie Nichols, Nancy Nowacek, Denise D. O'Brien, Sue Olejniczak
Row 6: Susan Panozzo, Marty Parmelee, Nancy Parr, Alexandra Paul, Pam Pennington, Patricia Phelps, Helen Piggush, Jan Pinkham, Molly Power, Janet Primeau, Ilona Proskie, Gretel Quitmeyer, Vicki Jo Ray, Josephine Reed, Ruth Riley, Norine Rowe, Beata Rudnik, Pat Rutowski, Linda Sanders, Patricia Saran
Row 7: Judy Sayles, Janis Schlicker, Janice Schmidt, Janiece Selecky, Deborah Silverman, Susan K. Smith, Theresa Sobanski, Marcia Sosnowski, Joyce Stein, Cathie Stepien, Pam Stoeffler, Sharon Swann, Susan Truchan, Susan Turke, Susan Valentine, Delores Vander Wal, Mary Jane VanLoon, Pamela A. Van Riper, Jeanne M. Wade, Karen Warner
Row 8: Deborah White, Rebecca E. Wildgen, Karen Williams, Sharon Williams, Debra Wilson, KEn Wilson, Nancy Wiltz, Maribeth Wooldridge, Martha Zawacki, JoAnn Zlotnick
Row 9: Julie Sochalski, Norma Shumaker, Kristin Brawner, Susan Archambault, Lauralee Hess, Rita M. Gibes, Barbara Terrien, Laurie Cushman, Mary Markey
Back Row: Eric C. Mildner, James C. Aldrich, Kenneth Babcock, Stuart Ullman, Irwin Koch
Middle Row: Wallace Elliot, John W. Kearns, captain Lyndon Babcock, John S. Valentine, coach John Jerome
Front Row: E. Lawrence White, Lyle S. Hubbard, John C. Frost
Back Row: Sidney R. Raike, Charles H. Frantz, Robert B. Ladd, Miller, Carl Staelin, John D. Hubly
3rd Row: Byron O. Hughes, Howard G.Brown, assistant coach John W. MacMahon, Edward L. Warner, Charles F. McCaffree, head coach Matt Mann, Benjamin Fishman, Jack L. Lait
2nd Row: Frederick J. Grimshaw, Rawson F. Hosmer, Robert P. Walker, Frank W. Walaitis, Garnet W. Ault, Robert C. Goldsmith, Ivan C. Smith, William F. McDonald, J.J. Thompson,
Front Row: Clarence J. Boldt, Jr., Irving R. Valentine
Back Row: Frederic C. Fenske, Daniel L. Marcus, Frank D. Kennedy, Robert E. Klintworth, John A. Schmieler, Carl G. Staelin, George R. Vallowe, Louis Lemak
Second Row: Robert Miller, Sidney R. Raike, head coach Matt Mann, Irving R. Valentine, assistant coach John W. MacMahon, Ivan C. Smith, Robert B. Ladd
Chris Kurzweil, Emery W. Chase
Photostat (negative) of copy in the British museum.
In verse.
The author was a Quaker for more than half his lifetime.
Various pagings.
Twenty-eighth report of the Council of the Chetham society, 1870/71, and list of members, 1871/72, appended to v. 1.
"Most of these poems have never been reprinted, or have appeared only in rare books."