974 resultados para England and Wales. Court of Chancery.
The Clerk of Court’s Office publishes the South Carolina Advance Sheets that contain the published opinions and orders of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, along with notices, rule changes and other documents of general interest
The Clerk of Court’s Office publishes the South Carolina Advance Sheets that contain the published opinions and orders of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, along with notices, rule changes and other documents of general interest
The Clerk of Court’s Office publishes the South Carolina Advance Sheets that contain the published opinions and orders of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, along with notices, rule changes and other documents of general interest
The Clerk of Court’s Office publishes the South Carolina Advance Sheets that contain the published opinions and orders of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, along with notices, rule changes and other documents of general interest
The Clerk of Court’s Office publishes the South Carolina Advance Sheets that contain the published opinions and orders of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, along with notices, rule changes and other documents of general interest
The Clerk of Court’s Office publishes the South Carolina Advance Sheets that contain the published opinions and orders of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, along with notices, rule changes and other documents of general interest
The Clerk of Court’s Office publishes the South Carolina Advance Sheets that contain the published opinions and orders of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, along with notices, rule changes and other documents of general interest
The Clerk of Court’s Office publishes the South Carolina Advance Sheets that contain the published opinions and orders of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, along with notices, rule changes and other documents of general interest
The Clerk of Court’s Office publishes the South Carolina Advance Sheets that contain the published opinions and orders of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, along with notices, rule changes and other documents of general interest
[From the Introduction]. European lawyers, at least those dealing predominantly with institutional matters, are living particularly interesting times since the setting-up of the “European Convention on the Future of Europe” in December 2001.1 As the Convention’s mandate, spelled out in rather broad terms in the European Council’s declaration of Laeken,2 is potentially unlimited, and as the future constitution of the European Union (EU) will be ultimately adopted by the subsequent Intergovernmental Conference (IGC), there appears to be a great possibility to clarify, to simplify and also to reform many of the more controversial elements in the European legal construction. The present debate on the future of the European constitution also highlights the relationship between the pouvoir constituant3 and the European Courts, the Court of Justice (ECJ) and its Court of First Instance (CFI), who have to interpret the basic rules and principles of the EU.4 In that light, the present article will focus on a classic theme of the Court’s case law: the relationship between judges and pouvoir constituant. In the EU, this relationship has traditionally been marked by the ECJ’s role as driving force in the “constitutionalisation” of the EC Treaties – which has, to a large extent, been accepted and even codified by the Member States in subsequent treaty revisions. However, since 1994, the ECJ appears to be more reluctant to act as a “law-maker.”5 The recent judgment in Unión de Pequeños Agricultores (UPA)6 – an important decision by which the ECJ refused to liberalize individuals’ access to the Community Courts – is also interesting in this context. UPA may be seen as another proof of judicial restraint - or even as indicator of the beginning of a new phase in the “constitutional dialogue” between the ECJ and the “Masters of the Treaties.”
"New York. Court of Appeals; New Jersey. Supreme Court. Court of Errors and Appeals, Court of Chancery and Prerogative Court; Pennsylvania. Supreme Court; Delaware. Superior Court, Court of Errors and Appeals and Court of Chancery; Maryland. Court of Appeals; District of Columbia. Supreme Court. From September, 1885."
This paper considers the impact of new media on freedom of expression and media freedom within the context of the European Convention on Human Rights and European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence. Through comparative analysis of US jurisprudence and scholarship, this paper deals with the following three issues. First, it explores the traditional purpose of the media, and how media freedom, as opposed to freedom of expression, has been subject to privileged protection, within an ECHR context at least. Secondly, it considers the emergence of new media, and how it can be differentiated from the traditional media. Finally, it analyses the philosophical justifications for freedom of expression, and how they enable a workable definition of the media based upon the concept of the media-as-a-constitutional-component.
Imprint varies: v. 2-3, Frankfort, (Ken.) Printed for William Hunter, by Johnston & Pleasants. 1810-1811.--v. 4, Frankfort, (Ken.) Printed for William Hunter, by Robert Johnston. 1814.--v. 5, Frankfort, (Ken.) Printed for Butler & Wood. 1819.
Pagination erratic. Page numbers 37-52 repeated and page numbers 199-212 omitted. Text is complete.