997 resultados para FABRICATO TEJICONDOR S.A. – CONTABILIDAD - COLOMBIA - 2008 – 2013


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ქანების ელექტროწინაღობის ტემპერატურაზე დამოკიდებულების ექსპერიმენტურ მონაცემებზე დაყრდნობით აგებული „ლაბორატორიული“ გეოელექტრული ჭრილი დედამიწის ქერქისათვის, „მშრალი“ მოდელის შემთხვევაში, მიგვანიშნებს, რომ წინაღობის სიღრმეზე დამოკიდებულების სვლაში გადამწყვეტი როლი მიეკუთვნება ტემპერატურას და არა ქანების ნივთიერ შემადგენლობას ნაშრომში მოყვანილი სიღრმეებისათვის. აღსანიშნავია, რომ ერთსა და იგივე სიღრმეებზე ელექტროგამტარობის სიდიდის მნიშვნელობები კავკასიონის ქედის ქვეშ, ეგრეთ წოდებულ „ბაზალტის“ შრეში, ერთი რიდით უფრო დიდია, ვიდრე ქედის მიმდებარე დაბოლოებებში.


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კოსმიური სხივების მზე-დღეღამური ვარიაციების ანალიზის საფუძველზე, რომლებიც დაკავშირებულია დედამიწის მიერ საპლანეტათშორისი მაგნიტური ველის (სმე) ნეიტრალური ფენის გადაკვეთასთან, განხილულია ანომალიური ვარიაცია ყველა სხვა მომენტებთან შედარებით, როდესაც იგი არ კვეთს ნეიტრალურ ფენას. მოცემულია მეზონური კომპონენტის ანომალური ზრდის თვისობრივი ახსნა დედამიწის ნეიტრალურ ფენაში გავლის დროს.


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ორგანზომილებიანი ულტრაბგერითი სეისმური მოდელირების საშუალებით შესწავლილია რელეის ტალღების გავრცელება ჰორიზონტალურ არაერთგვაროვან გარემოში.


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ნაშრომში წარმოდგენილია საქართველოს ტერიტორიაზე ცალკეული მონაკვეთებისათვის არსებული მასალების განზოგადებისა და საველე გეოლოგიურ-გემორფოლოგიური და სეისმოტექნიკური გამოკვლევების რეზულტატები. ამ გამოკვლევების შედეგად გამოვლენილ იქნა აქამდე უცნობი სრულიად ახალგაზრდა ტექტონიკური დეფორმაციული, როგორც ტერასულ დანალექ, ასევე ძირითად კლდოვან ქანებში და მათთან დაკავშირებული სეისმოგენური მეწყერულ-გრავიტაციული წარმონაქმნები.


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L'office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP) a lancé le Monitorage suisse des addictions en 2011 (en anglais : Addiction Monitoring in Switzerland- AMIS). A intervalles réguliers, des données représentatives de la population suisse sont recensées, notamment en ce qui concerne la consommation d'alcool, de tabac, de drogues illégales et de médicaments ainsi que les risques qui lui sont liés. A cet effet, 11'000 personnes âgées de 15 ans et plus sont contactées annuellement pour répondre à un questionnaire. A ce jour, les données de 2011 et 2012 sont disponibles. Dans le cadre du Programme national migration et santé (2008-2013), l'OFSP désire compléter les données disponibles sur la santé des migrants. Ce rapport présente une analyse secondaire des données portant sur les migrants dans le cadre de l'enquête téléphonique continue mentionnée ci-dessus qui a été effectuée auprès de plus de 22'000 personnes de 15 ans et plus, résidant en Suisse en 2011 et 2012.


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A five year sexual health strategy including addendum 2008-2013


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Spirituality addresses the need to give meaning to life events and is characterized by the relationship with oneself, others and the universe. This article aims to provide an overview of the empirical knowledge, and the prevailing thoughts about spirituality in nursing and suggest perspectives for future directions. The literature review was conducted using the main databases; 36 articles, published between 2008-2013, were selected. The themes covered include the definitions of the spirituality, the spiritual care and the spiritual well-being. Spirituality differs from, yet is not opposed to religion and takes different forms in multicultural and secular societies. Cancer incites existential questions and impacts quality of life, and spiritual well-being is recognized as a good indicator of quality of life for people living with cancer. Professional caregivers are concerned about the needs and spiritual well-being of their patients and often consider interventions to address them. This article reflects the depth of thought and research in nursing and touches on both discipline-specific and interdisciplinary issues.


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Cystic echinococcosis is a highly endemic parasitic zoonosis that is present in the Southern Cone countries of America. For several decades, various prevention and control programmes have been implemented in different countries and regions, with varying results. In Uruguay, a new control programme was implemented in 2006 that employed new strategies for canine diagnosis and treatment, dog population control, diagnosis in humans, epidemiological surveillance, and health education, including community participation. The control programme in Uruguay addresses the control and surveillance of the disease from a holistic perspective based on Primary Health Care, which has strengthened the community’s participation in developing and coordinating activities in an interdisciplinary manner. Similarly, the control programme that is currently implemented is based on a risk-focused approach. The surveillance and control measures were focused on small villages and extremely poor urban areas. In this study, the strategies used and the results obtained from 2008-2013 are analysed and discussed.


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According to the WHO (World Health Organization) and the European Union, suicide is considered to be a health problem of prime importance and to be one of the principal causes of unnatural death. In Spain, the number of suicides has increased 12% since 2005 . The Research Project “European Regions Enforcing Actions against Suicide (EUREGENAS), funded by the Health Program 2008-2013, has as main objective the description of an integrated model of Mental Health orientated to the prevention of suicide. The differences that allow distinguishing the meaning of prevention in suicide behavior are described and explained through a qualitative methodological strategy and through the creation of discussion groups formed by different groups of health professionals. The results highlight the existing differences between the diverse health professionals who come more in contact with this problem and it shows as well the coincidence of meaning that suicide has to be considered as a priority in the field of health.


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Condomless sex is a key driver of sexually transmitted diseases. In this study, we assess the long-term changes (2000-2013) of the occurrence of condomless sex among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals enrolled in the Swiss HIV Cohort study. The frequencies with which HIV-infected individuals reported condomless sex were either stable or only weakly increasing for 2000-2008. For 2008-2013, these rates increased significantly for stable relationships among heterosexuals and men who have sex with men (MSM) and for occasional relationships among MSM. Our results highlight the increasing public health challenge posed by condomless sex and show that condomless sex has been increasing even in the most recent years.


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La situación económica actual ha dado pie al tema de esta conferencia que se desarrollará en dos grandes apartados: primero, trataremos de ideas generales sobre la racionalización versus el racionamiento en la sanidad, y, posteriormente, del racionamiento en la práctica de la nutrición clínica. Racionalizar, según la Real Academia Espaola de la Lengua, es organizar la producción o el trabajo de manera que aumente los ren - dimientos o reduzca los costos con el mínimo esfuerzo. Mientras que por racionamiento se entiende la acción y efecto de racionar o limitar el consumo de algo para evitar consecuencias negativas. En Europa, el porcentaje del Producto Interior Bruto destinado a Sanidad cae progresivamente mientras el coste de la Sanidad no para de aumentar. Desde el punto de vista económico, éste sería el principal motivo por el que las autoridades sanitarias parece que no tienen más alternativa que racionar. ¿Hasta qué punto el principio ético de justicia es compatible con el racionamiento? Éticamente, parece que para aceptar el racionamiento debería cumplirse no sólo una distribución justa de los recursos limitados sino también el uso racional de los mismos. Si se acepta que el recorte en prestaciones sanitarias es necesario, deberíamos responder a diversas preguntas: ¿qué es lo ético no recortar?, ¿quién decide lo que es médicamente necesario?, ¿cómo se decide? Sin respuestas coherentes a estas preguntas resulta díficil, éticamente, aceptar el racionamiento a nivel sanitario. Al tratar el racionamiento en la práctica de la nutrición clínica, debemos centrarnos en cómo el racionamiento afecta a la desnutrición, y más concretamente de la desnutrición relacionada con la enfermedad, ya que ello centra el origen de la Nutrición Clínica. Por su importancia e implicaciones se están llevando a cabo, en diversos países entre ellos en Espaa, acciones integradas en la estrategia de la Unión Europea: “Together for health: a Strategic Approach for the EU 2008-2013” encaminadas a tomar medidas dirigidas a prevenir y tratar la desnutrición. Pero a pesar de ello, las restricciones persisten, situándonos en la necesidad imperativa de utilizar todas las herramientas a nuestro alcance para prevenir el desarrollo de la desnutrición en los pacientes en riesgo, para detectar precozmente los pacientes con desnutrición o riesgo de desarrollarla y para establecer las medidas de actuación más adecuadas.


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Estudi i anàlisi de la bombolla immobiliària a Espanya, incidint en l’evolució de l’habitatge des de l’any 1996 fins a l’actualitat. Fa un recorregut per diverses urbanitzacions abandonades i en el cas concret de Casesdelbosc a Viladrau, es proposa la reconversió d’aquesta urbanització també abandonada en un centre de producció i investigació de la biomassa, reconvertint l’antic apart-hotel en una residència per als investigadors del centre


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[...] L'objectif de ce travail est d'exposer les notions de "compétence sanitaire" (Health Literacy) et d' "autonomisation" (Empowerment) dans un contexte de prise en charge pédiatrique des enfants de migrants. Nous sommes convaincus que ces deux concepts émergeants dans le domaine de la santé et appliqués au contexte migratoire constituent, sur les plans économiques et de management, des éléments qui peuvent mener à terme à : i) une réduction mesurable des coûts de la santé et ii) une porte d'entrée efficace dans un processus d'intégration - dont l'importance est reconnue sur le plan économique - des migrants dans leur pays d'accueil. Tout au long de ce travail, il apparaîtra comme évident que des données propres à la prise en charge sanitaire pédiatrique des enfants de migrants font actuellement souvent défaut, a fortiori l'application des concepts de compétence sanitaire et d'autonomisation pour cette part de la société. Nous le percevons comme une opportunité de mettre en place les conditions cadres pour combler ce vide. Nous poserons tout d'abord le cadre de ce mémoire au travers de la présentation des concepts de compétence sanitaire et d'autonomisation, en mettant en avant leurs aspects économiques dans les systèmes de santé actuels, en particulier en Suisse. Nous présenterons dans les chapitres 2 et 3 d'une part des données concernant l'état de santé de la population migrante en Suisse et d'autre part la stratégie mise en place au niveau fédéral dans le domaine " migration et santé 2008-2013 ". Le chapitre 4 nous permettra de présenter un "case study" que nous avons intégré à notre travail afin d'apporter des éléments plus concrets aux notions théoriques abordées dans ce mémoire. Nous avons choisi de nous concentrer sur l'Hôpital de l'Enfance de Lausanne (HEL) parce que l'HEL nous semble présenter un cas de structure hospitalière qui fait un effort remarquable de prise en charge médico-psycho-sociale des enfants de migrants. Le chapitre 5, en conclusion, aura pour objectif principal de soutenir que l'inclusion d'une dimension de management/gestion de la santé (représenté ici par l'autonomisation et la compétence sanitaire) introduirait une valeur ajoutée remarquable à l'effort constructif consenti sur le plan médico-social décrit au chapitre précédent. [Auteure, p. 4-5]


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INTRODUCTION: We present the protocol of a large population-based case-control study of 5 common tumors in Spain (MCC-Spain) that evaluates environmental exposures and genetic factors. METHODS: Between 2008-2013, 10,183 persons aged 20-85 years were enrolled in 23 hospitals and primary care centres in 12 Spanish provinces including 1,115 cases of a new diagnosis of prostate cancer, 1,750 of breast cancer, 2,171 of colorectal cancer, 492 of gastro-oesophageal cancer, 554 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and 4,101 population-based controls matched by frequency to cases by age, sex and region of residence. Participation rates ranged from 57% (stomach cancer) to 87% (CLL cases) and from 30% to 77% in controls. Participants completed a face-to-face computerized interview on sociodemographic factors, environmental exposures, occupation, medication, lifestyle, and personal and family medical history. In addition, participants completed a self-administered food-frequency questionnaire and telephone interviews. Blood samples were collected from 76% of participants while saliva samples were collected in CLL cases and participants refusing blood extractions. Clinical information was recorded for cases and paraffin blocks and/or fresh tumor samples are available in most collaborating hospitals. Genotyping was done through an exome array enriched with genetic markers in specific pathways. Multiple analyses are planned to assess the association of environmental, personal and genetic risk factors for each tumor and to identify pleiotropic effects. DISCUSSION: This study, conducted within the Spanish Consortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology & Public Health (CIBERESP), is a unique initiative to evaluate etiological factors for common cancers and will promote cancer research and prevention in Spain.


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The thesis examines the risk-adjusted performance of European small cap equity funds between 2008 and 2013. The performance is measured using several measures including Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Modigliani measure, Jensen alpha, 3-factor alpha and 4-factor alpha. The thesis also addresses the issue of persistence in mutual fund performance. Thirdly, the relationship between the activity of fund managers and fund performance is investigated. The managerial activity is measured using tracking error and R-squared obtained from a 4-factor asset pricing model. The issues are investigated using Spearman rank correlation test, cross-sectional regression analysis and ranked portfolio tests. Monthly return data was provided by Morningstar and consists of 88 mutual funds. Results show that small cap funds earn back a significant amount of their expenses, but on average loose to their benchmark index. The evidence of performance persistence over 12-month time period is weak. Managerial activity is shown to positively contribute to fund performance