491 resultados para Duodenal perforation


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RACIONAL: Dentre as perfurações do trato gastrointestinal, as lesões do esôfago são as de pior prognóstico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os aspectos etiológicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos de pacientes com perfuração esofágica atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - UNESP. MÉTODOS: Avaliação retrospectiva de pacientes internados no período de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2006. Foram estudados 24 pacientes (18 homens e 6 mulheres) com idade média de 52 anos. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos de 12. O Grupo 1 compreendia os pacientes cuja perfuração ocorreu na evolução de câncer do esôfago e o Grupo 2 os pacientes com perfuração devida a causas diversas. No Grupo 2 as causas foram: procedimento endoscópico em três casos, fundoplicatura em três, ingestão de corpo estranho em dois, balão de Blackmore em um, ingestão de antiinflamatório em um, pós-operatório de diverticulectomia em um, ferimento por arma de fogo em um. O esôfago torácico foi o local mais acometido (12 pacientes no Grupo 1 e sete no Grupo 2. em cinco pacientes do Grupo 1 foi realizada entubação transtumoral e nos demais gastrostomia ou jejunostomia. No Grupo 2, o procedimento realizado nas perfurações do esôfago torácico foi esofagectomia. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade operatória no Grupo 1 foi de 25% e no Grupo 2 de 8,33%. Conclusão - a) A lesão do esôfago cervical apresenta, em geral, evolução favorável; b) a conduta cirúrgica, mesmo quando realizado em fase não precoce (primeiras 24 horas), resulta em boa resolução.


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Dentre as inúmeras patologias que acometem os eqüinos jovens, as úlceras gástricas situam-se como uma das mais importantes. MURRAY et al. (1987) trabalhando com potros clinicamente normais, constatou uma prevalência de úlceras da ordem de 51%. O mesmo autor realizando gastroscopia em 45 equinos com idade entre 1 e 24 anos, observou a presença de úlceras em 93% dos animais (MURRAY, 1988). de etiologia não completamente definida, acredita-se que inúmeros fatores estejam envolvidos na gênese das úlceras gastroduodenais, sendo o estresse um dos mais importantes. Um desequilíbrio entre os fatores de agressão e proteção da mucosa gástrica é sugerido, onde uma vez ocorrendo o predomínio dos fatores de agressão, a formação das úlceras estaria determinada. de acordo com o tipo, presença ou ausência de sinais clínicos, localização das lesões na mucosa gástrica e possíveis complicações de sua ocorrência, quatro síndromes clínicas são reconhecidas em potros: 1) úlceras assintomáticas ou silenciosas; 2) úlceras sintomáticas ou ativas; 3) úlceras perfuradas e, 4) obstrução gástrica ou duodenal. O diagnóstico deve ser baseado na história clínica, sinais clínicos, resposta à terapia e principalmente nos achados do exame gastroscópico. O tratamento pode ser feito utilizando-se drogas inibidoras da secreção ácida, protetores de mucosas, anti-ácidos, análogos da prostaglandina e estimulantes de motilidade intestinal. Quando indicado emprega-se o tratamento cirúrgico.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a concentração de N-NH3, o pH do líquido ruminal e a eficiência de síntese microbiana de rações que continham diferentes fontes energéticas: milho (MI), milho + casca de mandioca desidratada (MC), raspa de mandioca (RM) e farinha de varredura de mandioca (FV). Foram utilizados quatro novilhos da raça Holandesa (270 kg), portadores de cânulas ruminal e duodenal, distribuídos em um delineamento Quadrado Latino 4x4. A cinza insolúvel em ácido foi utilizada como indicador do fluxo duodenal e fecal. Não houve efeito das rações experimentais no pH ruminal. No entanto, menor concentração de N-NH3 foi observada para a ração com FV. O fluxo duodenal de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio e a composição química das bactérias ruminais não foram influenciados pelas rações experimentais. A maior eficiência microbiana aparente foi obtida para a ração com FV. Nas condições do presente experimento a FV, possivelmente apresentou uma melhor sincronização com a fonte protéica (farelo de soja), diminuindo a perda de nitrogênio na forma de N-NH3 e aumentando a eficiência microbiana.


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Os objetivos neste experimento foram avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de extrato de orégano (EO) como aditivo promotor de crescimento nas rações sobre o desempenho, o sistema imune (peso e tamanho da bursa de Fabricius, peso do baço e do timo), as características anatomo-fisiológicas do trato gastrointestinal (altura de vilosidade, profundidade de cripta e suas relações), a microbiologia do ceco e o pH do duodeno e do ceco de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 1.440 pintos de corte machos Cobb 500, em duas fases de criação (1 a 21 e 1 a 42 dias de idade), distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos e oito repetições de 30 aves. Utilizou-se ração basal (RB) para as três fases de criação (1 a 21, 22 a 35 e 36 a 42 dias de idade), constituindo os seguintes tratamentos: T1 - RB; T2 - RB com antibiótico (25 ppm de bacitracina de zinco); T3 - RB com 0,025% EO; T4 - RB com 0,050% EO; T5 - RB com 0,075% EO; e T6 -RB com 0,100% EO. Observou-se que os tratamentos não influenciaram o desempenho e os pHs dos conteúdos duodenal e cecal das aves nas duas fases de criação. As variáveis de imunidade e avaliação anatomo-fisiológica do trato gastrointestinal aos 21 dias não apresentaram diferenças. Apenas o peso do baço e a altura de vilosidade aos 42 dias de idade foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. Houve redução no número de bactérias no ceco das aves à medida que se elevou o conteúdo do extrato de orégano nas rações, indicando que houve ação antimicrobiana dos componentes deste extrato. Na condição em que foi realizado o experimento, o uso do extrato de orégano como aditivo promotor de crescimento não ocasionou efeito diferente dos demais tratamentos (antibiótico e testemunha).


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Morphological and phenotypical patterns of proliferative epithelial lesions induced in the gastric stump mucosa by duodenal content reflux after Billroth II partial gastrectomy (BII) were evaluated in rats. Control animals were either sham-operated or submitted at different times after BII to Roux-en-Y (RY) surgical procedure which prevents duodenal reflux. The lesions were analysed using routine haematoxylin and eosin staining, immunohistochemical staining for pepsinogen isoenzyme 1 and histochemical procedures for mucins (paradoxical Concanavalin A, galactose oxidase Schiff and sialidase galactose oxidase Schiff reactions). Mucosal hyperplasia (H) was observed in the group submitted to BII procedure 6 weeks after surgery. Adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) also appeared 6 weeks after induction of the reflux and its incidence and size increased until the 54th week of the experiment. RY procedure performed in the normal animals at the beginning of the experiment or at the 24th week after BII gastrectomy led to a significantly lower incidence of AH which was related to the moment of surgery. Most of H was due to pyloric mucosal hyperplasia. AH consisted mainly of gastric type glands but in some animals glands of the intestinal type Were present probably originating from the intestinal mucosa. Six mucinous adenocarcinomas were observed, all of them of intestinal type. This study demonstrates that AH induced by BII procedure is a reversible lesion and that the anomalous epithelial proliferation in the stoma may lead to adenocarcinomas.


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Three steers equipped with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were fed roughage:concentrate ratios 80:20, 60:40 and 40:60 in order to study intake and apparent, rumen and post-rumen digestibilities. The roughage was ''coast cross'' (Cynodon dactylon) hay (5.67% CP and 83.30% NDF). Undigestible neutral detergent fiber (NDF) was used as dry matter (DM) flow marker. DM intake means were 77.99, 91.03 and 91.81g DM/kg BW0.75, for the 20, 40 and 60% concentrate diets, respectively. DM intake for the 20% diet was statistically (P < 0.05) different from the other two diets. Apparent digestion coefficient (%) of DM (50.48, 57.32 and 61.33), organic matter (OM) (52.03, 58.91 and 62.76) and gross energy (GE) (48.95, 56.40 and 60.00) increased significantly with the increase in concentrate ratio of the diets. For the following components the apparent digestion coefficients were not statistically different: NDF (44.54, 45.28 and 42.53), ADF (40.69 44.39 and 43.60), cellulose (51.54, 54.34 and 52.03), hemicellulose (49.63, 46.78 and 39.18) and starch (86.59, 91.89 and 93.21). DM, OM, NDF, ATF, cellulose and starch ruminal and post-ruminal digestibilities were not statistically different. But the ruminal digestibilities of hemicellulose (94.81, 90.26 and 85.99) and EG (93.85, 83.30 and 78.77) decreased significantly as the concentrate ratio of the diets increased. The post-ruminal digestibility of hemicellulose (5.19, 9.74 and 14.03%) and GE (6.12, 16.20 and 21.23%) increased as the concentrate ratio of the diets increased.


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Turnera ulmifolia is a plant belonging to the family Turneraceae, popularly known in Brazil as chanana. This species is distributed from Guyana to southern Brazil where it is considered a weed. The plant occurs in tropical rain forest, fields, and gardens. Chanana tea is used in Brazilian folk medicine for the treatment of diseases related mainly to gastric dysfunction including gastric and duodenal ulcers. In this study, the ability of a lyophilized infusion, as an aqueous fraction (AqF) of the aerial parts of T. ulmifolia, was investigated for its ability to prevent ulceration of the gastric and duodenal mucosa was examined in mice and rats, respectively. The AqF significantly reduced the formation of lesions associated with HCl/ethanol administration by 39% and 46%, respectively, at doses of 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg, p.o. The AqF also significantly reduced the incidence of gastric lesions induced by a combination of indomethacin and bethanechol by 58% and 72% at doses of 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg, respectively. In stress-induced gastric ulcer, the inhibition by the AqF was 48%, 57%, and 58% at doses of 250 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg, and 1000 mg/kg, respectively (p<0.05). A pyloric ligature experiment showed that the highest dose of the AqF significantly affected the gastric juice parameters by increasing the pH from 2.5 (control) to 5.3 and decreasing the acid output from 11.3 (control) to 3.7 mEq/ml/4 h. The AqF had no significant effect on duodenal ulcers induced by cysteamine. Preliminary phytochemical screening confirmed that flavonoids were the major constituents of the AqF of T. ulmifolia. These results indicate that this extract has a significant antiulcerogenic effect, as popularly believed.


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Steers (379 +/- 10 kg) with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulas were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square digestion trial to quantify and evaluate the relationship between intestinal protein supply and intestinal starch disappearance. Treatments were infusions of 0, 50, 100, 150, or 200 g/d of casein along with 1,042 g/d of raw cornstarch. Abomasal infusions were accomplished by passing tubing and a pliable retaining washer through the reticular-omasal orifice into the abomasum. Steers were fed a 93% corn silage, 7% supplement diet that contained 12% crude protein at 1.65% body weight in 12 equal portions/d. Periods lasted 17 d (12 d for adaptation, 2 d of collections, and 3 d of rest). The quantity and percentage of organic matter and protein disappearance from the small intestine increased linearly (P < 0.03) with infused casein. Greater quantities of starch disappeared with increased casein infusion (P < 0.01). The infusion of 200 g/d of casein increased small intestinal starch disappearance by 226 g/d over the control. Casein infusion did not affect the quantity or percent of organic matter, starch, or protein disappearance in the large intestine. Treatments did not change ruminal ammonia N, ruminal pH, or plasma glucose concentrations. Starch disappearance from the small intestine was increased with greater protein flow to the duodenum of steers.


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Extrahepatic obstruction in cat,can be caused by cholelithiasis, inspissated bile, pancreatic inflammation or fibrosis, duodenal inflammation, bile duct carcinoma or liver fluke infection (Amphimerus pseudofelineus e Platynosomurn concinum). A three-year-old, female neutered siames cat was present with a two-month history of progressive letargy, anorexia and emaciation. She had severe icterus of the mucous membranes, skin, and sclerae. A diagnosis of extrahepataic biliary obstruction was made based on the increased levels of conjugated bilirubin in the serum and the ultrasonography. Hepatic fluke eggs were not diagnosed in the feces because the fibrotic bile ducts were occluded and no eggs were shed into the intestine. Cholecystoduodenostomy was done to relieve posthepatic-biliary obstruction.


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Styrax camporum Pohl is a shrub common in the cerrado vegetation of south-eastern Brazil. Root and stem wood in Styrax camporum differ quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative differences follow normal expectations: roots have wider and longer vessel elements, a lower vessel frequency, a lower ray frequency, and wider rays. Qualitative features of the roots are: simple perforation plates, vestured pits, and septate libriform fibres; qualitative features of the stems are: multiple perforation plates, non-vestured pits, and non-septate fibre-tracheids. Based on generally accepted evolutionary trends, root wood of Styrax camporum has more specialized features than stem wood. Additional comparative studies of stem and root anatomy are needed to determine if such differences between root and stem anatomy are widespread, and consistent with the lines of specialization observed in monocotyledons.


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Previously we reported the majority of lesions induced hy bile reflux, in the absence of chemical carcinogens, in the rat remnant stomach to consist primarily of gastric type and secondarily of intestinal type cells, and that they are reversible after diversion of bile reflux. The present study was designed to evaluate changes in proliferative activities in cells of each type under these conditions. The frequency of adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) induced in the gastric stump mucosa by duodenal content reflux after Billroth II partial gastrectomy (BII) increased until the 54th week of the experiment. Roux-en-Y (RY) surgical procedure which prevents duodenal reflux performed at the 24th or 36th week after BII led to a decrease in AH. Cell content of the lesions was analyzed using routine H&E staining, immunohistochemical staining for pepsinogen isoenzyme 1 and histochemical procedures for mucins (paradoxical concanavalin A, galactose oxidase Schiff and sialidase galactose oxidase Schiff reactions) and proliferation in each compartment evaluated by an immunohistochemical method using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and a monoclonal antibody against BrdU. At the 54th week the number of BrdU-labeled cells per normal pyloric column was significantly (P < 0.05) increased to 10.63/pit after the BII operation, while it diminished to 5.23/pit after RY diversion, this being the same level as with the RY procedure alone. AH maintained a high rate of BrdU incorporation at 12.7% after BII operation, which was also significantly reduced (P < 0.01) to 7.0% by the RY surgery. The intestinal type cell showed highest (22.2%), the surface mucous type cell showed the next (16.5%) and the pyloric gland type cell showed lowest (5.2%) BrdU labeling indices after BII operation. All the cell types in AH showed similar proportional decreases in BrdU incorporation after RY diversion. Thus surgical intervention reverses the cell proliferation caused by bile reflux in the gastric stump.


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Facial injuries with the retention of foreign bodies inside the tissues, both in soft and hard ones, can cause major functional and aesthetic damage. Among the different etiological agents, cutting tools, fragments of a firearm, the splinter of wood, steel, or iron, launched by misuse, or even caused by defects in equipment, are the main cause of these injuries. The aim of this study was to discuss the peculiarity of the multidisciplinary approach in caring of a 33-year-old man, victim of an accident at work, by the rupture of an emery disc and consequent penetration of the fragments in violation of the tissues in the orbital and zygomatic region of the left side, with perforation of the eyeball and orbital-zygomatic fracture. Urgent treatment consisted of debridement of wounds, bleeding control, removal of foreign bodies, fracture reduction with rigid internal fixation, and suture, performed by the oral and maxillofacial surgical team. Reconstruction of orbital tissues by the ophthalmology team consisted of suture of the injuries. About 1 month after the trauma, phthisis bulbi was noted, and the patient underwent a new procedure under general anesthesia for eye evisceration and installation of an alloplastic prosthesis associated with the homogenous sclera. Facial harmony was restored, especially in aesthetics and function of the zygomatic-orbital complex.


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This review aims to report the major control mechanisms of protein and peptides digestion of special interest in human patients. Regarding protein assimilation its digestive process begins at the stomach with some not so indispensable actions comparatively to those of duodenal/jejunal lumen. However even the intestine processes are partially under gastric secretion control. Proteolytic enzyme activities are related to protein structure and amino acid constituents, tertiary and quartenary structures need HCl - denaturation prior to enzymatic hydrolysis. Thereafter the exopeptidases are guided by either NH 2 (aminopeptidases) or COOH (carboxypeptidases) terminals of the molecule while endopeptidases are oriented by the specific amino acids constituents of the peptide. Both dietary and luminal secreted proteins and polypeptides undergo to either limited or complete proteolysis resulting basic or neutral free-amino acids (40%) or dioctapeptides. The brush border peptidases continue to degrade oligopeptide to di-tripeptides and neutral free-amino acids. Some peptides are uptaked by the enterocytes whose cytosolic peptidases complete the hydrolysis. Hence the digestive products flowing in the portal vein are mainly free-amino acids from either luminal or cytosolic hydrolysis and some di-tripeptides intactly absorbed. Both mechanical and chemical processes of digestion are under neural (vagal), neuroendocrinal(acetilcholine),endocrinal(gastrin, secretin and cholecystokinin) or paracrinal (histamine) controls. The gastric phase (hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen secretions) is activated by gastrin, histamine and acetilcholine which respond to both dietary-amino acids (tryptophan and phenylalanine) and mechanic distention of stomach. The pancreatic secretion is stimulated by either cephalic or gastric phases and has influence on the intestinal phase of digestion. The intestinal types of cells S and I release secretin and cholecystokinin respectively in response of acid quimo (cells S) or amino acids and peptides (cells I) in the lumen. Secretin stimulates the releasing of water, bicarbonate and enteropeptidases whereas cholecystokinin acts on pancreatic enzymes.


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This study was conducted to observe the healing process of intentional lateral root perforation repaired with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Forty-eight root canals of dogs' teeth were instrumented and filled. After partial removal of the filling, an intentional perforation was made with a bur in the lateral area of the root. The perforations were repaired with MTA or Sealapex (control group). Histological analysis occurred 30 and 180 days after treatment. Results showed no inflammation and deposition of cementum over MTA in the majority of the specimens. In the 180-day period, Sealapex exhibited chronic inflammation in all the specimens and slight deposition of cementum over the material in only three cases. In conclusion, MTA exhibited better results than the control group. Copyright © 2001 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of coronal filling and apical perforation on the induction of periapical inflammation. Methodology: Fifty-eight root canals in the teeth of dogs were divided into four groups. Groups I and II: root canals were exposed for 180 days; groups III and IV: root canals were exposed for 7 days and then the access cavity filled for 53 days. The root apices of groups I and III were perforated after the coronal opening, whilst those of groups II and IV remained intact. Standard radiographs were taken before and after the experimental periods. Digital images of the radiographs were created and then analysed by three examiners. After induction of periapical inflammation, the root canal contents were collected using paper points. Microbiologic evaluation of the type of microorganism was carried out by culture in different growth media. The radiographic and microbiologic data were statistically analysed using ANOVA at a 5% significance level. Results: There were a greater total number of microorganisms in groups I and II (P < 0.05). The number of anaerobes was greater than the number of aerobes (P < 0.05). The size of the periapical radiolucencies were not significantly different between the experimental groups. Conclusions: The different methods analysed induced similar areas of periapical radiolucency in dogs with predominantly anaerobic bacteria. However, the time required for induction was less when the method with coronal filling was used. © 2005 International Endodontic Journal.