990 resultados para Energy scenario
The role of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) in nitrogen and energy budgets was investigated for the giant clam, Tridacna maxima, growing under field conditions at One Tree Island, at the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Giant clams (121.5-143.7 mm in shell length) took up neutral, acidic and basic amino acids. The rates of net uptake of DFAA did not differ between light and dark, nor for clams growing under normal or slightly enriched ammonium concentrations. Calculations based on the net uptake concentrations typical of the maximum concentrations of DFAA found in coral reef waters (similar to 0.1 mu M)revealed that DFAA could only contribute 0.1% and 1% of the energy and nitrogen demands of giant clams, respectively. These results suggest that DFAA does not supply significant amounts of energy or nitrogen for giant clams or their symbionts.
OBJECTIVE: To use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to validate estimates of muscle and adipose tissue (AT) in lower limb sections obtained by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) modelling. DESIGN: MRI measurements were used as reference for validating limb muscle and AT estimates obtained by DXA models that assume fat-free soft tissue (FFST) comprised mainly muscle: model A accounted for bone hydration only; model B also applied constants for FFST in bone and skin and fat in muscle and AT; model C was as model B but allowing for variable fat in muscle and AT. SUBJECTS: Healthy men (n = 8) and women (n = 8), ages 41 - 62 y; mean (s.d.) body mass indices (BMIs) of 28.6 (5.4) kg/m(2) and 25.1 (5.4) kg/m2, respectively. MEASUREMENTS: MRI scans of the legs and whole body DXA scans were analysed for muscle and AT content of thigh (20 cm) and lower leg (10 cm) sections; 24 h creatinine excretion was measured. RESULTS: Model A overestimated thigh muscle volume (MRI mean, 2.3 l) substantially (bias 0.36 l), whereas model B underestimated it by only 2% (bias 0.045 l). Lower leg muscle (MRI mean, 0.6 l) was better predicted using model A (bias 0.04 l, 7% overestimate) than model B (bias 0.1 l, 17% underestimate). The 95% limits of agreement were high for these models (thigh,+/- 20%; lower leg,+/- 47%). Model C predictions were more discrepant than those of model B. There was generally less agreement between MRI and all DXA models for AT. Measurement variability was generally less for DXA measurements of FFST (coefficient of variation 0.7 - 1.8%) and fat (0.8 - 3.3%) than model B estimates of muscle (0.5-2.6%) and AT (3.3 - 6.8%), respectively. Despite strong relationships between them, muscle mass was overestimated by creatinine excretion with highly variable predictability. CONCLUSION: This study has shown the value of DXA models for assessment of muscle and AT in leg sections, but suggests the need to re-evaluate some of the assumptions upon which they are based.
The present paper proposes an approach to obtaining the activation energy distribution for chemisorption of oxygen onto carbon surfaces, while simultaneously allowing for the activation energy dependence of the pre-exponential factor of the rate constant. Prior studies in this area have considered this factor to be uniform, thereby biasing estimated distributions. The results show that the derived activation energy distribution is not sensitive to the chemisorption mechanism because of the step function like property of the coverage. The activation energy distribution is essentially uniform for some carbons, and has two or possibly more discrete stages, suggestive of at least two types of sites, each with its own uniform distribution. The pre-exponential factors of the reactions are determined directly from the experimental data, and are found not to be constant as assumed in earlier work, but correlated with the activation energy. The latter results empirically follow an exponential function, supporting some earlier statistical and experimental work. The activation energy distribution obtained in the present paper permits improved correlation of chemisorption data in comparison to earlier studies. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The evolution of event time and size statistics in two heterogeneous cellular automaton models of earthquake behavior are studied and compared to the evolution of these quantities during observed periods of accelerating seismic energy release Drier to large earthquakes. The two automata have different nearest neighbor laws, one of which produces self-organized critical (SOC) behavior (PSD model) and the other which produces quasi-periodic large events (crack model). In the PSD model periods of accelerating energy release before large events are rare. In the crack model, many large events are preceded by periods of accelerating energy release. When compared to randomized event catalogs, accelerating energy release before large events occurs more often than random in the crack model but less often than random in the PSD model; it is easier to tell the crack and PSD model results apart from each other than to tell either model apart from a random catalog. The evolution of event sizes during the accelerating energy release sequences in all models is compared to that of observed sequences. The accelerating energy release sequences in the crack model consist of an increase in the rate of events of all sizes, consistent with observations from a small number of natural cases, however inconsistent with a larger number of cases in which there is an increase in the rate of only moderate-sized events. On average, no increase in the rate of events of any size is seen before large events in the PSD model.
This work addresses the question of whether it is possible to define simple pairwise interaction terms to approximate free energies of proteins or polymers. Rather than ask how reliable a potential of mean force is, one can ask how reliable it could possibly be. In a two-dimensional, infinite lattice model system one can calculate exact free energies by exhaustive enumeration. A series of approximations were fitted to exact results to assess the feasibility and utility of pairwise free energy terms. Approximating the true free energy with pairwise interactions gives a poor fit with little transferability between systems of different size. Adding extra artificial terms to the approximation yields better fits, but does not improve the ability to generalize from one system size to another. Furthermore, one cannot distinguish folding from nonfolding sequences via the approximated free energies. Most usefully, the methodology shows how one can assess the utility of various terms in lattice protein/polymer models. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
We derive a general thermo-mechanical theory for particulate materials consisting of granules of arbitrary whose material points possess three translational and three independent rotational degrees of freedom. Additional field variables are the translational and rotational granular temperatures, the kinetic energies shape and size. The kinematics of granulate is described within the framework of a polar continuum theory of the velocity and spin fluctuations respectively and the usual thermodynamic temperature. We distinguish between averages over particle categories (averages in mass/velocity and moment of inertia/spin space, respectively) and particle phases where the average extends over distinct subsets of particle categories (multi phase flows). The relationship between the thermal energy in the granular system and phonon energy in a molecular system is briefly discussed in the main body of the paper and discussed in detail in the Appendix A. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Estimating energy requirements is necessary in clinical practice when indirect calorimetry is impractical. This paper systematically reviews current methods for estimating energy requirements. Conclusions include: there is discrepancy between the characteristics of populations upon which predictive equations are based and current populations; tools are not well understood, and patient care can be compromised by inappropriate application of the tools. Data comparing tools and methods are presented and issues for practitioners are discussed. (C) 2003 International Life Sciences Institute.
Common sense tells us that the future is an essential element in any strategy. In addition, there is a good deal of literature on scenario planning, which is an important tool in considering the future in terms of strategy. However, in many organizations there is serious resistance to the development of scenarios, and they are not broadly implemented by companies. But even organizations that do not rely heavily on the development of scenarios do, in fact, construct visions to guide their strategies. But it might be asked, what happens when this vision is not consistent with the future? To address this problem, the present article proposes a method for checking the content and consistency of an organization`s vision of the future, no matter how it was conceived. The proposed method is grounded on theoretical concepts from the field of future studies, which are described in this article. This study was motivated by the search for developing new ways of improving and using scenario techniques as a method for making strategic decisions. The method was then tested on a company in the field of information technology in order to check its operational feasibility. The test showed that the proposed method is, in fact, operationally feasible and was capable of analyzing the vision of the company being studied, indicating both its shortcomings and points of inconsistency. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We examined the possibility that the heart of the turtle Chrysemys scripta is an exceptional anaerobic performer, by measuring myocardial power output, lactate output, and estimated ATP turnover in perfused heart preparations. Over a range of myocardial power outputs at 5 and 15 degrees C we find that turtle hearts perfused with anoxic saline do not show a particularly outstanding ability to produce ATP anaerobically. Furthermore, at 15 degrees C anoxia reduced the ATP turnover rate to 50% of the normoxic rate. At 5 degrees C the anoxia-induced depression of ATP turnover was even more pronounced, being 4-fold lower than the normoxic rate. In addition, anoxia at 5 degrees C reduced the basal metabolic rate of the turtle heart. We conclude that long-term cardiac tolerance of hypoxia in this species is more likely related to metabolic depression rather than to an exceptional anaerobic performance. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.
The kinetics of mechanical alloying have been investigated by examining the effect that ball mass has on the rate at which titanium carbide forms from the elements. By varying the ball density while keeping the ball diameter and the charge ratio constant, the collision energy was independently controlled. Grinding media with a density from 3.8 g cm(-3) (agate) to 16.4 g cm(-3) (tungsten carbide) were used. The reaction rate increases exponentially with ball mass until a critical level is reached, which is determined by the induced temperature rise. Above this level, collisions of higher energy have no advantage. It is also shown that the reaction rate increases exponentially with the rate at which strain accumulates in the reactants. It is suggested that the strain accumulation rate in mechanically induced reactions is analogous to temperature in thermally induced chemical reactions.
Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study energy and momentum transfer of low-energy Ar atoms scattered from the Ni(001) surface. The investigation concentrates on the dependence of these processes on incident energy, angles of incidence and surface temperature. Energy transfer exhibits a strong dependence on the surface temperature, at incident energies below 500 meV, and incident angles close to specular incidence. Above 500 meV, the surface temperature dependence vanishes, and a limiting value in the amount of energy transferred to the surface is attained. Momentum exchange is investigated in terms of tangential and normal components. Both components exhibit a weak surface temperature dependence, but they have opposite behaviours at all incidence angles. In each component, momentum can be lost or gained following the interaction with the surface. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
This study aimed to compare the resting energy expenditure (REE) of white and non-white severely obese Brazilian women. REE was examined in 83 severely obese Brazilian women (n = 58 white and 25 non-white) with mean (+/- SD) age 42.99 +/- 11.35 and body mass index 46.88 +/- 6.22 kg/m(2) who were candidates for gastric bypass surgery. Body composition was assessed by air displacement plethysmography (ADP) BOD PODO body composition system (Life Measurement Instruments, Concord, CA) and REE was measured, under established protocol, with an open-circuit calorimeter (Deltatrac II MBM-200, Datex-Ohmeda, Madison, WI, USA). There was no significant difference between the REE of white and non-white severely obese women (1,953 +/- 273 and 1,906 +/- 271 kcal/d, respectively; p = 0.48). However, when adjusted for fat free mass (MLG), REE was significantly higher in non-white severely obese women (difference between groups of 158.4 kcal, p < 0.01). REE in white women was positively and significantly correlated to C-reactive protein (PCR) (r = 0.41.8; P < 0.001) and MLG (r = 0.771; P < 0.001). In the non-white women, REE was only significantly correlated to MLG (r = 0.753; P < 0.001). The multiple linear regression analysis showed that skin color, MLG and PCR were the significant determinants of REE (R(2) = 0.55). This study showed that, after adjustment for MLG, non-white severely obese women have a higher REE than the white ones. The association of body composition inflammation factors and REE in severely obese Brazilian women remains to be further investigated.