982 resultados para Electrophoretic mobility shift assays
As alterações que envolvem as globinas devem-se a modificações em genes responsáveis pela seqüência e estrutura das cadeias polipeptídicas, bem como aos genes reguladores da síntese destas cadeias. Hemoglobinas variantes apresentam estrutura química diferente da hemoglobina normal correspondente, resultante de mutações em uma ou mais bases nitrogenadas, ocasionando a troca de aminoácidos nas globinas alfa, beta, delta ou gama. A hemoglobina N-Baltimore é uma variante de globina beta, com substituição da lisina, na posição 95, por ácido glutâmico, apresentando mobilidade eletroforética mais rápida que a hemoglobina A em pH alcalino. Nas análises eletroforéticas em pH alcalino realizadas em doadores de sangue do Hemocentro de São José do Rio Preto (SP) identificamos a presença de portador de hemoglobina rápida em heterozigose, posteriormente confirmada por focalização isoelétrica e cromatografia líquida de alta pressão (HPLC). Os estudos de hemoglobinas anormais em doadores de sangue permitem a identificação de variantes raras e possibilitam o aconselhamento genético adequado a cada caso com estudo familial.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The purpose of this work is to obtain spherical particles YIG from micrometric to nanometric scales. The spherical particles were obtained from cation hydrolysis in acid medium by adding urea or ammonia in order to carry out a homogeneous nucleation process up to 90 degrees C. Different composition and morphology were achieved by changing reactant concentrations, precipitation agent and stabilizing agent. X-ray diffractometry, electrophoretic mobility, transmission and scanning electron microscopies were carried out on these particles to investigate the phase identification, mobility, morphology and particle size. Crystalline YIG, with spherical characteristics, was obtained. The surface potential presented different characteristics for different dispersion media.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The purpose of this work is to obtain micrometer sized spherical particles of silica and silica-chromium from sodium silicate. Spherical particles were prepared by sol-gel method from hydrolysis to polycondensation of aqueous sodium silicate in alcohol medium. Chromium was added to the system for some samples. Compositions and morphologies were achieved by changing the precipitation agent. X-ray diffractometry, electrophoretic mobility, infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopies were carried out on these particles to identify phases, determine particle mobility, morphology, particle sizes, shapes and order at short distance. Non-crystalline silica particles with spherical shapes and micrometric size were obtained. The surface potentials of the silica particles differed from that of the silica-chromium particles. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The preparation of crack-free SnO2 supported membranes requires the development of new strategies of synthesis capable to allow controlled changes of surface chemistry and to improve the processability of supported layers. In this way, the controlled modification of the SnO2 nanoparticle surface by adding capping molecules like Tiron(R) ((OH)(2)C6H2(SO3Na)(2)) during the sol-gel process was studied, aiming to obtain high performance membranes. Colloidal suspensions were prepared by hydrolyzing SnCl4.5H(2)O aqueous solution with NH4OH in presence of Tiron(R). The effect of the amount of Tiro(R) (from I to 20 wt.%) on the structural features of nanoparticles, powder redispersability and particle-solution interface properties was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), quasi-elastic light scattering and electrophoretic mobility measurements. XRPD and EXAFS results showed that the addition of Tiron(R) up to 20 wt.% to colloidal suspensions does not affect the crystallite size of SnO2 primary particles, determined around 2-3 nm. This value is comparable to the hydrodynamic size measured after redispersion of powder prepared with amount of Tiro(R) higher than 7.5 wt.%, indicating the absence of condensation reactions between primary particles after the initial precipitation step. As a consequence the powder with amount of Tiron(R) > 7.5 wt.%, can be fully redispersed in aqueous solution at pH greater than or equal to I I until a nanoparticle concentration of 6 vol.%. The electrophoresis measurements showed a decrease of the isoelectric point by increasing the amount of grafted Tiron(R) at the SnO2 nanoparticle surface, resulting in negatively charged particle-solution interface in all the studied pH range (2-11). These features govern the gelation process favoring the preparation of crack-free SnO2 supported membranes. The control exercised by Tiron(R) modifying agent in the aggregation process allows the fine-tuning of the porosity, from 0.124 to 0.065 cm(3) g(-1), and mean pore size, from 6.4 to 1.9 nm, as the amount of grafted molecules increases from 0 to 10 wt.%. In consequence, the membrane cut-off determined by filtration of polyethylene glycol standard solutions can be screened from 1500 to 3500 g mol(-1). (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Polyaniline (PAni) has been classified as an intractable polymer, particularly in its conducting form, the emeraldine salt (ES). Therefore one can consider the mixture of water and PAni as a suspension. The conducting form of PAni can be obtained by a doping process known as acid doping, in which a strong acid turns PAni from its insulating form, the emeraldine base (EB), into the conducting form, the emeraldine salt. With the objective of establishing a correlation between the doping level and the zeta potential of polyaniline dispersions, polyaniline + HCl aqueous suspensions were prepared. Positive zeta potential values for the various suspensions of PAni showed that it acquired positive charges after the doping process. It was also observed an increase in zeta potential values as HCl concentration increased, which could be correlated to UV-visible spectra of PAni suspensions.
In this work the sol-gel process was used to prepare SnO2 supported membranes with an average pore size of 2.5 nm. The effects of salt concentration (NaCl or CaCl2) and of the pH of the aqueous solutions used on the flux and selectivity through the SnO2 membrane were analyzed by permeation experiments and the results interpreted taking account of the zeta potential values determined from the electrophoretic mobility of the SnO2 powder aqueous dispersion. The results show that the ion flux (Na+, Ca2+ and Cl-) throughout the membrane is determined by the electrostatic repulsion among these species and the surface charge at the tin oxide-solution interface.
Introduction: Helicobacter pylori infection is an established risk factor for gastric cancer development, but the exact underlying mechanism still remains obscure. The inactivation of tumor suppressor genes such as p53 and p27(KIP1) is a hypothesized mechanism, although there is no consensus regarding the influence of H. pylori cagA(+) in the development of these genetic alterations. Goals: To verify the relationship among H. pylori infection, p53 mutations and p27(Kip1) Protein (p27) expression in gastric adenocarcinomas (GA) seventy-four tissues were assayed by PCR for H. pylori and cagA presence. Mutational analysis of p53 gene was performed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). Seventy tissues were analyzed by an immunohistochemical method for p27 expression. Results: From the samples examined, 95% (70/74) were H. pylori positive, 63% cagA(+). Altered p53 electrophoretic mobility was found in 72% of cases and significantly more frequent in the presence of cagA. Considerable reduction in p27 expression (19%) was found with a tendency for association between cagA(+) and p27(-), although the results were not statistically significant. Concomitant alterations of both suppressor genes were detected in 60% of cases. In the cases cagA(+), 66.7% of them had these concomitant alterations. Conclusions: The data suggest that H. pylori cagA(+) contributes to p53 alteration and indicate that concomitant gene inactivation, with reduced p27 expression, may be a mechanism in which H. pylori can promote the development and progression of gastric cancer. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hb Hasharon has an electrophoretic mobility similar to that of Hb S in cellulose acetate and a mobility between Hb S and C at acid pH. In high-performance liquid chromatography, Hb Hasharon shows a distinct chromatographic profile and retention time. The origin of this variant is a mutation in codon 47 (GAC → CAC) of the α2-globin gene, resulting in the replacement of asparagine by histidine during the translation process. Ten blood samples from individuals suspected of being Hb Hasharon carriers were analyzed. In addition to classic laboratory tests and high-performance liquid chromatography, molecular analysis by polymerase chain reaction with restriction fragment length polymorphism designed in the laboratory was performed to confirm this mutation. The study of these cases showed that a combination of classical and molecular methodologies is necessary in the diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies for a correct hemoglobin mutant identification. The accurate identification of hemoglobin variants is essential for genetic counseling and choice of therapy. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Complete blood counts and hemoglobin isoform data were gathered from 36 specimens of the turtle species Phrynops geoffroanus from the northwestern region of São Paulo State, Brazil. They were collected in an urban area. The hemoglobin profiles were obtained after red blood cell lysis and by electrophoretic migration in alkaline pH, acid pH, and neutral pH buffer. The hemoglobin components were confirmed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Erythrogram analysis included hematocrit, total hemoglobin concentration, total red blood cell count, and red blood cell indices. The leukogram included a total white blood cell count and a calculation of the percent values of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, heterophils, and azurophils. HPLC analysis revealed three hemoglobin components; the first with a concentration of 5.5%, the second was a major component with an average concentration of 67.1%, and the third with a concentration of 28.5%. The hematological profile obtained for these specimens allowed us to establish a pattern for P. geoffroanus in São Paulo State Northwestern region. The average hematocrit values were 22.5% for females and 24.0% for males. For total hemoglobin, we found average values of 6.66 g/dL in females and 7.22 g/dL in males. The number of white blood cells was 2725 x 103/μL for females and 2775 x 103/μL for males. There was a predominance of heterophils, eosinophils, and monocytes in both sexes. No significant differences were found between males and females for hematological profile. The hematological results were compared to literature data for other Chelonia. They were similar to what is known for fresh water turtles. © FUNPEC-RP.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ