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Studies in which ACTH was administrated in heifers after the occurrence of luteolysis showed a delay in the onset of estrus and the estrus duration was shortened. This study evaluated the effect of acute stress by road transportation on estrous behavior and ovulation, monitored by serum progesterone and cortisol concentrations in cows at the periovulatory period, using a crossover design. Eleven crossbred cows, divided into Control and Transport groups had their estrus cycle synchronized with GnRH, an intravaginal progesterone device, and cloprostenol. Thirty hours after withdrawal of the device, the animals of the Transport group were transported for 60 min by truck and those from the Control group remained at pasture. Ovarian ultrasound examination was performed every 12 h from device withdrawal until ovulation in every cow. From the day after removal of the device until ovulation estrous behavior was monitored 24 h a day. Blood samples for serum cortisol and progesterone concentrations were taken at -90, -60, 0, 30, 60 and 180 min in relation to the end of transportation. Transportation during the estrous period induced stress in cows as reflected by changes in serum concentrations of progesterone and cortisol. However, we did not detect impairment in estrus expression, estrus duration or ovulation (P>0.05). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The use of remote sensing is necessary for monitoring forest carbon stocks at large scales. Optical remote sensing, although not the most suitable technique for the direct estimation of stand biomass, offers the advantage of providing large temporal and spatial datasets. In particular, information on canopy structure is encompassed in stand reflectance time series. This study focused on the example of Eucalyptus forest plantations, which have recently attracted much attention as a result of their high expansion rate in many tropical countries. Stand scale time-series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were obtained from MODIS satellite data after a procedure involving un-mixing and interpolation, on about 15,000 ha of plantations in southern Brazil. The comparison of the planting date of the current rotation (and therefore the age of the stands) estimated from these time series with real values provided by the company showed that the root mean square error was 35.5 days. Age alone explained more than 82% of stand wood volume variability and 87% of stand dominant height variability. Age variables were combined with other variables derived from the NDVI time series and simple bioclimatic data by means of linear (Stepwise) or nonlinear (Random Forest) regressions. The nonlinear regressions gave r-square values of 0.90 for volume and 0.92 for dominant height, and an accuracy of about 25 m(3)/ha for volume (15% of the volume average value) and about 1.6 m for dominant height (8% of the height average value). The improvement including NDVI and bioclimatic data comes from the fact that the cumulative NDVI since planting date integrates the interannual variability of leaf area index (LAI), light interception by the foliage and growth due for example to variations of seasonal water stress. The accuracy of biomass and height predictions was strongly improved by using the NDVI integrated over the two first years after planting, which are critical for stand establishment. These results open perspectives for cost-effective monitoring of biomass at large scales in intensively-managed plantation forests. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: In patients who have undergone hemodialysis, large amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced and, at higher concentrations, ROS are thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. It has been proposed that selenium (Se) may exert an anti-atherogenic influence by reducing oxidative stress. The richest known food source of selenium is the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa, family Lecythidaceae), found in the Amazon region. We evaluated the effect of Brazil nut supplementation on blood levels of Se and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in patients on hemodialysis. Methods: A total of 81 patients on hemodialysis (52.0 +/- 15.2 y old, average time on dialysis 82.3 +/- 91.4 mo, body mass index 24.9 +/- 4.4 kg/m(2)) from the RenalCor and RenalVida Clinics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were studied. All patients received one nut (around 5 g, averaging 58.1 mu g Se/g) a day for 3 mo. The Se concentrations in the nuts and in plasma and erythrocytes were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with hydride generation (Hitachi, Z-500). GSH-Px levels were measured using Randox commercial kits. Results: Plasma Se (18.8 +/- 17.4 mu g/L) and erythrocyte (72.4 +/- 37.9 mg/L) levels were below the normal, range before nut supplementation. After supplementation, the plasma level increased to 104.0 +/- 65.0 mu g/L and erythrocytes to 244.1 +/- 119.5 mg/L (P<0.0001). The activity of GSH-Px also increased after supplementation, from 46.6 +/- 14.9 to 55.9 +/- 23.6 U/g of hemoglobin (P<0.0001). Before supplementation, 11% of patients had GSH-Px activity below the normal range (27.5-73.6 U/g of hemoglobin). After supplementation, all patients showed GSH-Px activity within the normal range. Conclusion: The data revealed that the investigated patients presented Se deficiency and that the consumption of only one Brazil nut a day (5 g) during 3 mo was effective to increase the Se concentration and GSH-Px activity in these patients, thus improving their antioxidant status. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The diet and plasma lipid patterns associated with lipid oxidation susceptibility in rats fed different doses of polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) from fish oil were evaluated. Wistar rats were assigned into three groups and received diets containing 8% soybean oil (SOY), 4% soybean oil + 4% fish oil (SOY-FISH) and 8% fish oil (FISH) for 21 days. Linoleic, oleic and alpha-linolenic acids in SOY diets were substituted by myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids in SOY-FISH and FISH diets reducing the n-6/n-3 ratio and increasing the peroxidability index (PI). Increased dietary EPA and DHA were observed in SOY-FISH and FISH plasma at the expense of linoleic and arachidonic acid levels. Saturated fatty acids, which were significantly different between the three diets (P < 0.01), were found at the same concentration in the plasma (P = 0.23). No changes were observed in oxidative stress as measured by the concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) expressed in brain homogenates. However, TBARS concentration in the plasma of the SOY-FISH group was higher than the other two groups (P = 0.02). The major differences between these three groups were the n-3 PUFA content (0.4, 1.8 and 3.2 g/100 g diet) and the saturates/polyunsaturates ratio (0.3, 0.5 and 0.8) for SOY, SOY-FISH, and FISH groups, respectively. Thus, n-3 PUFA intake from fish oil only when followed by a decrease in saturated/polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio increased oxidative susceptibility in rats measured by plasma TBARS concentration. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Because fish oil intake is associated with risk reduction for cardiovascular disease, individuals are taking supplements containing a high dose of fish oil. However, there is no scientific consensus if the intake of a high dose of fish oil could increase the oxidative stress. Thus, more studies are necessary to assure the safety of this kind of supplementation.
Introduction: Although the combination of statins with n-3 fatty acids seems to be beneficial under the lipid profile aspect, there is little information about the interaction of these two compounds on oxidative stress. Objective: Evaluate the interaction between statins and n-3 fatty acids on oxidative stress in women, using a 2(2) factorial design. Methods: Forty-three women participated in this crossover design. They were separated into two groups in which 20 were under statin treatment for more than 6 months, and 23 were normolipidemic. Within each group, half of the patients received capsules containing 2.4 g/day of a mixture of EPA and DHA for 6 weeks, while the other half received a mixture of soya and corn oil. After a period of 90 days of washout, the groups were switched, and received the supplementation for 6 weeks more. Results: Statins reduced serum LDL and increased SOD expression. n-3 fatty acids increased the plasma malondialdehyde and SOD activity but reduced catalase expression (p < 0.05). The interaction involving statins and n-3 fatty acids was nearly significant to the serum triacylglycerol reduction (p = 0.054). Conclusion: Combining statins and n-3 fatty acids is an excellent strategy to reduce plasma cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentration in women. However, n-3 fatty acids increased the oxidative stress and the pleiotropic effect of statins seemed to be not enough to counterbalance this result. Our data also suggested that the mechanism by which n-3 fatty acids interfere in oxidative stress can be associated with antioxidant enzymes expression and activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Oxidative stress is a physiological condition that is associated with atherosclerosis. and it can be influenced by diet. Our objective was to group fifty-seven individuals with dyslipidaemia controlled by statins according to four oxidative biomarkers, and to evaluate the diet pattern and blood biochemistry differences between these groups. Blood samples were collected and the following parameters were evaluated: diet intake; plasma fatty acids; lipoprotein concentration; glucose; oxidised LDL (oxLDL); malondialdehyde (MDA): total antioxidant activity by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing ability power assays. Individuals were separated into five groups by cluster analysis. All groups showed a difference with respect to at least one of the four oxidative stress biomarkers. The separation of individuals in the first axis was based upon their total antioxidant activity. Clusters located on the right side showed higher total antioxidant activity, higher myristic fatty acid and lower arachidonic fatty acid proportions than clusters located on the left side. A negative correlation was observed between DPPH and the peroxidability index. The second axis showed differences in oxidation status as measured by MDA and oxLDL concentrations. Clusters located on the Upper side showed higher oxidative status and lower HDL cholesterol concentration than clusters located on the lower side. There were no differences in diet among the five clusters. Therefore, fatty acid synthesis and HDL cholesterol concentration seem to exert a more significant effect on the oxidative conditions of the individuals with dyslipidaemia controlled by statins than does their food intake.
Objectives: To evaluate biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress in glucose intolerance (GI) compared to overt diabetes (DM2). Design and methods: 140 volunteers including 96 with DM2, 32 with GI and 12 controls (C) were Studied. NO metabolites, NO synthase inhibitors. thiols and N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase (NAGase) activity were analyzed by chemiluminescence, capillary electrophoresis, ELISA and colorimetric assay, respectively. Results: (center dot)NO metabolites were higher in GI (NOx: P=0.03 S-nitrosothiols: p=0.001) and DM2 (p=0.006; p=0.0006) groups in relation to group C, while nitrotyrosine was higher only in the DM2 group in comparison 10 the other groups. NAGase activity was elevated in GI (p=0.003) and DM2 (p=0.0004) groups in relation to group C, as well as, ADMA (p=0.01: p=0.003) and GSSG (p=0.01 p=0.002). Conclusions: (center dot)NO metabolites. (center dot)NO synthase inhibitors. thiols and NAGase are biomarkers Suitable to indicate endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress in the early stages of impaired response to insulin. (c) 2008 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Scorpion stings are a public health problem in Brazil, with most incidents involving the species Tityus serrulatus. Some T serrulatus toxins may act as immunogens for the production of a specific anti-venom, but many of the component toxins remain poorly characterized. Here, we describe the immunological characteristics of the toxin Ts1 (also known as TsVII and Ts-gamma) and evaluate production of neutralizing antibodies against the crude venom of T serrulatus. Recombinant Ts1 with one copy (Ts1((1))) or two copies in tandem (Ts1((2))) was expressed in BL21 (DE3) cells. Rabbits and mice were immunized with the recombinant proteins (inclusion bodies) and then tested for production of neutralizing antibodies. Neutralization assays showed that anti-Ts1((1)) and anti-Ts1((2)) protected animals challenged with T serrulatus crude venom and native Ts1 Thus, Ts1 could be used in a mixed ""cocktail"" of immunogens for T serrulatus anti-venom production. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The use of the classic aromatic antiepileptic drugs (AAEDs) has recently been expanded to a broad spectrum of psychiatric and neurological disorders. However, the clinical use of these drugs is limited by several adverse effects, mainly idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity. AAED-induced hepatotoxicity has been attributed to a defective detoxification by the epoxide hydrolase and accumulation of arene oxides. The underlying mechanism has been proposed as immune-mediated, but direct toxicity has also been suggested. In general, idiosyncratic drug-induced hepatotoxicity may be mediated, at least in part, by oxidative stress. On the other hand, the oxidative stress induced by the AAED metabolites has not been demonstrated yet. Therefore, in the present study we have evaluated the induction of oxidative stress by three classical AAEDs: carbamazepine. phenytoin and phenobarbital as well as by their metabolites. The toxic effects of the metabolites were evaluated by incubating the drug with rat liver microsomes. The AAED-induced oxidative stress was demonstrated by the increased malondialdehyde levels, oxidation of cardiolipin; oxidation of sulfhydryl proteins and alteration of the cellular redox status. Results suggest that the hepatotoxicity associated with AAED might be mediated by the oxidative stress induced by the drugs metabolites. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
In this study, twenty hydroxylated and acetoxylated 3-phenylcoumarin derivatives were evaluated as inhibitors of immune complex-stimulated neutrophil oxidative metabolism and possible modulators of the inflammatory tissue damage found in type III hypersensitivity reactions. By using lucigenin- and luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence assays (CL-luc and CL-lum, respectively), we found that the 6,7-dihydroxylated and 6,7-diacetoxylated 3-phenylcoumarin derivatives were the most effective inhibitors. Different structural features of the other compounds determined CL-luc and/or CL-lum inhibition. The 2D-QSAR analysis suggested the importance of hydrophobic contributions to explain these effects. In addition, a statistically significant 3D-QSAR model built applying GRIND descriptors allowed us to propose a virtual receptor site considering pharmacophoric regions and mutual distances. Furthermore, the 3-phenylcoumarins studied were not toxic to neutrophils under the assessed conditions. (C) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Guttiferone-A (GA) is a natural occurring polyisoprenylated benzophenone with cytotoxic action in vitro and anti-tumor action in rodent models. We addressed a potential involvement of mitochondria in GA toxicity (1-25 mu M) toward cancer cells by employing both hepatic carcinoma (HepG2) cells and succinate-energized mitochondria, isolated from rat liver. In HepG2 cells GA decreased viability, dissipated mitochondrial membrane potential, depleted ATP and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. In isolated rat-liver mitochondria GA promoted membrane fluidity increase, cyclosporine A/EGTA-insensitive membrane permeabilization, uncoupling (membrane potential dissipation/state 4 respiration rate increase), Ca(2+) efflux, ATP depletion, NAD(P)H depletion/oxidation and ROS levels increase. All effects in cells, except mitochondrial membrane potential dissipation, as well as NADPH depletion/oxidation and permeabilization in isolated mitochondria, were partly prevented by the a NAD(P)H regenerating substrate isocitrate. The results suggest the following sequence of events: 1) GA interaction with mitochondrial membrane promoting its permeabilization; 2) mitochondrial membrane potential dissipation; 3) NAD(P)H oxidation/depletion due to inability of membrane potential-sensitive NADP(+) transhydrogenase of sustaining its reduced state; 4) ROS accumulation inside mitochondria and cells; 5) additional mitochondrial membrane permeabilization due to ROS; and 6) ATP depletion. These GA actions are potentially implicated in the well-documented anti-cancer property of GA/structure related compounds. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a thermodimorphic human pathogenic fungus that causes paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), which is the most prevalent systemic mycosis in Latin America. Differentiation from the mycelial to the yeast form (M-to-Y) is an essential step for the establishment of PCM. We evaluated the involvement of mitochondria and intracellular oxidative stress in M-to-Y differentiation. M-to-Y transition was delayed by the inhibition of mitochondrial complexes III and IV or alternative oxidase (AOX) and was blocked by the association of AOX with complex III or IV inhibitors. The expression of P. brasiliensis aox (Pbaox) was developmentally regulated through M-to-Y differentiation, wherein the highest levels were achieved in the first 24 h and during the yeast exponential growth phase; Pbaox was upregulated by oxidative stress. Pbaox was cloned, and its heterologous expression conferred cyanide-resistant respiration in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli and reduced oxidative stress in S. cerevisiae cells. These results reinforce the role of PbAOX in intracellular redox balancing and demonstrate its involvement, as well as that of other components of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes, in the early stages of the M-to-Y differentiation of P. brasiliensis.
Mounting evidence indicates that structural and functional vascular changes associated with two-kidney, one-clip (2K-1C) hypertension result, at least in part, from altered activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Because MMPs are upregulated by increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), we hypothesized that antioxidant approaches could attenuate the increases in MMP-2 expression/activity and the vascular dysfunction and remodeling associated with 2K-1C hypertension. Sham-operated or 2K-1C hypertensive rats were treated with tempol 18 mg/kg/day or apocyanin 25 mg/kg/day (or vehicle). Systolic blood pressure was monitored weekly. After 8 weeks of treatment, aortic rings were isolated to assess endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxation. Quantitative morphometry of structural changes in the aortic wall was studied in hematoxylin/eosin sections. Aortic and systemic ROS levels were measured using dihydroethidine and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, respectively. Aortic MMP-2 levels and activity were determined by gelatin and in situ zymography, fluorimetry, and immunohistochemistry. Tempol and apocyanin attenuated 2K-1C hypertension (181 +/- 20.8 and 192 +/- 17.6 mm Hg, respectively, versus 213 +/- 18 mm Hg in hypertensive controls; both p<0.05) and prevented the reduction in endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation found in 2K-1C rats. Tempol, but not apocyanin (p>0.05), prevented the vascular remodeling found in 2K-1C rats (all p<0.01). Tempol was more effective than apocyanin in attenuating hypertension-induced increases in oxidative stress (both p<0.05), MMP-2 levels, and MMP-2 activity in hypertensive rats (all p<0.05). Our results suggest that antioxidant approaches decrease MMP-2 upregulation and attenuate the vascular dysfunction and remodeling during 2K-1C hypertension. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
One hypothesis for the etiology of cell damage arising from iron overload is that its excess selectively affects mitochondria. Here we tested the effects of acute iron overload on liver mitochondria isolated from rats subjected to a single dose of i.p. 500 mg/kg iron-dextran. The treatment increased the levels of iron in mitochondria (from 21 +/- A 4 to 130 +/- A 7 nmol/mg protein) and caused both lipid peroxidation and glutathione oxidation. The mitochondria of iron-treated rats showed lower respiratory control ratio in association with higher resting respiration. The mitochondrial uncoupling elicited by iron-treatment did not affect the phosphorylation efficiency or the ATP levels, suggesting that uncoupling is a mitochondrial protective mechanism against acute iron overload. Therefore, the reactive oxygen species (ROS)/H(+) leak couple, functioning as a mitochondrial redox homeostatic mechanism could play a protective role in the acutely iron-loaded mitochondria.
The aims of this study were to evaluate whether air pollution during pre-natal and post-natal phases change habituation and short-term discriminative memories and if oxidants are involved in this process. As secondary objectives, it was to evaluate if the change of filtered to nonfiltered environment could protect the cortex of rats against oxidative stress as well as to modify the behavior of these animals. Wistar, male rats were divided into four groups (n = 12/group): pre and post-natal exposure until adulthood to filtered air (FA); pre-natal period to nonfiltered air (NFA-FA); until (21st post-natal day) and post-natal to filtered air until adulthood (PND21); prenatal to filtered air until PND21 and post-natal to nonfiltered air until adulthood (FA-NFA); pre and post-natal to nonfiltered air (NFA). After 150 days of air pollution exposure, animals were tested in the spontaneous object recognition test to evaluate short-term discriminative and habituation memories. Rats were euthanized; blood was collected for metal determination; cortex dissected for oxidative stress evaluation. There was a significant increase in malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in the NFA group when compared to other groups (FA: 1.730 +/- 0.217; NFA-FA: 1.101 +/- 0.217; FA-NFA: 1.014 +/- 0.300; NFA: 5.978 +/- 1.920 nmol MDA/mg total proteins; p = 0.007). NFA group presented a significant decrease in short-term discriminative (FA: 0.603 +/- 0.106; NFA-FA: 0.669 +/- 0.0666; FA-NFA: 0.374 +/- 0.178; NFA: -0.00631 +/- 0.106 sec; p = 0.006) and an improvement in habituation memories when compared to other groups. Therefore, exposure to air pollution during both those periods impairs short-term discriminative memory and cortical oxidative stress may mediate this process.