955 resultados para Experts
In terms of binary relations the author analyses the task of an individual consumers’ choice on the teaching excerpts set. It is suggested to analyse the function of consumer’s value as additive reduction. For localization of the vector of weighting coefficients of additive reduction the procedures based on metrics of object distance towards the ideal point are suggested.
The system of development unstable processes prediction is given. It is based on a decision-tree method. The processing technique of the expert information is offered. It is indispensable for constructing and processing by a decision-tree method. In particular data is set in the fuzzy form. The original search algorithms of optimal paths of development of the forecast process are described. This one is oriented to processing of trees of large dimension with vector estimations of arcs.
* The work was supported by the RFBR under Grant N07-01-00331a.
* The work was supported by the RFBR under Grants N07-01-00331a, 08-07-00136a
A trial judge serves as gatekeeper in the courtroom to ensure that only reliable expert witness testimony is presented to the jury. Nevertheless, research shows that while judges take seriously their gatekeeper status, legal professionals in general are unable to identify well conducted research and are unable to define falsifiability, error rates, peer review status, and scientific validity (Gatkowski et al., 2001; Kovera & McAuliff, 2000). However, the abilities to identify quality scientific research and define scientific concepts are critical to preventing "junk" science from entering courtrooms. Research thus far has neglected to address that before selecting expert witnesses, judges and attorneys must first evaluate experts' CVs rather than their scientific testimony to determine whether legal standards of admissibility have been met. The quality of expert testimony, therefore, largely depends on the ability to evaluate properly experts' credentials. Theoretical models of decision making suggest that ability/knowledge and motivation are required to process information systematically. Legal professionals (judges and attorneys) were expected to process CVs heuristically when rendering expert witness decisions due to a lack of training in areas of psychology expertise.^ Legal professionals' (N = 150) and undergraduate students' (N = 468) expert witness decisions were examined and compared. Participants were presented with one of two versions of a criminal case calling for the testimony of either a clinical psychology expert or an experimental legal psychology expert. Participants then read one of eight curricula vitae that varied area of expertise (clinical vs. legal psychology), previous expert witness experience (previous experience vs. no previous experience), and scholarly publication record (30 publications vs. no publications) before deciding whether the expert was qualified to testify in the case. Follow-up measures assessed participants' decision making processes.^ Legal professionals were not better than college students at rendering quality psychology expert witness admissibility decisions yet they were significantly more confident in their decisions. Legal professionals rated themselves significantly higher than students in ability, knowledge, and motivation to choose an appropriate psychology expert although their expert witness decisions were equally inadequate. Findings suggest that participants relied on heuristics, such as previous expert witness experience, to render decisions.^
Acknowledgement: The research presented in this paper was conducted as part of the EU FP7 research project PACT (http://www.projectpact.eu), grant agreement number 285635.
The article presents a study of a CEFR B2-level reading subtest that is part of the Slovenian national secondary school leaving examination in English as a foreign language, and compares the test-taker actual performance (objective difficulty) with the test-taker and expert perceptions of item difficulty (subjective difficulty). The study also analyses the test-takers’ comments on item difficulty obtained from a while-reading questionnaire. The results are discussed in the framework of the existing research in the fields of (the assessment of) reading comprehension, and are addressed with regard to their implications for item-writing, FL teaching and curriculum development.
Le thème de cette recherche porte sur des perspectives de stagiaires et d'experts de l'enseignement secondaire sur des situations d'indiscipline. Nous avons d'abord élaboré un contexte théorique. À la lumière de Kounin (1970), Martin (1981), Charles (1981), Charles (1989) et Bournot-Trites (in Safty dir., 1990), nous avons retrouvé une description de huit modèles de discipline. Cependant, le contenu de ces écrits ne fournit pas suffisamment d'information afin de développer le thème de notre recherche. Inspirée par Brophy et Evertson (1976), Moskowitz et Hayman (1976), Saunders (1979), Johnson (1980), Ramsey (1981), Fitzpatrick (1981), Jones et Jones (1981), Me Daniel (1982), Gagné (1985), Melvin (1985), Schloss et Sedlack (1986), Doyle (1986) et Barton et Morrison (1988), nous avons recensé des caractéristiques des maîtres efficaces. Ainsi, la littérature des modèles de discipline et celle des caractéristiques des maîtres efficaces nous ont amenée à définir les objectifs de notre recherche. Cette recherche qualitative exploratoire nous a permis d'interviewer des participants, c'est-à-dire des stagiaires et des maîtres experts de différentes écoles secondaires. Dans un premier temps, nous avons construit notre instrument de recherche qui se définit par des mises en situation (trois situations d'indiscipline) accompagné d'un questionnaire. Cet instrument fut pré-expérimenté dans le but d'en vérifier la validité. Par la suite, cet instrument fut présenté aux participants de notre recherche. Il s'agit principalement de trois stagiaires et de trois maîtres experts. Le contenu des entrevues des participants nous a permis de concevoir un modèle d'analyse appelé un discipli-cube. Ce modèle tridimensionnel comporte des composantes (savoir, savoir-être, savoir-faire), des moments (avant, pendant, après ou indéterminé) et des situations d'indiscipline. C'est donc à partir du discipli-cube que nous avons classé les données des participants. Finalement, les résultats de cette recherche nous conduisent à prétendre que, face à une situation d'indiscipline, les stagiaires interviennent en ayant plutôt recours à leur savoir (connaissances) et avec l'intention de sévir vis-à-vis l'élève ou le groupe alors que les maîtres experts interviennent en se référant davantage au savoir-faire dans le but de fournir de l'aide à l'élève ou au groupe. Ils s'interrogent et prennent le temps de considérer globalement la situation problématique ce qu'omettent de faire les stagiaires. Cette recherche comporte des limites parce que la nature de cette recherche et en particulier la situation de simulation ne permettent pas d'inférer les résultats aux situations d'enseignement réelles.
This paper explores, both with empirical data and with computer simulations, the extent to which modularity characterises experts' knowledge. We discuss a replication of Chase and Simon's (1973) classic method of identifying 'chunks', i.e., perceptual patterns stored in memory and used as units. This method uses data about the placement of pairs of items in a memory task and consists of comparing latencies between these items and the number and type of relations they share. We then compare the human data with simulations carried out with CHREST, a computer model of perception and memory. We show that the model, based upon the acquisition of a large number of chunks, accounts for the human data well. This is taken as evidence that human knowledge is organised in a modular fashion.
Smartphones are increasingly playing a role in healthcare and previous studies assessing medical applications (apps) have raised concerns about lack of expert involvement and low content accuracy. However, there are no such studies in Urology. We reviewed Urology apps with the aim of assessing the level of participation of healthcare professionals (HCP) and scientific Urology associations in their development.
Background: The latest national census reports the population of Iranian children (1 - 8 years old) about 11 millions. On the other hand, the latest population policies approved by supreme cultural revolution council (SCRC) will make this population increase faster. Childhood development is one of the social determinants of health, of which “child’s play” is a part. Objectives: This study is an effort to identify difficulties and challenges of the plays influential on Iranian children’s health nationwide, in order to present enhancive strategies by utilizing the views of stakeholders and national studies. Patients and Methods: Analyzing children’s play stakeholders, main organizations were identified and views of 13 informed people involved in the field were investigated through deep semi-structured interview. A denaturalized approach was employed in analyzing the data. In addition to descriptions of the state, interventions development, and designing the conceptual model, national reports and studies, and other countries’ experiences were also reviewed. Results: Society’s little knowledge of “children’s plays”, absence of administrators for children’s play, shortage of public facilities for children’s play and improper geographical and demographic availability, absence of policies for Iranian “toy”, and little attention of media to the issue are the five major problems as stated by interviewees. Conclusions: The proposed interventions are presented as “promoting the educational levels of parents and selected administrators for children’s play”, “approving the play and toy policy for Iran 2025”, and “increasing public facilities for children’s play with defined distribution and availability”.
Étude de cas / Case study
Les modèles d'enseignement sur les aspects pédagogiques portant sur la pratique sportive servent de base à l'élaboration de cette étude. Ces modèles renvoient au type d'approche et d'intervention des enseignants en ce qui concerne l’enseignement des jeux sportifs collectifs d’invasion (ci-après JSC), selon l'expertise. 8 professeurs d'éducation physique ont fait partie de cette étude, dont 4 experts et 4 débutants, sur un total de 16 cours observés. Les données statistiques ont été analysées en utilisant le logiciel IBM SPSS. L'analyse des résultats a démontré que les professeurs experts tendent à utiliser de plus amples espaces, et tendent, par défaut, à recourir au jeu formel, au détriment des jeux réduits ou conditionnés, plus couramment utilisés par le groupe d'enseignants débutants. Quant au niveau de feedback proposé, nous avons pu détecter quelques différences. Les enseignants débutants procèdent davantage à des feedbacks descriptifs, alors que le groupe d'experts opte plutôt pour des feedbacks prescriptifs.