898 resultados para Electron (bird)


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Immuno-electron microscopy was used to visualize the structure of reconstituted chromatin after in vitro transcription by purified T7 RNA polymerase. T7 RNA polymerase disrupts the nucleosomal structure in the transcribed region. This disruption is not influenced by the template, linear or supercoiled, and the presence or absence of nucleosomal positioning sequences in the transcribed region. In this study, we used monoclonal autoantibodies reacting with the nucleosome core particles and epitopes within several regions of the four different core histones. Some of the residues recognized by the autoantibodies are accessible on the surface of the nucleosomes and some are more internal and therefore less exposed at the surface. We show that the loss of the nucleosomal configuration during transcription is due to the loss of histone/DNA binding and that at least part of the histones are transferred to the nascent RNA chains. Consequently, after in vitro transcription by T7 RNA polymerase, the nucleosomal template does not conserve its original configuration, and no interaction of antigen/antibodies is observed anymore in the region that has been transcribed. Therefore, we conclude that in our in vitro transcription assay, nucleosomes are detached from the template, and not simply unfolded with histones remaining attached to the DNA.


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Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is an immunologically mediated lung disease due to the repetitive inhalation of antigens. Most new cases arise from residential exposures, notably to birds, and are thus more difficult to recognise. The present authors report a 59-yr-old male who complained of dyspnoea and cough while being treated with amiodarone. Pulmonary function tests revealed restriction and obstruction with low diffusing lung capacity for carbon monoxide and partial pressure of oxygen. A high-resolution computed tomography chest scan and bronchoalveolar lavage showed diffuse bilateral ground-glass attenuation and lymphocytic alveolitis, respectively. Initial diagnosis was amiodarone pulmonary toxicity, but because of a rapidly favourable evolution, this diagnosis was questioned. A careful environmental history revealed a close contact with lovebirds shortly before the onset of symptoms. Precipitins were strongly positive against lovebird droppings, but were negative against other avian antigens. The patient was diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis to lovebirds. Avoidance of lovebirds and steroid treatment led to rapid improvement. The present observation identifies a new causative agent for hypersensitivity pneumonitis and highlights the importance of a thorough environmental history and of searching for precipitins against antigens directly extracted from the patient's environment. These two procedures should allow a more precise classification of some cases of pneumonitis, and thus might avoid progression of active undiagnosed hypersensitivity pneumonitis to irreversible fibrosis or emphysema.


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In many avian species, nestlings have evolved striking plumage, behaviours and mouth colours to obtain a greater share of parental investment. Studies revealing parental feeding preferences for nestlings with red gapes have proposed that red mouth colour in songbirds can act as a signal of nestling need or condition. Alternative hypotheses suggest that bright nestling mouths in cavity-nesting birds evolved to increase nestling detectability by the parents. We tested whether nestling mouth colour affects parental feeding preferences in great tits, Pants major L. In broods of six young, we experimentally painted mouth gapes and flanges either red or yellow and tested the effect of mouth colour on nestlings' mass gain under two lighting conditions. In nests with high luminosity, there was no significant effect of mouth colour on mass gain. In nests with low luminosity, nestlings with red gapes and flanges gained less mass than nestlings with red gapes and yellow flanges or both yellow gapes and flanges. Our results suggest that, in nests with low luminosity, red mouths decreased nestling detectability to the feeding parents and support the hypothesis that poor luminosity in nesting cavities can select for pale mouths. Overall, our results do not support the hypothesis that red mouth colour signals nestling need or condition to parent great tits.


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Oxidative stress occurs when the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by an organism exceeds its capacity to mitigate the damaging effects of the ROS. Consequently, oxidative stress hypotheses of ageing argue that a decline in fecundity and an increase in the likelihood of death with advancing age reported at the organism level are driven by gradual disruption of the oxidative balance at the cellular level. Here, we measured erythrocyte resistance to oxidative stress in the same individuals over several years in two free-living bird species with contrasting life expectancy, the great tit (known maximum life expectancy is 15.4 years) and the Alpine swift (26 years). In both species, we found evidence for senescence in cell resistance to oxidative stress, with patterns of senescence becoming apparent as subjects get older. In the Alpine swift, there was also evidence for positive selection on cell resistance to oxidative stress, the more resistant subjects being longer lived. The present findings of inter-individual selection and intra-individual deterioration in cell oxidative status at old age in free-living animals support a role for oxidative stress in the ageing of wild animals.


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Habitat restoration measures may result in artificially high breeding density, for instance when nest-boxes saturate the environment, which can negatively impact species' demography. Potential risks include changes in mating and reproductive behaviour such as increased extra-pair paternity, conspecific brood parasitism, and polygyny. Under particular cicumstances, these mechanisms may disrupt reproduction, with populations dragged into an extinction vortex. With the use of nuclear microsatellite markers, we investigated the occurrence of these potentially negative effects in a recovered population of a rare secondary cavity-nesting farmland bird of Central Europe, the hoopoe (Upupa epops). High intensity farming in the study area has resulted in a total eradication of cavity trees, depriving hoopoes from breeding sites. An intensive nest-box campaign rectified this problem, resulting in a spectacular population recovery within a few years only. There was some concern, however, that the new, high artificially-induced breeding density might alter hoopoe mating and reproductive behaviour. As the species underwent a serious demographic bottleneck in the 1970-1990s, we also used the microsatellite markers to reconstitute the demo-genetic history of the population, looking in particular for signs of genetic erosion. We found i) a low occurrence of extra-pair paternity, polygyny and conspecific brood parasitism, ii) a high level of neutral genetic diversity (mean number of alleles and expected heterozygosity per locus: 13.8 and 83%, respectively) and, iii) evidence for genetic connectivity through recent immigration of individuals from well differentiated populations. The recent increase in breeding density did thus not induce so far any noticeable detrimental changes in mating and reproductive behaviour. The demographic bottleneck undergone by the population in the 1970s-1990s was furthermore not accompanied by any significant drop in neutral genetic diversity. Finally, genetic data converged with a concomitant demographic study to evidence that immigration strongly contributed to local population recovery.


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A topological analysis of intracule and extracule densities and their Laplacians computed within the Hartree-Fock approximation is presented. The analysis of the density distributions reveals that among all possible electron-electron interactions in atoms and between atoms in molecules only very few are located rigorously as local maxima. In contrast, they are clearly identified as local minima in the topology of Laplacian maps. The conceptually different interpretation of intracule and extracule maps is also discussed in detail. An application example to the C2H2, C2H4, and C2H6 series of molecules is presented


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The electron localization function (ELF) has been proven so far a valuable tool to determine the location of electron pairs. Because of that, the ELF has been widely used to understand the nature of the chemical bonding and to discuss the mechanism of chemical reactions. Up to now, most applications of the ELF have been performed with monodeterminantal methods and only few attempts to calculate this function for correlated wave functions have been carried out. Here, a formulation of ELF valid for mono- and multiconfigurational wave functions is given and compared with previous recently reported approaches. The method described does not require the use of the homogeneous electron gas to define the ELF, at variance with the ELF definition given by Becke. The effect of the electron correlation in the ELF, introduced by means of configuration interaction with singles and doubles calculations, is discussed in the light of the results derived from a set of atomic and molecular systems


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A comparision of the local effects of the basis set superposition error (BSSE) on the electron densities and energy components of three representative H-bonded complexes was carried out. The electron densities were obtained with Hartee-Fock and density functional theory versions of the chemical Hamiltonian approach (CHA) methodology. It was shown that the effects of the BSSE were common for all complexes studied. The electron density difference maps and the chemical energy component analysis (CECA) analysis confirmed that the local effects of the BSSE were different when diffuse functions were present in the calculations


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The effect of basis set superposition error (BSSE) on molecular complexes is analyzed. The BSSE causes artificial delocalizations which modify the first order electron density. The mechanism of this effect is assessed for the hydrogen fluoride dimer with several basis sets. The BSSE-corrected first-order electron density is obtained using the chemical Hamiltonian approach versions of the Roothaan and Kohn-Sham equations. The corrected densities are compared to uncorrected densities based on the charge density critical points. Contour difference maps between BSSE-corrected and uncorrected densities on the molecular plane are also plotted to gain insight into the effects of BSSE correction on the electron density


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Quantum molecular similarity (QMS) techniques are used to assess the response of the electron density of various small molecules to application of a static, uniform electric field. Likewise, QMS is used to analyze the changes in electron density generated by the process of floating a basis set. The results obtained show an interrelation between the floating process, the optimum geometry, and the presence of an external field. Cases involving the Le Chatelier principle are discussed, and an insight on the changes of bond critical point properties, self-similarity values and density differences is performed


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The level of ab initio theory which is necessary to compute reliable values for the static and dynamic (hyper)polarizabilities of three medium size π-conjugated organic nonlinear optical (NLO) molecules is investigated. With the employment of field-induced coordinates in combination with a finite field procedure, the calculations were made possible. It is stated that to obtain reasonable values for the various individual contributions to the (hyper)polarizability, it is necessary to include electron correlation. Based on the results, the convergence of the usual perturbation treatment for vibrational anharmonicity was examined


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Electronic coupling Vda is one of the key parameters that determine the rate of charge transfer through DNA. While there have been several computational studies of Vda for hole transfer, estimates of electronic couplings for excess electron transfer (ET) in DNA remain unavailable. In the paper, an efficient strategy is established for calculating the ET matrix elements between base pairs in a π stack. Two approaches are considered. First, we employ the diabatic-state (DS) method in which donor and acceptor are represented with radical anions of the canonical base pairs adenine-thymine (AT) and guanine-cytosine (GC). In this approach, similar values of Vda are obtained with the standard 6-31 G* and extended 6-31++ G* basis sets. Second, the electronic couplings are derived from lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs) of neutral systems by using the generalized Mulliken-Hush or fragment charge methods. Because the radical-anion states of AT and GC are well reproduced by LUMOs of the neutral base pairs calculated without diffuse functions, the estimated values of Vda are in good agreement with the couplings obtained for radical-anion states using the DS method. However, when the calculation of a neutral stack is carried out with diffuse functions, LUMOs of the system exhibit the dipole-bound character and cannot be used for estimating electronic couplings. Our calculations suggest that the ET matrix elements Vda for models containing intrastrand thymine and cytosine bases are essentially larger than the couplings in complexes with interstrand pyrimidine bases. The matrix elements for excess electron transfer are found to be considerably smaller than the corresponding values for hole transfer and to be very responsive to structural changes in a DNA stack