938 resultados para Energy efficient vehicles


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The thesis is focused on the magnetic materials comparison and selection for high-power non-isolated dc-dc converters for industrial applications or electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicles. The application of high-frequency bi-directional soft-switched dc-dc converters is also investigated. The thesis initially outlines the motivation for an energy-efficient transportation system with minimum environmental impact and reduced dependence on exhaustible resources. This is followed by a general overview of the power system architectures for electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicles. The vehicle power sources and general dc-dc converter topologies are discussed. The dc-dc converter components are discussed with emphasis on recent semiconductor advances. A novel bi-directional soft-switched dc-dc converter with an auxiliary cell is introduced in this thesis. The soft-switching cell allows for the MOSFET's intrinsic body diode to operate in a half-bridge without reduced efficiency. The converter's mode-by-mode operation is analysed and closed-form expressions are presented for the average current gain of the converter. The design issues are presented and circuit limitations are discussed. Magnetic materials for the main dc-dc converter inductor are compared and contrasted. Novel magnetic material comparisons are introduced, which include the material dc bias capability and thermal conductivity. An inductor design algorithm is developed and used to compare the various magnetic materials for the application. The area-product analysis is presented for the minimum inductor size and highlights the optimum magnetic materials. Finally, the high-flux magnetic materials are experimentally compared. The practical effects of frequency, dc-bias, and converters duty-cycle effect for arbitrary shapes of flux density, air gap effects on core and winding, the winding shielding effect, and thermal configuration are investigated. The thesis results have been documented at IEEE EPE conference in 2007 and 2008, IEEE APEC in 2009 and 2010, and IEEE VPPC in 2010. A 2011 journal has been approved by IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.


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We analyze technology adoption decisions of manufacturing plants in response to government-sponsored energy audits. Overall, plants adopt about half of the recommended energy-efficiency projects. Using fixed effects logit estimation, we find that adoption rates are higher for projects with shorter paybacks, lower costs, greater annual savings, higher energy prices, and greater energy conservation. Plants are 40% more responsive to initial costs than annual savings, suggesting that subsidies may be more effective at promoting energy-efficient technologies than energy price increases. Adoption decisions imply hurdle rates of 50-100%, which is consistent with the investment criteria small and medium-size firms state they use. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The problem of topology control is to assign per-node transmission power such that the resulting topology is energy efficient and satisfies certain global properties such as connectivity. The conventional approach to achieve these objectives is based on the fundamental assumption that nodes are socially responsible. We examine the following question: if nodes behave in a selfish manner, how does it impact the overall connectivity and energy consumption in the resulting topologies? We pose the above problem as a noncooperative game and use game-theoretic analysis to address it. We study Nash equilibrium properties of the topology control game and evaluate the efficiency of the induced topology when nodes employ a greedy best response algorithm. We show that even when the nodes have complete information about the network, the steady-state topologies are suboptimal. We propose a modified algorithm based on a better response dynamic and show that this algorithm is guaranteed to converge to energy-efficient and connected topologies. Moreover, the node transmit power levels are more evenly distributed, and the network performance is comparable to that obtained from centralized algorithms.


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Environmental concerns relating to gaseous emissions from transport have led to growth in the use of compressed natural gas vehicles worldwide with an estimated 13 million Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) currently in operation. Across Europe, many countries are replacing traditional diesel oil in captive fleets such as buses used for public transport and heavy and light goods vehicles used for freight and logistics with CNG vehicles. Initially this was to reduce localised air pollution in urban environments. However, with the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions CNG is seen as a cleaner more energy efficient and environmental friendly alternative. This paper briefly examines the growth of NGVs in Europe and worldwide. Then a case study on CNG the introduction in Spain and Italy is presented. As part of the case study, policy interventions are examined. Finally, a statistical analysis of private and public refuelling stations in both countries is also provided. CNG can also be mixed with biogas. This study and the role of CNG is relevant because of the existing European Union Directive 2009/28/EC target, requiring that 10% of transport energy come from renewable sources, not alone biofuels such as biogas. CNG offers another alternative transport fuel.


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We consider a multiple femtocell deployment in a small area which shares spectrum with the underlaid macrocell. We design a joint energy and radio spectrum scheme which aims not only for co-existence with the macrocell, but also for an energy-efficient implementation of the multi-femtocells. Particularly, aggregate energy usage on dense femtocell channels is formulated taking into account the cost of both the spectrum and energy usage. We investigate an energy-and-spectral efficient approach to balance between the two costs by varying the number of active sub-channels and their energy. The proposed scheme is addressed by deriving closed-form expressions for the interference towards the macrocell and the outage capacity. Analytically, discrete regions under which the most promising outage capacity is achieved by the same size of active sub-channels are introduced. Through a joint optimization of the sub-channels and their energy, properties can be found for the maximum outage capacity under realistic constraints. Using asymptotic and numerical analysis, it can be noticed that in a dense femtocell deployment, the optimum utilization of the energy and the spectrum to maximize the outage capacity converges towards a round-robin scheduling approach for a very small outage threshold. This is the inverse of the traditional greedy approach. © 2012 IEEE.


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Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) technology holds promise to replace SRAM and DRAM at various levels of the memory hierarchy. The interest in NVM is motivated by the difficulty faced in scaling DRAM beyond 22 nm and, long-term, lower cost per bit. While offering higher density and negligible static power (leakage and refresh), NVM suffers increased latency and energy per memory access. This paper develops energy and performance models of memory systems and applies them to understand the energy-efficiency of replacing or complementing DRAM with NVM. Our analysis focusses on the application of NVM in main memory. We demonstrate that NVM such as STT-RAM and RRAM is energy-efficient for memory sizes commonly employed in servers and high-end workstations, but PCM is not. Furthermore, the model is well suited to quickly evaluate the impact of changes to the model parameters, which may be achieved through optimization of the memory architecture, and to determine the key parameters that impact system-level energy and performance.


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Extrusion is one of the fundamental production methods in the polymer processing industry and is used in the production of a large number of commodities in a diverse industrial sector. Being an energy intensive production method, process energy efficiency is one of the major concerns and the selection of the most energy efficient processing conditions is a key to reducing operating costs. Usually, extruders consume energy through the drive motor, barrel heaters, cooling fans, cooling water pumps, gear pumps, etc. Typically the drive motor is the largest energy consuming device in an extruder while barrel/die heaters are responsible for the second largest energy demand. This study is focused on investigating the total energy demand of an extrusion plant under various processing conditions while identifying ways to optimise the energy efficiency. Initially, a review was carried out on the monitoring and modelling of the energy consumption in polymer extrusion. Also, the power factor, energy demand and losses of a typical extrusion plant were discussed in detail. The mass throughput, total energy consumption and power factor of an extruder were experimentally observed over different processing conditions and the total extruder energy demand was modelled empirically and also using a commercially available extrusion simulation software. The experimental results show that extruder energy demand is heavily coupled between the machine, material and process parameters. The total power predicted by the simulation software exhibits a lagging offset compared with the experimental measurements. Empirical models are in good agreement with the experimental measurements and hence these can be used in studying process energy behaviour in detail and to identify ways to optimise the process energy efficiency.


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Thermal comfort is defined as “that condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment’ [1] [2]. Field studies have been completed in order to establish the governing conditions for thermal comfort [3]. These studies showed that the internal climate of a room was the strongest factor in establishing thermal comfort. Direct manipulation of the internal climate is necessary to retain an acceptable level of thermal comfort. In order for Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) strategies to be efficiently utilised it is necessary to have the ability to predict the effect that activating a heating/cooling source (radiators, windows and doors) will have on the room. The numerical modelling of the domain can be challenging due to necessity to capture temperature stratification and/or different heat sources (radiators, computers and human beings). Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) models are usually utilised for this function because they provide the level of details required. Although they provide the necessary level of accuracy these models tend to be highly computationally expensive especially when transient behaviour needs to be analysed. Consequently they cannot be integrated in BEMS. This paper presents and describes validation of a CFD-ROM method for real-time simulations of building thermal performance. The CFD-ROM method involves the automatic extraction and solution of reduced order models (ROMs) from validated CFD simulations. The test case used in this work is a room of the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) Building at the University College Cork (UCC). ROMs have shown that they are sufficiently accurate with a total error of less than 1% and successfully retain a satisfactory representation of the phenomena modelled. The number of zones in a ROM defines the size and complexity of that ROM. It has been observed that ROMs with a higher number of zones produce more accurate results. As each ROM has a time to solution of less than 20 seconds they can be integrated into the BEMS of a building which opens the potential to real time physics based building energy modelling.


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This paper presents a new methodology for characterising the energy performance of buildings suitable for city-scale, top-down energy modelling. Building properties that have the greatest impact on simulated energy performance were identified via a review of sensitivity analysis studies. The methodology greatly simplifies the description of a building to decrease labour and simulation processing overheads. The methodology will be used in the EU FP7 INDICATE project which aims to create a master-planning tool that uses dynamic simulation to facilitate the design of sustainable, energy efficient smart cities.


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Energy-using products (EuPs), such as domestic appliances, audio-visual and ICT equipment contribute significantly to CO2 emissions, both in the domestic and non-domestic sectors. Policies that encourage the use of more energy efficient products can therefore generate significant reductions in overall energy consumption and hence, CO2 emissions. To the extent that these policies cause an increase the average production cost of EuPs, they may impose economic costs on producers, or on consumers, or on both. In this theoretical paper, an adaptation of a simple vertical product differentiation model – in which products are characterised in terms of their quality and their energy consumption – is used to analyse the impact of the different EuP polices on product innovation and to assess the resultant economic impacts on producers and consumers. It is shown that whereas the imposition of a binding product standard for energy efficiency unambiguously reduces aggregate profit and increases the average market price in the absence of any learning effects, the introduction or strengthening of demand-side measures (such as energy labelling) may reduce, or increase, aggregate profit. Even in the case where the overall impact is unambiguously negative, the effects of product innovation and learning can be in either direction.


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Energy-using Products (EuPs) contribute significantly to the United Kingdom’s CO2 emissions, both in the domestic and non-domestic sectors. Policies that encourage the use of more energy efficient products (such as minimum performance standards, energy labelling, enhanced capital allowances, etc.) can therefore generate significant reductions in overall energy consumption and hence, CO2 emissions. While these policies can impose costs on the producers and consumers of these products in the short run, the process of product innovation may reduce the magnitude of these costs over time. If this is the case, then it is important that the impacts of innovation are taken into account in policy impact assessments. Previous studies have found considerable evidence of experience curve effects for EuP categories (e.g. refrigerators, televisions, etc.), with learning rates of around 20% for both average unit costs and average prices; similar to those found for energy supply technologies. Moreover, the decline in production costs has been accompanied by a significant improvement in the energy efficiency of EuPs. Building on these findings and the results of an empirical analysis of UK sales data for a range of product categories, this paper sets out an analytic framework for assessing the impact of EuP policy interventions on consumers and producers which takes explicit account of the product innovation process. The impact of the product innovation process can be seen in the continuous evolution of the energy class profiles of EuP categories over time; with higher energy classes (e.g. A, A+, etc.) entering the market and increasing their market share, while lower classes (e.g. E, F, etc.) lose share and then leave the market. Furthermore, the average prices of individual energy classes have declined over their respective lives, while new classes have typically entered the market at successively lower “launch prices”. Based on two underlying assumptions regarding the shapes of the “lifecycle profiles” for the relative sales and the relative average mark-ups of individual energy classes, a simple simulation model is developed that can replicate the observed market dynamics in terms of the evolution of market shares and average prices. The model is used to assess the effect of two alternative EuP policy interventions – a minimum energy performance standard and an energy-labelling scheme – on the average unit cost trajectory and the average price trajectory of a typical EuP category, and hence the financial impacts on producers and consumers.


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This paper describes the TURTLE project that aim to develop sub-systems with the capability of deep-sea long-term presence. Our motivation is to produce new robotic ascend and descend energy efficient technologies to be incorporated in robotic vehicles used by civil and military stakeholders for underwater operations. TURTLE contribute to the sustainable presence and operations in the sea bottom. Long term presence on sea bottom, increased awareness and operation capabilities in underwater sea and in particular on benthic deeps can only be achieved through the use of advanced technologies, leading to automation of operation, reducing operational costs and increasing efficiency of human activity.


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In the present scenario of energy demand overtaking energy supply top priority is given for energy conservation programs and policies. Most of the process plants are operated on continuous basis and consumes large quantities of energy. Efficient management of process system can lead to energy savings, improved process efficiency, lesser operating and maintenance cost, and greater environmental safety. Reliability and maintainability of the system are usually considered at the design stage and is dependent on the system configuration. However, with the growing need for energy conservation, most of the existing process systems are either modified or are in a state of modification with a view for improving energy efficiency. Often these modifications result in a change in system configuration there by affecting the system reliability. It is important that system modifications for improving energy efficiency should not be at the cost of reliability. Any new proposal for improving the energy efficiency of the process or equipments should prove itself to be economically feasible for gaining acceptance for implementation. In order to arrive at the economic feasibility of the new proposal, the general trend is to compare the benefits that can be derived over the lifetime as well as the operating and maintenance costs with the investment to be made. Quite often it happens that the reliability aspects (or loss due to unavailability) are not taken into consideration. Plant availability is a critical factor for the economic performance evaluation of any process plant.The focus of the present work is to study the effect of system modification for improving energy efficiency on system reliability. A generalized model for the valuation of process system incorporating reliability is developed, which is used as a tool for the analysis. It can provide an awareness of the potential performance improvements of the process system and can be used to arrive at the change in process system value resulting from system modification. The model also arrives at the pay back of the modified system by taking reliability aspects also into consideration. It is also used to study the effect of various operating parameters on system value. The concept of breakeven availability is introduced and an algorithm for allocation of component reliabilities of the modified process system based on the breakeven system availability is also developed. The model was applied to various industrial situations.


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The evolution of wireless sensor network technology has enabled us to develop advanced systems for real time monitoring. In the present scenario wireless sensor networks are increasingly being used for precision agriculture. The advantages of using wireless sensor networks in agriculture are distributed data collection and monitoring, monitor and control of climate, irrigation and nutrient supply. Hence decreasing the cost of production and increasing the efficiency of production. This paper describes the security issues related to wireless sensor networks and suggests some techniques for achieving system security. This paper also discusses a protocol that can be adopted for increasing the security of the transmitted data


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Clustering combined with multihop communication is a promising solution to cope with the energy requirements of large scale Wireless Sensor Networks. In this work, a new cluster based routing protocol referred to as Energy Aware Cluster-based Multihop (EACM) Routing Protocol is introduced, with multihop communication between cluster heads for transmitting messages to the base station and direct communication within clusters. We propose EACM with both static and dynamic clustering. The network is partitioned into near optimal load balanced clusters by using a voting technique, which ensures that the suitability of a node to become a cluster head is determined by all its neighbors. Results show that the new protocol performs better than LEACH on network lifetime and energy dissipation