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A pseudoclassical model for a spinning nonrelativistic particle is presented. The model contains two first-class constraints which after quantization give rise to the Levy-Leblond equation for a spin-1/2 particle.


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The Swift-Hohenberg equation is studied in the presence of a multiplicative noise. This stochastic equation could describe a situation in which a noise has been superimposed on the temperature gradient between the two plates of a Rayleigh-Bnard cell. A linear stability analysis and numerical simulations show that, in constrast to the additive-noise case, convective structures appear in a regime in which a deterministic analysis predicts a homogeneous solution.


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We deal with the hysteretic behavior of partial cycles in the two¿phase region associated with the martensitic transformation of shape¿memory alloys. We consider the problem from a thermodynamic point of view and adopt a local equilibrium formalism, based on the idea of thermoelastic balance, from which a formal writing follows a state equation for the material in terms of its temperature T, external applied stress ¿, and transformed volume fraction x. To describe the striking memory properties exhibited by partial transformation cycles, state variables (x,¿,T) corresponding to the current state of the system have to be supplemented with variables (x,¿,T) corresponding to points where the transformation control parameter (¿¿ and/or T) had reached a maximum or a minimum in the previous thermodynamic history of the system. We restrict our study to simple partial cycles resulting from a single maximum or minimum of the control parameter. Several common features displayed by such partial cycles and repeatedly observed in experiments lead to a set of analytic restrictions, listed explicitly in the paper, to be verified by the dissipative term of the state equation, responsible for hysteresis. Finally, using calorimetric data of thermally induced partial cycles through the martensitic transformation in a Cu¿Zn¿Al alloy, we have fitted a given functional form of the dissipative term consistent with the analytic restrictions mentioned above.


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O uso de recursos audiovisuais no ensino de solos, como estímulo para os alunos, pode auxiliar na construção de um conhecimento crítico e reflexivo. Este trabalho objetivou analisar a contribuição do vídeo "Conhecendo o Solo" no ensino e na aprendizagem dessa temática no nível fundamental. Com o intuito de estimular os alunos a perceber a importância dos solos nos ambientes, esse vídeo foi aplicado como conteúdo de ensino. Em seguida, foi aplicado um questionário, em que os alunos descreveram as principais ideias transmitidas por esse, especificando os pontos positivos e negativos do recurso utilizado. A análise do questionário revelou que o uso do vídeo foi um facilitador da aprendizagem. Porém, as respostas dos estudantes indicaram que alguns aspectos necessitam de adequações, como o dinamismo, a interatividade, a quantidade de informações e a narração. Mesmo assim, o recurso foi classificado pela maioria dos alunos como adequado, e o repertório de conteúdos apresentou similaridade com o exposto no vídeo, caracterizando-o como um recurso de influência positiva no processo de ensino e aprendizagem.


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Detailed knowledge on water percolation into the soil in irrigated areas is fundamental for solving problems of drainage, pollution and the recharge of underground aquifers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the percolation estimated by time-domain-reflectometry (TDR) in a drainage lysimeter. We used Darcy's law with K(θ) functions determined by field and laboratory methods and by the change in water storage in the soil profile at 16 points of moisture measurement at different time intervals. A sandy clay soil was saturated and covered with plastic sheet to prevent evaporation and an internal drainage trial in a drainage lysimeter was installed. The relationship between the observed and estimated percolation values was evaluated by linear regression analysis. The results suggest that percolation in the field or laboratory can be estimated based on continuous monitoring with TDR, and at short time intervals, of the variations in soil water storage. The precision and accuracy of this approach are similar to those of the lysimeter and it has advantages over the other evaluated methods, of which the most relevant are the possibility of estimating percolation in short time intervals and exemption from the predetermination of soil hydraulic properties such as water retention and hydraulic conductivity. The estimates obtained by the Darcy-Buckingham equation for percolation levels using function K(θ) predicted by the method of Hillel et al. (1972) provided compatible water percolation estimates with those obtained in the lysimeter at time intervals greater than 1 h. The methods of Libardi et al. (1980), Sisson et al. (1980) and van Genuchten (1980) underestimated water percolation.


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We study the analytical solution of the Monte Carlo dynamics in the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model using the technique of the generating function. Explicit solutions for one-time observables (like the energy) and two-time observables (like the correlation and response function) are obtained. We show that the crucial quantity which governs the dynamics is the acceptance rate. At zero temperature, an adiabatic approximation reveals that the relaxational behavior of the model corresponds to that of a single harmonic oscillator with an effective renormalized mass.


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In this paper we study the role of incomplete ex ante contracts for ex post trade. Previous experimental evidence indicates that a contract provides a reference point for entitlements when the terms are negotiated in a competitive market. We show that this finding no longer holds when the terms are determined in a non-competitive way. Our results imply that the presence of a "fundamental transformation" (i.e., the transition from a competitive market to a bilateral relationship) is important for a contract to become a reference point. To the best of our knowledge this behavioral aspect of the fundamental transformation has not been shown before.


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The recently proposed correspondence principle of Horowitz and Polchinski provides a concrete means to relate (among others) black holes with electric Neveu-SchwarzNeveu-Schwarz charges to fundamental strings and correctly match their entropies. We further test this correspondence by examining the greybody factors in the absorption rates of neutral, minimally coupled scalars by a near extremal black hole. Perhaps surprisingly, the results disagree in general with the absorption by weakly coupled strings. Though this does not disprove the correspondence, it indicates that it might not be simple in this region of the black hole parameter space.


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We explore the possibility that the dark energy is due to a potential of a scalar field and that the magnitude and the slope of this potential in our part of the Universe are largely determined by anthropic selection effects. We find that, in some models, the most probable values of the slope are very small, implying that the dark energy density stays constant to very high accuracy throughout cosmological evolution. In other models, however, the most probable values of the slope are such that the slow roll condition is only marginally satisfied, leading to a recollapse of the local universe on a time scale comparable to the lifetime of the Sun. In the latter case, the effective equation of state varies appreciably with the redshift, leading to a number of testable predictions.


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We show the appearance of spatiotemporal stochastic resonance in the Swift-Hohenberg equation. This phenomenon emerges when a control parameter varies periodically in time around the bifurcation point. By using general scaling arguments and by taking into account the common features occurring in a bifurcation, we outline possible manifestations of the phenomenon in other pattern-forming systems.


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The holographic dual of a finite-temperature gauge theory with a small number of flavors typically contains D-brane probes in a black hole background. At low temperature, the branes sit outside the black hole and the meson spectrum is discrete and possesses a mass gap. As the temperature increases, the branes approach a critical solution. Eventually, they fall into the horizon and a phase transition occurs. In the new phase, the meson spectrum is continuous and gapless. At large Nc and large't Hooft coupling, we show that this phase transition is always first order. In confining theories with heavy quarks, it occurs above the deconfinement transition for the glue.


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Several problems in the theory of photon migration in a turbid medium suggest the utility of calculating solutions of the telegrapher¿s equation in the presence of traps. This paper contains two such solutions for the one-dimensional problem, the first being for a semi-infinite line terminated by a trap, and the second being for a finite line terminated by two traps. Because solutions to the telegrapher¿s equation represent an interpolation between wavelike and diffusive phenomena, they will exhibit discontinuities even in the presence of traps.


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Starting from the radiative transfer equation, we obtain an analytical solution for both the free propagator along one of the axes and an arbitrary phase function in the Fourier-Laplace domain. We also find the effective absorption parameter, which turns out to be very different from the one provided by the diffusion approximation. We finally present an analytical approximation procedure and obtain a differential equation that accurately reproduces the transport process. We test our approximations by means of simulations that use the Henyey-Greenstein phase function with very satisfactory results.


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We show that the reflecting boundary condition for a one-dimensional telegraphers equation is the same as that for the diffusion equation, in contrast to what is found for the absorbing boundary condition. The radiation boundary condition is found to have a quite complicated form. We also obtain exact solutions of the telegraphers equation in the presence of these boundaries.