555 resultados para Genealogy.
The thesis which follows, entitled ''The Postoccidental Deconstruction and Resignification of 'Modemity': A Critical Analysis", is an exposition and criticism of the critique of occidental modemity found in a group of writings which identify their critique with a "postoccidental" point of view with respect to postcolonial studies. The general problem ofthe investigation concems the significance and reach ofthis critique of modemity in relation to the ongoing debate, in Latín American studies, about the historical relationship between Latín America, as a mu1ticultural/ structurally heterogeneous region, and the industrial societies of Euro pe and North America. A brief Preface explains the genealogy of the author's ideas on this subject Following this preface, the thesis proceeds to analyze the writings in this corpus through an intertextual, schematic approach which singles out two rnajor elements of the postoccidental critique: "coloniality" and "eurocentrism". These two main elements are investigated in the Introduction and Chapters One and Two, in terms of how they distinguish postoccidental analysis from other theoretical tendencias with which it has affinities but whose key concepts it reformu1ates in ways that are key to the unique approach which postoccidental analysis takes to modemity, the nature of the capitalist world system, colonialism, subaltemization, center/periphery and development . Chapter Three attempts a critical analysis of the foregoing postoccidentalist deconstruction according to the following question: to what extent does it succeed in deconstructing "modernity" as a term which refers to a historically articulated set of discourses whose underlying purpose has been to justify European and North American hegemony and structural asymmetries vis-a-vis the peripheries of the capitalist world system, based on an ethnocentric, racialist logic of exploitation and subalternization of non-European peoples? A Conclusion follows Chapter Three.
En este artículo se analiza el diálogo que establecen las intelectuales latinoamericanas con la Historia oficial por medio de determinadas ficciones de archivo publicadas en la década de 1950. Al respecto, es importante tener en cuenta que tras la adquisición de derechos civiles por parte de las mujeres latinoamericanas en las décadas de 1930 y 1940 –cuando conquistaron el derecho al voto, ingresaron masivamente a las universidades y se erigieron como posibles representantes de los intereses públicos–, las intelectuales del continente demandaron la adscripción a alguna genealogía histórica que les proporcionara coherencia y profundidad identitaria. En muchas ocasiones debieron echar mano del discurso literario para negociar su existencia presente con el pasado histórico y ampliar los límites de la fundación continental con la visibilización de las voces y subjetividades femeninas. En este marco se publican los dos libros que componen el corpus: Manuela Sáenz, la divina loca (195?), de la venezolana Olga Briceño, y Amor y gloria: el romance de Manuela Sáenz y el Libertador Simón Bolívar (1952), de la peruana María Jesús Alvarado. Estas lecturas permitirán reflexionar en torno al proceso de historización de la alteridad demandado por las nuevas ciudadanas del continente, determinar sus alcances y la subjetividad resultante de este enfrentamiento.
About 5.5% of all UK hemophilia B patients have the base substitution IVS 5+13 A-->G as the only change in their factor (F)IX gene (F9). This generates a novel donor splice site which fits the consensus better than the normal intron 5 donor splice. Use of the novel splice site should result in a missense mutation followed by the abnormal addition of four amino acids to the patients' FIX. In order to explain the prevalence of this mutation, its genealogical history is examined. Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism in the 21 reference UK individuals (from different families) with the above mutation showed identical haplotypes in 19 while two differed from the rest and from each other. In order to investigate the history of the mutation and to verify that it had occurred independently more than once, the sequence variation in 1.5-kb segments scattered over a 13-Mb region including F9 was examined in 18 patients and 15 controls. This variation was then analyzed with a recently developed Bayesian approach that reconstructs the genealogy of the gene investigated while providing evidence of independent mutations that contribute disconnected branches to the genealogical tree. The method also provides minimum estimates of the age of the mutation inherited by the members of coherent trees. This revealed that 17 or 18 mutant genes descend from a founder who probably lived 450 years ago, while one patient carries an independent mutation. The independent recurrence of the IVS5+13 A-->G mutation strongly supports the conclusion that it is the cause of these patients' mild hemophilia.
The author contends that many of the conventions of Italian film studies derive from the conflicts and the critical vocabulary that shaped the Italian reception of neorealism in the first decade after the Second World War. Those conflicts, and that critical vocabulary, which lie at the foundation of what has been called the ‘institution of neorealism,’ established an irreconcilable binary: Cronaca and Narrativa. For the neorealists and their critics, Cronaca stood for the effort to record data faithfully, while Narrativa represented the effort to employ the shaping force of human invention in the representation of information. This essay’s first section analyzes the earliest reviews of Rossellini’s Roma città aperta alongside the contemporaneous literary debates over Cronaca and Narrativa. The second section reconsiders the reception of Pratolini’s Metello and Visconti’s Senso, which similarly centered upon the conflict between Cronaca and Narrativa. The third section proposes that the concepts which have often been employed to unify neorealism are destabilized by the Cronaca/Narrativa binary. In search of a solution to neorealism’s conceptual instability, this essay proposes more critical and purposeful appropriations of the movement’s problematic genealogy.
This edited volume explores the origins of the term small wars and traces it to special operations. In the 17th century, such "guerrilla/petite guerre" special operations grew out of training and winter operations of the regular forces as practiced in the 16th century. In the 18th century, they fused with a tradition going back to Antiquity, of employing special ethnic groups (such as the Hungarian Hussars) for special operations. Side by side with these special operations, however, there was the even older genealogy of uprisings and insurgencies, which since the Spanish Guerrilla of 1808-1812 has been associated with this term. All three traditions have influenced each other.
Public genealogical databases are becoming increasingly populated with historical data and records of the current population`s ancestors. As this increasing amount of available information is used to link individuals to their ancestors, the resulting trees become deeper and more dense, which justifies the need for using organized, space-efficient layouts to display the data. Existing layouts are often only able to show a small subset of the data at a time. As a result, it is easy to become lost when navigating through the data or to lose sight of the overall tree structure. On the contrary, leaving space for unknown ancestors allows one to better understand the tree`s structure, but leaving this space becomes expensive and allows fewer generations to be displayed at a time. In this work, we propose that the H-tree based layout be used in genealogical software to display ancestral trees. We will show that this layout presents an increase in the number of displayable generations, provides a nicely arranged, symmetrical, intuitive and organized fractal structure, increases the user`s ability to understand and navigate through the data, and accounts for the visualization requirements necessary for displaying such trees. Finally, user-study results indicate potential for user acceptance of the new layout.
Subjugated knowledges and the possibilities of genealogy The article explores the possibilities of “voicing” marginalized subjects by analyzing letters written by female mental patients in the beginning of the twentieth century. Following Michel Foucault, genealogy is here used as a means to explore and reclaim subjugated knowledges, i.e. knowledges that have been dismissed, distorted, disqualified and put aside by more powerful and ultimately victorious knowledge claims, in this case the psychiatric discourse. Historically oriented research on madness has often explored medical and cultural discourses and representations, as these correspond to sources that can be easily found in archives. This also means that mental patients’ own narratives and texts have been more difficult to trace, partly due to the paucity of available documentation. Herein lies a challenge: how can we represent these subjects, whose stories are inevitably always already captured and filtered by authorities, without portraying them either as passive victims or reducing them to effects of power networks? The article thus ponders research ethics, the question of Otherness and the power of representations. The difficulties in representing female patients’ “own”voices are discussed, yet the article points to the necessity of taking voices that are simultaneously in the margins and in the centre of more powerful discourses, seriously as objects of knowledge. The article argues that “the insurrection of subjugated knowledges”, i.e. bringing back such knowledges as represented here by mental patients’ narratives, opens us otherpossibilities of knowledge. Hence, mental patients’ letters are seen as important “fractures” in the official and legitimized knowledge of madness, offering alternative understandings of both committed individuals and the psychiatric discourse itself.
Este trabalho pretende situar a trajetória de Edu Lobo no cenárioda música popular brasileira. Partindo de uma possívelgenealogia que se inicia com Heitor Villa-Lobos, passa por TomJobim e alcança Edu Lobo, estabelecemos uma tríade seguindo aatitude modernista de cultivo e resgate de tradições,universalizando-as e recriando-as, no que veio a ser a modernamúsica popular brasileira do século XX. Por meio dametodologia de história oral, colhendo depoimentos decompositores, músicos, críticos, cantores, em sua maioriaindicados pelo próprio Edu Lobo, tecemos o cenário em que sedesenvolveu sua obra.
The research aimed at analysing the political and discursive practices of the metanarrative of employability in the contemporary organizational field, heading for the understanding of the social and micropolitical devices which happen to produce some especific kinds of subjectivities within organizations. From a post-modern epistemological perspective (Weltanshauung), the research focused on the issues concerning the production of subjectivities in the existing organizational society beyond the traditional theoretical standpoints whose common assumptions are due to the modernist approaches of organizational analysis. A deconstructive theoretical approach was emphasized across the whole text and it was mainly inspired and intellectually based upon Michel Foucault's genealogical démarche. His original conceptualization of power-knowledge relations informed the development of a methodology so as to analyse the discursive practices which determine many of the human resources policies concerning employability. The main thesis presented employability as a grand-device of micropolitical control towards the production of subjectivities whose main operation technologies are: an economic modernizing rhetoric, a moralistic dietetics and an instrumental education. Several discursive fragments from different academicists, journalists and some authors from the managerial litterature were taken into account so as to carefully deconstruct their speeches. This analysis revealed the mechanisms of production of pasteurized, mercantile and erratic subjectivities. Some inquietudes of heuristic nature are featured in the domain of organizational, psychological, sociological and political perspectives heading for new studies.
Municipal government policies supporting recycling cooperatives at the start of the 1990s and in the first years of the current century have contributed to resemanticizing trash rather than improving the living conditions of the street scavengers in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This idea was based on multiple case studies conducted in three post-consumption recycling cooperatives which have resulted from such policies. Interviews were held with three municipal government managers and 66 scavengers between 2002 and 2004, during a period of field observation that varied from two to six months in each case. Following a Foucaultian analysis approach, in this thesis post-consumption trash is considered as a discursive production. For this reason, the discourses have been analyzed (through an archaeology and a genealogy) that animated this object as a target condition of public policies. Thus, problematization of the trash has been proposed ¿ characterized by the concomitance of discourses related to an environmental and economic issue surrounding it, which would have impacted the scavengers' work. This proposal made it possible to consider the conditions that enable the scavengers to participate in this discursive production concerning trash. Problematization means the social enhancement of trash (its resemantization as recyclable) and the government policies were an attempt to make the scavengers adapt to this conjuncture. The conditions have been investigated that enable the scavengers to participate in the construction process of the discourse concerning trash (preparation of the strategies), in consonance with public policies. According to the three organizations observed, the public managers assumed that it would be possible for the scavengers to participate in the rules of discourse on trash, when they achieved economy of scale and when they sold to middlemen. Through the findings of the studies, however, it has been concluded that the ways in which these three organizations were managed enabled the scavengers to accede to the rules of discourse regarding problematized trash only when they could control the strategies that allow them to attend what is set by such rules.
Este trabalho centra-se na capacidade do investimento em cultura, em contexto de regeneração urbana, em atender a retórica da revitalização social e em que medida oferece soluções socialmente sustentáveis para os moradores. Para o efeito, centra-se sobre os significados e práticas do culture-led urban regeneration (CLUR) na cidade-histórica e é proposta sua medição quanto a impactos sociais subjetivos na comunidade local. Uma das principais preocupações do estudo é o grau em que o CLUR pode realmente cumprir as expectativas que os decisores políticos têm dele como “ferramenta” de abordagem integrada e sustentável na transformação de espaços urbanos degradados. Para dar conta de tais objetivos vai se destacar o caso do bairro lisboeta da Mouraria como estudo de caso e local de teste das hipóteses apresentadas na pesquisa. Medir os impactos sociais subjetivos da intervenção sócio-urbana no bairro, na óptica de seus moradores, formam o eixo central do estudo. E, igualmente relevante, procurou-se avançar na produção de instrumentos de medição capazes de aferir o impacto social subjetivo de intervenções urbanas de base cultural. Com os procedimentos adotados na pesquisa, a dissertação reporta-se à experiência europeia e portuguesa procurando traçar a genealogia destas políticas, discutir as retóricas que as justificam e desvendar como os moradores da zona intervencionada percepcionam tais transformações do seu lugar.