979 resultados para Grapevine rust mite
The institute was held at the University of Idaho, Moscow, Id., August 17-24, 1969; it was supported by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ... [et al.].
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As part of a comparative mapping study between sugarcane and sorghum, a sugarcane cDNA clone with homology to the maize Rp1-D rust resistance gene was mapped in sorghum. The cDNA probe hybridised to multiple loci, including one on sorghum linkage group (LG) E in a region where a major rust resistance QTL had been previously mapped. Partial sorghum Rp1-D homologues were isolated from genomic DNA of rust-resistant and -susceptible progeny selected from a sorghum mapping population. Sequencing of the Rp1-D homologues revealed five discrete sequence classes: three from resistant progeny and two from susceptible progeny. PCR primers specific to each sequence class were used to amplify products from the progeny and confirmed that the five sequence classes mapped to the same locus on LG E. Cluster analysis of these sorghum sequences and available sugarcane, maize and sorghum Rp1-D homologue sequences showed that the maize Rp1-D sequence and the partial sugarcane Rp1-D homologue were clustered with one of the sorghum resistant progeny sequence classes, while previously published sorghum Rp1-D homologue sequences clustered with the susceptible progeny sequence classes. Full-length sequence information was obtained for one member of a resistant progeny sequence class (Rp1-SO) and compared with the maize Rp1-D sequence and a previously identified sorghum Rp1 homologue (Rph1-2). There was considerable similarity between the two sorghum sequences and less similarity between the sorghum and maize sequences. These results suggest a conservation of function and gene sequence homology at the Rp1 loci of maize and sorghum and provide a basis for convenient PCR-based screening tools for putative rust resistance alleles in sorghum.
The biology and phenology of the eriophyid mite, Floracarus perrepae Knihinicki and Boczek,a potential biological control agent of Lygodium microphyllum (Cav.) R. Br., was studied in its native range - Queensland, Australia. F. perrepae forms leaf roll galls oil tile subpinnae of L. microphyllum. It has a simple biology, with females and males produced throughout the year. Tile Population was female biased at 10.5 to 1. The immature development time was 8.9 ± 0.1 and 7.0 ± 0.1 days; adult longevity was 30.6 ± 1.6 and 19.4 ± 1.2 days and mean fecundity per female was 54.5 ± 3.2 and 38.5 ± 1.6 eggs at 21 and 26 ° C, all respectively. Field studies showed that tile mite was active year round, with populations peaking when temperatures were cool and soil moisture levels were highest. Two species of predatory mites, Tarsonemus sp. and a species of Tydeidae, along with the pathogen Hirsutella thompsonii, had significant effects oil all life stages of F. perrepae. Despite high levels of predators and the pathogen, F. perrepae caused consistent damage to L. microphyllum at all the field sites over the entire 2 years of the study.
The ultrastructure of the mite Floracarus perrepae was investigated in relation to its host, Lygodium microphyllum, the Old World climbing fern. Floracarus perrepae has been suggested as a means of biological control for the fern, which is an aggressive weed in tropical areas. Feeding by the mite induces a change in the size of epidermal cells, and cell division is stimulated by mite feeding, causing the leaf margin to curl over into a roll with two to three windings. The enlarged epidermal layer greatly increases its cytoplasmic contents, which become a nutritive tissue for the mite and its progeny. Damage by the mite ultimately debilitates the fern. The structure and depth of stylet penetration by the mite, and the thickness of the epidermal cell wall of L. microphyllum, do not appear to account for the mite's differential ability to induce leaf rolling in its co-adapted host from south-east Queensland but not in the invasive genotype of the fern in Florida. F
Fifty-four different sugarcane resistance gene analogue (RGA) sequences were isolated, characterized, and used to identify molecular markers linked to major disease-resistance loci in sugarcane. Ten RGAs were identified from a sugarcane stem expressed sequence tag (EST) library; the remaining 44 were isolated from sugarcane stem, leaf, and root tissue using primers designed to conserved RGA motifs. The map location of 31 of the RGAs was determined in sugarcane and compared with the location of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for brown rust resistance. After 2 years of phenotyping, 3 RGAs were shown to generate markers that were significantly associated with resistance to this disease. To assist in the understanding of the complex genetic structure of sugarcane, 17 of the 31 RGAs were also mapped in sorghum. Comparative mapping between sugarcane and sorghum revealed syntenic localization of several RGA clusters. The 3 brown rust associated RGAs were shown to map to the same linkage group (LG) in sorghum with 2 mapping to one region and the third to a region previously shown to contain a major rust-resistance QTL in sorghum. These results illustrate the value of using RGAs for the identification of markers linked to disease resistance loci and the value of simultaneous mapping in sugarcane and sorghum.
To better understand the evolution of mitochondrial (mt) genomes in the Acari (mites and ticks), we sequenced the mt genome of the chigger mite, Leptotrombidium pallidum (Arthropoda: Acari: Acariformes). This genome is highly rearranged relative to that of the hypothetical ancestor of the arthropods and the other species of Acari studied. The mt genome of L. pallidum has two genes for large subunit rRNA, a pseudogene for small subunit rRNA, and four nearly identical large noncoding regions. Nineteen of the 22 tRNAs encoded by this genome apparently lack either a T-arm or a D-arm. Further, the mt genome of L. pallidum has two distantly separated sections with identical sequences but opposite orientations of transcription. This arrangement cannot be accounted for by homologous recombination or by previously known mechanisms of mt gene rearrangement. The most plausible explanation for the origin of this arrangement is illegitimate inter-mtDNA recombination, which has not been reported previously in animals. In light of the evidence from previous experiments on recombination in nuclear and mt genomes of animals, we propose a model of illegitimate inter-mtDNA recombination to account for the novel gene content and gene arrangement in the mt genome of L. pallidum.
The scabies mite, Sarcoptes scabiei, is the causative agent of scabies, a disease that is common among disadvantaged populations and facilitates streptococcal infections with serious sequelae. Previously, we encountered large families of genes encoding paralogues of house dust mite protease allergens with their catalytic sites inactivated by mutation (scabies mite inactivated protease paralogues [SMIPPs]). We postulated that SMIPPs have evolved as an adaptation to the parasitic lifestyle of the scabies mite, functioning as competitive inhibitors of proteases involved in the host–parasite interaction. To propose testable hypotheses for their functions, it is essential to know their locations in the mite. Here we show by immunohistochemistry that SMIPPs exist in two compartments: 1) internal to the mite in the gut and 2) external to the mite after excretion from the gut in scybala (fecal pellets). SMIPPs may well function in both of these compartments to evade host proteases.
Seven species of eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) are known to attack sugarcane plants (Saccharum spp., Poaceae) and related grasses in various parts of the world, but except for unconfirmed reports of Aceria sacchari and Abacarus sacchari, Australia had been thought to be free of these pests. Herein, Abacarus queenslandiensis n. sp. (Eriophyidae), vagrant on leaf surfaces of sugarcane in Australia, is described. Also, Cathetacarus n. gen. is erected for the distinctive mite, Catarhinus spontaneae Mohanasundaram, 1984. In addition, a key to the eriophyoid mites known to occur on sugarcane plants in the world is given.
Mapping genes for resistance to net form of net blotch and strip rust in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
A dihaploid mapping population comprising 65 lines was developed between barley parent varieties Tallon and Kaputar and used to construct a genetic linkage map. This map, comprising 195 amplified fragment length polymorphism and 38 simple sequence repeat markers, was used to identify markers linked to the net form of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres f.sp. teres) and to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. hordei) in barley. The population was screened with five pathotypes of net blotch at the seedling stage in the glasshouse and subjected to a natural inoculation in Hermitage, Queensland. Stripe rust screening was conducted at the adult plant stage in Toluca, Mexico. Analyses of the markers were performed using Mapmanager and Qgene software. One region on chromosome 6H was highly significantly associated with resistance to the net blotch (R2 = 79%). This association was consistent for all pathotypes studied. One region on chromosome 5H was found to be highly significantly associated with resistance to stripe rust (R2= 65%). There are a number of very closely linked markers showing strong associations in these regions, and these markers present an opportunity for marker assisted selection of these traits in barley breeding programs.