851 resultados para Full-time Schools
This paper is an analysis of the characteristics of two earner households in which both partners are in full-time employment and there are young dependent children. ABS data show that this household type has increased substantially over the last two decades. The paper uses the HILDA data to investigate the demographic and social characteristics of this group and the differences between them and the more traditional breadwinner household forms. The aim is to understand what characteristics encourage couples with dependent children to pursue full-time employment compared to couples who opt for other strategies. The paper uses a combination of descriptive methods and statistical modeling to identify socioeconomic and attitudinal differences amongst couples. The findings are discussed in light of recent policy directions that encourage women with young children to remain at home or to work part-time.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo descrever a proposta atual de Escola de Tempo Integral no Estado de São Paulo, investigar e avaliar a implantação de uma escola da rede pública estadual da Baixada Santista na cidade de Bertioga-SP, no ano de 2006. Trata-se de pesquisa descritivo-analítica do processo de implantação e da proposta de Escola de Tempo Integral, considerando alguns programas e projetos implantados em décadas anteriores no Estado de São Paulo e em outros estados brasileiros. Os dados foram coletados por meio de análise de documentos referente à proposta e observações realizadas pela pesquisadora, membro participante no processo de implantação da Escola de Tempo Integral na escola investigada. Os resultados descrevem a legislação norteadora, princípios filosóficos, diretrizes gerais, organização curricular, carga horária, práticas e atividades cotidianas, bem como as possibilidades e limites desse projeto em sua implantação.(AU)
Em nosso trabalho, preocupamo-nos em tratar um dos componentes que consideramos essenciais para ajudar no desenvolvimento do projeto da escola de tempo integral, a saber, a importância do papel que a prática de atividades físicas desempenha no contexto. Para tanto, buscamos conhecer as peculiaridades do projeto Escola de Tempo Integral da Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo e os benefícios educacionais que ele proporciona, traçando posteriormente as benesses que a Educação Física pode oferecer e argumentando a este respeito. No contexto do ensino regular tradicional brasileiro, a Educação Física desfruta de pouca credibilidade, sendo popularmente considerada uma matéria secundária, assim como o profissional por ela responsável. Acreditamos, com mais razão do que para a escola regular, que a viabilidade da Escola de Tempo Integral dependa sobremaneira da maior participação e apoio da Educação Física, haja vista que o aluno passará mais tempo dentro dos estabelecimentos de ensino e seria esperado que o aumento da carga horária levasse a uma queda na produtividade das horas posteriores de estudo. Partindo desse ponto de vista, a educação física pode trazer benefícios no tocante à ética, cultura, saúde e sociabilidade, tidos como secundários em relação aos estudos de caráter mais instrumental, por exemplo, matemática, português e ciências.(AU)
O presente estudo teve por objetivos, levantar o perfil sócio-demográfico e cultural, de auxiliares de enfermagem, avaliar o grau e presença de sintomas de stress, avaliar e descrever reajustamento social tecendo relação entre variáveis relacionadas ao labor e o stress. Participaram desse estudo 126 auxiliares de enfermagem que cursavam técnico em enfermagem. Utilizou-se os instrumentos: a) questionário Sócio-demográfico e cultural; b) Escala de Reajustamento Social de Holmes-Rahe e c) Inventário de Sintomas de Stress de Lipp (ISSL). Os dados foram coletados em salas de aula, de três escolas técnicas da grande São Paulo e esses dados foram tratados estatisticamente pelos testes X² e r Person para as relações entre variáveis, com auxílio do programa SPSS versão 17. Os resultados indicaram uma predominância de pessoas do gênero feminino, casados, com idade mínima de 19 anos e máxima de 56 anos e com práticas religiosas católicas e evangélicas. Desses profissionais (79%) trabalhavam em um só emprego, com experiência na profissão de cinco anos e o setor com maior quantidade de profissionais foi o home care . A maioria dos profissionais exercia suas atividades no horário matutino, e estudava no horário noturno. O estudo indicou que 57,9% apresentaram grau de stress significativo. Dentro deste grau de stress significativo, 41,3% dos profissionais estavam na fase de resistência e 37,3% dos auxiliares com grau de stress significativo, apresentavam predominância de stress de natureza psicológica. Quanto ao reajustamento social, os auxiliares de enfermagem a maioria, que correspondia a 48,4% estava dentro da média, com chances razoáveis de adoecer, ou seja, apresentavam capacidade regular para adaptação aos eventos novos e desconhecidos que ocorrem durante a vida. Os resultados indicaram que os profissionais que apresentaram stress significativo obtiveram pontuação maior (média) na escala de reajustamento social, em comparação aos profissionais que não apresentaram stress, indicando que esses sujeitos tinham maior probabilidade de estarem adoecidos ou virem a adoecer.
This study examined antecedents and outcomes of a fourfold taxonomy of work-family balance in terms of the direction of influence (work-family vs. family-work) and type of effect (conflict vs. facilitation). Respondents were full-time employed parents in India. Confirmatory factor analysis results provided evidence for the discriminant validity of M. R. Frone's (2003) fourfold taxonomy of work-family balance. Results of moderated regression analysis revealed that different processes underlie the conflict and facilitation components. Furthermore, gender had only a limited moderating influence on the relationships between the antecedents and the components of work-family balance. Last, work-family facilitation was related to the work outcomes of job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Data obtained from full-time employees of a public sector organization in India were used to test a social exchange model of employee work attitudes and behaviors. LISREL results revealed that whereas the three organizational justice dimensions (distributive, procedural and interactional) were related to trust in organization only interactional justice was related to trust in supervisor. The results further revealed that relative to the hypothesized fully mediated model a partially mediated model better fitted the data. Trust in organization partially mediated the relationship between distributive and procedural justice and the work attitudes of job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and organizational commitment but fully mediated the relationship between interactional justice and these work attitudes. In contrast, trust in supervisor fully mediated the relationship between interactional justice and the work behaviors of task performance and the individually- and organizationally-oriented dimensions of citizenship behavior.
A survey was carried out in 1998 in 43 English health authorities of primary care pharmacists (employed to provide prescribing advice to GPs at medical practice level). 119 responses were received (66%). Most combined working as a PCP with another occupation, usually community pharmacy (57%), hospital pharmacy (13%) or as an academic (7%). 53% of respondents worked 8 hours or less per week as a PCP. Only 18 respondents were employed full-time as a PCP. The most common activities were drug information (91%), PACT analysis (90%), drug cost containment (90%) and review of individual patient medication (88%). (7 refs.)
It has been predicted that there will be a full time pharmacist workforce shortage of over 15,000 by 2013. It is therefore necessary to recruit more students of a suitable calibre to undergraduate pharmacy degree courses. This study was designed to investigate the motivations of pre-university and MPharm students for studying pharmacy. A series of focus groups was conducted with Year 12 students and a national survey of Year 13, 1st year MPharm and 4th year MPharm students was undertaken. The study found that amongst Year 12 students, pharmacy is perceived as a background profession and was also perceived as being of a lower status than medicine and dentistry. It was concluded that there was a need for greater promotion of pharmacy as a career amongst pre-university students, including the provision of structured work experience placements. Analysis of UCAS applicant data for pharmacy shows that the applicant pool is buoyant and that the majority of applicants are female. Female respondents to the surveys were significantly more likely than males to wish to work part time if they had a family. This could lead to further shortages in the full time workforce. The largest ethnic group of applicants to pharmacy degree courses were Asian. Business ownership and self-employment were motivations for entering the procession of pharmacy and career aims for significantly more Asian than White respondents. Ownership of independent pharmacies is declining and this could be a barrier to future recruitment to pharmacy degree courses. A high degree of interest in locum working may present a problem for continuity in commissioned services within community pharmacy practice. Further work is needed to examine the motivations for working as a locum pharmacist.
The 2011 National Student Survey (NSS) revealed that 40% of full-time students in England did not think that the feedback on their work has been helpful, even though 66% of these students agreed that the feedback was detailed and 62% of them agreed that the feedback has been prompt. Detailed feedback that is not considered helpful by students means a waste of tutors' time while students continue to struggle with their learning. What do students consider as helpful feedback? What are the qualities of helpful feedback? What are the preferred forms of feedback? How should tutors write feedback so that students will find it helpful? Can ICT help to improve the quality of feedback? In our ongoing search for answers to the above questions, we have trialled the use of a novel Internet application, called eCAF, to assess programming coursework from Engineering, Mathematics and Computing students and have collected their views on the feedback received through a survey. The survey reveals that most students prefer electronic feedback as given through eCAF, with verbal feedback ranked second and hand-written feedback ranked even lower. The survey also indicates that the feedback from some tutors is considered more helpful than others. We report on the detailed findings of the survey. By comparing the kinds of feedback given by each tutor who took part in the trial, we explore ways to improve the helpfulness of feedback on programming coursework in a bid to promote learning amongst engineering students.
Purpose: to evaluate changes in tear metrics and ocular signs induced by six months of silicone-hydrogel contact lens wear and the difference in baseline characteristics between those who successfully continued in contact lens wear compared to those that did not. Methods: Non-invasive Keratograph, Tearscope and fluorescein tear break-up times (TBUTs), tear meniscus height, bulbar and limbal hyperaemia, lid-parallel conjunctival folds (LIPCOF), phenol red thread, fluorescein and lissamine-green staining, and lid wiper epitheliopathy were measured on 60 new contact lens wearers fitted with monthly silicone-hydrogels (average age 36 ± 14 years, 40 females). Symptoms were evaluated by the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI). After six months full time contact lens wear the above metrics were re-measured on those patients still in contact lens wear (n= 33). The initial measurements were also compared between the group still wearing lenses after six months and those who had ceased lens wear (n= 27). Results: There were significant changes in tear meniscus height (p= 0.031), bulbar hyperaemia (p= 0.011), fluorescein TBUT (p= 0.027), corneal (p= 0.007) and conjunctival (p= 0.009) staining, LIPCOF (p= 0.011) and lid wiper epitheliopathy (p= 0.002) after six months of silicone-hydrogel wear. Successful wearers had a higher non-invasive (17.0 ± 8.2. s vs 12.0 ± 5.6. s; p= 0.001) and fluorescein (10.7 ± 6.4. s vs 7.5 ± 4.7. s; p= 0.001) TBUT than drop-outs, although OSDI (cut-off 4.2) was also a strong predictor of success. Conclusion: Silicone-hydrogel lenses induced significant changes in the tear film and ocular surface as well as lid margin staining. Wettability of the ocular surface is the main factor affecting contact lens drop-out. © 2013 British Contact Lens Association.
What do you do if your boss calls you in to talk about job cuts? What are your rights? What are his or her rights? Do you know the procedures that should be followed? If redundancy looms, or you just want to be prepared for the worst,you need to know where you stand.Author Kathy Daniels is well placed to help. She writes and lectures extensively on human resources and employee rights, and as a member of the Employment Tribunal she regularly comes face-to-face with redundancy claims. In this easy-to-understand guide she answers all the important questions on redundancy and its aftermath, including: How are staff selected for redundancy? What is voluntary redundancy? Are full-time,part-time and agency staff treated differently? What is the consultation process bosses must adhere to? How much redundancy pay can you expect? How do you take a claim to the Employment Tribunal? As well as covering all the legal dos and don'ts, helpful guidance is provided on: Budgets and personal finances after redundancy Benefits you may be able to claim Coping with stress and strain Finding a new job or changing career The Quick Guide to Surviving Redundancy is full of real-life case studies and top tips on your employment rights. It also includes template letters for a range of redundancy situations.
The 2011 National Student Survey (NSS) revealed that 40% of full-time students in England do not think that the feedback on their work has been helpful, even though 66% of these students agreed that the feedback was detailed and 62% of them agreed that the feedback has been prompt. Detailed feedback that is not considered helpful by students means a waste of tutors' time while students continue to struggle with their learning. What do students consider as helpful feedback? What are the qualities of helpful feedback? What are the preferred forms of feedback? How should tutors write feedback so that students will find it helpful? Can ICT help to improve the quality of feedback? In our ongoing search for answers to the above questions, we have trialled the use of a novel online application (eCAF) to assess programming coursework from engineering, mathematics and computing students and, through a survey, have collected their views on the feedback received. The survey reveals that most students prefer electronic feedback as given through eCAF, with verbal feedback ranked second and hand-written feedback ranked even lower. The survey also indicates that the feedback from some tutors is considered more helpful than others. We report on the detailed findings of the survey. By comparing the kinds of feedback given by each tutor who took part in the trial, we explore ways to improve the helpfulness of feedback on programming coursework in a bid to promote learning amongst engineering students.
The 2008 National Student Survey revealed that: 44% of full-time students in England did not think that the feedback on their work had been prompt nor did they agree that the feedback on their work helped them clarify things that they did not understand (HEFCE, 2008). Computer Science and Engineering & Technology have been amongst the poorest performers in this aspect as they ranked in the lower quartile (Surridge, 2007, p.32). Five years since the first NSS survey, assessment and feedback remains the biggest concern. Dissatisfaction in any aspect of studies demotivates students and can lead to disengagement and attrition. As the student number grows, the situation can only get worse if nothing is done about it. We have conducted a survey to investigate views on assessment and feedback from Engineering, Mathematics and Computing students. The survey aims at investigating the core issues of dissatisfaction in assessment and feedback and ways in which UK Engineering students can learn better through helpful feedback. The study focuses on collecting students' experiences with feedback received in their coursework, assignments and quizzes in Computing Science modules. The survey reveals the role of feedback in their learning. The results of the survey help to identify the forms of feedback that are considered to be helpful in learning and the time frame for timely feedback. We report on the findings of the survey. We also explore ways to improve assessment and feedback in a bid to better engage engineering students in their studies.
Noha az 1990-es évek első felében felbomlott az akadémiai közgazdászok sok évtizeden át örök érvényűnek hitt közmegegyezése a minimálbér szükségképpen negatív foglalkoztatási hatásáról, a túlságosan magas minimálbért minden közgazdász foglalkoztatáscsökkentő hatásúnak jósolja. Tanulmányunkban a magyar minimálbér-szabályozást e hatás szempontjából vizsgáljuk és értékeljük. / === / Although the long-held view of an unambiguously negative employment effect of a binding minimum wage was challenged by empirical findings in the early 1990’s, it is unanimously predicted that if the minimum wage is set too high it will bring about adverse employment effects. Accordingly, our study starts from an evaluation of the magnitude of the Hungarian minimum wage, i.e., of how it relates to minimum wage rates elsewhere, and of how it has developed through time. Next we inspect the main features that characterize the Hungarian system of minimum wage regulation. Theoretical views on the potential employment effect of minimum wage regulation are then surveyed and contrasted to empirical findings. The study concludes by policy recommendations. To sum up the main strand of arguments, we try to demonstrate that even though Hungary’s minimum wage, if assessed by its ratio to average and/or median full-time earnings, does not appear particularly high by international standards, it might rightly be regarded as unreasonably high in light of Hungary’s excessively low relative rate of employment among the least schooled. This diagnose should become particularly evident once one takes into account that, in sharp contrast to established rules elsewhere, a significantly higher wage floor is in effect for those with lower secondary schooling. Abolition of this legally guaranteed premium over the minimum wage as well as more moderation in minimum wage adjustments are thus highly recommended.
A tanulmány az egyetemi hallgatók, mint a jövő potenciális tudásintenzív vállalkozóinak sajátosságát hivatott vizsgálni, empirikus úton. A kutatás feltáró jellegű, hiszen igen keveset tudni általában az egyetemi hallgatók, és különösen a Szegedi Tudományegyetem egyetemi hallgatóinak vállalatalapítási motivációról, aktivitásáról és az egyetem ezzel kapcsolatos szerepéről. A vizsgálatok két fő cél köré összpontosulnak: a Szegedi Tudományegyetem nappali tagozatos hallgatóinak vállalatalapítási aktivitását feltárni, valamint a vállalatindításhoz szükséges ismereteket feltérképezni. A tanulmány első részében a szerzők a kérdőíves megkérdezés eredményeit ismertetik, mely keretében 840 főt kérdeztek meg a hallgatói vállalkozásalapítási aktivitás feltárása érdekében. Ezt követően húsz, már hallgató korában vállalkozást alapító személlyel történő mélyinterjúk eredményeit mutatják be, különös tekintettel arra, milyen specialitásokkal bírnak azon vállalkozók, akik már hallgatóként belevágtak egy vállalkozás elindításába. _______ Present paper provides an empirical analysis of the characteristics of university students as potential knowledgeintensive entrepreneurs of the future. The authors’ research is explorative since the knowledge of university students and especially of the students of the University of Szeged is scarce with regard to their entrepreneurial motivations, activities and the influence of the university. The authors set two fundamental objectives: first, to explore the entrepreneurial activities of the full-time students of the University of Szeged; and second, to map the knowledge necessary for starting a business. In the first part of the paper they demonstrate the results of an empirical survey based on 840 questionnaires that aimed at the exploration of students’ entrepreneurial activities.