805 resultados para Electronic Trading


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OBJECTIVE: To review the available knowledge on epidemiology and diagnoses of acute infections in children aged 2 to 59 months in primary care setting and develop an electronic algorithm for the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness to reach optimal clinical outcome and rational use of medicines. METHODS: A structured literature review in Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Review (CDRS) looked for available estimations of diseases prevalence in outpatients aged 2-59 months, and for available evidence on i) accuracy of clinical predictors, and ii) performance of point-of-care tests for targeted diseases. A new algorithm for the management of childhood illness (ALMANACH) was designed based on evidence retrieved and results of a study on etiologies of fever in Tanzanian children outpatients. FINDINGS: The major changes in ALMANACH compared to IMCI (2008 version) are the following: i) assessment of 10 danger signs, ii) classification of non-severe children into febrile and non-febrile illness, the latter receiving no antibiotics, iii) classification of pneumonia based on a respiratory rate threshold of 50 assessed twice for febrile children 12-59 months; iv) malaria rapid diagnostic test performed for all febrile children. In the absence of identified source of fever at the end of the assessment, v) urine dipstick performed for febrile children <2 years to consider urinary tract infection, vi) classification of 'possible typhoid' for febrile children >2 years with abdominal tenderness; and lastly vii) classification of 'likely viral infection' in case of negative results. CONCLUSION: This smartphone-run algorithm based on new evidence and two point-of-care tests should improve the quality of care of <5 year children and lead to more rational use of antimicrobials.


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Very large molecular systems can be calculated with the so called CNDOL approximate Hamiltonians that have been developed by avoiding oversimplifications and only using a priori parameters and formulas from the simpler NDO methods. A new diagonal monoelectronic term named CNDOL/21 shows great consistency and easier SCF convergence when used together with an appropriate function for charge repulsion energies that is derived from traditional formulas. It is possible to obtain a priori molecular orbitals and electron excitation properties after the configuration interaction of single excited determinants with reliability, maintaining interpretative possibilities even being a simplified Hamiltonian. Tests with some unequivocal gas phase maxima of simple molecules (benzene, furfural, acetaldehyde, hexyl alcohol, methyl amine, 2,5 dimethyl 2,4 hexadiene, and ethyl sulfide) ratify the general quality of this approach in comparison with other methods. The calculation of large systems as porphine in gas phase and a model of the complete retinal binding pocket in rhodopsin with 622 basis functions on 280 atoms at the quantum mechanical level show reliability leading to a resulting first allowed transition in 483 nm, very similar to the known experimental value of 500 nm of "dark state." In this very important case, our model gives a central role in this excitation to a charge transfer from the neighboring Glu(-) counterion to the retinaldehyde polyene chain. Tests with gas phase maxima of some important molecules corroborate the reliability of CNDOL/2 Hamiltonians.


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Zinc indium tin oxide (ZITO) transparent conductive oxide layers were deposited via radio frequency (RF) magnetron co-sputtering at room temperature. A series of samples with gradually varying zinc content was investigated. The samples were characterized with x-ray and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (XPS, UPS) to determine the electronic structure of the surface. Valence and conduction bands maxima (VBM, CBM), and work function were determined. The experiments indicate that increasing Zn content results in films with a higher defect rate at the surface leading to the formation of a degenerately doped surface layer if the Zn content surpasses 50%. Furthermore, the experiments demonstrate that ZITO is susceptible to ultraviolet light induced work function reduction, similar to what was earlier observed on ITO and TiO2 films.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää soveltuvatko suomalaiset osakkeet parikaupankäyntiin ja voidaanko niillä luoda tuottavia kaupankäyntistrategioita. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan pystytäänkö suomalaisista osakkeista muodostamaan parikaupankäynnin kannalta toimivia osakepareja. Aineisto koostuu kaikkiaan 53 tutkitusta yrityksestä, joiden joukosta valitaan paras osakepari kultakin viideltä toimialalta. Tutkimusperiodi käsittää vuodet 2004–2007, eli se sisältää noin 1000 kaupankäyntipäivää per osa-ke. Viittä valittua osakeparia tutkitaan tarkemmin tilastollisilla ja teknisillä analyysimenetelmillä. Empiiristen tulosten perusteella suomalaiset osakkeet soveltuvat hyvin parikaupankäyntiin. Jokaisella viidellä tutkitulla osakeparilla ilmeni selvää hintojen erkaantumista ja konvergoitumista, joten niillä olisi tutkimuspe-riodin aikana pystynyt käymään menestyksekästä parikauppaa.


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The electron transmission and bound state properties of a quantum wire with a sharp bend at arbitrary angle are studied, extending results on the right angle sharp bend (the L¿shaped wire). These new results are compared to those of a similar structure, the circular bend wire. The possibility of using a bent wire to perform transistor action is also discussed.


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The paper reviews the historical transformation of the European regulatory framework for electronic communications from the era dominated by state-owned enterprises to the presence of regulated competition. In the course of these developments, the vision of the roles of the public and private sectors in electronic communications changed in expected and unexpected ways. While the period is characterized by a shift toward less direct state intervention, the intensity of regulation has increased in many areas. Most recently, in the wake of the financial crisis, new forms of state intervention can be observed, including public investment in communications infrastructure and public-private partnerships. As a result of the reforms, Europe has been able to achieve major successes but it also suffered unanticipated setbacks compared to other regions. The European Union emerged as the global leader in mobile communications during the 1990s and was able to roll-out first-generation broadband access networks more rapidly than many of its peers. Recently, however, Europe as a whole has not performed as well in deploying next-generation networks and advanced mobile communications services. The paper offers a political-economic explanation for these developments and assesses their effects on the performance of the European electronic communications sector and the economy. From this analysis, the European model emerges as a unique institutional arrangement with peculiar advantages and disadvantages. Once these are recognized, sensible next steps to build the strengths while avoiding the weaknesses of the model can be seen more clearly.


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La cigarette électronique produit de la vapeur à inhaler contenant du propylène-glycol, des arômes et de la nicotine libérée rapidement. 6,7% de la population suisse, surtout des fumeurs, ont essayé la cigarette électronique et 0,1% l'utilise quotidiennement. Malgré l'incertitude due au bas niveau de preuves, la cigarette électronique pourrait être efficace pour cesser ou réduire le tabagisme. La sécurité de la cigarette électronique est démontrée à court terme mais pas à long terme ; sa toxicité semble très inférieure à celle du tabac. Les non-fumeurs et les jeunes utilisent peu la cigarette électronique qui ne semble pas les amener au tabagisme. Les mesures de santé publique recommandées sont la régulation du produit avec contrôle de la qualité ainsi que l'interdiction d'usage dans les lieux publics, de publicité et de vente aux mineurs. Electronic cigarettes are devices producing vapour containing propylene-glycol, flavourings and quickly delivered nicotine. 6.7% of the Swiss population, mainly smokers, experimented the electronic cigarette while 0.1% use it daily. Despite uncertainty due to the low level of evidence, electronic cigarettes might be effective for smoking cessation and reduction. The safety of electronic cigarettes is demonstrated at short-term but not at long-term; however its eventual toxicity is likely to be much lower than tobacco. Use of electronic cigarettes by non-smokers and youth who do not smoke is low and seems unlikely to lead them to tobacco use. Recommended public health measures include product regulation with quality control, ban in public places, prohibition of advertising and sales to minors.


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Les pistolets à impulsion électrique (PIE) sont de plus en plus fréquemment utilisés en Europe ces dernières années, le modèle le plus connu étant le Taser®. Les connaissances scientifiques concernant les PIE et leurs effets potentiels restent toutefois limitées. Nous avons conduit une revue de littérature afin d'évaluer les implications potentielles de leur utilisation en termes de sécurité, de morbidité et de mortalité. Une exposition unique chez un individu sain peut généralement être considérée comme peu dangereuse. Les sujets à risque de complications sont les individus exposés à de multiples décharges, les personnes sous l'influence de substances psychoactives, ceux qui montrent des signes d'agitation extrême, ou encore les individus présentant des comorbidités médicales. L'éventail des complications pouvant survenir lors de leur exposition est large et inclut les lésions provoquées par les impacts des électrodes, les traumatismes liés à la chute induite par la paralysie transitoire ou des complications cardiovasculaires. Dans ce contexte, les personnes exposées doivent être examinées attentivement, et les éventuelles lésions traumatiques doivent être exclues. The use of electronic control devices (ECD), such as the Taser®, has increased in Europe over the past decade. However, scientific data concerning the potential health impact of ECD usage remains limited. We reviewed the scientific literature in order to evaluate the safety, mortality, and morbidity associated with ECD use. Exposure of a healthy individual to a single ECD electroshock can be considered generally safe. Complications can, however, occur if the patient is subject to multiple electroshocks, if the patient has significant medical comorbidities, or when exposure is associated with drug abuse or agitated delirium. The broad spectrum of potential complications associated with ECD exposure includes direct trauma caused by the ECD electrodes, injuries caused by the transient paralysis-induced fall, and cardiovascular events. An ECD-exposed patient requires careful examination during which traumatic injuries are actively sought out.


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How to recognize, announce and analyze incidents in internal medicine units is a daily challenge that is taught to all hospital staff. It allows suggesting useful improvements for patients, as well as for the medical department and the institution. Here is presented the assessment made in the CHUV internal medicine department one year after the beginning of the institutional procedure which promotes an open process regarding communication and risk management. The department of internal medicine underlines the importance of feedback to the reporters, ensures the staff of regular follow-up concerning the measures being taken and offers to external reporters such as general practioners the possibility of using this reporting system too.


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Objectifs: Dans certains pays, les cigarettes électroniques contenant de la nicotine (e-cigarettes) sont considérées comme des produits de consommation courante, sans régulation spécifique. Dans d'autres (comme en Suisse), la vente d'e-cigarettes contenant de la nicotine est interdite, malgré l'importante demande de nombreux fumeurs de pouvoir les obtenir. Au vu du manque de données scientifiques sur l'efficacité et la sécurité à long-terme de ces produits, les spécialistes de la lutte contre le tabagisme se trouvent divisés sur la question de leur régulation. Afin d'obtenir un consensus parmi ces experts que nous puissions transmettre aux autorités sanitaires, nous avons réalisé une étude d'avis d'experts sur le plan national. Méthode : Nous avons utilisé une méthodologie Delphi, à l'aide de questionnaires électroniques, afin de synthétiser l'opinion d'experts suisses sur la question de la cigarette électronique. Participants : 40 experts suisses représentant l'ensemble de la Suisse. Mesures : Nous avons mesuré le degré de consensus entre les experts au sujet de recommandations touchant à la régulation, la vente et l'utilisation de l'e-cigarette contenant de la nicotine, ainsi que leur opinion générale sur le produit. De nouvelles recommandations et déclarations ont été formulées en tenant compte des réponses et des commentaires des participants. Résultats : Un consensus entre les experts a établi que l'e-cigarette contenant de la nicotine devrait être accessible en Suisse, mais seulement dans des conditions spécifiques. La vente devrait être réservée aux adultes, en utilisant des standards de qualité, une limite de concentration maximale de nicotine, et être accompagnée d'une liste d'ingrédients autorisés. La publicité devrait être restreinte et l'utilisation de l'e- cigarette devrait être interdite dans les lieux publics. Conclusions : Ces recommandations permettent de regrouper trois principes : 1) le principe de réalité, étant donné que le produit est déjà disponible sur le marché ; 2) le principe de prévention, puisque l'e- cigarette procure une alternative au tabac pour les fumeurs actuels, et 3) le principe de précaution, afin de protéger les mineurs et les non-fumeurs, étant donné que les effets à long-terme ne sont pas encore connus. Les autorités suisses devraient mettre en place une législation spécifique afin d'autoriser l'e- cigarette contenant de la nicotine.


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This study was aimed to analyze and assess the use and perception of electronic health records (EHRs) by nurses. The study sample included 113 nurses from different shifts of primary health facilities in Catalonia, Spain, devoted to adult as well as pediatric outpatients using EHRs throughout the year 2010. A majority of the sample (87.5%) were women and 12.5% were men. The average age was 44.27 years and the average time working in primary healthcare was 47.15 months. A majority (80.4%) received specific training on the use of the EHR and 19.6% did not. The use of the application required side technical support (mean: 3.42) and it is considered necessary to learn more about the performance of the application (mean: 3.50). The relationship between the average ratings that nurses have about the EHR and age shows that there is no statistically significant linear relationship (r = - 0.002, p-value = 0.984). As to how long they have used the EHRs, there are significant differences (r= -0.304, p-value = 0.00), so the more time the nurse takes using the EHR, the greater degree of satisfaction is shown. In addition, there are significant differences between nurses" perceptions regarding the EHR and gender (t = - 0.421, p-value = 0.675). Nurses assessed as positive the contribution of the EHRs in their nursing care day work (average score: 2.55/5). Considering that the usability of the EHR device is assessed as satisfactory, the results of the perception of nurses show that we must also take into account the training and emphasize the need for a side technical support in the implementation process of the EHR. Doing so, the positive perception that nurses have in regard to information and communication technology in general and with respect to the EHR in particular may be increased.


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This study was aimed to analyze and assess the use and perception of electronic health records (EHRs) by nurses. The study sample included 113 nurses from different shifts of primary health facilities in Catalonia, Spain, devoted to adult as well as pediatric outpatients using EHRs throughout the year 2010. A majority of the sample (87.5%) were women and 12.5% were men. The average age was 44.27 years and the average time working in primary healthcare was 47.15 months. A majority (80.4%) received specific training on the use of the EHR and 19.6% did not. The use of the application required side technical support (mean: 3.42) and it is considered necessary to learn more about the performance of the application (mean: 3.50). The relationship between the average ratings that nurses have about the EHR and age shows that there is no statistically significant linear relationship (r = - 0.002, p-value = 0.984). As to how long they have used the EHRs, there are significant differences (r= -0.304, p-value = 0.00), so the more time the nurse takes using the EHR, the greater degree of satisfaction is shown. In addition, there are significant differences between nurses" perceptions regarding the EHR and gender (t = - 0.421, p-value = 0.675). Nurses assessed as positive the contribution of the EHRs in their nursing care day work (average score: 2.55/5). Considering that the usability of the EHR device is assessed as satisfactory, the results of the perception of nurses show that we must also take into account the training and emphasize the need for a side technical support in the implementation process of the EHR. Doing so, the positive perception that nurses have in regard to information and communication technology in general and with respect to the EHR in particular may be increased.