995 resultados para Draeseke, Felix, 1835-1913.
Programa de doctorado: Historia Moderna y Contemporánea de Canarias en España
[ES] En este trabajo investigamos la historia de la Escuela Profesional de Comercio de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, centro de formación de los profesionales mercantiles, y capitanes y timoneles de empresa canarios en el siglo XX. El artículo que presentamos es un breve resumen de la historia de la Escuela Profesional de Comercio de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, objeto de nuestra investigación. Esta investigación nos va mostrando el pasado de una institución educativa, la cual cumplió durante el siglo XX una triple función en la sociedad canaria: preparar al personal para la dirección, gestión, y administración de las empresas en todos sus niveles, contribuir a la difusión de la educación general entre la población canaria, y ser centro de apoyo técnico en materia mercantil.
Questo lavoro trae spunto da un rinnovato interesse per l’«intuizione» e il «pensiero visivo» in matematica, e intende offrire un contributo alla discussione contemporanea su tali questioni attraverso lo studio del caso storico di Felix Klein. Dopo una breve ricognizione di alcuni dei saggi più significativi al riguardo, provenienti sia dalla filosofia della matematica, sia dalla pedagogia, dalle neuroscienze e dalle scienze cognitive, l’attenzione si concentra sulla concezione epistemologia di Klein, con particolare riferimento al suo uso del concetto di ‘intuizione’. Dai suoi lavori e dalla sua riflessione critica si ricavano non solo considerazioni illuminanti sulla fecondità di un approccio «visivo», ma argomenti convincenti a sostegno del ruolo cruciale dell’intuizione in matematica.
Am 10. September 2010 fand in Bern die erste Schweizerische Tagung für Zivilverfahrensrecht des Instituts für Internationales Privatrecht und Verfahrensrecht der Universität Bern statt. Die Tagung mit dem Titel "Internationaler Zivilprozess 2011" befasste sich mit dem Zusammenspiel der am 1.1.2011 in Kraft tretenden neuen oder revidierten Erlasse (ZPO, revLugÜ, und revSchKG) im Rahmen des internationalen Zivilprozesses. Der Tagungsband enthält auf den Tagungsvorträgen basierende Beiträge namhafter Autoren zu aktuellen und praxisrelevanten Themen des neuen internationalen Zivilprozesses, namentlich zum neuen Arrestrecht, zur Behandlung von Zustellungsmängeln unter dem revLugÜ, zum Zahlungsbefehl im Lichte der revLugÜ-Zuständigkeiten, zur vollstreckbaren öffentliche Urkunde sowie zur Rechtshängigkeit und zur Streitgenossenschaft im internationalen Verhältnis. Der Tagungsband "Internationaler Zivilprozess 2011" eröffnet eine neue Schriftenreihe zum Internationalen Privatrecht und Verfahrensrecht.
Tumult and Tragedy: Michigan’s 1913-14 Copper Strike chronicles one of the greatest upheavals in Michigan’s history. The determination, conflict, sorrow, and tragedy of this epic confrontation changed the Copper Country for decades and memories of conflict remain to this day. This traveling exhibit explores the story of this remarkable period in Michigan history.
Tumult and Tragedy: Michigan’s 1913-14 Copper Strike chronicles one of the greatest upheavals in Michigan’s history. The determination, conflict, sorrow, and tragedy of this epic confrontation changed the Copper Country for decades and memories of conflict remain to this day. This traveling exhibit explores the story of this remarkable period in Michigan history.
Tumult and Tragedy: Michigan’s 1913-14 Copper Strike chronicles one of the greatest upheavals in Michigan’s history. The determination, conflict, sorrow, and tragedy of this epic confrontation changed the Copper Country for decades and memories of conflict remain to this day. This traveling exhibit explores the story of this remarkable period in Michigan history.
The purpose of this study is to take a closer look at media response in Finland concerning the 1913-14 Michigan Copper Strike and depict how the strike was presented in the Old Country and its main newspapers. I shall take a closer look at the 1913-14 issues of Työmies (social democrat), Helsingin Sanomat (liberal), and Uusi Suometar (conservative) for ideological views of the strike. Furthermore, and in terms of close reading and cross-referencing, how did these newspapers in Finland see the strike and the strike’s outcome? Editorial notes and letters from the public shall both be included. Special attention will be given to the notions of transnational solidarity between Finnish-American and Finnish labor activists.
Labor Historian Marc Karson has singled out “labor priest” Peter E. Dietz as one of the strongest proponents for the active implementation of the Catholic Church’s 1890’s labor encyclical Rerum Novarum in the daily practice of American Catholics. Biographer Sister Mary Harrita Fox pointed out that in his work, Dietz “was particularly concerned over the role of the church in the copper strike in Upper Michigan.” This “particular concern” should be noted since the 1913 strike was one of the only disputes where Dietz went out of his way to visit and become actively involved. Why the keen interest? This presentation will review the impetus for the huge effort which brought Peter E. Dietz to the Copper Country and solely to that dispute alone, the resulting visit and report that he made concerning the strike, the important role he believed this visit and stance in the Copper Strike had in the future of the Church’s relationship to the US labor movement. The presentation will look at both what Dietz thought would occur as a result of his 1913 trip to the Keweenaw and what actually happened in this pivotal pre-World War One era event. The paper will put Father Peter E. Dietz and the Catholic Church into the larger frame of how religion has been viewed within the history of the Strike.