999 resultados para Enzyme Tests
With the objective of better understanding the significance of New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) tests conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), head-on collisions between two identical cars of different sizes and between cars and a pickup truck are studied in the present paper using LS-DYNA models. Available finite element models of a compact car (Dodge Neon), midsize car (Dodge Intrepid), and pickup truck (Chevrolet C1500) are first improved and validated by comparing theanalysis-based vehicle deceleration pulses against corresponding NCAP crash test histories reported by NHTSA. In confirmation of prevalent perception, simulation-bascd results indicate that an NCAP test against a rigid barrier is a good representation of a collision between two similar cars approaching each other at a speed of 56.3 kmph (35 mph) both in terms of peak deceleration and intrusions. However, analyses carried out for collisions between two incompatible vehicles, such as an Intrepid or Neon against a C1500, point to the inability of the NCAP tests in representing the substantially higher intrusions in the front upper regions experienced by the cars, although peak decelerations in cars arc comparable to those observed in NCAP tests. In an attempt to improve the capability of a front NCAP test to better represent real-world crashes between incompatible vehicles, i.e., ones with contrasting ride height and lower body stiffness, two modified rigid barriers are studied. One of these barriers, which is of stepped geometry with a curved front face, leads to significantly improved correlation of intrusions in the upper regions of cars with respect to those yielded in the simulation of collisions between incompatible vehicles, together with the yielding of similar vehicle peak decelerations obtained in NCAP tests.
Many economic events involve initial observations that substantially deviate from long-run steady state. Initial conditions of this type have been found to impact diversely on the power of univariate unit root tests, whereas the impact on multivariate tests is largely unknown. This paper investigates the impact of the initial condition on tests for cointegration rank. We compare the local power of the widely used likelihood ratio (LR) test with the local power of a test based on the eigenvalues of the companion matrix. We find that the power of the LR test is increasing in the magnitude of the initial condition, whereas the power of the other test is decreasing. The behaviour of the tests is investigated in an application to price convergence.
General relativity has very specific predictions for the gravitational waveforms from inspiralling compact binaries obtained using the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation. We investigate the extent to which the measurement of the PN coefficients, possible with the second generation gravitational-wave detectors such as the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the third generation gravitational-wave detectors such as the Einstein Telescope (ET), could be used to test post-Newtonian theory and to put bounds on a subclass of parametrized-post-Einstein theories which differ from general relativity in a parametrized sense. We demonstrate this possibility by employing the best inspiralling waveform model for nonspinning compact binaries which is 3.5PN accurate in phase and 3PN in amplitude. Within the class of theories considered, Advanced LIGO can test the theory at 1.5PN and thus the leading tail term. Future observations of stellar mass black hole binaries by ET can test the consistency between the various PN coefficients in the gravitational-wave phasing over the mass range of 11-44M(circle dot). The choice of the lower frequency cutoff is important for testing post-Newtonian theory using the ET. The bias in the test arising from the assumption of nonspinning binaries is indicated.
Adenylosuccinate synthetase catalyzes a reversible reaction utilizing IMP, GTP and aspartate in the presence of Mg2+ to form adenylosuccinate, GDP and inorganic phosphate. Comparison of similarly liganded complexes of Plasmodium falciparum, mouse and Escherichia coil AdSS reveals H-bonding interactions involving nonconserved catalytic loop residues (Asn429, Lys62 and Thr307) that are unique to the parasite enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to examine the role of these interactions in catalysis and structural organization of P. falciparum adenylosuccinate synthetase (PfAdSS). Mutation of Asn429 to Val, Lys62 to Leu and Thr307 to Val resulted in an increase in K-m values for IMP, GTP and aspartate, respectively along with a 5 fold drop in the k(cat) value for N429V mutant suggesting the role of these residues in ligand binding and/or catalysis. We have earlier shown that the glycolytic intermediate, fructose 1,6 bisphosphate, which is an inhibitor of mammalian AdSS is an activator of the parasite enzyme. Enzyme kinetics along with molecular docking suggests a mechanism for activation wherein F16BP seems to be binding to the Asp loop and inducing a conformation that facilitates aspartate binding to the enzyme active site. Like in other AdSS, a conserved arginine residue (Arg155) is involved in dimer crosstalk and interacts with IMP in the active site of the symmetry related subunit of PfAdSS. We also report on the iochemical characterization of the arginine mutants (R155L, R155K and R155A) which suggests that unlike in E. coil AdSS, Arg155 in PfAdSS influences both ligand binding and catalysis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Perunalla (Solanum tuberosum L.) tällä hetkellä maailmanlaajuisesti eniten sato- ja laatutappioita aiheuttaa perunan Y-virus (PVY). Vaikka pelkän Y-viruksen aiheuttamaa satotappiota on vaikea mitata, on sen arvioitu olevan 20-80 %. Viruksen tärkein leviämistapa on viroottinen siemenperuna. Korkealaatuinen siemenperuna on edellytys ruoka-, ruokateollisuus- ja tärkkelysperunan tuotannolle. Kasvuston silmämääräinen tarkastelu aliarvioi yleensä Y-viruksen esiintyvyyttä. Laboratoriotestauksen avulla saadaan tarkempi tieto pellolta korjatun sadon saastunta-asteesta. Ongelmana Y-viruksen testaamisessa on, että sitä ei havaita dormanssissa olevista perunoista otetuista näytteistä yhtä luotettavasti kuin jo dormanssin ohittaneista perunoista testattaessa. Erilaisia menetelmiä kemikaaleista (Rindite, bromietaani) kasvihormoneihin (mm. gibberelliinihappo) ja varastointiolosuhteiden muutoksiin (kylmä- ja lämpökäsittely) on kokeiltu perunan dormanssin purkamiseen, mutta tulokset ovat olleet vaihtelevia. Tässä tutkielmassa perunan dormanssin purkamiseen käytettiin happi-hiilidioksidikäsittelyä (O2 40 % ja CO2 20 %) eripituisina käsittelyaikoina. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, vaikuttaako käsittely perunan itämiseen ja dormanssin luontaista aikaisempaan purkautumiseen tai Y-viruksen havaitsemiseen. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää, voiko Y-viruksen määrittämisen ELISA-testillä (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) tehdä yhtä luotettavasti myös muista kasvinosista (mukula, itu), kuin tällä hetkellä yleisesti käytetystä perunan lehdestä. Idätyskäsittelyn vaikutuksista dormanssin purkautumiseen saatiin vaihtelevia, eikä kovinkaan yleistettäviä tuloksia. Käsittelyn ei myöskään havaittu vaikuttavan PYY-viroottisuuden havaitsemiseen eri näytemateriaaleilla testattaessa. Kun eri kasvinosien toimivuutta testissä vertailtiin, mukulamateriaalin todettiin aliarvioivan PVY-viroottisuutta kaikissa kokeissa. Myös itumateriaali aliarvioi pääsääntöisesti PVY-viroottisuutta ELISA:lla tehdyissä määrityksissä. Luotettavin testimateriaali oli perunan lehti.
Amino acid sequences of proteinaceous proteinase inhibitors have been extensively analysed for deriving information regarding the molecular evolution and functional relationship of these proteins. These sequences have been grouped into several well defined families. It was found that the phylogeny constructed with the sequences corresponding to the exposed loop responsible for inhibition has several branches that resemble those obtained from comparisons using the entire sequence. The major branches of the unrooted tree corresponded to the families to which the inhibitors belonged. Further branching is related to the enzyme specificity of the inhibitor. Examination of the active site loop sequences of trypsin inhibitors revealed that there are strong preferences for specific amino acids at different positions of the loop. These preferences are inhibitor class specific. Inhibitors active against more than one enzyme occur within a class and confirm to class specific sequence in their loops. Hence, only a few positions in the loop seem to determine the specificity. The ability to inhibit the same enzyme by inhibitors that belong to different classes appears to be a result of convergent evolution
Serine hydroxymethyltransferase from mammalian and bacterial sources is a pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-containing enzyme, but the requirement of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate for the activity of the enzyme from plant sources is not clear. The specific activity of serine hydroxymethyltransferase isolated from mung bean (Vigna radiata) seedlings in the presence and absence of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate was comparable at every step of the purification procedure. The mung bean enzyme did not show the characteristic visible absorbance spectrum of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate protein. Unlike the enzymes from sheep, monkey, and human liver, which were converted to the apoenzyme upon treatment with L-cysteine and dialysis, the mung bean enzyme similarly treated was fully active. Additional evidence in support of the suggestion that pyridoxal-5'-phosphate may not be required for the mung bean enzyme was the observation that pencillamine, a well-known inhibitor of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate enzymes, did not perturb the enzyme spectrum or inhibit the activity of mung bean serine hydroxymethyltransferase. The sheep liver enzyme upon interaction with O-amino-D-serine gave a fluorescence spectrum with an emission maximum at 455 nm when excited at 360 nm. A 100-fold higher concentration of mung bean enzyme-O-amino-D-serine complex did not yield a fluorescence spectrum. The following observations suggest that pyridoxal-5'-phosphate normally present as a coenzyme in serine hydroxymethyltransferase was probably replaced in mung bean serine hydroxymethyltransferase by a covalently bound carbonyl group: (a) inhibiton by phenylhydrazine and hydroxylamine, which could not be reversed by dialysis and or addition of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate; (b) irreversible inactivation by sodium borohydride; (c) a spectrum characteristic of a phenylhydrazone upon interaction with phenylhydrazine; and (d) the covalent labeling of the enzyme with substrate/product serine and glycine upon reduction with sodium borohydride. These results indicate that in mung bean serine hydroxymethyltransferase, a covalently bound carbonyl group has probably replaced the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate that is present in the mammalian and bacterial enzymes.
A simple and rapid affinity chromatographic method for the isolation of aspartate transcarbamylase from germinated seedlings of mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) was developed. A partially purified preparation of the enzyme was chromatographed on an affinity column containing aspartate linked to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B. Aspartate transcarbamylase was specifically eluted from the column with 10 mImage aspartate or 0.5 Image KCl. The enzyme migrated as a single sharp band during disc electrophoresis at pH 8.6 on polyacrylamide gels. Electrophoresis of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-treated enzyme showed two distinct protein bands, suggesting that the mung bean aspartate transcarbamylase was made up of nonidentical subunits. Like the enzyme purified by conventional procedures, this enzyme preparation also exhibited positive homotropic interactions with carbamyl phosphate and negative heterotropic interactions with UMP. This method was extended to the purification of aspartate transcarbamylase from Lathyrus sativus, Eleucine coracona, and Trigonella foenum graecum.