932 resultados para Granular skeleton
This paper presents the results of 3D DEM simulations of granular materials subject to cyclic loading. While both the drained and undrained conditions are considered, the effects of depositional history and consolidation stress history on the stress-strain response are specifically evaluated. It is demonstrated that the different stress histories have a significant effect on soil response and that such effects can be attributed to differences in the initial particle arrangement (fabric).
El constante deterioro de las fuentes h?dricas y su uso como recurso en el abastecimiento de agua para consumo humano han conllevado a la b?squeda de la optimizaci?n de los procesos de tratamiento de forma tal que se alcancen condiciones de agua segura con el menor riesgo posible de afectaciones a la salud de la poblaci?n. Es por esto que los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua potable han adoptado estrategias enmarcadas dentro de los planes de seguridad del agua mediante la reducci?n de la contaminaci?n en la fuente de abastecimiento, la remoci?n o reducci?n de diferentes contaminantes mediante los procesos de tratamiento y la prevenci?n de la contaminaci?n del agua en el sistema de almacenamiento y distribuci?n al usuario final. Al observar que la filtraci?n es una de las etapas m?s cr?ticas dentro del tratamiento por ser la ?ltima barrera f?sica para la remoci?n de part?culas presentes en el agua; se plante? este proyecto de grado para estudiar a escala de laboratorio el uso de carb?n activado granular en el proceso de filtraci?n de agua clarificada del Rio Cauca, con el fin de analizar la eficiencia de remoci?n de turbiedad y materia org?nica medida como UV254 y as? establecer el alcance de los valores l?mite recomendados por las entidades internacionales para la disminuci?n del riesgo microbiol?gico y el riesgo cr?nico que pueda estar asociado a la presencia de materia org?nica en el agua para consumo humano. Se emple? carb?n activado granular de origen bituminoso y arena en seis diferentes configuraciones como medio filtrante principal en la etapa de filtraci?n (50%CAG ? 50% Arena, 65% CAG ? 35% Arena, 75% CAG ? 25% Arena, 85% CAG ? 15% Arena, 90% CAG ? 10% Arena y 100% CAG). Se consider? adem?s una configuraci?n con antracita y arena (70% Antracita ? 30% Arena) para comparar el comportamiento de ambos materiales filtrantes en el tratamiento de agua resultante del proceso de clarificaci?n efectuado por la Planta de Tratamiento de Agua Potable Puerto Mallarino en la ciudad de Cali. Se emple? un sistema de filtraci?n en columnas con distribuci?n de agua mediante conducciones reguladas a un caudal constante de 12 mL/min. El efluente de cada unidad de filtros fue evaluado y comparado con el afluente mediante la medici?n de Color Aparente, Turbiedad, UV254, pH y Conductividad. Se obtuvo como resultado que la configuraci?n C5 con 90% de CAG y 10% Arena logr? una mayor estabilidad de la turbiedad obteniendo valores m?nimos por debajo de 2 UNT (MAVDT), 0.5 UNT (WHO) y 0.15 UNT (EPA) y aunque no tuvo diferencias significativas comparado con el filtro de Antracita y Arena, si present? un mejor desempe?o en la remoci?n de turbiedad debido al alcance de un mayor n?mero de datos por debajo de 0.3 UNT. En cuanto a la eficiencia de remoci?n de materia org?nica en el agua medida como UV254 se observaron mejores resultados para la configuraci?n C4 con 85% de CAG y 15% Arena y aunque las eficiencias de remoci?n de materia org?nica no fueron significativamente altas se observa claramente la ventaja que presenta el uso de CAG como medio filtrante adsorbente comparado con el medio convencional de Antracita y Arena. La obtenci?n de bajas eficiencias de remoci?n fue debido al contenido de material en suspensi?n ya que los filtros de CAG trabajaron en la retenci?n de dicho material afectando considerablemente la capacidad de adsorci?n. Mediante esta investigaci?n se comprob? que la selecci?n adecuada de las condiciones operacionales de los filtros de CAG puede generar agua comparativamente similar o superior a los filtros conformados con materiales convencionales como Antracita y arena. De igual forma, el uso de CAG como medio filtrante para el tratamiento de agua del Rio Cauca es un insumo que puede aportar a una posible estrategia para disminuir el riesgo microbiol?gico y el riesgo cr?nico asociado con el contenido de materia org?nica en el agua distribuida a la poblaci?n cale?a
As estruturas de solo reforçado com geossintéticos são normalmente constituídas por solos granulares com boas propriedades físicas e mecânicas. O uso de apenas este tipo de solos pode proporcionar o aumento, por vezes insustentável, do custo da execução das estruturas e o aumento do seu impacto ambiental. Deste modo, as estruturas de solo reforçado perdem a sua vantagem competitiva em relação a outros tipos de estruturas (muros de betão, muros de gravidade, muros de gabiões, etc.). Para resolver este problema podem ser utilizados outros tipos de solos (solos locais, finos, com propriedades físicas e mecânicas piores mas, no entanto, mais baratos) para a execução deste tipo de estruturas. De forma geral, com este estudo pretendeu-se contribuir para o incremento do conhecimento sobre a utilização de solos finos para a construção de estruturas de solo reforçado (muros e taludes). Para tal avaliaram-se as diferenças no comportamento mecânico dos materiais compósitos (solo granular reforçado versus solo fino reforçado) e das estruturas de solo reforçado constituídas com os dois tipos de solos. Assim, os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar: a influência de vários parâmetros nas propriedades mecânicas e na capacidade de carga dos solos reforçados com geossintéticos; a influência de vários parâmetros no dimensionamento das estruturas de solo reforçado; e o comportamento das estruturas dimensionadas (incluindo a estabilidade global e a influência do processo construtivo) recorrendo a uma ferramenta numérica (PLAXIS). Para cumprir os objetivos propostos foram realizadas análises experimentais em laboratório (análise do comportamento do solo reforçado através de ensaios triaxiais e de California Bearing Ratio) e análises numéricas (dimensionamento de estruturas de solo reforçado; modelação numérica do comportamento através de uma ferramenta numérica comercial com o método dos elementos finitos). Os resultados dos ensaios experimentais mostraram que o comportamento mecânico e a capacidade de carga do solo foram incrementados com a inclusão das camadas de geossintético. Este efeito variou com os diversos parâmetros analisados mas, de forma geral, foi mais importante no solo fino (solo com propriedades mecânicas piores). As análises numéricas mostraram que as estruturas de solo fino precisaram de maior densidade de reforços para serem estáveis. Além disso, as estruturas de solo fino foram mais deformáveis e o efeito do seu processo construtivo foi mais importante (principalmente para estruturas de solo fino saturado).
Abstract not available
Abstract not available
Several Cronobacter outbreaks have implicated contaminated drinking water. This study assessed the impact of granular activated carbon (GAC) on the microbial quality of the water produced. A simulated water filter system was installed by filling plastic columns with sterile GAC, followed by sterile water with a dilute nutrient flowing through the column at a steady rate. Carbon columns were inoculated with Cronobacter on the surface, and the effluent monitored for Cronobacter levels. During a second phase, commercial faucet filters were distributed to households for 4-month use. Used filters were backwashed with sterile peptone water, and analyzed for Cronobacter, total aerobic plate count, coliform bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae. Cronobacter colonized the simulated GAC and grew when provided minimal levels of nutrients. Backwashed used filters used in home settings yielded presumptive Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas and other waterborne bacteria. Presumptive Cronobacter strains were identified as negative through biochemical and genetic test.
The change in the carbonaceous skeleton of nanoporous carbons during their activation has received limited attention, unlike its counterpart process in the presence of an inert atmosphere. Here we adopt a multi-method approach to elucidate this change in a poly(furfuryl alcohol)-derived carbon activated using cyclic application of oxygen saturation at 250 °C before its removal (with carbon) at 800 °C in argon. The methods used include helium pycnometry, synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction (XRD) and associated radial distribution function (RDF) analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and, uniquely, electron energy-loss spectroscopy spectrum-imaging (EELS-SI), electron nanodiffraction and fluctuation electron microscopy (FEM). Helium pycnometry indicates the solid skeleton of the carbon densifies during activation from 78% to 93% of graphite. RDF analysis, EELS-SI, and FEM all suggest this densification comes through an in-plane growth of sp2 carbon out to the medium range without commensurate increase in order normal to the plane. This process could be termed ‘graphenization’. The exact way in which this process occurs is not clear, but TEM images of the carbon before and after activation suggest it may come through removal of the more reactive carbon, breaking constraining cross-links and creating space that allows the remaining carbon material to migrate in an annealing-like process.
We report a multi-wavelength Raman spectroscopy study of the structural changes along the thermal annealing pathway of a poly(furfuryl alcohol) (PFA) derived nanoporous carbon (NPC). The Raman spectra were deconvoluted utilizing G, D, D′, A and TPA bands. The appropriateness of these deconvolutions was confirmed via recovery of the correct dispersive behaviours of these bands. It is proposed that the ID/IG ratio is composed of two parts: one associated with the extent of graphitic crystallites (the Tuinstra–Koenig relationship), and a second related to the inter-defect distance. This model was used to successfully determine the variation of the in-plane size and intra-plane defect density along the annealing pathway. It is proposed that the NPC skeleton evolves along the annealing pathway in two stages: below 1600 °C it was dominated by a reduction of in-plane defects with a minor crystallite growth, and above this temperature growth of the crystallites accelerates as the in-plane defect density approaches zero. A significant amount of transpolyacetylene (TPA)-like structures was found to be remaining even at 2400 °C. These may be responsible for resistance to further graphitization of the PFA-based carbon at higher temperatures.
We study the behavior of granular crystals subjected to impact loading that creates plastic deformation at the contacts between constituent particles. Granular crystals are highly periodic arrangements of spherical particles, arranged into densely packed structures resembling crystals. This special class of granular materials has been shown to have unique dynamics with suggested applications in impact protection. However, previous work has focused on very low amplitude impacts where every contact point can be described using the Hertzian contact law, valid only for purely elastic deformation. In this thesis, we extend previous investigation of the dynamics of granular crystals to significantly higher impact energies more suitable for the majority of applications. Additionally, we demonstrate new properties specific to elastic-plastic granular crystals and discuss their potential applications as well. We first develop a new contact law to describe the interaction between particles for large amplitude compression of elastic-plastic spherical particles including a formulation for strain-rate dependent plasticity. We numerically and experimentally demonstrate the applicability of this contact law to a variety of materials typically used in granular crystals. We then extend our investigation to one-dimensional chains of elastic-plastic particles, including chains of alternating dissimilar materials. We show that, using the new elastic-plastic contact law, we can predict the speed at which impact waves with plastic dissipation propagate based on the material properties of the constituent particles. Finally, we experimentally and numerically investigate the dynamics of two-dimensional and three-dimensional granular crystals with elastic-plastic contacts. We first show that the predicted wave speeds for 1D granular crystals can be extended to 2D and 3D materials. We then investigate the behavior of waves propagating across oblique interfaces of dissimilar particles. We show that the character of the refracted wave can be predicted using an analog to Snell's law for elastic-plastic granular crystals and ultimately show how it can be used to design impact guiding "lenses" for mitigation applications.
Intelligent systems are currently inherent to the society, supporting a synergistic human-machine collaboration. Beyond economical and climate factors, energy consumption is strongly affected by the performance of computing systems. The quality of software functioning may invalidate any improvement attempt. In addition, data-driven machine learning algorithms are the basis for human-centered applications, being their interpretability one of the most important features of computational systems. Software maintenance is a critical discipline to support automatic and life-long system operation. As most software registers its inner events by means of logs, log analysis is an approach to keep system operation. Logs are characterized as Big data assembled in large-flow streams, being unstructured, heterogeneous, imprecise, and uncertain. This thesis addresses fuzzy and neuro-granular methods to provide maintenance solutions applied to anomaly detection (AD) and log parsing (LP), dealing with data uncertainty, identifying ideal time periods for detailed software analyses. LP provides deeper semantics interpretation of the anomalous occurrences. The solutions evolve over time and are general-purpose, being highly applicable, scalable, and maintainable. Granular classification models, namely, Fuzzy set-Based evolving Model (FBeM), evolving Granular Neural Network (eGNN), and evolving Gaussian Fuzzy Classifier (eGFC), are compared considering the AD problem. The evolving Log Parsing (eLP) method is proposed to approach the automatic parsing applied to system logs. All the methods perform recursive mechanisms to create, update, merge, and delete information granules according with the data behavior. For the first time in the evolving intelligent systems literature, the proposed method, eLP, is able to process streams of words and sentences. Essentially, regarding to AD accuracy, FBeM achieved (85.64+-3.69)%; eGNN reached (96.17+-0.78)%; eGFC obtained (92.48+-1.21)%; and eLP reached (96.05+-1.04)%. Besides being competitive, eLP particularly generates a log grammar, and presents a higher level of model interpretability.
This thesis addresses various aspects related to silos, from the strength of some structural parts to internal actions due to grain. Two hopper silo models were mainly studied, so the thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses only on the silo cylinder and deals with the collapse of a silo due to failure of the vertical walls. We had the opportunity to access data from a real silo and perform tensile tests on corrugated sheets. The theoretical and experimental resistance of the corrugated sheet forming the silo cylinder was studied. The resistance was then compared with the internal actions due to grain prescribed by various standards. The second part, however, focused on the hopper of a silo in which a load test (loading and unloading of the silo) was performed. Through the test data, an attempt was made to reproduce the pressures normal to the hopper through analytical reasoning. The experimental pressures were then compared with the theoretical pressures predicted by the standards. In addition, with mathematical reasoning, an attempt was made to reproduce the horizontal pressure on the vertical walls of the silo from the experimental normal pressure in the hopper. In fact, the test was related only to the hopper part and not to the silo cylinder.
Spider venoms contain neurotoxic peptides aimed at paralyzing prey or for defense against predators; that is why they represent valuable tools for studies in neuroscience field. The present study aimed at identifying the process of internalization that occurs during the increased trafficking of vesicles caused by Phoneutria nigriventer spider venom (PNV)-induced blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown. Herein, we found that caveolin-1α is up-regulated in the cerebellar capillaries and Purkinje neurons of PNV-administered P14 (neonate) and 8- to 10-week-old (adult) rats. The white matter and granular layers were regions where caveolin-1α showed major upregulation. The variable age played a role in this effect. Caveolin-1 is the central protein that controls caveolae formation. Caveolar-specialized cholesterol- and sphingolipid-rich membrane sub-domains are involved in endocytosis, transcytosis, mechano-sensing, synapse formation and stabilization, signal transduction, intercellular communication, apoptosis, and various signaling events, including those related to calcium handling. PNV is extremely rich in neurotoxic peptides that affect glutamate handling and interferes with ion channels physiology. We suggest that the PNV-induced BBB opening is associated with a high expression of caveolae frame-forming caveolin-1α, and therefore in the process of internalization and enhanced transcytosis. Caveolin-1α up-regulation in Purkinje neurons could be related to a way of neurons to preserve, restore, and enhance function following PNV-induced excitotoxicity. The findings disclose interesting perspectives for further molecular studies of the interaction between PNV and caveolar specialized membrane domains. It proves PNV to be excellent tool for studies of transcytosis, the most common form of BBB-enhanced permeability.
Thoracic injuries in general are of great importance due to their high incidence and high mortality. Thoracic impalement injuries are rare but severe due to the combination of cause, effect and result. This study's primary objective is to report the case of a young man who was impaled by a two-wheeled horse carriage shaft while crashing his motorcycle in a rural zone. An EMT-B ferry was called at the crash scene and a conscious patient was found, sustaining a severe impalement injury to the left hemithorax, suspended over the floor by the axial skeleton with the carriage shaft coming across his left chest. As a secondary objective, a literature review of thoracic impalement injuries is performed. Cases of thoracic impalement injury require unique and individualized care based on injury severity and affected organs. Reported protocols for managing impalement injuries are entirely anecdotal, with no uniformity on impaled patient's approach and management. In penetrating trauma, it is essential not to remove the impaled object, so that possible vascular lesions remain buffered by the object, avoiding major bleeding and exsanguination haemorrhage. Severed impaled thoracic patients should be transferred to a specialist centre for trauma care, as these lesions typically require complex multidisciplinary treatment. High-energy thoracic impalement injuries are rare and hold a high mortality rate, due to the complexity of trauma and associated injuries such as thoracic wall and lung lesions. Modern medicine still seems limited in cases of such seriousness, not always with satisfactory results.
The premature fusion of unilateral coronal suture can cause a significant asymmetry of the craniofacial skeleton, with an oblique deviation of the cranial base that negatively impacts soft tissue facial symmetry. The purpose of this study was to assess facial symmetry obtained in patients with unilateral coronal synostosis (UCS) surgically treated by 2 different techniques. We hypothesized that nasal deviation should not be addressed in a primary surgical correction of UCS. Consecutive UCS patients were enrolled in a prospective study and randomly divided into 2 groups. In group 1, the patients underwent total frontal reconstruction and transferring of onlay bone grafts to the recessive superior orbital rim (n = 7), and in group 2, the patients underwent total frontal reconstruction and unilateral fronto-orbital advancement (n = 5). Computerized photogrammetric analysis measured vertical and horizontal axis of the nose and the orbital globe in the preoperative and postoperative periods. Intragroup and intergroup comparisons were performed. Intragroup preoperative and postoperative comparisons showed a significant (all P < 0.05) reduction of the nasal axis and the orbital-globe axis in the postoperative period in the 2 groups. Intergroup comparisons showed no significant difference (all P > 0.05). Facial symmetry was achieved in the patients with UCS who underwent surgery regardless of surgical approach evaluated here. Our data showed a significant improvement in nasal and orbital-globe deviation, leading us to question the necessity of primary nasal correction in these patients.