935 resultados para Gonadal steroids


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Estrogens the female sex hormones have numerous biological actions. Estradiol is the most abundant estrogen in women before menopause. It influences the development, maturation and function of the female reproductive tract. It also plays a role in mammary cancer. Accordingly determinations of estradiol level in body fluids assist in the evaluation of ovarian function and diagnosis for malignancies. Estriol is the primary estrogen in pregnant women and secreted from the fetoplacental unit. Measurement of estriol in maternal body fluids is the basis of fetoplacental monitoring test. Concentration of estrogens in body fluids is determined by immunoassay. Accuracy of this measurement depends on the availability of a specific antibody. As estrogens are not antigenic, their derivatives (haptens) are coupled with a carrier and this hapten-protein conjugate is used to generate antibodies. Specificity of the generated antibody largely depends on the structure of hapten. Therefore the synthesis of a hapten with a right structure is crucial for the accurate measurement of a steroid. We have synthesised new haptens for estradiol and estriol by adding an alkyl or alkoxy side chain at the C-7 of estrane skeleton. The side chains carry a terminal amino group, which can be used for conjugation with a carrier molecule. Estrogens and their biosynthetic precursor androgens both exist as fatty acid esters. They are known to act as hormone storage but their physiological role is not completely known yet. Our collaborator is studying their effect in cardiovascular diseases. We synthesised fatty acid ester derivatives of several steroids in high yield by a very rapid procedure (in 1 min) under microwave irradiation in an ionic liquid (IL). An expedient regioselective hydrolysis at C-3 of estradiol diesters is also reported. 8-Isoestrogens are compounds of pharmaceutical interests, their synthesis, structure, conformation and biological activity studies are ongoing. 7-Hydroxy-8-isoestradiol and 7-alkyl ether of it were synthesised as well. During this study we have developed a selective O-debenzylation method. A mild route for selective removal of benzylic protection on phenol in presence of benzyl protected alcohol was explored.


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Transcription factors play a key role in tumor development, in which dysfunction of genes regulating tissue growth and differentiation is a central phenomenon. The GATA family of transcription factors consists of six members that bind to a consensus DNA sequence (A/T)GATA(A/G) in gene promoters and enhancers. The two GATA factors expressed in the adrenal cortex are GATA-4 and GATA-6. In both mice and humans, GATA-4 can be detected only during the fetal period, whereas GATA-6 expression is abundant both throughout development and in the adult. It is already established that GATA factors are important in both normal development and tumorigenesis of several endocrine organs, and expression of GATA-4 and GATA-6 is detected in adrenocortical tumors. The aim of this study was to elucidate the function of these factors in adrenocortical tumor growth. In embryonal development, the adrenocortical cells arise and differentiate from a common pool with gonadal steroidogenic cells, the urogenital ridge. As the adult adrenal cortex undergoes constant renewal, it is hypothesized that undifferentiated adrenocortical progenitor cells reside adjacent to the adrenal capsule and give rise to daughter cells that differentiate and migrate centripetally. A diverse array of hormones controls the differentiation, growth and survival of steroidogenic cells in the adrenal gland and the gonads. Factors such as luteinizing hormone and inhibins, traditionally associated with gonadal steroidogenic cells, can also influence the function of adrenocortical cells in physiological and pathophysiological states. Certain inbred strains of mice develop subcapsular adrenocortical tumors in response to gonadectomy. In this study, we found that these tumors express GATA-4, normally absent from the adult adrenal cortex, while GATA-6 expression is downregulated. Gonadal markers such as luteinizing hormone receptor, anti-Müllerian hormone and P450c17 are also expressed in the neoplastic cells, and the tumors produce gonadal hormones. The tumor cells have lost the expression of melanocortin-2 receptor and the CYP enzymes necessary for the synthesis of corticosterone and aldosterone. By way of xenograft studies utilizing NU/J nude mice, we confirmed that chronic gonadotropin elevation is sufficient to induce adrenocortical tumorigenesis in susceptible inbred strains. Collectively, these studies suggest that subcapsular adrenocortical progenitor cells can, under certain conditions, adopt a gonadal fate. We studied the molecular mechanisms involved in gene regulation in endocrine cells in order to elucidate the role of GATA factors in endocrine tissues. Ovarian granulosa cells express both GATA-4 and GATA-6, and the TGF-β signaling pathway is active in these cells. Inhibin-α is both a target gene for, and an atypical or antagonistic member of the TGF-β growth factor superfamily. In this study, we show that GATA-4 is required for TGF-β-mediated inhibin-α promoter activation in granulosa cells, and that GATA-4 physically interacts with Smad3, a TGF-β downstream protein. Apart from the regulation of steroidogenesis and other events in normal tissues, TGF-β signaling is implicated in tumors of multiple organs, including the adrenal cortex. Another signaling pathway found often to be aberrantly active in adrenocortical tumors is the Wnt pathway. As both of these pathways regulate the expression of inhibin-α, a transcriptional target for GATA-4 and GATA-6, we wanted to investigate whether GATA factors are associated with the components of these signaling cascades in human adrenocortical tumors. We found that the expression of Wnt co-receptors LRP5 and LRP6, Smad3, GATA-6 and SF-1 was diminished in adrenocortical carcinomas with poor outcome. All of these factors drive inhibin-α expression, and their expression in adrenocortical tumors correlated with that of inhibin-α. The results support a tumor suppressor role previously suggested for inhibin-α in the mouse adrenal cortex, and offer putative pathways associated with adrenocortical tumor aggressiveness. Unraveling the role of GATA factors and associated molecules in human and mouse adrenocortical tumors could ultimately contribute to the development of diagnostic tools and future therapies for these diseases.


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The microorganism Mucor piriformis transforms androst-4-ene-3,17-dione into a major and several minor metabolites. X-ray crystallographic analysis of two of these metabolites was undertaken to determine unambiguously their composition and chirality. Crystals belong to the orthorhombic space-group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with a = 7.199(4) angstrom and a = 6.023(3) angstrom, b = 11.719(3) angstrom and b = 13.455(4) angstrom, c = 20.409(3) angstrom and c = 20.702(4) angstrom for the two title compounds, respectively. The structures have been refined to final R values of 0.060 and 0.040, respectively.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää desorptio/fotoionisaatio ilmanpaineessa tekniikan (engl. desorption atmospheric pressure photoionization, DAPPI) soveltuvuutta rikosteknisen laboratorion näytteiden analysointiin. DAPPI on nopea massaspektrometrinen ionisaatiotekniikka, jolla voidaan tutkia yhdisteitä suoraan erilaisilta pinnoilta. DAPPI:ssa käytetään lämmitettyä mikrosirua, joka suihkuttaa höyrystynyttä liuotin- ja kaasuvirtausta kohti näytettä. Näytteen pinnan komponentit desorboituvat lämmön vaikutuksesta, jonka jälkeen ionisoituminen tapahtuu VUV-lampun emittoimien fotonien avulla.DAPPI:lla tutkittiin takavarikoituja huumausaineita, anabolisia steroideja ja räjähdysaineita sekä niiden jäämiä erilaisilta pinnoilta. Lisäksi kartoitettiin DAPPI:n mahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksia erilaisille näytematriiseille ilman näytteiden esikäsittelyä. Takavarikoitujen huumausaineiden tutkimuksessa analysoitiin erilaisia tabletteja, jauheita, kasvirouheita, huumekasveja (khat, oopium, kannabis) ja sieniä. Anabolisia steroideja tunnistettiin tableteista sekä ampulleista, jotka sisälsivät öljymäistä nestettä. Jauheet ripoteltiin kaksipuoliselle teipille ja analysoitiin siltä. Muut näytteet analysoitiin sellaisenaan ilman minkäänlaista esikäsittelyä, paitsi nestemäisten näytteiden kohdalla näyte pipetoitiin talouspaperille, joka analysoitiin DAPPI:lla. DAPPI osoittautui nopeaksi ja yksinkertaiseksi menetelmäksi takavarikoitujen huumausaineiden ja steroidien analysoimisessa. Se soveltui hyvin rikoslaboratorion erityyppisten näytteiden rutiiniseulontaan ja helpotti erityisesti huumekasvien ja öljymäisten steroidiliuosten tutkimusta. Massaspektrometrin likaantuminen pystyttiin ehkäisemään säätämällä näytteen etäisyyttä sen suuaukosta. Likaantumista ei havaittu huolimatta näytteiden korkeista konsentraatioista ja useita kuukausia jatkuneista mittauksista. Räjähdysaineiden tutkimuksessa keskityttiin seitsemän eri räjähdysaineen DAPPI-MS-menetelmän kehitykseen; trinitrotolueeni (TNT), nitroglykoli (NK), nitroglyseriini (NG), pentriitti (PETN), heksogeeni (RDX), oktogeeni (HMX) ja pikriinihappoä Nämä orgaaniset räjähteet ovat nitraattiyhdisteitä, jotka voidaan jakaa rakenteen puolesta nitroamiineihin (RDX ja HMX), nitroaromaatteihin (TNT ja pikriinihappo) sekä nitraattiestereihin (PETN, NG ja NK). Menetelmäkehityksessä räjähdysainelaimennokset pipetoitiin polymetyylimetakrylaatin (PMMA) päälle ja analysoitiin siitä. DAPPI:lla tutkittiin myäs autenttisia räjähdysainejäämiä erilaisista matriiseista. DAPPI:lla optimoitiin jokaiselle räjähdysaineelle sopiva menetelmä ja yhdisteet saatiin näkymään puhdasaineina. Räjähdysainejäämien analysoiminen erilaisista rikospaikkamateriaaleista osoittautui haastavammaksi tehtäväksi, koska matriisit aiheuttivat itsessään korkean taustan spektriin, josta räjähdysaineiden piikit eivät useimmiten erottuneet tarpeeksi. Muut desorptioionisaatiotekniikat saattavat soveltua paremmin haastavien räjähdysainejäämien havaitsemiseksi.


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Lipidit ovat rasvaliukoisia kudoksesta peräisin olevia yhdisteitä, joilla on monia eri fysiologisia tehtäviä. Lipidien analyysimenetelmien kehittämien on tärkeää, sillä niiden esiintymistä elimistössä voidaan käyttää biomarkkerina sairauksien diagnostiikassa ja apuna sairauksien kehittymismekanismien tutkimisessa. Lipideihin kuuluu polaarisuudeltaan ja rakenteeltaan hyvin erilaisia yhdisteitä. Niiden massaspektrometria-analytiikassa on aikaisemmin käytetty useita erilaisia ionisaatiomenetelmiä, jotka vaativat näytteen esikäsittelyn ennen analyysia. Desorptiosähkösumutusionisaatio-massaspektrometria (DESI-MS) ja desorptio-ilmanpainefotoionisaatio-massaspektrometria (DAPPI-MS) ovat uusia ionisaatio-menetelmiä, jotka mahdollistavat yhdisteiden analysoinnin suoraan eri matriiseista, kuten kudosnäytteistä, usein ilman esikäsittelyä. DESI-MS soveltuu parhaiten suhteellisen polaaristen yhdisteiden analytiikkaan, kun taas DAPPI:lla voidaan ionisoida myös poolittomia yhdisteitä. DESI-MS:lla on jo aikaisemmin analysoitu erilaisia lipidejä, kun taas DAPPI-MS:lla on aikaisemmin analysoitu vain steroideja. DAPPI- ja DESI-MS:lla tutkittiin erilaisten lipidien (fosfolipidit, triglyseridit, rasvahapot, rasvaliukoiset vitamiinit ja steroidit) ionisoitumista. Molemmilla menetelmillä optimoitiin standardiyhdisteille mittausolosuhteet. Lipidejä analysoitiin myös suoraan farmaseuttisista valmisteista. DAPPI:n ja DESI:n soveltuvuudessa erilaisten lipidien ionisoimiseen oli jonkin verran eroja. DAPPI toimi hyvin varsinkin poolittomampien lipidien, eli triglyseridien, steroidien, vitamiinien ja rasvahappojen ionisaatiossa, mutta huonosti hieman polaarisempien ja herkästi hajoavien fosfolipidien ionisaatiossa. Fosfolipidit fragmentoituivat DAPPI-ionisaatiossa, eikä moolimassatiedon sisältävää ionia saatu näkyviin. DESI puolestaan toimii hyvin fosfolipidien ionisoimisessa ja melko hyvin myös muiden tutkittavien lipidien ionisoimisessa, lukuunottamatta kaikkein poolittomimpia lipidejä. Uutta tietoa tutkimuksessa saatiin varsinkin DAPPI:n soveltuvuudesta erilaisten lipidien analytiikkaan. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että DAPPI toimii yhtä hyvin tai jopa DESI:a paremmin useiden eri lipidien analytiikkassa. Menetelmää tulisi kuitenkin kehittää edelleen, jotta fosfolipidien, jotka ovat elimistön tärkeä lipidiryhmä, analysointi onnistuisi DAPPI:lla. Työssä ei analysoitu lipidejä suoraan kudosnäytteestä, joten DAPPI:n soveltuvuudesta lipidien analysointiin suoraan kudosnäytteistä ei voida tehdä johtopäätöksiä tämän työn perusteella.


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The silk glands of Bombyx mori, a highly replicative tissue contains high levels of DNA polymerases α, σ and epsilon (Porson) but not DNA polymerase-β. However, we detected the latter activity in the gonadal tissues, viz. the pupal ovaries and testes of B. mori. The enzyme has been purified to homogeneity from the pupal ovaries by a series of column chromatographic and affinity purification steps. The enzyme satisfied the criteria to be designated as DNA polymerase-β based on its small size, requirement for high concentration of monovalent cations for catalytic activity, sensitivity to ddTTP and insensitivity to aphidicolin. It is a monomeric polypeptide of Mr 40 kDa, and the Km for dNTPs ranges between 8–20 μM. DNA polymerase-β is biochemically and immunologically distinct from DNA polymerase-α from the silk glands of B. mori. The enzyme showed a preference for gapped DNA, and could not elongate ultraviolet irradiated template beyond the pyrimidine dimers. The absence of any associated primase and exonuclease activities from this enzyme, and its conspicuous absence in the highly replicative tissue, imply that it is unlikely to participate in the DNA endoreplication process.


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Three features of avian sex chromosomes - female heterogamety (ZZ male, ZW female), the apparently inactive state of the W chromosome, and dose-dependent expression of Z-linked genes - are examined in regard to their possible relation to sex determination. It is proposed that the W chromosome is facultatively heterochromatic and that the Z and W chromosomes carry one or more homologous sex-determination genes. The absence of dosage compensation in ZZ embryos, and W inactivation in ZW embryos, would then bring about a 2n(ZZ)-n(ZW) inequality in the effective copy number of such genes. The absence of dosage compensation of Z-linked genes in ZZ embryos is viewed as a means by which two copies of Z-W homologous sex determination genes are kept active to meet the requirements of testis determination. W inactivation may promote ovarian development by reducing the effective copy number of these genes from 2n to n. If there is a W-specific gene for femaleness, spread of heterochromatization to this gene in cells forming the right gonadal primordium may explain the latter's normally undifferentiated state; reversal of heterochromatization may similarly explain the development of the right gonad into a testis following left ovariectomy.


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Results of Western blot analysis carried out with an interstitial cell extract from male guinea pig and ovarian extract from immature female rats administered equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) provide supportive evidence to our earlier suggestion that an 8-kDa peptide is involved in acquisition of steroidogenic capacity by the rat Leydig cells. It was found that though the signal was observed in other tissues such as liver, kidney and lung which do not produce gonadal hormones, the peptide was modulated only by lutenizing hormone (LH) in the rat Leydig cells.


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A partial genomic clone of Bombyx mori homologue of the segment polarity gene Cubitus interruptus (BmCi), encoding the conserved zinc finger domain and harbouring two introns, has been characterized. BmCi was expressed in the silkglands of B. mori from embryonic to the late larval stages(3rd, 4th and 5th intermoults). The expression was confined to the anterior region of the middle silkglands, overlapping with the domain of sericin-2 expression and excluding the domains of Bm invected expression, namely the middle and posterior regions of the middle silkglands. In the wing discs, the expression was restricted to the anterior compartment, which increased from 4th to 5th larval intermoults and declined later in the pupal wing buds. In gonadal tissues (both ovaries and testes) BmCi was expressed from the larval to pupal stages. The transcripts were localized to the sperm tubes containing spermatogonia in the testis of Bombyx larvae. BmCi expression, however, was not detected in any of these tissues during the moulting stages. Expression of Ci in the wing discs and gonads is evolutionarily conserved, while the silkgland represents a novel domain. Our results imply that BmCi is involved in the specification and maintenance of micro-compartment identity within the middle silkglands.


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Among squamate reptiles, lizards exhibit an impressive array of sex-determining modes viz. genotypic sex determination, temperature-dependent sex determination, co-occurrence of both these and those that reproduce parthenogenetically. The oviparous lizard, Calotes versicolor, lacks heteromorphic sex chromosomes and there are no reports on homomorphic chromosomes. Earlier studies on this species presented little evidence to the sex-determining mechanism. Here we provide evidences for the potential role played by incubation temperature that has a significant effect (P<0.01) on gonadal sex and sex ratio. The eggs were incubated at 14 different incubation temperatures. Interestingly, 100% males were produced at low (25.5 +/- 0.5 degrees C) as well as high (34 +/- 0.5 degrees C) incubation temperatures and 100% females were produced at low (23.5 +/- 0.5 degrees C) and high (31.5 +/- 0.5 degrees C) temperatures, clearly indicating the occurrence of TSD in this species. Sex ratios of individual clutches did not vary at any of the critical male-producing or female-producing temperatures within as well as across the seasons. However, clutch sex ratios were female- or male-biased at intermediate temperatures. Thermosensitive period occurred during the embryonic stages 3033. Three pivotal temperatures operate producing 1:1 sex ratio. Histology of gonad and accessory reproductive structures provide additional evidence for TSD. The sex-determining pattern, observed for the first time in this species, that neither compares to Pattern I [Ia (MF) and Ib (FM)] nor to Pattern II (FMF), is being referred to as FMFM pattern of TSD. This novel FMFM pattern of sex ratio exhibited by C. versicolor may have an adaptive significance in maintaining sex ratio. J. Exp. Zool. 317:3246, 2012. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Background and Purpose: Withanolides are naturally occurring chemical compounds. They are secondary metabolites produced via oxidation of steroids and structurally consist of a steroid-backbone bound to a lactone or its derivatives. They are known to protect plants against herbivores and have medicinal value including anti-inflammation, anti-cancer, adaptogenic and anti-oxidant effects. Withaferin A (Wi-A) and Withanone (Wi-N) are two structurally similar withanolides isolated from Withania somnifera, also known as Ashwagandha in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha alcoholic leaf extract (i-Extract), rich in Wi-N, was shown to kill cancer cells selectively. Furthermore, the two closely related purified phytochemicals, Wi-A and Wi-N, showed differential activity in normal and cancer human cells in vitro and in vivo. We had earlier identified several genes involved in cytotoxicity of i-Extract in human cancer cells by loss-of-function assays using either siRNA or randomized ribozyme library. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present study, we have employed bioinformatics tools on four genes, i.e., mortalin, p53, p21 and Nrf2, identified by loss-of-function screenings. We examined the docking efficacy of Wi-N and Wi-A to each of the four targets and found that the two closely related phytochemicals have differential binding properties to the selected cellular targets that can potentially instigate differential molecular effects. We validated these findings by undertaking parallel experiments on specific gene responses to either Wi-N or Wi-A in human normal and cancer cells. We demonstrate that Wi-A that binds strongly to the selected targets acts as a strong cytotoxic agent both for normal and cancer cells. Wi-N, on the other hand, has a weak binding to the targets; it showed milder cytotoxicity towards cancer cells and was safe for normal cells. The present molecular docking analyses and experimental evidence revealed important insights to the use of Wi-A and Wi-N for cancer treatment and development of new anti-cancer phytochemical cocktails.


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Boswellia papyrifera and Boswellia carterii diffuses smoke polluting air that adversely affects indoor environment that certainly harm human health. Therefore, this study aims at ascertaining the effect of these plants on gonadal hormones and molecular changes in rat spermatozoa. The animals were exposed to 4 g/kg body weight of B. papyrifera and B. carterii daily for 120 days along with suitable controls. Significant decreases in FSH, LH and testosterone levels were evidenced, along with a reduction of protein, sialic acid, and carnitine levels. In sperm physiology, sperm count, motility, speed decrease, whereas sperm anomalies increase. TEM observation indicates morphological changes in plasma and acrosomal membranes, cytoplasmic droplet in the tail region, vacuolated, and disorganization of the mitochondrial sheath. These findings demonstrate that B. papyrifera and B. carterii smoke affects the process of sperm formation and maturation, which indicates the detrimental effects of these plants on the reproductive system. (c) 2014 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.d


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This report provides an assessment of recent investigations into endocrine disruption in fresh and saltwater species of fish. Most work to date has concen-trated on reproductive endocrine disruption. Laboratory studies have shown a variety of synthetic and natural chemicals including certain industrial intermediates, PAHs, PCBs, pesticides, dioxins, trace elements and plant sterols can interfere with the endocrine system in fish. The potency of most of these chemicals, however, is typically hundreds to thousands of times less than that of endog-enous hormones. Evidence of environmental endocrine disruption ranges from the presence of female egg proteins in males and reduced levels of endogenous hormones in both males and females, to gonadal histopathologies and intersex (presence of ovotestes) fish. Overt endocrine disruption in fish does not appear to be a ubiquitous environmental phenomenon, but rather more likely to occur near sewage treatment plants, pulp and paper mills, and in areas of high organic chemical contamination. However, more wide-spread endocrine disruption can occur in rivers with smaller flows and correspondingly large or numerous wastewater inputs. Some of the most severe examples of endocrine disruption in fish have been found adjacent to sewage treatment plants. Effects are thought to be caused prima-rily by natural and synthetic estrogens and to a lesser extent by the degradation products of alkylphenol poly-ethoxylate surfactants. Effects found in fish near pulp and paper mills include reduced levels of estrogens and androgens as well as masculinization of females, and has been linked to the presence of β-sitosterol, a plant sterol. Effects seen in areas of heavy industrial activity typically include depressed levels of estrogens and androgens as well as reduced gonadal growth, and may be linked to the presence of PAHs, PCBs, and possibly dioxins. At this time, however, there is no clear indication that large populations of fish are being seriously impacted as a result of endocrine disruption, although additional work is needed to address this possibility. (PDF contains 63 pages)


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Este trabajo se basa en los muestreos sobre las percas (Percichthys sp) realizado entre los años 1955 a 1957 por María Luisa Fuster de Plaza y Enrique E. Boschi, ambos investigadores se desempañaban en el Departamento de Investigaciones Pesqueras de la Dirección Nacional de Pesca, dependiente del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Nación de entonces. Las tareas se llevaron a cabo principalmente en varios cuerpos de agua léntica y lóticas de la región de la Patagonia Norte (Provincias de Río Negro, Neuquen y Chubut), y en la provincia de Mendoza. Consisten en datos morfométricos, desarrollo gonadal, fecundidad, contenidos alimenticios, planillas, dibujos, etc. de 80 ejemplares de percas. La autora tuvo a su cargo el análisis de los datos de esos muestreos y las comparaciones con estudios de material más reciente, correspondiente al lago Pellegrini, a partir de 1981.


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Background: Budesonide has a long history as intranasal drug, with many marketed products. Efforts should be made to demonstrate the therapeutic equivalence and safety comparability between them. Given that systemic availability significantly varies from formulations, the clinical comparability of diverse products comes to be of clinical interest and a regulatory requirement. The aim of the present study was to compare the systemic availability, pharmacodynamic effect, and safety of two intranasal budesonide formulations for the treatment of rhinitis. Methods: Eighteen healthy volunteers participated in this randomised, controlled, crossover, clinical trial. On two separated days, subjects received a single dose of 512 mu g budesonide (4 puffs per nostril) from each of the assayed devices (Budesonida nasal 64 (R), Aldo-Union, Spain and Rhinocort 64 (R), AstraZeneca, Spain). Budesonide availability was determined by the measurement of budesonide plasma concentration. The pharmacodynamic effect on the hypothalamic-adrenal axis was evaluated as both plasma and urine cortisol levels. Adverse events were tabulated and described. Budesonide availability between formulations was compared by the calculation of 90% CI intervals of the ratios of the main pharmacokinetic parameters describing budesonide bioavailability. Plasma cortisol concentration-time curves were compared by means of a GLM for Repeated Measures. Urine cortisol excretion between formulations was compared through the Wilcoxon's test. Results: All the enroled volunteers successfully completed the study. Pharmacokinetic parameters were comparable in terms of AUC(t) (2.6 +/- 1.5 vs 2.2 +/- 0.7), AUCi (2.9 +/- 1.5 vs 2.4 +/- 0.7), t(max) (0.4 +/- 0.1 vs 0.4 +/- 0.2), C(max)/AUC(i) (0.3 +/- 0.1 vs 0.3 +/- 0.0), and MRT (5.0 +/- 1.4 vs 4.5 +/- 0.6), but not in the case of C(max) (0.9 +/- 0.3 vs 0.7 +/- 0.2) and t(1/2) (3.7 +/- 1.8 vs 2.9 +/- 0.4). The pharmacodynamic effects, measured as the effect over plasma and urine cortisol, were also comparables between both formulations. No severe adverse events were reported and tolerance was comparable between formulations. Conclusion: The systemic availability of intranasal budesonide was comparable for both formulations in terms of most pharmacokinetic parameters. The pharmacodynamic effect on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis was also similar. Side effects were scarce and equivalent between the two products. This methodology to compare different budesonide-containing devices is reliable and easy to perform, and should be recommended for similar products intented to be marketed or already on the market.