930 resultados para Drainage works
Concert program for The Summer Concert Band, 5th Festival of Contemporary Works, July 18, 1951
Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass Anton Chekhov Representations of Africa in cinema are almost as old as cinema itself and date back to Hollywood’s silent era. Most early examples feature the continent as a mere exotic backdrop and include The Sheik (Melford 1921), soon followed, in 1926, by George Fitzmaurice’s Son of the Sheik starring Rudolph Valentino. The next decade brought Van Dyke’s Tarzan movies, Robert Stevenson’s King Solomon’s Mines (1937), and, on the European side, Duvivier’s Pépé le Moko (1936). For representations of Francophone Africa by Africans themselves, the viewing public more or less had to wait, however, until decolonisation in the 1960s (with, for example, Sembene Ousmane’s Borom Sarret and La Noire de…, both released in 1966 and, in 1968, Mandabi). Since then Francophone African cinema has come a long way and has diversified into various strands. Between Borom Sarret and Mahamat-Saleh Haroun’s 2006 Daratt, Saison sèche - or the same director’s Un homme qui crie, almost half a century has elapsed. Over this period, films inevitably have addressed a spectrum of visual, ideological and political tropes. They range from unadorned depictions of the newly independent states and their societies to highly aestheticised productions, not to mention surreal and poetic visions as displayed for instance in Djibril Diop Mambéty’s Touki Bouki (1973). Most of the early films send an overt socio-political message which is a clear and explicit denunciation of a corrupt state of affairs (Souleymane Cissé’s Baara, 1977). They aim to trigger strong emotional and political responses from the viewer, in unambiguous support for the film-maker’s stand. Sembene himself declared: “I consider cinema a means of political action” (Murphy 2000: 221). Similarly, the Mauritanian director Med Hondo wishes to “take up this technical medium and to make it a mouthpiece on behalf of [his] fellow Africans and Arabs” (Jeffries 2002: 11). All this echoes the claims of the Fédération Panafricaine des Cinéastes (FEPACI, founded in 1969), an organisation “dedicated to the liberation of Africa”. In sharp contrast to the incipient momentum given Francophonie by Bourguiba, the Nigerien Hamani Diori and the Senegalese Senghor, who invoked a worldwide communauté organique francophone, FEPACI called for “the creation of an aesthetics of disalienation… [using] didactic... forms to denounce the alienation of countries that were politically independent but culturally and economically dependent on the West” (Diawara 1996: 40). Sembene’s Xala (1974) became the blueprint for this, to this day the best-known vein of Francophone African cinema. Thus considered, this pedigree seems a million miles from mainstream global cinema with its overriding mission to entertain. A question therefore arises: to what extent can a cinema that sprang from such beginnings be seen to interface in any meaningful way with a global film industry that, overwhelmingly and for a century, has indeed entertained the world – with Hollywood at its centre?
Concert Program for A Concert of Works by Ross Lee Finney, 1966
This report discusses the drivers of progress in tackling multiple forms of malnutrition in these three countries: Vietnam, Uganda, and Kenya. It also identifies some of the challenges which pose as barriers to sustaining progress. Finally, it makes recommendations for key stakeholders such as governments of high burden countries, donor governments, development partners, and civil society, on their role to promote further success.
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Hidráulica
The development and implementation of measures which promote the reduction of the impacts of forest fires on soils is imperative and should be part of any strategy for forest and soil preservation and recovery, especially considering the actual scenario of continuous growth in the number of fires and burnt area. Consequently, with the dendrocaustologic reality that has characterized the Portuguese mainland in recent decades, a research project promoted by the Center for the Study of Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT) was implemented with the objective of applying several erosion mitigation measures in a burned area of the Peneda-Geres National Park in NW Portugal. This paper therefore seeks to present the measures applied in the study area within the project Soil Protec, relating to triggered channel processes and the results of preliminary observations concerning the evaluation of the effectiveness of erosion mitigation measures implemented, as well as their cost/benefit ratio.
A Iberwind recebeu o aluno estagiário para a realização de um projeto de consultoria técnica focada nos acessos dos seus 31 parques eólicos presentes no território nacional. É apresentada a empresa, bem como todo o processo de construção e desenvolvimento de parques eólicos. O presente relatório de estágio foca-se, maioritariamente, na reabilitação de acessos a parques eólicos, debruçando-se sobre as especialidades de terraplenagens, drenagem e pavimentação, bem como as condicionantes geométricas. Verifica-se que com o passar dos anos, após a construção dos primeiros empreendimentos, começa a denotar-se a deterioração dos acessos aos mesmos. É, por isso, relevante e significativo o trabalho realizado no âmbito do estágio, por forma a avaliar as diversas necessidades de reabilitação e manutenção dos acessos a apresentar soluções globais. O levantamento de campo realizado cobriu todo o portefólio da empresa e documentou a totalidade das patologias relacionadas com as especialidades de pavimentação e drenagem. Executaram-se visitas a todos os parques, acompanhadas pelos operadores dos mesmos, e aliaram-se às mesmas entrevistas aos supervisores de zona com o intuito de aglomerar informação e contextualizar a problemática. Realizou-se uma proposta de reabilitação dos acessos em piores condições, o que levou à adjudicação da obra e acompanhamento de alguns trabalhos por parte do autor no presente ano. O trabalho realizado e detalhadamente documentado permitiu a criação de uma metodologia de inspeção e manutenção a ser implementada nos parques eólicos do grupo, de forma a reduzir custos e otimizar recursos a longo prazo. A metodologia consiste, de forma sintetizada, na inspecção periódica dos acessos de cada parque pelas equipas de campo e a definição das necessidades prioritárias de manutenção e reabilitação dos mesmos de maneira independente.
RESUME DE THESEContexte de l'étudeLe but de cette étude est de comparer le drainage percutané (DP) et la chirurgie d'urgence (CU) de la vésicule biliaire (VB) pour le traitement de la cholécystite aiguë lithiasique/alithiasique dans un groupe homogène de patients gravement malades et hospitalisés aux soins intensifs (SI).Patients et méthodeEntre les années 2001 et 2007, tous les patients successivement traités par DP ou CU pour cholécystite aiguë aux SI ont été rétrospectivement analysés. Les cas ont été collectés à partir d'une base de données prospective. Le DP était effectué par voie trans-hépatique et la chirurgie par voie ouverte ou laparoscopique. L'état général des patients et la dysfonction des organes étaient évalués par deux scores validés (SAPS Π et SOFA, respectivement). L'analyse des données s'est portée sur les complications à court terme (morbidité, mortalité hospitalière) et à long terme (récurrence des symptômes) après drainage ou chirurgie en urgence.RésultatsQuarante-deux patients (âge médian 65 ans, 32-94 ans) ont été inclus dans l'étude ; 45% ont eu une CU (10 laparoscopics, 9 voies ouvertes) et 55% un DP (n=23) de la vésicule biliaire. Le DP et la CU ont eu des taux de succès respectifs de 91 et 100% pour la résolution du sepsis lié à la cholécystite aigiie. Après drainage et chirurgie de la VB, la dysfonction des organes secondaire au sepsis s'est résolue dans les 3 jours. Malgré le drainage, deux patients ont nécessité une cholécystectomie en urgence pour cholécystite gangréneuse. Le taux de conversion de la laparoscopic à la voie ouverte était de 20%. La morbidité majeure était de 0% après drainage et 21% après chirurgie en urgence (p=0.034). Finalement, la mortalité hospitalière était similaire (13% après DP vs. 16% après CU, p=1.0) et uniquement liée aux co-morbidités des patients. La récurrence des symptômes liés à la VB n'est apparue que chez des patients initialement drainés pour cholécystite lithiasique.ConclusionsChez les patients gravement malades des soins intensifs, le drainage percutané et la chirurgie en urgence de la VB sont tous deux efficaces pour la résolution d'un sepsis lié à une cholécystite aigiie. Cependant, la chirurgie d'urgence est associée à une morbidité majeure accrue et l'approche par laparoscopic n'est pas toujours réalisable. Le drainage percutané de la VB est donc une modalité de traitement valable, mais nécessite à distance de l'épisode aigu une cholécystectomie par laparoscopic, surtout après une cholécystite lithiasique.
OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to analyze the duration of chest tube drainage on pain intensity and distribution after cardiac surgery. METHODS: Two groups of 80 cardiac surgery adult patients, operated on in two different hospitals, by the same group of cardiac surgeons, and with similar postoperative strategies, were compared. However, in one hospital (long drainage group), a conservative policy was adopted with the removal the chest tubes by postoperative day (POD) 2 or 3, while in the second hospital (short drainage group), all the drains were usually removed on POD 1. RESULTS: There was a trend toward less pain in the short drainage group, with a statistically significant difference on POD 2 (P=0.047). There were less patients without pain on POD 3 in the long drainage group (P=0. 01). The areas corresponding to the tract of the pleural tube, namely the epigastric area, the left basis of the thorax, and the left shoulder were more often involved in the long drainage group. There were three pneumonias in each group and no patient required repeated drainage. CONCLUSIONS: A policy of early chest drain ablation limits pain sensation and simplifies nursing care, without increasing the need for repeated pleural puncture. Therefore, a policy of short drainage after cardiac surgery should be recommended.
PURPOSE: We report on the in vivo testing of a novel noninvasively adjustable glaucoma drainage device (AGDD), which features an adjustable outflow resistance, and assess the safety and efficiency of this implant. METHODS: Under general anesthesia, the AGDD was implanted on seven white New Zealand rabbits for a duration of 4 months under a scleral flap in a way analogous to the Ex-PRESS device and set in an operationally closed position. The IOP was measured on a regular basis on the operated and control eyes using a rebound tonometer. Once a month the AGDD was adjusted noninvasively from its fully closed to its fully open position and the resulting pressure drop was measured. The contralateral eye was not operated and served as control. After euthanization, the eyes were collected for histology evaluation. RESULTS: The mean preoperative IOP was 11.1 ± 2.4 mm Hg. The IOP was significantly lower for the operated eye (6.8 ± 2 mm Hg) compared to the nonoperated eye (13.1 ± 1.6 mm Hg) during the first 8 days after surgery. When opening the AGDD from its fully closed to fully open position, the IOP dropped significantly from 11.2 ± 2.9 to 4.8 ± 0.9 mm Hg (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Implanting the AGDD is a safe and uncomplicated surgical procedure. The fluidic resistance was noninvasively adjustable during the postoperative period with the AGDD between its fully closed and fully open positions.