975 resultados para Drilling and boring
A dynamic crystallization study was undertaken to provide a framework for linking the textural variations observed in the Hole 648B lavas with the size and morphology of cooling units inferred from drilling and submersible observation. The textures produced in cooling rate experiments carried out using a Serocki lava (ALV-1690-20) are comparable to the groundmass textural characteristics of lavas from Serocki volcano. The results of the dynamic crystallization study provide a quantitative link between texture, cooling rate, and eruption temperature. The maximum half-width of cooling units estimated from textural characteristics is on the order of 3 m, a value consistent with constraints from drilling and submersible observation. Textural characteristics indicate that the temperature from which cooling began was slightly above the liquidus. The relation between cooling rate and texture are also tested on a drill core sample of basalt of similar composition from a 9-m-thick flow in DSDP Hole 396B.
Various physical properties of snow and sea ice were measured during ice stations in the Western Weddell Sea, Antarctic, during the POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXIII/7 (WWOS) in 2006. Most stations were reached via a gangway directly from the vessels others by helicopter. All vertical positions are corrected to freeboard, e.g. z=0 represents the snow-ice interface. More detailed information about the data sets and methods are available from the cruise report (section 4 sea-ice physics).
Este proyecto tiene por objetivo la realización de un análisis comparativo de la normativa española existente para el cálculo de la carga de hundimiento de cimentaciones mediante pilotes, viendo el contenido de cada una de ellas y aplicándolo a un caso práctico. Inicialmente se realiza un planteamiento general del modo de cálculo de la carga de hundimiento de los pilotes desde el punto de vista estático. A continuación se recoge la formulación existente en el Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE), en las Recomendaciones para Obras Marítimas y Portuarios (ROM 05-05) y en la Guía de Cimentaciones en Obras de Carretera (GCOC) viendo de donde se extraen las fórmulas empleadas en ellas. Para pasar a realizar un análisis comparativo de ellas con la ayuda de distintos gráficos y viendo la relación que presentan unos códigos con otros tanto para suelos granulares como cohesivos y pilotes hincados y excavados, que es lo que distinguen los tres códigos generalmente. Por último, se realiza un análisis comparativo de los resultados obtenidos para la cimentación de tres viaductos de la autovía Noroeste de Murcia realizando un análisis económico de esta cimentación. ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to develop a comparative analysis of the actual Spanish regulations for the calculation of sinking’s load of foundation design based on timber piles, observing the contents of each and every one of them an applying it to a real and practical situation. To begin with, a general proposal is made from calculation the sinking load of the timber piles from the static point of view. Next, the actual formulation is gathering in “Código Técnico de la Edificación” (CTE), “Recomendaciones para Obras Marítimas y Portuarias” and “Guía de Cimentaciones en Obras de Carretera”, observing where the applied formulas are calculated from. Thereupon, a coparativeanalysis of them is carry out with the help of different graphics and facing the connections from some codes to anothers, not only for granular but for cohesive surface, and for drilling and digging out piles, that’s what generally distinguishes among for three codes. Finally, a comparative analysis of obtained results is carry out for the foundation of the three viaducts of Murcia’s NorthWest motorway, accomplishing economical analysis of this foundation.
A través de los años las estructuras de hormigón armado han ido aumentando su cuota de mercado, sustituyendo a las estructuras de fábrica de piedra o ladrillo y restándole participación a las estructuras metálicas. Uno de los primeros problemas que surgieron al ejecutar las estructuras de hormigón armado, era cómo conectar una fase de una estructura de este tipo a una fase posterior o a una modificación posterior. Hasta los años 80-90 las conexiones de una fase de una estructura de hormigón armado, con otra posterior se hacían dejando en la primera fase placas de acero con garrotas embebidas en el hormigón fresco o barras grifadas recubiertas de poliestireno expandido. Una vez endurecido el hormigón se podían conectar nuevas barras, para la siguiente fase mediante soldadura a la placa de la superficie o enderezando las barras grifadas, para embeberlas en el hormigón fresco de la fase siguiente. Estos sistemas requerían conocer la existencia y alcance de la fase posterior antes de hormigonar la fase previa. Además requerían un replanteo muy exacto y complejo de los elementos de conexión. Otro problema existente en las estructuras de hormigón era la adherencia de un hormigón fresco a un hormigón endurecido previamente, ya que la superficie de contacto de ambos hormigones suponía un punto débil, con una adherencia baja. A partir de los años 80, la industria química de la construcción experimentó un gran avance en el desarrollo de productos capaces de generar una buena adherencia sobre el hormigón endurecido. Este avance tecnológico tenía aplicación tanto en la adherencia del hormigón fresco sobre el hormigón endurecido, como en la adherencia de barras post-instaladas en agujeros de hormigón endurecido. Este sistema se denominó “anclajes adherentes de barras de acero en hormigón endurecido”. La forma genérica de ejecutarlos es hacer una perforación cilíndrica en el soporte de hormigón, con una herramienta especifica como un taladro, limpiar la perforación, llenarla del material adherente y finalmente introducir la barra de acero. Los anclajes adherentes se dividen en anclajes cementosos y anclajes químicos, siendo estos últimos los más habituales, fiables, resistentes y fáciles de ejecutar. El uso del anclaje adherente de barras de acero en hormigón endurecido se ha extendido por todo el espectro productivo, siendo muy habitual tanto en construcción de obras de hormigón armado de obra civil y edificación, como en obras industriales, instalaciones o fijación de elementos. La ejecución de un anclaje de una barra de acero en hormigón endurecido depende de numerosas variables, que en su conjunto, o de forma aislada pueden afectar de forma notable a la resistencia del anclaje. Nos referimos a variables de los anclajes, que a menudo no se consideran tales como la dirección de la perforación, la máquina de perforación y el útil de perforación utilizado, la diferencia de diámetros entre el diámetro del taladro y la barra, el tipo de material de anclaje, la limpieza del taladro, la humedad del soporte, la altura del taladro, etc. La utilización en los últimos años de los hormigones Autocompactables, añade una variable adicional, que hasta ahora apenas ha sido estudiada. En línea con lo apuntado, la presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo principal el estudio de las condiciones de ejecución en la resistencia de los anclajes en hormigón convencional y autocompactable. Esta investigación se centra principalmente en la evaluación de la influencia de una serie de variables sobre la resistencia de los anclajes, tanto en hormigón convencional como en un hormigón autocompactable. Para este estudio ha sido necesaria la fabricación de dos soportes de hormigón sobre los cuales desarrollar los ensayos. Uno de los bloques se ha fabricado con hormigón convencional y el otro con hormigón autocompactable. En cada pieza de hormigón se han realizado 174 anclajes con barras de acero, variando los parámetros a estudiar, para obtener resultados de todas las variables consideradas. Los ensayos a realizar en ambos bloques son exactamente iguales, para poder comparar la diferencia entre un anclaje en un soporte de hormigón con vibrado convencional (HVC) y un hormigón autocompactante (HAC). De cada tipo de ensayo deseado se harán dos repeticiones en la misma pieza. El ensayo de arrancamiento de las barras se realizara con un gato hidráulico hueco, con un sistema de instrumentación de lectura y registro de datos en tiempo real. El análisis de los resultados, realizado con una potente herramienta estadística, ha permitido determinar y evaluar numéricamente la influencia de los variables consideradas en la resistencia de los anclajes realizados. Así mismo ha permitido diferenciar los resultados obtenidos en los hormigones convencionales y autocompactantes, tanto desde el punto de vista de la resistencia mecánica, como de las deformaciones sufridas en el arrancamiento. Se define la resistencia mecánica de un anclaje, como la fuerza desarrollada en la dirección de la barra, para hacer su arrancamiento del soporte. De la misma forma se considera desplazamiento, a la separación entre un punto fijo de la barra y otro del soporte, en la dirección de la barra. Dichos puntos se determinan cuando se ha terminado el anclaje, en la intersección de la superficie plana del soporte, con la barra. Las conclusiones obtenidas han permitido establecer qué variables afectan a la ejecución de los anclajes y en qué cuantía lo hacen, así como determinar la diferencia entre los anclajes en hormigón vibrado convencional y hormigón autocompactante, con resultados muy interesantes, que permiten valorar la influencia de dichas variables. Dentro de las conclusiones podemos destacar tres grupos, que denominaremos como de alta influencia, baja influencia y sin influencia. En todos los casos hay que hacer el estudio en términos de carga y de desplazamiento. Podemos considerar como de alta influencia, en términos de carga las variables de máquina de perforación y el material de anclaje. En términos de desplazamiento podemos considerar de alta influencia además de la máquina de perforación y el material de anclaje, el diámetro del taladro, así como la limpieza y humedad del soporte. Podemos considerar de baja influencia, en términos de carga las variables de tipo de hormigón, dirección de perforación, limpieza y humedad del soporte. En términos de desplazamiento podemos considerar de baja influencia el tipo de hormigón y la dirección de perforación. Podemos considerar en el apartado de “sin influencia”, en términos de carga las variables de diámetro de perforación y altura del taladro. En términos de desplazamiento podemos considerar como “sin influencia” la variable de altura del taladro. Podemos afirmar que las diferencias entre los valores de carga aumentan de forma muy importante en términos de desplazamiento. ABSTRACT Over the years the concrete structures have been increasing their market share, replacing the masonry structures of stone or brick and subtracting as well the participation of the metallic structures. One of the first problems encountered in the implementing of the reinforced concrete structures was connecting a phase structure of this type at a later stage or a subsequent amendment. Until the 80s and 90s the connections of one phase of a reinforced concrete structure with a subsequent first phase were done by leaving the steel plates embedded in the fresh concrete using hooks or bent bars coated with expanded polystyrene. Once the concrete had hardened new bars could be connected to the next stage by welding them to the surface plate or by straightening the bent bars to embed them in the fresh concrete of the next phase. These systems required a previous knowledge of the existence and scope of the subsequent phase before concreting the previous one. They also required a very precise and complex rethinking of the connecting elements. Another existing problem in the concrete structures was the adhesion of a fresh concrete to a previously hardened concrete, since the contact surface of both concretes leaded to a weak point with low adherence. Since the 80s, the chemicals construction industry experienced a breakthrough in the development of products that generate a good grip on the concrete. This technological advance had its application both in the grip on one hardened fresh concrete and in the adhesion of bar post-installed in holes of hardened concrete. This system was termed as adherent anchors of steel bars in hardened concrete. The generic way of executing this system is by firstly drilling a cylindrical hole in the concrete support using a specific tool such as a drill. Then, cleaning the bore and filling it with bonding material to lastly, introduce the steel bar. These adherent anchors are divided into cement and chemical anchors, the latter being the most common, reliable, durable and easy to run. The use of adhesive anchor of steel bars in hardened concrete has spread across the production spectrum turning itself into a very common solution in both construction of reinforced concrete civil engineering and construction, and industrial works, installations and fixing elements as well. The execution of an anchor of a steel bar in hardened concrete depends on numerous variables which together or as a single solution may significantly affect the strength of the anchor. We are referring to variables of anchors which are often not considered, such as the diameter difference between the rod and the bore, the drilling system, cleansing of the drill, type of anchor material, the moisture of the substrate, the direction of the drill, the drill’s height, etc. During recent years, the emergence of self-compacting concrete adds an additional variable which has hardly been studied so far. According to mentioned this thesis aims to study the main performance conditions in the resistance of conventional and self-compacting concrete anchors. This research is primarily focused on the evaluation of the influence of several variables on the strength of the anchoring, both in conventional concrete and self-compacting concrete. In order to complete this study it has been required the manufacture of two concrete supports on which to develop the tests. One of the blocks has been manufactured with conventional concrete and the other with self-compacting concrete. A total of 174 steel bar anchors have been made in each one of the concrete pieces varying the studied parameters in order to obtain results for all variables considered. The tests to be performed on both blocks are exactly the same in order to compare the difference between an anchor on a stand with vibrated concrete (HVC) and a self-compacting concrete (SCC). Each type of test required two repetitions in the same piece. The pulling test of the bars was made with a hollow jack and with an instrumentation system for reading and recording data in real time. The use of a powerful statistical tool in the analysis of the results allowed to numerically determine and evaluate the influence of the variables considered in the resistance of the anchors made. It has likewise enabled to differentiate the results obtained in the self-compacting and conventional concretes, from both the outlook of the mechanical strength and the deformations undergone by uprooting. The mechanical strength of an anchor is defined as the strength undergone in a direction of the bar to uproot it from the support. Likewise, the movement is defined as the separation between a fixed point of the bar and a fixed point from the support considering the direction of the bar. These points are only determined once the anchor is finished, with the bar, at the intersection in the flat surface of the support. The conclusions obtained have established which variables affect the execution of the anchors and in what quantity. They have also permitted to determine the difference between the anchors in vibrated concrete and selfcompacting concrete with very interesting results that also allow to assess the influence of these mentioned variables. Three groups are highlighted among the conclusions called high influence, low influence and no influence. In every case is necessary to perform the study in terms of loading and movement. In terms of loading, there are considered as high influence two variables: drilling machinery and anchorage material. In terms of movement, there are considered as high influence the drilling diameter and the cleaning and moisture of the support, besides the drilling machinery and the anchorage material. Variables such as type of concrete, drilling direction and cleaning and moisture of the support are considered of low influence in terms of load. In terms of movement, the type of concrete and the direction of the drilling are considered variables of low influence. Within the no influence section in terms of loading, there are included the diameter of the drilling and the height of the drill. In terms of loading, the height of the drill is considered as a no influence variable. We can affirm that the differences among the loading values increase significantly in terms of movement.
Este proyecto tiene por objeto definir el diseño y ejecución de voladuras-tipo, que han sido llevadas a cabo en la mina Aguablanca (Badajoz),tanto de contorno como de producción. El diseño teórico de los diferentes parámetros (malla, consumo específico y cantidad de explosivo) necesarios para la ejecución de las voladuras se han llevado a cabo siguiendo la metodología de diferentes manuales sobre perforación y voladura y han sido ajustados a las necesidades reales del proyecto con el fin de mejorar los resultados de fragmentación, desplazamiento, esponjamiento y proyecciones de las voladuras. Los resultados obtenidos inicialmente en los cálculos teóricos de diseño de los distintos tipos de voladura no conducían a resultados óptimos. Para optimizar los resultados se han tenido que modificar algunos de los parámetros anteriormente mencionados. El Técnico debe tener capacidad para aplicar variaciones día a día que permitan mejorar los resultados obtenidos inicialmente en el cálculo teórico. ABSTRACT The project shows the design and implementation of contour and production blasts in the Mine Aguablanca (Badajoz, Spain). The explosive initial design of the blasts, including drilling pattern, powder factor and explosive charging pattern has been done following well known drilling and blasting calculations methods. As the initial theoretical values can lead to non-optimal results, the blast design has been modified by trial and error tests to achieve the desire rock fragmentation, swelling and minimize fly rocks. A good Blasting Technician must be able to adapt and modify, every day if needed, theoretical methodologies in order to cover the mining production necessitie.
Este proyecto tiene por objeto el estudio de la viabilidad, tanto económica como técnica, de la explotación de una cantera de calizas pertenecientes a la formación geológica Calizas del Páramo. El yacimiento explotado es de tipo superficial, con una profundidad media entre 30 y 35 m. La concesión de explotación se localiza en la subcomarca de la Alcarria de Alcalá, al sureste de la Comunidad de Madrid. La caliza extraída es utilizada para fabricación de cemento, micronizados y pinturas, utilizándose el subproducto como árido en diferentes materiales de la construcción, como fabricación de hormigones, aglomerados asfálticos, sub-base para carreteras, caminos y otros usos similares. Desde el punto de vista técnico, la explotación se realiza a cielo abierto por el método de banqueo descendente en profundidad y restauración progresiva, mediante arranque por perforación y voladura, y posterior carga y transporte de materiales por medios mecánicos. El Proyecto de Explotación plantea la extracción de un volumen total de material del orden de 32,85 Mt. Atendiendo a la cifra de reservas explotables y al ritmo de producción anual previsto, el período de explotación contemplado en este Proyecto es del orden de 30 años desde la situación actual. El estudio realizado de los indicadores económicos nos muestra que el proyecto es rentable, con todo ello, parece concluirse que, tanto técnica como económicamente, la explotación es viable. ABSTRACT This project aims to study the economic and technical feasibility for the operation of a limestone quarry belonging to the geological formation of the Calizas del Páramo. The reservoir exploited is superficial type, with an average depth between 30 and 35 m. The mining concession is located in the subregion of the Alcarria de Alcalá, southeast of Madrid. The extracted limestone is used for manufacturing cement, micronized and paintings, using the product as aggregate in different construction materials, such as manufacture of concrete, asphalt mixes, sub-base for roads, paths and other similar uses. From the technical point of view, the operation will be held openpit by the method of depth descending benching and progressive restoration. The operation begins by drilling and blasting, continuing with loading and transport of materials by mechanical methods. The Exploitation Project raises the extraction of a total volume of material of 32.85 Mt approximately Considering the number of exploitable reserves and expected annual production rate, the operating period referred to in this project is of the order of 30 years from the current situation. The study of economic indicators shows that the project is profitable, yet it can be concluded that, both technically and economically, the exploitation of mineral resources is viable.
Os empreendimentos de mineração comumente demandam grande quantidade de investimentos financeiros e, na maioria das vezes, longos períodos de implantação, o que os torna altamente sujeitos a diversas fontes de incertezas. Tais incertezas comumente tendem a diminuir conforme a evolução do projeto. O objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar as incertezas associadas ao modelo de teores de cobre do depósito Sequeirinho com o volume de investimentos realizados ao longo de distintas fases da pesquisa geológica. Este depósito insere-se no contexto do Complexo de Mineração Sossego, localizado no município de Canaã dos Carajás (PA). Primeiramente, foram realizadas 100 simulações para cada domínio litológico em cada campanha de sondagem (pré-1998, 1999, 2000, 2002 e 2003) a partir do método de simulação sequencial gaussiana condicionada aos dados amostrais, totalizando 1.400 possíveis cenários. Para a avaliação das incertezas foram calculados três índices: variância condicional, coeficiente de variação condicional e intervalo interquartil. Por fim, a avaliação dos investimentos foi elaborada a partir dos custos estimados para o desenvolvimento de sondagens e análises químicas. Desde a campanha pré-1998, houve uma tendência de os teores médios do depósito aproximarem-se dos prováveis valores reais observados nas fases finais da pesquisa. No ano de 2000 ocorreu o maior investimento (cerca de 28 milhões de Reais) e a redução das incertezas atingiu o patamar de 15%. Os investimentos desenvolvidos em sondagens posteriores à campanha de 2000 foram da ordem de 9 milhões de Reais (cerca de 12 mil metros de sondagem), porém, não foram constatadas reduções significativas das incertezas. Este investimento seria melhor aproveitado caso fosse redirecionado a novas áreas de prospecção. Além do montante financeiro necessário para a redução das incertezas, foco deste estudo, as variações na interpretação geológica e a locação dos furos de sondagem são variáveis importantes na análise de incertezas associadas aos investimentos em pesquisa geológica.
pt. 1. Oil and gas developments. Introduction -- Production and economics -- Drilling and development -- Productive acreage -- Estimated petroleum reserves -- Gas and gas products -- Underground gas storage -- pt. 2. Waterflood operations. Introduction -- Summary -- Project numbers, by county -- Illinois waterfloods operating during 1959 -- Illinois pressure maintenance projects using water injection during 1959 -- Illinois waterflood projects reported abandoned.
pt. 1. Oil and gas developments. Introduction -- Production and value -- Drilling and development -- Productive acreage -- Estimated petroleum reserves -- Gas and gas products -- Underground gas storage -- County reports -- pt. 2. Waterflood operations. Introduction -- Summary of results -- Project numbers, by county -- Illinois waterflood projects operating during 1957 -- Illinois waterflood projects reported abandoned -- Illinois pressure maintenance projects using water injection during 1957.
In the present study the use and experience of using social media was examined in men and women in order to evaluate a possible relationship to gender. Particular emphasis was placed upon negative emotions. A questionnaire was constructed and submitted via Facebook by an online survey. There were 61 women and 50 men who completed the questionnaire. It was found that women and men used social media similarly with regard to frequency and the kind of social media they approached. Both genders used social media on a daily basis and both had profiles on the most popular social network sites as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat. The main purpose for using social media was to maintain already established friend relationships and to take part of other peoples content. A majority of the women but not the men used blogs, whereas a majority of the men but not the women used Twitter more frequently. The study also indicated a sex difference concerning the contents they took part of in the social media. More women took part of content that was related to a female stereotypic image whereas more men took part of content that was related to a male stereotypic image. There was no gender difference concerning contents such as fashion, entertainment, humour, news or politics. In the women there was a significant relationship between the use of social media and negative emotions. However, in the men, such a relationship was not found. The results indicate that more women tend to experience negative emotions when active on social media. More women experienced life as meaningless and boring, as well as stress after consuming contents in social media. They also did compare their life with others on social media leaving them with negative feelings. Such relationships could not be found in the men. In conclusion the present study indicated that for many aspects the use of social media is similar in women and men. However there seems to be a difference with regard to the experience of negative emotions in relation to the use of social media in women but not in men.
The scope of this technical report is to establish the mechanisms by which the eastbound lanes of Interstate 82 at mile post (MP) 91.9 near Benton City continue to deform. Within the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), the area is known as the Prosser Landslide and has been an ongoing concern since the 1980s. Results from previous technical investigations have been conflicted or inconclusive as to whether landslide movement persists beneath or through the shear key-buttress or that pavement distress is related to swelling of a clay-rich unit that underlies the slope and interstate. For this report, the following steps were taken. First, I conducted a desk review of archived reports, memos, data, and drill logs from the original construction of I-82 and previous geotechnical investigations commissioned by WSDOT. Findings of this desk review are reported in Part III. Second, WSDOT drillers drilled two new boreholes at the Prosser Landslide site above the buttress and instrumentation was installed within the boreholes. Borehole logs produced from the 2013 drilling can be found in Appendix A of this report. Material retrieved from the suspected failure zone during drilling was tested at the WSDOT Materials Lab by WSDOT personnel for its mechanical properties including Atterberg limits, grain-size analysis, and residual shear strength (Appendix B). Samples were also analyzed for mineral content using X -ray powder diffraction (XRD). These data and observations are reported in Part III and Appendix C. Finally, using drill logs produced by WSDOT from the latest drilling and from historic drilling campaigns, I constructed a 2-D geologic model of the landslide site. This model is the basis for slope stability analysis reported in Part IV and Appendix D. This study concludes that the deformation observed in the eastbound lanes of I-82 could be the result of continued landslide movement, despite previous remediation efforts.
During the course of 2005, the price of crude oil reached unprecedented high levels, at least in nominal terms. Australian motorists have become used to paying more than a dollar a litre for petrol. Given the past volatility in oil prices, often described in terms of a series of oil ‘shocks’ (the large price increases in 1973, 1979 and 1999), several questions arise. First, will current high prices persist, or will prices decline substantially as occurred after previous oil shocks? Second, is the current shortage of oil a temporary phenomenon, caused by inadequate investment in oil exploration, drilling and refining capacity, or is it a signal that the supply of oil available to the world has peaked? Third, will high oil prices lead to broader economic disruption, as is commonly supposed to have happened after previous shocks? Fourth, how painful will an adjustment to lower use of oil be? Finally, how does all this relate to our efforts to deal with the problem of climate change? This article is an effort to answer some of these questions in the light of the knowledge available to us.
Petroleum exploration activity occurs on the offshore Potiguar Basin, from very shallow (2-3 m) until about 50 m water depth, extending from Alto de Touros (RN) to Alto de Fortaleza (CE). Take in account the biological importance and the heterogeneity of sediments on this area, it is necessary the understanding of the sedimentological dynamics, and mainly the changes generated by petroleum exploration to prevent possible damages to environment. Despite the intense activity of oil exploration in this area, research projects like these are still rare. In view to minimize this gap, this study was developed to evaluate sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical changes in the vicinity of a exploration well, here designated as well A, located on the Middle continental shelf, near the transition to Outer shelf. The well selected for this study was the first one drilled with Riserless Mud Recovery technology (RMR) in Brazil. The main difference from this to the conventional method is the possibility of drilling phase I of the well with return of drilling material to the rig tank, minimizing fluid and gravel discharging around the vicinity, during this phase. Monitoring consisted of three surveys, first of them done before start drilling, the second one done 19 days after the end of drilling and the third one done one year after then. Comparison of the studied variables (calcium carbonate and organic matter content, sediment size, mineralogy and geochemistry) was done with their average, median and coefficient of variation values to understand the changes after drilling activity. Because operating company technical reasons, the well location was changed after the first survey (C1), resulting in a shift of the sampled area on the two last surveys (C2 e C3). Nevertheless, the acquired data presented a good correlation, with no loss to the mean goal of the study. The sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical analyzes were done at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The results indicated a predominantly sandy environment along the three surveys. It was noticed that the first survey (C1), presented different values for all the studied variables than to the second (C2) and third (C3) surveys, which had similar values. Siliciclastic sediments are prevalent at all surveys, and quartz is the main component (more than 80%). Heavy minerals (garnet, turmaline, zircon and lmenite), rock fragments and mud aggregates also was described. Bioclastic sediments are dominated by coralline algae (more than 45%) and mollusks (more than 30%), followed by benthic foraminifera, bryozoans and worm tubes. More rarely was observed ostracoda and spike of calcareous sponge. Because the low changes of the sediments at the studied area and by the using of RMR method in the drilling, it was possible to conclude that drilling activity did not promote significant alteration on the local sediment cover. Changes in the studied variables before and after drilling activity could be influenced by the changing in the sampling area after survey 1 (C1).