323 resultados para Glioblastoma Multiforme


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Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi consiste nel valutare l’efficacia di inibizione delle HDAC e la selettività per le cellule tumorali di nuove molecole basate su coniugati poliamminici (PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5). I modelli sperimentali utilizzati saranno una linea cellulare tumorale di glioblastoma umano (U87), paragonata a una linea cellulare sana di fibroblasti fetali umani (IMR90). Il progetto nasce dalla collaborazione con la Prof.ssa Anna Minarini del Dipartimento di Farmacia e BioTecnologie di Bologna e con il Dott. Andrea Milelli del Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della Vita di Rimini che hanno progettato e sintetizzato i composti poliamminici utilizzati negli esperimenti condotti nel laboratorio di Ingegneria Cellulare e Molecolare “S. Cavalcanti” a Cesena. Gli obiettivi del progetto consistono nel valutare i potenziali vantaggi che sembrano offrire le poliammine se coniugate a molecole con specifiche funzioni antitumorali, quali l’acido idrossamico e il gruppo intercalante il DNA, naftalene-diimide. L’aggiunta della coda poliamminica al composto, infatti, permetterebbe alla molecola risultante di sfruttare il sistema di trasporto delle poliammine, tipicamente sovraespresso o iperattivo nelle cellule neoplastiche, favorendo così l’ingresso in cellula del farmaco e conferendogli selettività per le cellule tumorali. Inoltre, l’affinità elettrostatica che intercorre tra la coda policationica poliamminica e il DNA, carico negativamente, direzionerebbe con maggior efficacia l’intera molecola, compresa la parte intercalante e l’acido idrossamico (HDACi), verso il loro bersaglio, la doppia elica dell’acido nucleico e le HDAC. Gli effetti dei PC valutati in questo lavoro di tesi comprendono l’influenza dei farmaci sulla vitalità cellulare e l’efficacia di inibizione delle HDAC. Si effettueranno test di crescita cellulare in seguito ai trattamenti farmacologici per confrontare i diversi composti poliamminici, individuare quelli con maggior effetto citotossico e stabilire se il tipo di trattamento risulti idoneo per il proseguimento dell’indagine. Il grado di inibizione delle HDAC, relativo ai diversi farmaci, verrà valutato indirettamente mediante la tecnica del Western Blotting quantificando il livello di iperacetilazione istonica globale indotta. I vantaggi che queste nuove molecole potenzialmente possiedono e che andranno verificati con ulteriori studi, inducono ad attribuire loro un grande potenziale per la terapia antitumorale, come induttori dell’apoptosi e/o riprogrammazione dell’assetto epigenetico, risultante nella riattivazione di geni oncosoppressori silenziati nelle cellule neoplastiche. L’azione antitumorale di queste molecole potrà essere più efficace se combinata con altri farmaci, quali chemioterapici standard o demetilanti del DNA. Inoltre la variazione della coda poliamminica potrà essere utile per lo sviluppo di inibitori specifici per le diverse isoforme delle HDAC. La selettività per le cellule tumorali e l’affinità per il DNA di questi nuovi composti potrebbe infine limitare gli eventuali effetti collaterali in clinica.


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Chemotherapeutic SN1‑methylating agents are important anticancer drugs. They induce several covalent modifications in the DNA, from which O6‑methylguanine (O6MeG) is the main toxic lesion. In this work, different hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the mechanism of O6MeG‑triggered cell death were tested. The results of this work support the abortive processing model, which states that abortive post‑replicative processing of O6MeG‑driven mispairs by the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) machinery results in single‑strand gaps in the DNA that, upon a 2nd round of DNA replication, leads to DNA double‑strand break (DSB) formation, checkpoint activation and cell death. In this work, it was shown that O6MeG induces an accumulation of cells in the 2nd G2/M‑phase after treatment. This was accompanied by an increase in DSB formation in the 2nd S/G2/M‑phase, and paralleled by activation of the checkpoint kinases ATR and CHK1. Apoptosis was activated in the 2nd cell cycle. A portion of cells continue proliferating past the 2nd cell cycle, and triggers apoptosis in the subsequent generations. An extension to the original model is proposed, where the persistence of O6MeG in the DNA causes new abortive MMR processing in the 2nd and subsequent generations, where new DSB are produced triggering cell death. Interestingly, removal of O6MeG beyond the 2nd generation lead to a significant, but not complete, reduction in apoptosis, pointing to the involvement of additional mechanisms as a cause of apoptosis. We therefore propose that an increase in genomic instability resulting from accumulation of mis‑repaired DNA damage plays a role in cell death induction. Given the central role of DSB formation in toxicity triggered by chemotherapeutic SN1‑alkylating agents, it was aimed in the second part of this thesis to determine whether inhibition of DSB repair by homologous recombination (HR) or non‑homologous end joining (NHEJ) is a reasonable strategy for sensitizing glioblastoma cells to these agents. The results of this work show that HR down‑regulation in glioblastoma cells impairs the repair of temozolomide (TMZ)‑induced DSB. HR down‑regulation greatly sensitizes cells to cell death following O6‑methylating (TMZ) or O6‑chlorethylating (nimustine) treatment, but not following ionizing radiation. The RNAi mediated inhibition in DSB repair and chemo‑sensitization was proportional to the knockdown of the HR protein RAD51. Chemo‑sensitization was demonstrated for several HR proteins, in glioma cell lines proficient and mutated in p53. Evidence is provided showing that O6MeG is the primary lesion responsible for the increased sensitivity of glioblastoma cells following TMZ treatment, and that inhibition of the resistance marker MGMT restores the chemo‑sensitization achieved by HR down‑regulation. Data are also provided to show that inhibition of DNA‑PK dependent NHEJ does not significantly sensitized glioblastoma cells to TMZ treatment. Finally, the data also show that PARP inhibition with olaparib additionally sensitized HR down‑regulated glioma cells to TMZ. Collectively, the data show that processing of O6MeG through two rounds of DNA replication is required for DSB formation, checkpoint activation and apoptosis induction, and that O6MeG‑triggered apoptosis is also executed in subsequent generations. Furthermore, the data provide proof of principle evidence that down‑regulation of HR is a reasonable strategy for sensitizing glioma cells to killing by O6‑alkylating chemotherapeutics.


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Nella poetica di Vinicio Capossela la geografia non è soltanto questione di meridiani e paralleli, ma è soprattutto quella che ognuno di noi si costruisce attraverso i viaggi, i racconti, la creatività: le strade e le vicende della nostra vita sono secondo lui «come le colonne delle cartine antiche, fanno la nostra geografia». Una geografia fatta di luoghi reali per lui significativi - per esempio Calitri, terra d'origine di suo padre, o Milano, città in cui vive - ma anche di mondi inventati, abitati da creature prodigiose e miti letterari, che tutti insieme formano il canto “polytropo” (multiforme) di Capossela. Un canto permeato da un perenne sentimento di clandestinità e da un desiderio insoddisfatto di “barrio”, di casa. Il sentimento dell'assenza è profondamente legato alla biografia del cantautore e alla sua geografia personale, ma anche al mondo affascinante e nascosto delle musiche da cui egli trae ispirazione, le cosiddette “musiche dell'Assenza” o “musiche d'Altrove”, in senso sia spaziale che temporale. In questo lavoro trovano spazio principalmente il tango e il rebetiko e le implicazioni culturali e linguistiche che essi hanno avuto nell'immaginario di Capossela, il quale ha riadattato alcune canzoni di questi due generi; per quanto riguarda il castigliano attraverso la singolare pratica della “traduzione ad orecchio”, mentre per quanto riguarda il greco riscrivendo completamente i testi. In particolar modo sarà descritto l'incontro di Capossela con la Grecia e con il rebetiko, che ha dato vita ad una fase inedita e particolarmente feconda della sua produzione, con la nascita del disco “Rebetiko Gymnastas”, il libro “Tefteri” e il docu-film “Indebito”, creato in collaborazione con il regista Andrea Segre.


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Die Bildung von lokalen Rezidiven wird bei Glioblastomen vor allem durch das stark infiltrierende Wachstum gefördert. Die Rolle der angewendeten Therapieverfahren bei der Induktion der Zellmotilität ist noch weitgehend unklar. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde daher in vitro die Wirkung der Photonen- und Schwerionenstrahlung auf die Migration von humanen Glioblastomzelllinien sowie auf EGFR-gekoppelte, migrationsregulierende Signalmoleküle untersucht. Gezeigt werden konnte, dass die EGF-induzierte Stimulierung des EGFR über den PI3K und MAPK Signalweg an der Regulation der Zellmigration beteiligt ist. Hinsichtlich des Verhaltens nach Bestrahlung wurden Zelllinien- und Strahlen-spezifische Unterschiede beobachtet. Die Photonenstrahlung führte in U87 Zellen zu einer Aktivierung des EGFR sowie zur Steigerung der Migration nach klinisch relevanten Dosen. Versuche mit einem EGFR spezifischen Inhibitor bestätigten die funktionelle Verknüpfung von Strahlen-induzierter Aktivierung des EGFR und Strahlen-induzierter Migrationssteigerung. Demgegenüber wurden nach Bestrahlung mit Kohlenstoffionen eine Hemmung der Zellmigration sowie keine gesteigerte Aktivität des EGFR festgestellt. Die erhaltenen in vitro Ergebnisse geben Hinweise auf ein in Glioblastomen mögliches erhöhtes Risiko einer Rezidivbildung nach einer konventionellen Radiotherapie mit Photonen. Bei der modernen Schwerionentherapie kann dieses Risiko aufgrund der Strahlen-vermittelten Migrationshemmung weitestgehend ausgeschlossen werden. Sollte sich die Strahlen-induzierte Migrationssteigerung in vivo bestätigen, wäre es sinnvoll den Einsatz von Migrationsinhibitoren als Begleittherapie zur Bestrahlung zu testen.


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Le lingue sono veri organismi vitali che creano meccanismi propri al fine di esprimere concetti capaci di descrivere la realtà, fisica e interiore. Un meccanismo linguistico tipico delle lingue (ed anche una risorsa) per esprimere le diverse sfaccettature di una realtà multiforme e diversamente percettibile, è il ricorso a strutture perifrastiche, di utilizzo piuttosto comune in molte lingue. In quest’analisi, nello specifico, viene preso in esame e studiato il sistema perifrastico di tre lingue romanze, quali lo spagnolo, il francese e l’italiano; in particolare, l’attenzione è diretta alle perifrasi costruite con un verbo di movimento in funzione di ausiliare, per analizzare e dimostrare l’eventuale slittamento di tale concetto di movimento dal piano spaziale a quello temporale, o semplicemente metaforico. I sistemi linguistici sono stati scelti tutti appartenenti alla famiglia romanza, al fine di metterli a confronto e trovare convergenze e divergenze fra la gamma di perifrasi costruite con verbi di movimento che le lingue in questione, di ceppo comune, presentano. Per svolgere questo tipo di lavoro sono state utilizzate Grammatiche istituzionali, saggi, articoli e manuali che inquadrano il panorama linguistico di ogni lingua a partire da punti di vista differenti. Inoltre, al fine di dimostrare la tesi principale, ogni concetto teorico è accompagnato da dimostrazioni e da esempi, entrambi tratti da "corpora" linguistici già esistenti in rete.


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Questo progetto ha confrontato gli effetti indotti da diversi tipi di radiazioni, diversa intensità delle dosi, diverso rateo di dose su sistemi cellulari differenti. In particolare sono stati seguiti due studi differenti, finalizzati all’indagine degli effetti e dei meccanismi indotti da trattamenti radioterapici su cellule in coltura. Nel primo studio -EXCALIBUR- sono stati investigati i meccanismi di induzione e trasmissione del danno a basse dosi di radiazioni, in funzione della qualità della radiazione (raggi gamma e protoni) e della dose. Cellule di glioblastoma umano (T98G) sono state irraggiate con raggi gamma e protoni a due diverse dosi (0,25 Gy e 2 Gy); in questo studio è stata valutata e analizzata la variazione di espressione genica rilevata utilizzando la tecnologia dei microarray. Per mezzo dell’analisi statistica, con due software diversi, si è osservato come nelle cellule irraggiate si attivino i geni legati alla senescenza cellulare; questo risultato è significativo, visto che potrebbe rappresentare una prospettiva terapeutica interessante per molte neoplasie. Il secondo studio –Plasma Focus- ha lo scopo di ampliare le applicazioni nel settore medicale di una sorgente radiante che produce raggi X ad altissimo rateo di dose (plasma focus). In questo studio, l’attenzione è stata posta sulla preparazione dei campioni biologici per l’irraggiamento. Cellule di adenocarcinoma mammario (MCF7) sono state coltivate in laboratorio e posizionate all’interno di appositi portacampioni pronte per essere irraggiate con raggi X ad alto e a basso rateo di dose. Per mezzo della microscopia ottica e della citometria a flusso in fluorescenza, si è osservato come un rateo di dose elevato provochi danni cellulari superiori. L’analisi quantitativa ha mostrato che, nelle cellule trattate con il plasma focus, il 18% risulti danneggiato rispetto al 7% delle cellule di controllo; con i raggi X convenzionali risulta danneggiato l'8% di cellule, rispetto al 3% delle cellule di controllo.


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Die mittlere Überlebenszeit nach Erkennung eines Glioblastoms ohne Behandlung liegt bei 3 Monaten und kann durch die Behandlung mit Temozolomid (TMZ) auf etwa 15 Monate gesteigert werden. Neben TMZ sind die chlorethylierenden Nitrosoharnstoffe die meistversprechendsten und am häufigsten eingesetzten Chemotherapeutika in der Gliomtherapie. Hier liegt die mittlere Überlebenszeit bei 17,3 Monaten. Um die Therapie des Glioblastoms noch effektiver zu gestalten und Resistenzen zu begegnen, werden unterschiedlichste Ansätze untersucht. Eine zentrale Rolle spielen hierbei das activator protein 1 (AP-1) und die mitogen aktivierten Proteinkinasen (MAPK), deren Funktion in bisherigen Arbeiten noch unzureichend beleuchtet wurde.rnBesonders mit der Rolle des AP-1-bildenden Proteins FRA-1 in der Therapie des Glioblastoms haben sich bisher nur wenige Arbeiten beschäftigt, weshalb im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit dessen Funktion in der Regulation der Chemosensitivität gegenüber dem chlorethylierenden Agenz ACNU genauer untersucht wurde. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die FRA 1-Expression durch Behandlung mit ACNU induziert wird. Die Induktion erfolgte über die beiden MAPKs ERK1/2 und p38K. JNK hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Induktion. Durch die Herunterregulation der FRA-1-Expression mit Hilfe von siRNA und eines shRNA exprimierenden Plasmids kam es zu einer signifikanten Sensitivierung gegenüber ACNU. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Herunterregulation der FRA-1-Expression in einer verminderten AP 1-Bildung, bedingt durch eine reduzierte Menge an FRA-1 im AP-1-Komplex resultiert. Die Sensitivierung gegenüber ACNU ist weder durch eine Veränderung in der DNA-Reparatur, noch in der Modulation der FAS-Ligand- bzw. FAS-Rezeptor-Expression bedingt. Auch die hier untersuchten BCL 2-Familienmitglieder wiesen keine Unterschiede in der Expression durch Modulation der FRA 1-Expression auf. Allerdings kam es durch die verminderte FRA-1-Expression zu einer Reduktion der Zellzahl in der G2/M-Phase nach Behandlung mit ACNU. Diese ging einher mit einer reduzierten Menge an phosphoryliertem und unphosphoryliertem CHK1, weshalb davon auszugehen ist, dass FRA 1 nach ACNU-Behandlung in Gliomzellen vor der Apoptose schützt, indem es modulierend auf die Zellzykluskontrolle einwirkt.rnIm zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Regulation der apoptotischen Antwort nach Behandlung mit ACNU und TMZ genauer beleuchtet, wobei ein spezielles Augen¬merk auf AP 1 und die MAPKs gelegt wurde. Hier konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Apoptose nach Behandlung mit ACNU bzw. TMZ sowohl durch Spaltung von Pro-Caspase 8, als auch Pro-Caspase 9 eingeleitet wird. Dabei akkumulierte in beiden Fällen p53 vermehrt im Zellkern. Eine Inhibierung der transkriptionellen Aktivität von p53 führte nach ACNU-Behandlung zu einer Sensitivierung der Zellen, nach TMZ-Behandlung kam es zu einem leichten Anstieg in der Vitälität. Der FAS-Rezeptor wurde nach ACNU- und nach TMZ-Behandlung aktiviert und auch die DNA-Reparaturproteine DDB2 und XPC wurden in beiden Fällen vermehrt exprimiert. Für die MAPKs JNK und ERK1/2 konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese pro-apoptotisch wirken. Die AP-1-Bildung nach ACNU-Behandlung erfolgte bereits nach 24 h und war von langer Dauer, wohingegen nach TMZ-Behandlung nur eine transiente AP 1-Bildung zu relativ späten Zeitpunkten detektiert werden konnte. Ebenso konnte für das AP-1-Zielgen FAS-Ligand nach ACNU-Behandlung eine relativ schnelle, lang anhaltende Aktivierung detektiert werden, wohingegen nach TMZ-Behandlung zu einem späten Zeitpunkt ein kurzer Anstieg im Signal zu verzeichnen war. In späteren Experimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass das BCL-2-Familienmitglied BIM eine zentrale Rolle in der Regulation des intrinsischen Apoptosesignalweges nach Behandlung mit ACNU und TMZ spielt. Die hier entstanden Ergebnisse tragen entscheidend zum Verständnis der durch diese beiden Agenzien gesteuerten, apoptotischen Signalwege bei und bieten eine fundierte Grundlage für weitere Untersuchungen.rn


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Resistance of cancer cells towards chemotherapy is the major cause of therapy failure. Hence, the evaluation of cellular defense mechanisms is essential in the establishment of new chemotherapeutics. In this study, classical intrinsic and acquired as well as new resistance mechanisms relevant in the cellular response to the novel vacuolar H+-ATPase inhibitor archazolid B were investigated. Archazolid B, originally produced by the myxobacterium Archangium gephyra, displayed cytotoxicity in the low nanomolar range on a panel of cancer cell lines. The drug showed enhanced cytotoxic activity against nearly all cancerous cells compared to their non-cancerous pendants. With regards to ABC transporters, archazolid B was identified as a moderate substrate of ABCB1 (P-glycoprotein) and a weak substrate of ABCG2 (BCRP), whereas hypersensitivity was observed in ABCB5-expressing cells. The cytotoxic effect of archazolid B was shown to be independent of the cellular p53 status. However, cells expressing constitutively active EGFR displayed significantly increased resistance. Acquired drug resistance was studied by establishing an archazolid B-resistant MCF-7 cell line. Experiments showed that this secondary resistance was not conferred by aberrant expression or DNA mutations of the gene encoding vacuolar H+-ATPase subunit c, the direct target of archazolid B. Instead, a slight increase of ABCB1 and a significant overexpression of EGFR as well as reduced proliferation may contribute to acquired archazolid B resistance. For identification of new resistance strategies upon archazolid B treatment, omics data from bladder cancer and glioblastoma cells were analyzed, revealing drastic disturbances in cholesterol homeostasis, affecting cholesterol biosynthesis, uptake and transport. As shown by filipin staining, archazolid B led to accumulation of free cholesterol in lysosomes, which triggered sterol responses, mediated by SREBP-2 and LXR, including up-regulation of HMGCR, the key enzyme of cholesterol biosynthesis. Furthermore, inhibition of LDL uptake as well as impaired LDLR surface expression were observed, indicating newly synthesized cholesterol to be the main source of cholesterol in archazolid B-treated cells. This was proven by the fact that under archazolid B treatment, total free cholesterol levels as well as cell survival were significantly reduced by inhibiting HMGCR with fluvastatin. The combination of archazolid B with statins may therefore be an attractive strategy to circumvent cholesterol-mediated cell survival and in turn potentiate the promising anticancer effects of archazolid B.


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The identification of molecular processes involved in cancer development and prognosis opened avenues for targeted therapies, which made treatment more tumor-specific and less toxic than conventional therapies. One important example is the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and EGFR-specific inhibitors (i.e. erlotinib). However, challenges such as drug resistance still remain in targeted therapies. Therefore, novel candidate compounds and new strategies are needed for improvement of therapy efficacy. Shikonin and its derivatives are cytotoxic constituents in traditional Chinese herbal medicine Zicao (Lithospermum erythrorhizin). In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-cancer effects of shikonin and its derivatives in glioblastoma cells and leukemia cells. Most of shikonin derivatives showed strong cytotoxicity towards erlotinib-resistant glioblastoma cells, especially U87MG.ΔEGFR cells which overexpressed a deletion-activated EGFR (ΔEGFR). Moreover, shikonin and some derivatives worked synergistically with erlotinib in killing EGFR-overexpressing cells. Combination treatment with shikonin and erlotinib overcame the drug resistance of these cells to erlotinib. Western blotting analysis revealed that shikonin inhibited ΔEGFR phosphorylation and led to corresponding decreases in phosphorylation of EGFR downstream molecules. By means of Loewe additivity and Bliss independence drug interaction models, we found erlotinb and shikonin or its derivatives corporately suppressed ΔEGFR phosphorylation. We believed this to be a main mechanism responsible for their synergism in U87MG.ΔEGFR cells. In leukemia cells, which did not express EGFR, shikonin and its derivatives exhibited even greater cytotoxicity, suggesting the existence of other mechanisms. Microarray-based gene expression analysis uncovered the transcription factor c-MYC as the commonly deregulated molecule by shikonin and its derivatives. As validated by Western blotting analysis, DNA-binding assays and molecular docking, shikonin and its derivatives bound and inhibited c-MYC. Furthermore, the deregulation of ERK, JNK MAPK and AKT activity was closely associated with the reduction of c-MYC, indicating the involvement of these signaling molecules in shikonin-triggered c-MYC inactivation. In conclusion, the inhibition of EGFR signaling, synergism with erlotinib and targeting of c-MYC illustrate the multi-targeted feature of natural naphthoquinones such as shikonin and derivatives. This may open attractive possibilities for their use in a molecular targeted cancer therapy.


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La tesi si sviluppa attorno a 6 capitoli che, ripercorrendo le peculiarità storiche, linguistiche ed economiche di Moldova e Transnistria, tenteranno di mettere in luce i contrasti salienti del rapporto tra Chişinău e Tiraspol. Il capitolo 1 si concentra sulla comparazione di alcune fonti (provenienti da est e da ovest) che hanno ricostruito la storia della Moldova della Grande Romania e della Moldavia sovietica. In tal modo sarà possibile dimostrare che la regione di interesse è stata oggetto di una manipolazione intenzionale del proprio passato asservita ai centri di potere che miravano alla supremazia del territorio. Il capitolo 2 ripercorre le fasi dell’epoca di industrializzazione della Transnistria che, a partire dagli anni ’90, si suppone abbia permesso a Tiraspol di sganciarsi de facto dal governo moldavo. Il capitolo 3 si sofferma sui motivi che spinsero la popolazione del Dnestr ad appoggiare la secessione trascinandola nel conflitto del 1992. Una volta tracciata la cornice storica lungo i capitoli 1, 2 e 3, il capitolo 4 presenterà il multiforme panorama linguistico dell’attuale Repubblica Moldova soffermandosi sul ruolo della lingua russa, scintilla della secessione transnistriana. Il capitolo 5 offre uno spunto di riflessione sull’incidenza di Mosca nella separazione moldava per mezzo di uno studio dell’economia della Transnistria. Il capitolo 6, infine, rivela che gli argomenti trattati nel corso dei 5 capitoli precedenti sono tutti tasselli imprescindibili dell’identità nazionale transnistriana e permette di muovere alcune ipotesi sui metodi attuati da Tiraspol per garantire la fedeltà nazionale della propria popolazione facendo perno sul controllo dei mass media.


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Methylation of the MGMT promoter is supposed to be a predictive and prognostic factor in glioblastoma. Whether MGMT promoter methylation correlates with tumor response to temozolomide in low-grade gliomas is less clear. Therefore, we analyzed MGMT promoter methylation by a quantitative methylation-specific PCR in 22 patients with histologically verified low-grade gliomas (WHO grade II) who were treated with temozolomide (TMZ) for tumor progression. Objective tumor response, toxicity, and LOH of microsatellite markers on chromosomes 1p and 19q were analyzed. Histological classification revealed ten oligodendrogliomas, seven oligoastrocytomas, and five astrocytomas. All patients were treated with TMZ 200 mg/m2 on days 1-5 in a 4 week cycle. The median progression-free survival was 32 months. Combined LOH 1p and 19q was found in 14 patients; one patient had LOH 1p alone and one patient LOH 19q alone. The LOH status could not be determined in two patients and was normal in the remaining four. LOH 1p and/or 19q correlated with longer time to progression but not with radiological response to TMZ. MGMT promoter methylation was detectable in 20 patients by conventional PCR and quantitative analysis revealed the methylation status was between 12 and 100%. The volumetric response to chemotherapy analyzed by MRI and time to progression correlated with the level of MGMT promoter methylation. Therefore, our retrospective case series suggests that quantitative methylation-specific PCR of the MGMT promoter predicts radiological response to chemotherapy with TMZ in WHO grade II gliomas.


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Her2, an alias for the protein of v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog (avian), might be an attractive therapeutic target in metastasising bladder cancer. Genotype and phenotype of primary tumours and their metastases may differ.


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Brain tumors comprise a wide variety of neoplasia classified according to their cellular origin and their morphological and histological characteristics. The transformed phenotype of brain tumor cells has been extensively studied in the past years, achieving a significant progress in our understanding of the molecular pathways leading to tumorigenesis. It has been reported that the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT signaling pathway is frequently altered in grade IV brain tumors resulting in uncontrolled cell growth, survival, proliferation, angiogenesis, and migration. This aberrant activation can be explained by oncogenic mutations in key components of the pathway or through abnormalities in its regulation. These alterations include overexpression and mutations of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), mutations and deletions of the phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) tumor suppressor gene, encoding a lipid kinase that directly antagonized PI3K activity, and alterations in Ras signaling. Due to promising results of preclinical studies investigating the PI3K/AKT pathway in grade IV brain tumors like glioblastoma and medulloblastoma, the components of this pathway have emerged as promising therapeutic targets to treat these malignant brain tumors. Although an arsenal of small molecule inhibitors that target specific components of this signaling pathway is being developed, its successful application in the clinics remains a challenge. In this article we will review the molecular basis of the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway in malignant brain tumors, mainly focusing on glioblastoma and medulloblastoma, and we will further discuss the current status and potential of molecular targeted therapies.


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PURPOSE: Malignant glial brain tumors consistently overexpress neurokinin type 1 receptors. In classic seed-based brachytherapy, one to several rigid (125)I seeds are inserted, mainly for the treatment of small low-grade gliomas. The complex geometry of rapidly proliferating high-grade gliomas requires a diffusible system targeting tumor-associated surface structures to saturate the tumor, including its margins. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We developed a new targeting vector by conjugating the chelator 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1-glutaric acid-4,7,10-triacetic acid to Arg(1) of substance P, generating a radiopharmaceutical with a molecular weight of 1,806 Da and an IC(50) of 0.88 +/- 0.34 nmol/L. Cell biological studies were done with glioblastoma cell lines. neurokinin type-1 receptor (NK1R) autoradiography was done with 58 tumor biopsies. For labeling, (90)Y was mostly used. To reduce the "cross-fire effect" in critically located tumors, (177)Lut and (213)Bi were used instead. In a pilot study, we assessed feasibility, biodistribution, and early and long-term toxicity following i.t. injection of radiolabeled 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1-glutaric acid-4,7,10-triacetic acid substance P in 14 glioblastoma and six glioma patients of WHO grades 2 to 3. RESULTS: Autoradiography disclosed overexpression of NK1R in 55 of 58 gliomas of WHO grades 2 to 4. Internalization of the peptidic vector was found to be specific. Clinically, the radiopharmeutical was distributed according to tumor geometry. Only transient toxicity was seen as symptomatic radiogenic edema in one patient (observation period, 7-66 months). Disease stabilization and/or improved neurologic status was observed in 13 of 20 patients. Secondary resection disclosed widespread radiation necrosis with improved demarcation. CONCLUSIONS: Targeted radiotherapy using diffusible peptidic vectors represents an innovative strategy for local control of malignant gliomas, which will be further assessed as a neoadjuvant approach.


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In this paper, we investigated whether bcl-xL can be involved in the modulation of the angiogenic phenotype of human tumor cells. Using the ADF human glioblastoma and the M14 melanoma lines, and their derivative bcl-xL-overexpressing clones, we showed that the conditioned medium of bcl-xL transfectants increased in vitro endothelial cell functions, such as proliferation and morphogenesis, and in vivo vessel formation in Matrigel plugs, compared with the conditioned medium of control cells. Moreover, the overexpression of bcl-xL induced an increased expression of the proangiogenic interleukin-8 (CXCL8), both at the protein and mRNA levels, and an enhanced CXCL8 promoter activity. The role of CXCL8 on bcl-xL-induced angiogenesis was validated using CXCL8-neutralizing antibodies, whereas down-regulation of bcl-xL through antisense oligonucleotide or RNA interference strategies confirmed the involvement of bcl-xL on CXCL8 expression. Transient overexpression of bcl-xL led to extend this observation to other tumor cell lines with different origin, such as colon and prostate carcinoma. In conclusion, our results showed that CXCL8 modulation by bcl-xL regulates tumor angiogenesis, and they point to elucidate an additional function of bcl-xL protein.