978 resultados para Eerola, Antti: Nylon Beat
The case of a 38-year old man with recurrent adenocarcinoma of the right lung and infiltration of the thoracic wall, who underwent a right pneumonectomy with thoracic wall resection, is described. Dissection of the right pulmonary hilous was extremely difficult due to the previous operations. The superior vena cava (SVC) was accidentally ligated, resulting in profound hypotension and increased venous pressure in the internal jugular vein. Immediate blood aspiration through a 8.5-French introducer sheath lowered the venous congestion. After the SVC was cross-clamped, the Bispectral Index (BIS) acutely decreased to 0 and remained low during the resuscitation. Over the next 5 hours, BIS was directly affected by mean arterial pressure. Four days postoperatively, the patient was neurologically intact.
It is generally accepted that financial markets are efficient in the long run a lthough there may be some deviations in the short run. It is also accepted that a good portfolio manager is the one who beats the market persistently along time, this type of manager could not exist if markets were perfectly efficient According to this in a pure efficient market we should find that managers know that they can not beat the market so they would undertake only pure passive management strategies. Assuming a certain degree of inefficiency in the short run, a market may show some managers who tr y to beat the market by undertaking active strategies. From Fama’s efficient markets theory we can state that these active managers may beat the market occasionally although they will not be able to enhance significantly their performance in the long run. On the other hand, in an inefficient market it would be expected to find a higher level of activity related with the higher probability of beating the market. In this paper we follow two objectives: first, we set a basis to analyse the level of efficiency in an asset invest- ment funds market by measuring performance, strategies activity and it’s persistence for a certain group of funds during the period of study. Second, we analyse individual performance persistence in order to determine the existence of skilled managers. The CAPM model is taken as theoretical background and the use of the Sharpe’s ratio as a suitable performance measure in a limited information environment leads to a group performance measurement proposal. The empiri- cal study takes quarterly data from 1999-2007 period, for the whole population of the Spanish asset investment funds market, provided by the CNMV (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores). This period of study has been chosen to ensure a wide enough range of efficient market observation so it would allow us to set a proper basis to compare with the following period. As a result we develop a model that allows us to measure efficiency in a given asset mutual funds market, based on the level of strategy’s activity undertaken by managers. We also observe persistence in individual performance for a certain group of funds
BACKGROUND: On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the United States. By coincidence, a North Carolina highway patrol trooper was wearing an ambulatory ECG Holter monitor at this time as part of an air pollution study. METHODS: Heart rate variability parameters were analyzed: standard deviation of normal to normal beat intervals (SDNN) and percentage of interval differences >50 ms (PNN50). RESULTS: The trooper's heart rate variability changed immediately after learning about the terrorist attacks. Heart rate increased and PNN50 decreased, while SDNN increased strongly. CONCLUSIONS: These changes suggest strong emotional sympathetic stress associated with parasympathetic withdrawal in response to the news about the terrorist attack. [Authors]
The clinical demand for a device to monitor Blood Pressure (BP) in ambulatory scenarios with minimal use of inflation cuffs is increasing. Based on the so-called Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) principle, this paper introduces and evaluates a novel concept of BP monitor that can be fully integrated within a chest sensor. After a preliminary calibration, the sensor provides non-occlusive beat-by-beat estimations of Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) by measuring the Pulse Transit Time (PTT) of arterial pressure pulses travelling from the ascending aorta towards the subcutaneous vasculature of the chest. In a cohort of 15 healthy male subjects, a total of 462 simultaneous readings consisting of reference MAP and chest PTT were acquired. Each subject was recorded at three different days: D, D+3 and D+14. Overall, the implemented protocol induced MAP values to range from 80 ± 6 mmHg in baseline, to 107 ± 9 mmHg during isometric handgrip maneuvers. Agreement between reference and chest-sensor MAP values was tested by using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC = 0.78) and Bland-Altman analysis (mean error = 0.7 mmHg, standard deviation = 5.1 mmHg). The cumulative percentage of MAP values provided by the chest sensor falling within a range of ±5 mmHg compared to reference MAP readings was of 70%, within ±10 mmHg was of 91%, and within ±15mmHg was of 98%. These results point at the fact that the chest sensor complies with the British Hypertension Society (BHS) requirements of Grade A BP monitors, when applied to MAP readings. Grade A performance was maintained even two weeks after having performed the initial subject-dependent calibration. In conclusion, this paper introduces a sensor and a calibration strategy to perform MAP measurements at the chest. The encouraging performance of the presented technique paves the way towards an ambulatory-compliant, continuous and non-occlusive BP monitoring system.
AIMS: Experimental models have reported conflicting results regarding the role of dispersion of repolarization in promoting atrial fibrillation (AF). Repolarization alternans, a beat-to-beat alternation in action potential duration, enhances dispersion of repolarization when propagation velocity is involved. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this work, original electrophysiological parameters were analysed to study AF susceptibility in a chronic sheep model of pacing-induced AF. Two pacemakers were implanted, each with a single right atrial lead. Right atrial depolarization and repolarization waves were documented at 2-week intervals. A significant and gradual decrease in the propagation velocity at all pacing rates and in the right atrial effective refractory period (ERP) was observed during the weeks of burst pacing before sustained AF developed when compared with baseline conditions. Right atrial repolarization alternans was observed, but because of the development of 2/1 atrioventricular block with far-field ventricular interference, its threshold could not be precisely measured. Non-sustained AF was not observed at baseline, but appeared during the electrical remodelling in association with a decrease in both ERP and propagation velocity. CONCLUSION: We report here on the feasibility of measuring ERP, atrial repolarization alternans, and propagation velocity kinetics and their potential in predicting susceptibility to AF in a free-behaving model of pacing-induced AF using the standard pacemaker technology.
We present a new technique for audio signal comparison based on tonal subsequence alignment and its application to detect cover versions (i.e., different performances of the same underlying musical piece). Cover song identification is a task whose popularity has increased in the Music Information Retrieval (MIR) community along in the past, as it provides a direct and objective way to evaluate music similarity algorithms.This article first presents a series of experiments carried outwith two state-of-the-art methods for cover song identification.We have studied several components of these (such as chroma resolution and similarity, transposition, beat tracking or Dynamic Time Warping constraints), in order to discover which characteristics would be desirable for a competitive cover song identifier. After analyzing many cross-validated results, the importance of these characteristics is discussed, and the best-performing ones are finally applied to the newly proposed method. Multipleevaluations of this one confirm a large increase in identificationaccuracy when comparing it with alternative state-of-the-artapproaches.
BACKGROUND: A rapid decrease of serum potassium concentrations during haemodialysis produces a significant increase in blood pressure parameters at the end of the session, even if effects on intra-dialysis pressure are not seen. Paradoxically, in animal models potassium is a vasodilator and decreases myocardial contractility. The purpose of this trial is to study the precise haemodynamic consequences induced by acute changes in potassium concentration during haemodialysis. METHODS: In 24 patients, 288 dialysis sessions, using a randomised single blind crossover design, we compared six dialysate sequences with different potassium profiles. The dialysis sessions were divided into 3 tertiles, casually modulating potassium concentration in the dialysate between the value normally used K and the two cut-off points K+1 and K-1 mmol/l. Haemodynamics were evaluated in a non-invasive manner using a finger beat-to-beat monitor. RESULTS: Comparing K-1 and K+1, differences were found within the tertiles regarding systolic (+5.3, +6.6, +2.3 mmHg, p < 0.05, < 0.05, ns) and mean blood pressure (+4.3, +6.4, -0.5 mmHg, p < 0.01, < 0.01, ns), as well as peripheral resistance (+212, +253, -4 dyne.sec.cm-5, p < 0.05, < 0.05, ns). The stroke volume showed a non-statistically-significant inverse trend (-3.1, -5.2, -0.2 ml). 18 hypotension episodes were recorded during the course of the study. 72% with K-1, 11% with K and 17% with K+1 (p < 0.01 for comparison K-1 vs. K and K-1 vs. K+1). CONCLUSIONS: A rapid decrease in the concentration of serum potassium during the initial stage of the dialysis-obtained by reducing the concentration of potassium in the dialysate-translated into a decrease of systolic and mean blood pressure mediated by a decrease in peripheral resistance. The risk of intra-dialysis hypotension inversely correlates to the potassium concentration in the dialysate. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01224314.
The measurement of rigidity and perseveration respectively gets increasing importance in clinical psychodiagnostics. Recently we have developed a computer-assisted technique which allows to get information about inadequate persisting in psychic processes and behaviour within shortest time and to differentiate between psychopathological groups. 257 patients of both sexes who came for elucidation of their disorders to the department of clinical psychodiagnostics were investigated. The most significant differences between the groups were found in redundance of second degree (the patient has to press 10 buttons indiscriminately according to the beat of a metronom--standard condition) and in personal speed (the patient has to press 10 buttons as fast as possible--speed condition). Furthermore the psychopathological groups were ranged in the particular variables of rigidity according to their mean values and their average ranges the schizophrenics and effective psychoses were characterized by a high tendency of perseveration while the neurotics, patients with organic brain syndrome and alcohol and drug dependents showed more flexibility.
Tämän insinöörityön tavoitteena oli tehdä MATLAB-sovellus, jolla voidaan laskea ja tulostaa yleisradiotoiminnassa käytettävien dipolipaneeliantennien säteilykuvioita. Toinen tavoite oli saattaa tämän työn valvojan Antti Koivumäen vuoden 1980 diplomityön laskenta ja grafiikka modernimmalle tasolle. Aluksi työssä tarkasteltiin yleisiä asioita VHF- ja UHF-taajuuksien lähetystavoista ja lähetinantennityypeistä. Alussa käytiin läpi myös antennijoukon ja -ryhmän käsite. Seuraavaksi tutustuttiin tarkemmin lähetinantennien rakenteeseen ja ominaisuuksiin. Antennien ominaisuuksista tarkasteltiin säteilykuviota, suuntaavuutta, vahvistusta, hyötysuhdetta ja polarisaatiota. Näistä säteilykuvio oli tarkimman tutkinnan kohteena. Säteilykuvion laskeminen esitettiin kaavojen ja havainnoillistavien kuvien avulla. Lopuksi perehdyttiin antennin säteilykuvion laskemiseen tietokoneella, etenkin MATLABilla. Osuudessa tarkasteltiin graafisen käyttöliittymän tekemistä, laskennan suorittamista ja horisontaalisen säteilykuvion esittämistä graafisesti. Työn tuloksena saatiin tehdyksi MATLAB-sovellus, joka laskee elementtiantennin horisontaalisen säteilykuvion annettujen parametrien avulla ja tulostaa sen.
The performance of the Xpert MRSA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay on pooled nose, groin, and throat swabs (three nylon flocked eSwabs into one tube) was compared to culture by analyzing 5,546 samples. The sensitivity [0.78, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.73-0.82] and specificity (0.99, 95 % CI 0.98-0.99) were similar to the results from published studies on separated nose or other specimens. Thus, the performance of the Xpert MRSA assay was not affected by pooling the three specimens into one assay, allowing a higher detection rate without increasing laboratory costs, as compared to nose samples alone.
Opinnäytetyömme on osa Keski-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitoksen KUOSCE -hanketta, jonka tarkoitukse-na on selvittää perustason sairaankuljettajien taitoja hoitamisen ja tutkimisen eri osa-alueilla, sekä luoda perustason osaamisen kehittymisen malli ensihoidon koulutukseen ja Keski-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitok-sen käyttöön. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kuvata tutkittuun tietoon perustuen, minkälaista elvytysosaamista perustason sairaankuljettajat tarvitsevat. Toisena tarkoituksena on arvioida elvytysosaamista arvioivan mittarin luotettavuutta ja käyttökelpoisuutta. Olemme kuvanneet kirjallisuuskatsauksessamme tutkimuksiin perustuen elvytyksessä tarvittavaa osaamista sekä osaamisessa todettuja puutteita niin sairaalassa kuin sen ulkopuolisessa ensihoidossa. Tutkimuksissa todettiin, että sairaankuljettajien elvytystaidoissa on paljon parannettavaa. Lähes jokaisella osa-alueella on osaamispuutteita. Elottomuuden tunnistamiseen kuluu liian pitkä aika, painelupaikka määritellään väärin, oikean painelusyvyyden hallitsemisessa on vaikeuksia, ventilaation oikean suhteen toteuttaminen on käytännössä vaikeaa. Tutkimusten mukaan sairaankuljettajien tiedolliset taidot elvytystilanteissa ovat hyvät, mutta käytännön taidoissa on parannettavaa. Mittarin luotettavuuden ja käyttökelpoisuuden arvioimiseksi järjestimme Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadian valmistuville ensihoitajaopiskelijoille (n=16) simuloidun elvytystilanteen Antti- elvytysnukella. Totesimme mittarin olevan pääosin luotettava, mutta havaitsimme mittarissa olevan myös sen luotettavuutta heikentäviä tekijöitä, kuten arvioijien eriävä mielipide testaustilanteessa johtuen mittarin vaikeasta seurattavuudesta.
Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin SEW Industrial Gears Oy:lle, joka valmistaa hammasvaihteita teollisuuden eri sovellutuksiin. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää modulaarinen paisuntaastiasarja compact -sarjan teollisuusvaihteeseen. Työn alkuvaiheessa käytössä oli kahdenlaisia paisunta-astioita: kosteissa oloissa käytettävä suljettu astiamalli ja kuiviin olosuhteisiin soveltuva malli. Koska käytössä oleva suljettu astiamalli oli kallis ja kuivien olosuhteiden mallin käyttö oli rajoitettu, oli uudelle modulaariselle paisunta-astialle selkeä tarve. Uuden astiamallin tuli olla yhteensopiva vaihteen yleisimpien varusteiden ja asennusasentojen kanssa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli puolittaa uuden konseptin hinta vanhaan verrattuna ja paikata vanhoissa konstruktioissa olleita puutteita. Työ aloitettiin analysoimalla olemassa olevat paisunta-astiatyypit, minkä jälkeen paisuntaastialle ideoitiin uusia ominaisuuksia. Toisessa vaiheessa perehdyttiin modulaariseen järjestelmään sekä öljynpaisunnan teoriaan teollisuusvaihteessa. Viimeisessä vaiheessa tehtiin konseptin varsinainen suunnittelutyö, valittiin astian valmistustapa ja materiaali sekä optimoitiin hinta. Uudesta mallista valmistettiin myös prototyyppi, jotta suunniteltua tuotetta päästiin kokeilemaan myös käytännössä. Näin voitiin varmistaa tuotteen toimivuus. Suunnittelutyön tuloksena saatiin uuden paisunta-astiasarjan piirustukset tarvittavista osista ja kokoonpanoista sekä komponenttistandardi ja myyntiä tukevaa materiaalia. Käytännön osuus antoi tietoa laskelmien oikeellisuudesta sekä öljyn täyttöön ja paisuntaan liittyvistä asioista.
In Finland, European Union membership and economic globalisation have changed the position of regions from closed territorial systems to nodes of open international networks. The increasing complexity of cities as globalised knowledge centres and functionally specialised and diversified rural areas, and on the other hand growing disparities between prosperous urban cores and lagging peripheral areas are also essential features in contemporary regional development. These trends have produced new needs to promote mutual dialogue between cities and the countryside in western market economies. Urban-rural interaction is an idea which was developed in the late 1990s within regional policy to pull together these new challenges to regional development and handle cities and the countryside as a whole. The aim of my study is to conceptualise the idea of urban-rural interaction, explain the phenomenon theoretically, clarify past and present urban and rural development and analyse regional policies from the interaction angle. The ultimate purpose is to illustrate the existence and nature of particular interaction policy in a globalising society. The general method is discourse analysis, which I use in three cases: Central Finland, South-Ostrobothnia and South-West Finland. Theoretically I have a two-dimensional approach. On the first hand I use World-System theory to explain how the global economy is moulding urban and rural structures at the regional level. On the other hand I use regime theory to explain local political actions and practises between cities and the countryside under the overlapping pressures deriving from reformulated regional structures and policies.
Adaptation to globalisation in Finland has been carried out by strengthening urban centres. The stress in regional policy has been in urban development. The development of the countryside has mostly been implemented by a separate rural policy. At the end of the 1990s and early 2000s Finnish cities have actually shown themselves to be competitive in global markets. The drawbacks of the new growth centre policy have been the sparse network of prosperous cities and their weak spreading effects, which have hindered comprehensive regional development. Tensions between urban and rural areas have also deepened. In this situation the interaction policy is used as a way of balancing development and moderate conflicts within the regions. From this point of view urban-rural interaction can be seen as a way of tackling the challenges of globalisation.
On the other hand the results emphasise that actors involved in regional development still believe, although the hegemonic discourse is on urban policy, that there are opportunities to stimulate progress in the countryside as well. In the situation where regional authorities control development resources, rural development can be successful only if rural actors manage to establish fruitful relationships with their urban partners. This is also the weakness of the programme-based regional policy. If rural municipalities or other actors are for any reason incapable of building development regimes with cities, the offers of interaction policy will be useless.
The problem of the interaction policy is that the focus and methods of it have so far been rather underdeveloped. In order to improve the efficiency of the interaction policy, further research should concentrate on the social processes which define the position of cities and the countryside as partners of interaction, and practises which promote or prohibit the possibilities of developing the interaction policy. The efforts to define different contents of urban-rural interaction or promote interaction projects should not have such an important role in the future as they have had so far. Instead, the focus of interaction policy should be on questions such as how to manage the political tensions between town and country and how to create a positive atmosphere for regional policy where the needs of urban and rural development are promoted equally.
Tutkin työssäni Stadian musiikinopiskelijoiden tyytyväisyyttä kurssitutkintojen arviointiin. Musiikin koulutusohjelman tutkintoon johtavan aikuiskoulutuksen opiskelijat pohtivat vuonna 2004 "Opettajan ammattitaidon osoittaminen ja arviointi" -kurssilla ammattiopiskelijoiden kurssitutkintojärjestelmää ja tutkintojen arviointia. Kurssin satona saatiin aiheeseen liittyviä kirjoitelmia sekä opiskelijakysely otsikolla "Miten kehittää kurssitutkintokäytäntöä?" Nämä kirjoitelmat ja kyselyyn saadut vastaukset ovat aineistoani tässä tutkimuksessa. Lisäksi olen haastatellut koulutusjohtaja Kaarlo Hildéniä selventääkseni ammattikorkeakoulu-uudistuksen vaikutusta kurssitutkintoihin. Kyselyn tulosten perusteella kurssitutkintojen arviointia voitaisiin kehittää monilta osin. Etenkin palautteen sisällöstä oli huomautettavaa varsin monella vastaajalla. Myös itsearviointia voitaisiin kehittää tutkinnoissa huomattavasti; yksikään vastaajista ei kokenut, että hänen arviotaan olisi pidetty tärkeänä ja että sillä olisi ollut vaikutusta arviointikeskustelussa. Palaute olisi myös syytä tallentaa, sillä suullisesta palautteesta ei jää monelle mieleen juuri mitään. Positiivisia kokemuksia tutkinnonsuorittajilla oli eniten palautetilaisuuden tunnelmasta. Tutkintoon johtavan aikuiskoulutuksen opiskelijat painottivat kirjoitelmissaan positiivisen palautteen merkitystä sekä yhtyivät nuorisoasteen opiskelijoiden toiveeseen palautteen tallentamisesta. He esittivät myös arviointikoulutusta musiikkioppilaitosten opettajille. Työn tulosten pohjalta voidaan kehittää Stadian ja muiden ammattikorkeakoulujen musiikin koulutusohjelmien kurssitutkintojen arviointia palvelemaan tarkoitustaan paremmin.