946 resultados para Drug Users


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Psychological and social factors have a deep impact on the treatment of HIV-infection, from the readiness to start antiretroviral therapy to treatment adherence over time. Among psychological factors, anxiety may affect HIV-infected persons in all stages of disease, from the disclosure of HIV diagnosis to the decision to start and maintain treatment. This is a lifelong challenge for both patients and doctors. Psychiatric comorbidities (depression, addiction) may enhance negative psychological effects of HIV. Among social factors, stigma and discrimination may occur in families and at work, leading to a loss of social support resulting in isolation and poverty. This may prevent HIV-positive individuals from seeking medical care. These aspects are particularly important in some groups of patients as injecting drug users and migrants. Acknowledgment and consideration of psychosocial factors are therefore essential for the long term success of antiretroviral therapy.


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OBJECTIVES Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) is a new data collection methodology used to estimate characteristics of hard-to-reach groups, such as the HIV prevalence in drug users. Many national public health systems and international organizations rely on RDS data. However, RDS reporting quality and available reporting guidelines are inadequate. We carried out a systematic review of RDS studies and present Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology for RDS Studies (STROBE-RDS), a checklist of essential items to present in RDS publications, justified by an explanation and elaboration document. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING We searched the MEDLINE (1970-2013), EMBASE (1974-2013), and Global Health (1910-2013) databases to assess the number and geographical distribution of published RDS studies. STROBE-RDS was developed based on STROBE guidelines, following Guidance for Developers of Health Research Reporting Guidelines. RESULTS RDS has been used in over 460 studies from 69 countries, including the USA (151 studies), China (70), and India (32). STROBE-RDS includes modifications to 12 of the 22 items on the STROBE checklist. The two key areas that required modification concerned the selection of participants and statistical analysis of the sample. CONCLUSION STROBE-RDS seeks to enhance the transparency and utility of research using RDS. If widely adopted, STROBE-RDS should improve global infectious diseases public health decision making.


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Objective. This study was designed to determine the prevalence and incidence of HCV infection among non-sexual household contacts of HCV-infected women and to describe the association between HCV infection and potential household risk factors in order to examine whether non-sexual household contact is a route of transmission for HCV infection. ^ Methods. A baseline prevalence survey included 409 non-sexual household contacts of 241 HCV-infected index women in the Houston area from 1994 to 1997. A total of 470 non-sexual household contacts with no evidence of HCV infection at baseline investigation were re-assessed approximately three years after baseline enrollment. Information on potential risk factors was collected through face to face interviews and blood samples were tested for anti-HCV with ELISA-2 and Matrix/RIBA-2. The relationships between HCV infection and potential risk factors were examined by using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. ^ Results. The overall prevalence of anti-HCV positivity among 409 non-sexual household contacts was 4.4%. The highest prevalence of anti-HCV was found in parents (19.5%), followed by siblings (8.1%) and other relatives (5.6%); the children had the lowest prevalence of anti-HCV (1.2%). The univariate analysis showed that IDU, blood transfusion, tattoos, sexual contact with injecting drug users, more than 3 sexual partners in a lifetime, history of a STD, incarceration, previous hepatitis, and contact with hepatitis patients were significantly associated with HCV infection, however, sharing razors, nail clippers, toothbrushes, gum, food or beds with HCV-infected women, and history of dialysis, health care job, body piercing, and homosexual activities were not. Multivariate analysis found that IDU (OR = 221.7 with 95% CI of 22.8 to 2155.7) and history of a STD (OR = 11.7 with 95% CI of 1.2 to 113.1) were the only variables significantly associated with HCV infection. No such associations remained for other risk factors. The three-year cumulative incidence of anti-HCV among 352 non-sexual household contacts of HCV-infected women was zero. ^ Conclusion. This study has provided no evidence that non-sexual household contact is a likely route of transmission for HCV infection. The risk of sharing razors, nail clippers, toothbrushes, gum, food and/or beds with HCV-infected women is not evident and has not been shown to be the likely mode for HCV spread among family members. This study does suggest that IDU is the likely route of transmission for most HCV infection. Association also has been shown independently with a history of STD. The prevalence of anti-HCV among non-sexual household contacts was low. Exposure to common parenteral risk factors and sexual transmission between sexual partners may account for HCV spread among household members of HCV-infected persons. ^


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The purpose of this review was to describe characteristics of interventions that have been conducted for African American men and identify similarities and differences between interventions for subpopulations of African American men. Of the 473 studies identified through database searching, 8 studies met the eligibility criteria for this review. Target populations within these studies included heterosexual men, homosexual and bisexual men, persons with mental health problems, and injection and non-injection drug users. Little variation was found in the theories and methods used in interventions for different target populations. However, several different behavioral determinants were addressed within these interventions. Although interventions for drug users generally did not exclude individuals based on sexual orientation, these interventions were able to address HIV sexual risk behavior in heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual-identified men. Given these findings, multi-faceted approaches to HIV prevention are recommended in order to reduce HIV risk in African American men.^


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While there are reports of developing sexual relationships on the Internet (I) among MSM, there are few reports that have examined the process of developing sexual relationships on the I and comparing to that in real life (IRL). This study examines the process to provide insight into how MSM make decisions about courtship, engages in negotiations for sex, and choose sexual partners and examines the comparative sexual risks taken between I vs. IRL negotiation. This self-selected convenience sample at a national level (n=1001) of MSM recruited through the I, systematically explored the different steps, the process of courtship in a flow chart of I and IRL dating to portray the process of filtering, courtship and/or negotiation for sex. Risk behaviors in both environments are presented along with interactions that create predictable sequences or "scripts". These sequences constitute 'filtering' and 'sexual positioning'. Differences between I & IRL suggest discussion of HIV/STD status to have consistent differences for all variables except 'unprotected sex' meaning no condom use. There was more communication on the I in regards to self revealing information or variables relating to reducing risks which enable 'filtering' (including serosorting). Data indicate more steps in the I process, providing more complex, multiple steps to filter and position with regard not only to HIV/STD risk but also to negotiate position for complementary sexual interest. The study established a pattern of MSM's courtships or negotiation for sex and a pattern of acquisition, and more I negotiation. Data suggest negotiation opportunities which could lend to intervention to advise people how to negotiate safely. ^ Previous studies have reviewed MSM and drug use. This is a study to review the process of drug use associated with sexual behavior regarding the Internet (I) and in real life (IRL) using a self-selected, convenience sample of MSM (n=1001) recruited nation-wide through the Internet. Data on MSM and drugs illustrate the Internet being used as a tool to filter for drug use among MSM. MSM's drug use in both environments highlights the use of sexual performance drugs with an IRL pursuit of intimacy or negotiation for sex. IRL encounters were more likely to involve drug use (both recreational and sexual performance-enhancing) than Internet encounters. This may be due to more IRL meetings occurring at bars, clubs or parties where drug use is a norm. Compared with IRL, the Internet may provide a venue for persons who do not want to use drugs to select partners with similar attitudes. This suggests that filtering may be occurring as part of the internet negotiation. Data indicated that IRL persons get drunk/high before having sex in past 60 days significantly more often than Internet participants. Age did not alter the pattern of results. Thus drug filtering is really not recreational drug filtering or selecting for PNP, but appears to be situationally-based. Thus, it should perhaps be seen as another form of filtering to select drug-free partners, rather than using the Internet to specifically recruit and interact with other recreational drug users. ^


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Since heroin was introduced to East Africa during the 1980s, heroin use practices have changed rapidly in response to various internal and external pressures. The aim of this study was to identify and describe the population of heroin users and locations of heroin use in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in order to understand recent contexts of heroin use. The study took place between June 30 and August 19, 2011, in all three districts (Kinondoni, Ilala, and Temeke) of Dar es Salaam. We mapped sites using a Global Positioning System device, counted numbers of heroin users, and conducted informal interviews with heroin users. The mixed-methods analyses of the data included quantifying the basic demographic and aggregate information about the sites and heroin users, as well as qualitative analysis and coding of fieldnotes from observations and responses to interviews which was used to identify themes and characteristics of heroin users. ^ We identified a total of 150 sites and counted a total of 1046 male and 46 female non-injecting drug users and 78 male and 9 female injecting drug users (IDUs) of heroin. We found that social organization existed at some of the sites, with 31% (n=47) of sites reporting having a leader and 44% (n=66) of sites reporting mutual aid between users frequenting the site. We had difficulty locating IDUs and female drug users, and the majority of users we encountered were heroin smokers of kokteli, a mixture of heroin, cannabis, and/or tobacco which is smoked like a cigarette. ^ This research highlighted heroin smokersâ desire for access to drug treatment services. The current methadone-based medication assisted treatment (MAT) program is funded and operates as an HIV prevention program for IDUs to reduce HIV infection in this population and slow or stop the spread of a second wave of HIV infection in the general population. However, smokers perceived MAT to be primarily a drug use prevention or cessation program and felt unjustly neglected from the intervention, leading to a tense relationship with IDUs. From a public health standpoint, future interventions should include heroin smokers to prevent HIV transmission. ^


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Staphylococcus aureus is a common microorganism in humans, typically colonizing the nasopharynx, skin and other mucosal surfaces. It is among the most frequent causes of clinically-significant bacterial infections accounting for increased morbidity and mortality among individuals with HIV/AIDS. Evidence of higher colonization rates among high-risk HIV populations have been observed however, prevalence estimates have varied. Additionally, behavioral, biological, and/or environmental factors that may account for these high colonization rates are not understood. Previous literature on clinic-based surveys were subject to considerable biases. Additionally, representative samples of high-risk HIV populations were difficult to obtain due in part to an underrepresentation of individuals who may not regularly obtain health care. ^ The main objective of this project is to determine the prevalence of methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant (MRSA) nasal colonization in two populations: 1) men who have sex with men (MSM) and 2) injection drug users (IDU). Both of these populations are included in the third round of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (NHBS) in Houston, Texas. ^ In the NHBS-MSM3 study, logistic regression was used to report odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI). For the NHBS-IDU3 study, to account for the lack of independence between samples, the method of generalized estimating equations was utilized to report adjusted odds ratios and 95% CI. The NHBS-MSM3 study enrolled 202 participants with a MSSA colonization rate of 26.7% and MRSA rate of 3%. In the NHBS-IDU3 study, 18.4% were nasally colonized with MSSA and 5.7% were nasally colonized with MRSA. Among the NHBS-MSM3 population, high-risk sexual practices were associated with colonization. For the NHBS-IDU3 population, age, marital status, employment status, and the presence of scabs, were associated with colonization status when controlling for size of recruitment network. In multivariate GEE analyses, the use of antiretroviral medications and age remained significantly associated with S. aureus nasal colonization when controlling for size of recruitment network and gender. In both studies, a significantly higher than expected S. aureus and MRSA colonization rate was observed as compared to colonization rates described for the general population. However, these estimates were moderate in comparison to reported clinic-based MSM and IDU S. aureus colonization findings. This study validates substantial prevalence differences and biases that may exist with data collected from clinic-based MSM and IDU. The prevalence of MSSA and MRSA nasal colonization did not differ significantly with respect to HIV status among NHBS-MSM3/NHBS-IDU3 participants. Continued examination on the effects of S. aureus colonization and infection should be examined longitudinally to confirm additional community-based determinants in populations that are disproportionately affected.^


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir, poner en práctica y evaluar los alcances del método analítico conocido como Semiótica de Enunciados para el análisis de representaciones sociales, a partir de entrevistas realizadas a actores vinculados al fenómeno de las drogas ilegales. En esta oportunidad posibilitó establecer un primer mapa conceptual de cómo diversos actores (legisladores, militantes sociales, usuarios y ex usuarios de drogas, trabajadores estatales en adicciones, miembros de organizaciones civiles) definen uso/s y usuario/s de drogas ilegales, siendo identificadas dos formaciones discursivas que están en tensión. Además deja en evidencia algunas tensiones dentro de cada formación discursiva, así como las correlaciones entre ambas formaciones, y las contradicciones u opacidades en el discurso de los actores


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El escrito reflexiona sobre la adecuación teórica y metodológica del recurso a las categorías institución total, dispositivo y disciplina, para investigar problemáticas recientes en el campo de la salud-enfermedad-atención, particularmente las denominadas adicciones a las drogas. De la mano de numerosas investigaciones empíricas, ciertos conceptos se anudan en los análisis, asociándose disciplina-encierro, e institución total-espacio cerrado. El escrito propone el desacople de estas nociones y la recuperación de su productividad analítica, desde la investigación en un dispositivo terapéutico ambulatorio para la adicción a drogas del Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Se aborda esta problemática desde una perspectiva etnográfica, con análisis documental, observación participante y entrevistas realizadas a profesionales de la salud de la institución, personal de apoyo y usuarios. Se concluye que las formulaciones de Goffman y Foucault ayudan a comprender la existencia de modalidades de tratamiento para las adicciones a las drogas que, sin fundarse en el encierro como técnica primordial de control de los cuerpos, sostienen un proceso de clausura y despojo significativos; y que la renuncia a homologar la clausura, y el espacio cerrado a una materialidad, permitió dar realce a una vivencia de despojo subjetivo de parte de quienes se encuentran en tratamiento en la institución


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir, poner en práctica y evaluar los alcances del método analítico conocido como Semiótica de Enunciados para el análisis de representaciones sociales, a partir de entrevistas realizadas a actores vinculados al fenómeno de las drogas ilegales. En esta oportunidad posibilitó establecer un primer mapa conceptual de cómo diversos actores (legisladores, militantes sociales, usuarios y ex usuarios de drogas, trabajadores estatales en adicciones, miembros de organizaciones civiles) definen uso/s y usuario/s de drogas ilegales, siendo identificadas dos formaciones discursivas que están en tensión. Además deja en evidencia algunas tensiones dentro de cada formación discursiva, así como las correlaciones entre ambas formaciones, y las contradicciones u opacidades en el discurso de los actores


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir, poner en práctica y evaluar los alcances del método analítico conocido como Semiótica de Enunciados para el análisis de representaciones sociales, a partir de entrevistas realizadas a actores vinculados al fenómeno de las drogas ilegales. En esta oportunidad posibilitó establecer un primer mapa conceptual de cómo diversos actores (legisladores, militantes sociales, usuarios y ex usuarios de drogas, trabajadores estatales en adicciones, miembros de organizaciones civiles) definen uso/s y usuario/s de drogas ilegales, siendo identificadas dos formaciones discursivas que están en tensión. Además deja en evidencia algunas tensiones dentro de cada formación discursiva, así como las correlaciones entre ambas formaciones, y las contradicciones u opacidades en el discurso de los actores


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El escrito reflexiona sobre la adecuación teórica y metodológica del recurso a las categorías institución total, dispositivo y disciplina, para investigar problemáticas recientes en el campo de la salud-enfermedad-atención, particularmente las denominadas adicciones a las drogas. De la mano de numerosas investigaciones empíricas, ciertos conceptos se anudan en los análisis, asociándose disciplina-encierro, e institución total-espacio cerrado. El escrito propone el desacople de estas nociones y la recuperación de su productividad analítica, desde la investigación en un dispositivo terapéutico ambulatorio para la adicción a drogas del Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Se aborda esta problemática desde una perspectiva etnográfica, con análisis documental, observación participante y entrevistas realizadas a profesionales de la salud de la institución, personal de apoyo y usuarios. Se concluye que las formulaciones de Goffman y Foucault ayudan a comprender la existencia de modalidades de tratamiento para las adicciones a las drogas que, sin fundarse en el encierro como técnica primordial de control de los cuerpos, sostienen un proceso de clausura y despojo significativos; y que la renuncia a homologar la clausura, y el espacio cerrado a una materialidad, permitió dar realce a una vivencia de despojo subjetivo de parte de quienes se encuentran en tratamiento en la institución


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir, poner en práctica y evaluar los alcances del método analítico conocido como Semiótica de Enunciados para el análisis de representaciones sociales, a partir de entrevistas realizadas a actores vinculados al fenómeno de las drogas ilegales. En esta oportunidad posibilitó establecer un primer mapa conceptual de cómo diversos actores (legisladores, militantes sociales, usuarios y ex usuarios de drogas, trabajadores estatales en adicciones, miembros de organizaciones civiles) definen uso/s y usuario/s de drogas ilegales, siendo identificadas dos formaciones discursivas que están en tensión. Además deja en evidencia algunas tensiones dentro de cada formación discursiva, así como las correlaciones entre ambas formaciones, y las contradicciones u opacidades en el discurso de los actores


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El escrito reflexiona sobre la adecuación teórica y metodológica del recurso a las categorías institución total, dispositivo y disciplina, para investigar problemáticas recientes en el campo de la salud-enfermedad-atención, particularmente las denominadas adicciones a las drogas. De la mano de numerosas investigaciones empíricas, ciertos conceptos se anudan en los análisis, asociándose disciplina-encierro, e institución total-espacio cerrado. El escrito propone el desacople de estas nociones y la recuperación de su productividad analítica, desde la investigación en un dispositivo terapéutico ambulatorio para la adicción a drogas del Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Se aborda esta problemática desde una perspectiva etnográfica, con análisis documental, observación participante y entrevistas realizadas a profesionales de la salud de la institución, personal de apoyo y usuarios. Se concluye que las formulaciones de Goffman y Foucault ayudan a comprender la existencia de modalidades de tratamiento para las adicciones a las drogas que, sin fundarse en el encierro como técnica primordial de control de los cuerpos, sostienen un proceso de clausura y despojo significativos; y que la renuncia a homologar la clausura, y el espacio cerrado a una materialidad, permitió dar realce a una vivencia de despojo subjetivo de parte de quienes se encuentran en tratamiento en la institución


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Evolution of HIV-1 env sequences was studied in 15 seroconverting injection drug users selected for differences in the extent of CD4 T cell decline. The rates of increase of either sequence diversity at a given visit or divergence from the first seropositive visit were both higher in progressors than in nonprogressors. Viral evolution in individuals with rapid or moderate disease progression showed selection favoring nonsynonymous mutations, while nonprogressors with low viral loads selected against the nonsynonymous mutations that might have resulted in viruses with higher levels of replication. For 10 of the 15 subjects no single variant predominated over time. Evolution away from a dominant variant was followed frequently at a later time point by return to dominance of strains closely related to that variant. The observed evolutionary pattern is consistent with either selection against only the predominant virus or independent evolution occurring in different environments within the host. Differences in the level to which CD4 T cells fall in a given time period reflect not only quantitative differences in accumulation of mutations, but differences in the types of mutations that provide the best adaptation to the host environment.