931 resultados para Fermi-density-distribution function with two parameters


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La mancanza di procedure standard per la verifica delle strutture in compositi, al contrario dei materiali metallici, porta all’esigenza di una continua ricerca nel settore, al fine di ottenere risultati significativi che culminino in una standardizzazione delle procedure. In tale contesto si colloca la ricerca svolta per la stesura del presente elaborato, condotta presso il laboratorio DASML del TU Delft, nei Paesi Bassi. Il materiale studiato è un prepreg (preimpregnated) costituito da fibre di carbonio (M30SC) e matrice epossidica (DT120) con la particolare configurazione [0°/90°/±45°/±45°/90°/0°]. L’adesivo utilizzato per l’incollaggio è di tipo epossidico (FM94K). Il materiale è stato assemblato in laboratorio in modo da ottenere i provini da testare, di tipo DCB, ENF e CCP. Due differenti qualità dello stesso materiale sono state ottenute, una buona ottenuta seguendo le istruzione del produttore, ed una povera ottenuta modificando il processo produttivo suggerito, che risulta in un incollaggio di qualità nettamente inferiore rispetto al primo tipo di materiale. Lo scopo era quello di studiare i comportamenti di entrambe le qualità sotto due diversi modi di carico, modo I o opening mode e modo II o shear mode, entrambi attraverso test quasi-statici e a fatica, così da ottenere risultati comparabili tra di essi che permettano in futuro di identificare se si dispone di un materiale di buona qualità prima di procedere con il progetto dell’intera struttura. L’approccio scelto per lo studio dello sviluppo della delaminazione è un adattamento della teoria della Meccanica della Frattura Lineare Elastica (LEFM)


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La materia ordinaria copre soli pochi punti percentuali della massa-energia totale dell'Universo, che è invece largamente dominata da componenti “oscure”. Il modello standard usato per descriverle è il modello LambdaCDM. Nonostante esso sembri consistente con la maggior parte dei dati attualmente disponibili, presenta alcuni problemi fondamentali che ad oggi restano irrisolti, lasciando spazio per lo studio di modelli cosmologici alternativi. Questa Tesi mira a studiare un modello proposto recentemente, chiamato “Multi-coupled Dark Energy” (McDE), che presenta interazioni modificate rispetto al modello LambdaCDM. In particolare, la Materia Oscura è composta da due diversi tipi di particelle con accoppiamento opposto rispetto ad un campo scalare responsabile dell'Energia Oscura. L'evoluzione del background e delle perturbazioni lineari risultano essere indistinguibili da quelle del modello LambdaCDM. In questa Tesi viene presentata per la prima volta una serie di simulazioni numeriche “zoomed”. Esse presentano diverse regioni con risoluzione differente, centrate su un singolo ammasso di interesse, che permettono di studiare in dettaglio una singola struttura senza aumentare eccessivamente il tempo di calcolo necessario. Un codice chiamato ZInCo, da me appositamente sviluppato per questa Tesi, viene anch'esso presentato per la prima volta. Il codice produce condizioni iniziali adatte a simulazioni cosmologiche, con differenti regioni di risoluzione, indipendenti dal modello cosmologico scelto e che preservano tutte le caratteristiche dello spettro di potenza imposto su di esse. Il codice ZInCo è stato usato per produrre condizioni iniziali per una serie di simulazioni numeriche del modello McDE, le quali per la prima volta mostrano, grazie all'alta risoluzione raggiunta, che l'effetto di segregazione degli ammassi avviene significativamente prima di quanto stimato in precedenza. Inoltre, i profili radiale di densità ottenuti mostrano un appiattimento centrale nelle fasi iniziali della segregazione. Quest'ultimo effetto potrebbe aiutare a risolvere il problema “cusp-core” del modello LambdaCDM e porre limiti ai valori dell'accoppiamento possibili.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze concentrations of endometrial leukocytes in patients with idiopathic-repeated abortions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Biopsies of exactly dated secretory endometrium in 25 patients with idiopathic-repeated abortions and 10 control patients without a history of miscarriage were compared with respect to the concentrations of T-helper cells (CD4), cytotoxic T-cells (CD8), B-cells (CD19) and uterine natural killer cells (CD56) by immunohistochemistry and RNase protection assays. RESULTS: All examined cells were detectable within secretory endometrium. No statistically significant differences of the examined immune-cell concentrations were seen between the control group and the repeated miscarriage group by either test. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that the concentrations of specific endometrial leukocytes in a non-pregnant cycle are not associated with repeated pregnancy loss. Thus, the hypothesis of an altered endometrial immunity in patients with repeated miscarriages, symbolized by persistently differing local immune-cell concentrations, has to be questioned.


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of apical surgery is to hermetically seal the root canal system after root-end resection, thereby enabling periradicular healing. The objective of this nonrandomized prospective clinical study was to report results of 2 different root-end preparation and filling methods, ie, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and an adhesive resin composite (Retroplast). METHODS: The study included 353 consecutive cases with endodontic lesions limited to the periapical area. Root-end cavities were prepared with sonic microtips and filled with MTA (n = 178), or alternatively, a shallow concavity was prepared in the cut root face, with subsequent placement of an adhesive resin composite (Retroplast) (n = 175). Patients were recalled after 1 year. Cases were defined as healed when no clinical signs or symptoms were present and radiographs demonstrated complete or incomplete (scar tissue) healing of previous radiolucencies. RESULTS: The overall rate of healed cases was 85.5%. MTA-treated teeth demonstrated a significantly (P = .003) higher rate of healed cases (91.3%) compared with Retroplast-treated teeth (79.5%). Within the MTA group, 89.5%-100% of cases were classified as healed, depending on the type of treated tooth. In contrast, more variable rates ranging from 66.7%-100% were found in the Retroplast group. In particular, mandibular premolars and molars demonstrated considerably lower rates of healed cases when treated with Retroplast. CONCLUSIONS: MTA can be recommended for root-end filling in apical surgery, irrespective of the type of treated tooth. Retroplast should be used with caution for root-end sealing in apical surgery of mandibular premolars and molars.


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The purpose of this study was to analyse hysteroscopic results in patients with recurrent miscarriages and to compare the frequency of uterine anomalies in women with a history of exactly two and with more than two consecutive miscarriages. A retrospective analysis of 206 patients undergoing hysteroscopy for repeated early pregnancy losses was performed at two university centres. Late miscarriages were excluded, terminations of pregnancy were not counted. Eighty-seven patients had suffered from exactly two early miscarriages and 119 from more than two. Both groups were comparable with respect to age at admission (32.95+/-4.46 versus 34.06+/-5.02 years) and at first miscarriage (30.43+/-4.24 versus 29.08+/-5.38 years). The prevalence of acquired (adhesions, polyps, fibroids) and congenital uterine anomalies (septate or bicornuate uterus, etc.) did not differ significantly (acquired: 28.7 versus 27.7%; congenital: 9.2 versus 16.8%). The rates of uterine anomalies did not differ significantly overall (36.8 versus 42.9%). In conclusion, uterine anomalies are frequently found in patients with two and with more than two early miscarriages. Due to the high rate of anomalies, their risk for adverse pregnancy outcome and a possible therapeutic approach, hysteroscopy might be a diagnostic option even after two early miscarriages.


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This paper determines the group of continuous invariants corresponding to an inner function circle dot with finitely many singularities on the unit circle T; that is, the continuous mappings g : T -> T such that circle dot o g = circle dot on T. These mappings form a group under composition.


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The structure of groups which have at most two isomorphism classes of derived subgroups (D-2-groups) is investigated. A complete description of D-2-groups is obtained in the case where the derived subgroup is finite: the solution leads an interesting number theoretic problem. In addition, detailed information is obtained about soluble D-2-groups, especially those with finite rank, where algebraic number fields play an important role. Also, detailed structural information about insoluble D-2-groups is found, and the locally free D-2-groups are characterized.


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Melanoma is characterized by a high frequency of BRAF mutations. It is unknown if the BRAF mutation status has any predictive value for therapeutic approaches such as angiogenesis inhibition.


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This study evaluated the relationship between recalled parental treatment, attachment style, and coping with parental and romantic stressors. A group of 66 undergraduate students completed the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) (Parker, Tupling, & Brown, 1979), a measure of attachment style (Simpson, 1990), general questions regarding the intensity and frequency of parental and romantic stressors, and their typical ways of coping with each type (Vitaliano, Russo, Carr, Maiuro, & Becker, 1985). Data analysis showed that attachment scores were significantly correlated with coping with both kinds of stress. The most significant correlations were found between attachment and coping with romantic stressors. Overall, high or low use of a specific approach to coping was consistent in the face of parental and romantic stressors. Further, exploratory analysis revealed that the habitual intensity of the experienced stressors could act as a moderator of coping techniques.