776 resultados para Ethical funds
Il y a plusieurs manières de classer les fonds mutuels éthiques. L'une d'elles est de porter l'emphase sur le genre de croyances organisationnelles que nous pouvons retrouver dans ces fonds. Il y a des fonds mutuels éthiques dans lesquels nous pouvons identifier des croyances à orientation financière qui tentent d'expliquer ou de justifier les choix faits par les gestionnaires de ces fonds. Certains autres fonds mutuels éthiques sont plutôt caractérisés par leurs croyances à orientation sociale qui justifient leurs critères sociaux. Dans certains cas, les fonds mutuels éthiques ont les deux genres de croyances. Nous avons analysé ici trois fonds mutuels éthiques (Parnassus Equity Income Fund, Calvert Social Investment Fund Portfolio", "Domini Social Equity Fund") afin de voir si les fonds mutuels éthiques ayant des croyances à orientation financière et/ou sociale auraient une meilleure performance financière que le S & P 500. Nous avons trouvé que le fonds ayant la meilleure performance financière par rapport au S & P 500 était un fonds mutuel éthique ayant des croyances à orientation financière. Les deux autres fonds ayant des croyances à orientation sociale avaient une performance financière plus basse par rapport au S & P 500.
This article represents a prime example of applied ethics in public health policy development. The article provides guidance on the development of food allergy policies for child care settings based on core ethical principles in bioethics and public health ethics.
A current advance within the agricultural industry is the use of genetic engineering to produce novel crops for food production. This technology raises questions about how societies should position themselves with respect to genetically modified (GM) crop development and implementation; namely, how should the potentials and risks of this technology be evaluated? We argue that current methods to evaluate the risks and benefits of GM crops are inadequate and not conducive to the strategic development of this technology, where a way to ameliorate technology assessments for GM crops is to include farmers in the research process of evaluating these crops prior to their commercialization. However, particularities concerning the ethical status of such research require special consideration and vigilance. For example, in such technology assessment initiatives, farmers would occupy both the roles of research participant and research investigator. Other particularities surface due to factors related to the nature of GM crops. These particularities are examined with reference to concepts drawn from the field of research ethics, namely informed consent, compensatory decisions, and issues of participant inclusion/exclusion.
Nutrigenomics covers disparate fields of nutrition science and has been defined in many different ways. In fact, this emerging field of science has multiple facets, many of which do not generate the same ethical issues. In particular, different ethical issues emerge concerning the extent to which nutrigenomics may actually improve global health, i.e., in terms of worldwide improvement of health, reduction of disparities, and protection against global threats that disregard national borders. Nutrigenomics raises many hopes and expectations on that score. However it remains unclear and controversial whether nutrigenomics studies and their actual or potential applications will actually benefit developing countries and their populations. Different forces may drive the choice of research priorities and shape the claims that are made when communicating the goals or the results of nutrigenomics studies and applications. This article proposes to assess expectations and claims in nutrigenomics, with respect to their respective potential impact on global health and the ethical issues they raise. Nutrigenomics is and should be more than premature claims and much debated promises about personalized nutritional interventions on individuals. Beyond questionable commercial claims, nutrigenomics is also knowledge about and recognition of the considerable impacts of underfeeding and malnutrition on the genome (and epigenome) integrity and stability. As such, nutrigenomics research is a valuable opportunity to revive and give strength to the debate about the unacceptable consequences of hunger and malnutrition worldwide, and to support a newly and potentially significant convergence in research priorities that could benefit both developed and developing countries.
This is a preprint of an article published in HEC Forum, 2010 22(4): 311-26. URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/jj08821k513u5747/
L’approche des capabilités a été caractérisée par un développement fulgurant au cours des vingt-cinq dernières années. Bien que formulée à l’origine par Amartya Sen, détenteur du Prix Nobel en économie, Martha Nussbaum reprit cette approche dans le but de s’en servir comme fondation pour une théorie éthico-politique intégrale du bien. Cependant, la version de Nussbaum s’avéra particulièrement vulnérable à plusieurs critiques importantes, mettant sérieusement en doute son efficacité globale. À la lumière de ces faits, cette thèse vise à évaluer la pertinence théorique et pratique de l’approche des capabilités de Nussbaum, en examinant trois groupes de critiques particulièrement percutantes formulées à son encontre.
Background/Aims: There are compelling reasons to ensure participation of ethnic minorities and populations of all ages worldwide in nutrigenetics clinical research. If findings in such research are valid for some individuals, groups, or communities, and not for others, then ethical questions of justice – and not only issues of methodology and external validity – arise. This paper aims to examine inclusion in nutrigenetics clinical research and its scientific and ethical challenges. Methods: 173 publications were identified through a systematic review of clinical studies in nutrigenetics published between 1998 and 2007 inclusively. Data such as participants' demographics as well as eligibility criteria were extracted. Results: There is no consistency in the way participants’ origins (ancestry, ethnicity or race) and ages are described in publications. A vast majority of the studies identified was conducted in North America and Europe and focused on “white” participants. Our results show that pregnant women (and fetuses), minors and the elderly (≥75 years old) remain underrepresented. Conclusion: Representativeness in nutrigenetics research is a challenging ethical and scientific issue. Yet, if nutrigenetics is to benefit whole populations and be used in public and global health agendas, fair representation, as well as clear descriptions of participants in publications are crucial.
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Compte-rendu / Review