973 resultados para Generalized Net
A rough set approach for attribute reduction is an important research subject in data mining and machine learning. However, most attribute reduction methods are performed on a complete decision system table. In this paper, we propose methods for attribute reduction in static incomplete decision systems and dynamic incomplete decision systems with dynamically-increasing and decreasing conditional attributes. Our methods use generalized discernibility matrix and function in tolerance-based rough sets.
A class of priority systems with non-zero switching times, referred as generalized priority systems, is considered. Analytical results regarding the distribution of busy periods, queue lengths and various auxiliary characteristics are presented. These results can be viewed as generalizations of the Kendall functional equation and the Pollaczek-Khintchin transform equation, respectively. Numerical algorithms for systems’ busy periods and traffic coefficients are developed. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): 60K25.
We introduce a modification of the familiar cut function by replacing the linear part in its definition by a polynomial of degree p + 1 obtaining thus a sigmoid function called generalized cut function of degree p + 1 (GCFP). We then study the uniform approximation of the (GCFP) by smooth sigmoid functions such as the logistic and the shifted logistic functions. The limiting case of the interval-valued Heaviside step function is also discussed which imposes the use of Hausdorff metric. Numerical examples are presented using CAS MATHEMATICA.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62F12, 62M05, 62M09, 62M10, 60G42.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35P25, 35R30, 58J50.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H04, 65K10.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65G99, 65K10, 47H04.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 47B47, 47B10; secondary 47A30.
MSC 2010: 46F30, 46F10
MSC 2010: 35J05, 33C10, 45D05
MSC 2010: 11B83, 05A19, 33C45
MSC2010: 30C45, 33C45
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62E16,62F15, 62H12, 62M20.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A10, 47A12, 47A30, 47B10, 47B20, 47B37, 47B47, 47D50.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A10.