330 resultados para Espectrofotometria


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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One of the most primal ways of human work already known is the tessellation and ginning for the production of fabric and clothing - what used to be, back in those days, statement of power and status. The arrival of the Industrial Revolution - in the middle of the XVIII century at Britain - increased the textile industry production, and what used to be manufactured and hard to obtain, starts then to be produced in mechanical ways and large-scale. Despite all the boost given to the economy of an expanding capitalist market, it should be pointed out the consequences of this major industrialization, especially the environmental ones, more and more concerning nowadays. The emissions of waste - that sometimes could be toxic - in effluents can possibly contaminate the aquatic ecosystems, causing a huge damage to its fauna and flora, affecting therefore all the biodiversity, reaching inclusively the humans. To avoid these problems, a few strategies have been taking place in the attempt to eliminate - or at least reduce - the amount of dye found in the effluents, and as the textile industry constantly leaves waste, efficient methods - that present good results in a short period of time - with a low cost are needed. The present study will test the bioremoval capacity of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in contact with dyes in a fix concentration, diluted in water with three different pH values. The tests will be done duplicate, and after the concentration analyses - made by spectrophotometry - it will be analyzed which pH shows major efficiency in the dye removal and what is the influence of the biomass in this process


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A modificação de nanopartículas de óxido de ferro tem sido motivo de diversos estudos devido ao grande potencial em aplicações tecnológicas, em especial a área biomédica, pela aliança das propriedades magnéticas dos óxidos com a funcionalidade que a dextrana confere a esse material. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo sintetizar e caracterizar o sistema óxido de ferro/dextranas. O óxido de ferro foi obtido pela reação de co-precipitação de sais de ferro (II) e ferro (III) - na razão molar 1:2 - com hidróxido de sódio e a modificação das partículas magnéticas se deu por dois métodos: (I) a co-precipitação na presença de dextrana e carboximetil dextrana e (II) a co-precipitação seguida da modificação. Para modificação proposta pelo método (II) se fez necessário enxertar a dextrana em ácido acrílico, utilizando o íon Ce(IV) como iniciador da reação de polimerização. Nessa etapa se averiguou a concentração de iniciador ótima para a síntese e, através da técnica de espectroscopia de infravermelho, se pode confirmar a eficiência do enxerto. A concentração 0,3% de íon Ce(IV) apresentou melhor distribuição de tamanho, obtidos por análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espalhamento de luz dinâmico, sendo escolhida para síntese junto a partícula magnética. A difratometria de raio X permitiu determinar a formação de estrutura cristalina da magnetita e maghemita, que são muito parecidas entre si, porém os espectros de infravermelho apontaram desdobramentos da ligação Fe - O característica da maghemita. A relação Fe2+/ Fe3+ obtida por espectrofotometria também resultou em oxidação. A estabilidade coloidal dos sistemas foi avaliada através de medidas de potencial zeta. A modificação da partícula magnética com carboximetil dextrana foi equivalente para os dois métodos empregados, entretanto a modificação com ...


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Introduction: Several reasons may lead to the failure of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using DNA purified from paraffin-embedded materials: presence of inhibitors and degradation of target DNA. DNA dilution will often reduce the concentration of potential inhibitors and still contain enough DNA to allow PCR amplification. Objective: To evaluate the dilution influence of DNA purified from paraffin-embedded materials on β-globin PCR amplification. Material and Method: Paraffin-embedded blocks from 30 patients with oropharynx squamous cell carcinomas, diagnosed and treated at the Oral Oncology Center were selected. DNA extraction was performed using QIAmp minikit (Quiagen). DNA was quantified and evaluated for purity by spectrophotometer analysis. Two groups were formed with different amounts of DNA: group I had the originally extracted DNA and group II had the same DNA, however diluted with ultrapure water addition. PCR was performed in both groups using oligonucleotides for human β-globin gene. Results: For Group I, amplification of the β-globin gene sequence was successful in 33.33% of the samples and for Group II, in 23.33%. Conclusion: Dilution of the DNA extracted of paraffin-embedded materials did not modify statistically the amount of positive samples β-globin gene amplified in PCR, although the results suggest that this is a way to increase the method for efficacy amplification of PCR.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the chromatic behavior of esthetic brackets stored in potentially staining solutions. The sample were divided into four groups according to the commercial brand and stored in four different solutions (distilled water, cola soda, coffee and mouthrinse) at 37°C for 14 days. Possible color changes measured according to the CIE L*a*b* color system with a spectrophotometer at five intervals of time after storage. The statistical analysis was carried out using ANOVA to 1%, Tukey's tests and decomposition of interactions with a significance level of 5%.The color changes were dependent on the solution, storage time and the brand of brackets. The largest color changes were observed in the G3, followed by G2, G1/G4. The esthetic brackets do not present satisfactory and stable chromatic behavior.


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The objective was to evaluate the effect of thermocycling on the color variation of three different composite resins . We studied was Resin Enamel on 3 levels : ( Esthetic X , Opallis and Venus ) ; Resin Dentin in three levels : ( Esthetic X , Opallis and Venus ) and Thermocycling on level 1 : ( 3,000 cycles ) ; variable was the change of color gauged by spectrophotometry . 60 specimens , subdivided into 6 groups were made : GI - Esthetic X Enamel ; GII - Esthetic X dentin ; GIII - Opallis Enamel ; GIV - Opallis dentin ; GV - Enamel and GVI Venus - Venus dentin . The specimens were prepared with a matrix to standardize samples . The inserts of incrementally resins and polymerized with a halogen light Ultralux unit ( Dabi Atlante , Brazil ) with a power of 450mW / cm ² . After fabrication , underwent color reading with a UV Visible Spectrophotometer reflection , UV -2450 ( Shimadzu , Kyoto , Japan ) , with the changes calculated by the system CIE L * a * b * . Then isolates were stored in artificial saliva at 35 ° C ± 2 ° C during 3 months containers being subjected to the effects of thermal cycling for 3000 cycles over the range of 5C to 55C . Again subjected to chromatic evaluation. For the analysis of the results of color change of the studied resins was applied ANOVA two factors at 5 % . The results showed a statistically equal resins enamel GI and GV ( p = 0.79 ) ; the same was not observed for GI and G III resins , where the color change was higher for resin G III ( p = 0.0000002 ) . The same was observed between G III and GV , where the resin enamel G III showed a statistically superior to the color change ( p = 0.0000005 ) Average . Resins to dentin was there a statistical equality between the materials studied . We conclude that the resins studied change in color and resin enamel G III was the most suffered major color changes after aging by thermocycling .


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Sodium cyclamate contents in the widely consumed low calorie soft drinks were determined. Low calorie soft drinks made from cola, guarana, orange, lemon and grape were analyzed following the technique described by Sjörberg and Alanko (1987), with some modifications. The methodology recovery assays were carried out at three spiked levels, and the average recovery of 92.5% and 110.3% were found in cola and guarana, respectively; and the relative standard deviation was of 3.7%. The average sodium cyclamate contents ranged from 27.1 ± 1.1 (cola A) to 127.3 ± 1.5 mg.100 mL-1 (lemon B), indicating that the acceptable daily intake of the sweetener can be easily exceeded after drinking low calorie beverages. All of the analyzed low calorie soft drinks showed sodium cyclamate contents higher than those stated on the label, ranging from 12.9% (cola A) to 19.0% (lemon B). Among 18 low calorie soft drinks analyzed, only four showed the average sodium cyclamate contents in accordance with the maximum limit permitted by Brazilian legislation, that is 40 mg.100 mL-1 of beverage; and in other samples the sweetener exceeded ranging from 74.8% (orange) to 218.3% (lemon B) above of the limit permitted.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Brazilian textile industry has been a highlight in the global economy. Connected with this high economic performance there is the water consumption and the generation of great volumes of wastewater which present high concentrations of dyes and chemical substances. One of the main techniques used in the treatment of textile effluents is adsorption, which has the activated carbon as the main adsorbent. Recently, studies have been developed to find alternative materials to activated carbon and exhibiting good adsorption capacity of dyes. The aim of this work is to study the potential of sawdust as adsorbent of low cost to remove the dye Direct Green 26. The results of this type of dye removal were obtained through the study of adsorption isotherms obtained by spectrophotometry in the UV-visible region analyzed by the Langmuir model. Finally, a comparison was made of these results with those of other adsorbents. Results showed that the average removal of dye, using sawdust, was 78.8% for an initial concentration of 500mg / L and the maximum adsorption capacity of 119mg / g. These results demonstrate the great potential of sawdust as an adsorbent for the dye Direct Green 26.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)