771 resultados para Fear of Floating


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Cloud computing and, more particularly, private IaaS, is seen as a mature technol- ogy with a myriad solutions to choose from. However, this disparity of solutions and products has instilled in potential adopters the fear of vendor and data lock- in. Several competing and incompatible interfaces and management styles have increased even more these fears. On top of this, cloud users might want to work with several solutions at the same time, an integration that is difficult to achieve in practice. In this Master Thesis I propose a management architecture that tries to solve these problems; it provides a generalized control mechanism for several cloud infrastructures, and an interface that can meet the requirements of the users. This management architecture is designed in a modular way, and using a generic infor- mation model. I have validated the approach through the implementation of the components needed for this architecture to support a sample private IaaS solution: OpenStack.


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Recientemente, el paradigma de la computación en la nube ha recibido mucho interés por parte tanto de la industria como del mundo académico. Las infraestructuras cloud públicas están posibilitando nuevos modelos de negocio y ayudando a reducir costes. Sin embargo, una compañía podría desear ubicar sus datos y servicios en sus propias instalaciones, o tener que atenerse a leyes de protección de datos. Estas circunstancias hacen a las infraestructuras cloud privadas ciertamente deseables, ya sea para complementar a las públicas o para sustituirlas por completo. Por desgracia, las carencias en materia de estándares han impedido que las soluciones para la gestión de infraestructuras privadas se hayan desarrollado adecuadamente. Además, la multitud de opciones disponibles ha creado en los clientes el miedo a depender de una tecnología concreta (technology lock-in). Una de las causas de este problema es la falta de alineación entre la investigación académica y los productos comerciales, ya que aquella está centrada en el estudio de escenarios idealizados sin correspondencia con el mundo real, mientras que éstos consisten en soluciones desarrolladas sin tener en cuenta cómo van a encajar con los estándares más comunes o sin preocuparse de hacer públicos sus resultados. Con objeto de resolver este problema, propongo un sistema de gestión modular para infraestructuras cloud privadas enfocado en tratar con las aplicaciones en lugar de centrarse únicamente en los recursos hardware. Este sistema de gestión sigue el paradigma de la computación autónoma y está diseñado en torno a un modelo de información sencillo, desarrollado para ser compatible con los estándares más comunes. Este modelo divide el entorno en dos vistas, que sirven para separar aquello que debe preocupar a cada actor involucrado del resto de información, pero al mismo tiempo permitiendo relacionar el entorno físico con las máquinas virtuales que se despliegan encima de él. En dicho modelo, las aplicaciones cloud están divididas en tres tipos genéricos (Servicios, Trabajos de Big Data y Reservas de Instancias), para que así el sistema de gestión pueda sacar partido de las características propias de cada tipo. El modelo de información está complementado por un conjunto de acciones de gestión atómicas, reversibles e independientes, que determinan las operaciones que se pueden llevar a cabo sobre el entorno y que es usado para hacer posible la escalabilidad en el entorno. También describo un motor de gestión encargado de, a partir del estado del entorno y usando el ya mencionado conjunto de acciones, la colocación de recursos. Está dividido en dos niveles: la capa de Gestores de Aplicación, encargada de tratar sólo con las aplicaciones; y la capa del Gestor de Infraestructura, responsable de los recursos físicos. Dicho motor de gestión obedece un ciclo de vida con dos fases, para así modelar mejor el comportamiento de una infraestructura real. El problema de la colocación de recursos es atacado durante una de las fases (la de consolidación) por un resolutor de programación entera, y durante la otra (la online) por un heurístico hecho ex-profeso. Varias pruebas han demostrado que este acercamiento combinado es superior a otras estrategias. Para terminar, el sistema de gestión está acoplado a arquitecturas de monitorización y de actuadores. Aquella estando encargada de recolectar información del entorno, y ésta siendo modular en su diseño y capaz de conectarse con varias tecnologías y ofrecer varios modos de acceso. ABSTRACT The cloud computing paradigm has raised in popularity within the industry and the academia. Public cloud infrastructures are enabling new business models and helping to reduce costs. However, the desire to host company’s data and services on premises, and the need to abide to data protection laws, make private cloud infrastructures desirable, either to complement or even fully substitute public oferings. Unfortunately, a lack of standardization has precluded private infrastructure management solutions to be developed to a certain level, and a myriad of diferent options have induced the fear of lock-in in customers. One of the causes of this problem is the misalignment between academic research and industry ofering, with the former focusing in studying idealized scenarios dissimilar from real-world situations, and the latter developing solutions without taking care about how they f t with common standards, or even not disseminating their results. With the aim to solve this problem I propose a modular management system for private cloud infrastructures that is focused on the applications instead of just the hardware resources. This management system follows the autonomic system paradigm, and is designed around a simple information model developed to be compatible with common standards. This model splits the environment in two views that serve to separate the concerns of the stakeholders while at the same time enabling the traceability between the physical environment and the virtual machines deployed onto it. In it, cloud applications are classifed in three broad types (Services, Big Data Jobs and Instance Reservations), in order for the management system to take advantage of each type’s features. The information model is paired with a set of atomic, reversible and independent management actions which determine the operations that can be performed over the environment and is used to realize the cloud environment’s scalability. From the environment’s state and using the aforementioned set of actions, I also describe a management engine tasked with the resource placement. It is divided in two tiers: the Application Managers layer, concerned just with applications; and the Infrastructure Manager layer, responsible of the actual physical resources. This management engine follows a lifecycle with two phases, to better model the behavior of a real infrastructure. The placement problem is tackled during one phase (consolidation) by using an integer programming solver, and during the other (online) with a custom heuristic. Tests have demonstrated that this combined approach is superior to other strategies. Finally, the management system is paired with monitoring and actuators architectures. The former able to collect the necessary information from the environment, and the later modular in design and capable of interfacing with several technologies and ofering several access interfaces.


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To investigate the contribution of individual serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) receptors to mood control, we have used homologous recombination to generate mice lacking specific serotonergic receptor subtypes. In the present report, we demonstrate that mice without 5-HT1A receptors display decreased exploratory activity and increased fear of aversive environments (open or elevated spaces). 5-HT1A knockout mice also exhibited a decreased immobility in the forced swim test, an effect commonly associated with antidepressant treatment. Although 5-HT1A receptors are involved in controlling the activity of serotonergic neurons, 5-HT1A knockout mice had normal levels of 5-HT and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, possibly because of an up-regulation of 5-HT1B autoreceptors. Heterozygote 5-HT1A mutants expressed approximately one-half of wild-type receptor density and displayed intermediate phenotypes in most behavioral tests. These results demonstrate that 5-HT1A receptors are involved in the modulation of exploratory and fear-related behaviors and suggest that reductions in 5-HT1A receptor density due to genetic defects or environmental stressors might result in heightened anxiety.


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The Connecticut State Medical Society (CSMS) reviews and accredits the continuing medical education (CME) programs offered by Connecticut's hospitals. As part of the survey process, the CSMS assesses the quality of the hospitals' libraries. In 1987, the CSMS adopted the Medical Library Association's (MLA's) “Minimum Standards for Health Sciences Libraries in Hospitals.” In 1990, professional librarians were added to the survey team and, later, to the CSMS CME Committee. Librarians participating in this effort are recruited from the membership of the Connecticut Association of Health Sciences Librarians (CAHSL). The positive results of having a qualified librarian on the survey team and the invaluable impact of adherence to the MLA standards are outlined. As a direct result of this process, hospitals throughout the state have added staffing, increased space, and added funding for resources during an era of cutbacks. Some hospital libraries have been able to maintain a healthy status quo, while others have had proposed cuts reconsidered by administrators for fear of losing valuable CME accreditation status. Creating a relationship with an accrediting agency is one method by which hospital librarians elsewhere may strengthen their efforts to ensure adequate library resources in an era of downsizing. In addition, this collaboration has provided a new and important role for librarians to play on an accreditation team.


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One might choke if they observed the lack of research on choking phobia. McNally's (1994) review of the literature on choking phobia found only 25 studies addressing the treatment of choking phobia. The vast majority of these were case studies and none were randomized controlled trials. A search of the literature since then yielded only a few more studies. Given the dearth of information available about choking phobia and its treatment, it is important to document cases treated successfully with novel approaches. My goal in this paper is therefore to illustrate the use of exposure therapy augmented by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT; e.g., see Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999; Hayes and Strosahl, 2004) in the treatment of an adult male presenting with fear of choking and to offer suggestions for the optimal treatment of choking phobia. To my knowledge, there are no documented cases of elements of ACT being used in the treatment of choking phobia to be found in the literature.


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This scoping review identifies and describes relevant studies related to the evidence published on life experiences and perceived social support of people affected by Crohn’s disease. Twenty-three studies were definitely selected and analyzed for the topics explored. The overall findings show patients’ needs and perceptions. There is a lack of evidence about patients’ perceived needs as well as the understanding of social support that has contributed to improve their life experiences with that chronic illness. Lack of energy, loss of body control, body image damaged due to different treatments and surgeries, symptoms related to fear of disease, feeling burdened loss related to independence, and so on are some of the concerns with having to live with those affected by the Crohn. To underline those experiences through this scoping review provides valuable data for health care teams, especially for the nursing profession, considered by those affected as one of the main roles along the whole pathological process. This review provides the basis for developing broader research on the relatively underexplored topics and consequently improves specific programs that could address patients’ needs.


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Background: Previous economic recessions show that immigrant workers may experience longer periods of unemployment, a situation that may lead employees to presenteeism, the act of working in spite of a health problem. This study explored perceptions about the factors that lead to presenteeism in immigrant workers considering the context of economic crisis. Methods: Six focus group discussions were held (February 2012), with men and women from Colombia, Ecuador, and Morocco (n = 44) living in Spain and selected by theoretical sample. A qualitative content analysis was performed. Results: Four categories were identified as factors that influence the occurrence of presenteeism in a context of economic crisis: poor employment conditions, fear of unemployment, employer/employee relationship, and difficulties in finding temporary replacement workers. Furthermore, musculoskeletal, respiratory, and mental problems were related to presenteeism. Conclusions: It is important to develop strategies to protect workers from negative working conditions that are associated with deterioration of health.


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After Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Crimean Tatars face the necessity of working out a modus vivendi to cope with the difficult situation which now confronts them. On the one hand, the desire to remain in their homeland, which they regained after exile in Soviet times, is an imperative encouraging them to accept the status quo, while on the other, the fear of Russia and the strong relations of Crimean Tatar elites with Kyiv would favour opposing the present state of affairs. Another fact pointing in favour of an agreement with Moscow is that Kyiv has not attempted to defend Crimea and has not been active in demanding its return to Ukraine, which has undermined Kyiv’s authority in the eyes of the Tatars. Therefore, the leaders of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatars (the national self-government) act carefully, trying to avoid actions which could be seen as provocative and thus liable to incite retribution. It could be expected that this course of action will continue, although it faces ever greater difficulties in the context of the Russian authorities’ adoption of a strongly anti-Tatar policy, which is likely to evoke more radical attitudes among the Crimean Tatars.


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Horizontal coordination, where actors join together to accomplish a common task, has been applauded for its output legitimacy. However, such processes often face challenges due to opposition from local actors who raise concerns about democratic legitimacy and accountability. Moving beyond a logic of effectiveness, we aim to show how and why other forms of legitimacy such as input and throughput dimensions also affect horizontal coordination, in addition to output criteria. Beyond the assumed positive relationship between coordination and effectiveness, we additionally expect horizontal coordination to be (a) impeded by local actors' fear of losing democratic legitimacy; and (b) fostered by accountability in terms of the steering capacity of the state. A comparative case study analysis of water supply structures at the regional level in Switzerland shows, in contrast to our expectation, that effectiveness has mixed impacts on horizontal coordination. Rather than being solely a positive factor for horizontal coordination, certain output criteria such as financial redistribution are found to be a key hindrance. We also find that democratic legitimacy may, indeed, impede horizontal coordination whereas increased accountability positively affects such coordination.


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In the past 10 years, the use of floating breakwaters as temporary coastal structures has become increasingly widespread in the United States as an inexpensive means for suppressing waves. However, as with any new technology, there have been many failures and a substantial number of imaginative, successful innovations. One of the chief problems contributing to the failure rate has been a lack of awareness by designers of reliable, up-to-date technical information. As part of a large research effort to remedy this problem, a survey was conducted on field experience with floating breakwaters in the Eastern United States. Results of the survey confirmed that state-of-the-art technical literature is not being properly disseminated. Structures built according to early design manuals were shown to have failed before the completion of their design life. Conversely, floating breakwaters built to the standards set by recent research have fared well and show promise of meeting their design golas. The weakest areas of the present technology are flotation and the anchoring systems. It is recommended that a concentrated research effort be directed toward these problem areas; it is also recommended that the monitoring of state-of-the-art projects continue. (Author).


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"The life of Milton, by Edward Philips, 1694": p. [xi]-xliii.


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English edition published, London 1910, under title: Problems of today from the point of view of a psychologist.


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Dreamthorp.-On the writing of essays.-Of death and the fear of dying.-William Dunbar.-A lark's flight. -Christmas.-Men of letters.-On the importance of a man to himself.-A shel in my bookcase.-Geoffrey Chaucer. -Books and gardens.-On vagabonds.


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Psychological distress is a feature of chronic whiplash-associated disorders, but little is known of psychological changes from soon after injury to either recovery or symptom persistence. This study prospectively measured psychological distress (General Health Questionnaire 28 GHQ-28). fear of movement/re-injury (TAMPA Scale of Kinesphobia, TSK), acute post-traumatic stress (Impact of Events Scale, IES) and general health and well being (Short Form 36, SF-36) in 76 whiplash subjects within I month of injury and then 2, 3 and 6 months post-injury. Subjects were classified at 6 months post-injury using scores on the Neck Disability Index: recovered (< 8), mild pain and disability (10-28) or moderate/severe pain and disability (> 30). All whiplash groups demonstrated psychological distress (GHQ-28, SF-36) to some extent at 1 month post-injury. Scores of the recovered group and those with persistent mild symptoms returned to levels regarded as normal by 2 months post-injury, parallelling a decrease in reported pain and disability. Scores on both these tests remained above threshold levels in those with ongoing moderate/severe symptoms. The moderate/severe and mild groups showed elevated TSK scores at 1 month post-injury. TSK scores decreased by 2 months in the group with residual mild symptoms and by 6 months in those with persistent moderate/severe symptoms. Elevated IES scores, indicative of a moderate post-traumatic stress reaction, were unique to the group with moderate/severe symptoms. The results of this study demonstrated that all those experiencing whiplash injury display initial psychological distress that decreased in those whose symptoms subside. Whiplash participants who reported persistent moderate/severe symptoms at 6 months continue to be psychologically distressed and are also characterised by a moderate post-traumatic stress reaction. (C) 2003 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study examined the psychometric properties of the parent version of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS-P); 484 parents of anxiety disordered children and 261 parents in a normal control group participated in the study. Results of confirmatory factor analysis provided support for six intercorrelated factors, that corresponded with the child self-report as well as with the classification of anxiety disorders by DSM-IV (namely separation anxiety, generalized anxiety, social phobia, panic/agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and fear of physical injuries). A post-hoc model in which generalized anxiety functioned as the higher order factor for the other five factors described the data equally well. The reliability of the subscales was satisfactory to excellent. Evidence was found for both convergent and divergent validity: the measure correlated well with the parent report for internalizing symptoms, and lower with externalizing symptoms. Parent-child agreement ranged from 0.41 to 0.66 in the anxiety-disordered group, and from 0.23 to 0.60 in the control group. The measure differentiated significantly between anxiety-disordered children versus controls, and also between the different anxiety disorders except GAD. The SCAS-P is recommended as a screening instrument for normal children and as a diagnostic instrument in clinical settings. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.