987 resultados para Dickinson, Luren Dudley, 1859-1943. Governors--Michigan


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Resumen: Entre fines de agosto de 1943 y septiembre de 1945, numerosos opositores al rgimen militar vigente en la Argentina se exiliaron en Montevideo. Ellos pertenecan a diversos partidos polticos unidos por un fuerte rechazo y condena al rgimen poltico autoritario. Desarrollaron una prolfica actividad poltica e intelectual a travs de dos organizaciones, Patria Libre y Asociacin de Mayo, desde las cuales publicaban respectivamente Pueblo Argentino y Voz Argentina. Si bien los principales opositores al rgimen militar que se exiliaron desarrollaron diversas actividades polticas y periodsticas, an no se han producido estudios detallados sobre las mismas. Teniendo en cuenta la ausencia de conocimiento al respecto, en este artculo presentamos un anlisis preliminar sobre el exilio de estos polticos en el Uruguay en el perodo 1943-1955. En particular, nuestro objetivo especfico consiste en analizar todos los artculos que Luciano Molinas, Nicols Repetto, Santiago Nudelman y Jos Aguirre Cmara publicaron en Voz Argentina para reflexionar sobre cmo estos actores se perciban a s mismos frente al gobierno militar argentino y cmo conceptualizaban los fenmenos polticos que ocurran en su pas


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Resumen: La ciudad de Rosario y su regin experiment en las primeras dcadas del siglo XX un proceso de modernizacin institucional sin precedentes por su magnitud. En el presente artculo se analiza la interrelacin entre sectores de la dirigencia, puntualmente la vinculada al sistema educativo provincial y la Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario, por generar recursos especializados que acompaaran el crecimiento de la actividad mercantil y la transferencia de dichos recursos a una de las principales ramas de la produccin: la comercializacin de cereales. De all que el trabajo consta de tres partes: el movimiento Pro Escuela de Comercio, el movimiento pro universidad y el inicio del proceso de transferencia de las primeras investigaciones acadmicas del rea.


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O autor esclarece, no prefcio da obra, ter sido ela redigida "aos trambolhos e s carreiras" e tratar-se de uma experincia num gnero novo - o ensaio. Mas J. Navarro de Andrade, na introduo de seu texto "Viagem ao Araguaia" diz o seguinte de Jos Vieira Couto de Magalhes : despretensioso, , contudo, o conto aludido, um trabalho de merecimento, pena que o autor no produzisse nesse sentido outros escritos, e seguisse outra vereda da vida.


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Executivo - Decretos


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In directly, phytoplankton serves as food for all aquatic animals since it is at the base of the food chain in which the phytoplankton-feeding animals are eaten by larger animals and these in turn are consumed by still larger forms. Hence, it becomes evident that the phytoplankton, its presence, and seasonal variations are of great importance. The report at hand is based on a record of the variations in the plankton population of surface waters at a single station, where collections were made biweekly from September 1943 through September 1945. The station chosen was in the channel of the Patuxent River, Maryland, near its entrance into Chesapeake Bay, about midway between the head and the mouth of the Bay. (PDF contains 31 pages)


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Partner University of Michigan convened a workshop on the Applications of Drifting Buoy Technologies for Coastal Watershed and Ecosystem Modeling in Ann Arbor, Michigan on June 5 to 7,2005. The objectives of the workshop were to: (1) educate potential users (managers and scientists) about the current capabilities and uses of drifting buoy technologies; (2) provide an opportunity for users (managers and scientists) to experience first hand the deployment and retrieval of various drifting buoys, as well as experience the capabilities of the buoys' technologies; (3) engage manufacturers with scientists and managers in discussions on drifting buoys' capabilities and their requirements to promote further applications of these systems; (4) promote a dialogue about realistic advantages and limitations of current drifting buoy technologies; and (5) develop a set of key recommendations for advancing both the capabilities and uses of drifting buoy technologies for coastal watershed and ecosystem modeling. To achieve these goals, representatives from research, academia, industry, and resource management were invited to participate in this workshop. Attendees obtained "hands on" experience as they participated in the deployment and retrieval of various drifting buoy systems on Big Portage Lake, a 644 acre lake northwest of Ann Arbor. Working groups then convened for discussions on current commercial usages and environmental monitoring approaches including; user requirements for drifting buoys, current status of drifting buoy systems and enabling technologies, and the challenges and strategies for bringing new drifting buoys "on-line". The following general recommendations were made to: 1). organize a testing program of drifting buoys for marketing their capabilities to resource managers and users. 2). develop a fact sheet to highlight the utility of drifting buoys. 3). facilitate technology transfer for advancements in drifter buoys that may be occurring through military funding and development in order to enhance their technical capability for environmental applications. (pdf contains 18 pages)


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1 carta (manuscrita) ; 210x274mm. Ubicacin: Caja 1 - Carpeta 28


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The pressures placed on the natural, environmental, economic, and cultural sectors from continued growth, population shifts, weather and climate, and environmental quality are increasing exponentially in the southeastern U.S. region. Our growing understanding of the relationship of humans with the marine environment is leading us to explore new ecosystem-based approaches to coastal management, marine resources planning, and coastal adaptation that engages multiple state jurisdictions. The urgency of the situation calls for coordinated regional actions by the states, in conjunction with supporting partners and leveraging a diversity of resources, to address critical issues in sustaining our coastal and ocean ecosystems and enhancing the quality of life of our citizens. The South Atlantic Alliance (www.southatlanticalliance.org) was formally established on October 19, 2009 to implement science-based policies and solutions that enhance and protect the value of coastal and ocean resources of the southeastern United States which support the region's culture and economy now and for future generations. The Alliance, which includes North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, will provide a regional mechanism for collaborating, coordinating, and sharing information in support of resource sustainability; improved regional alignment; cooperative planning and leveraging of resources; integrated research, observations, and mapping; increased awareness of the challenges facing the South Atlantic region; and inclusiveness and integration at all levels. Although I am preparing and presenting this overview of the South Atlantic Alliance and its current status, there are a host of representatives from agencies within the four states, universities, NGOs, and ongoing southeastern regional ocean and coastal programs that are contributing significant time, expertise, and energy to the success of the Alliance; information presented herein and to be presented in my oral presentation was generated by the collaborative efforts of these professionals. I also wish to acknowledge the wisdom and foresight of the Governors of the four states in establishing this exciting regional ocean partnership. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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O Estado Novo Portugus (1932-1974) foi um dos mais duradouros regimes ditatoriais durante o Sculo XX. Oliveira Salazar, seu principal governante, importava-se com a manuteno das instituies de representao social, principalmente as representadas pelo lema: Deus, Ptria e Famlia, ou seja, a Igreja, a Nao (Imprio) e a Famlia. Esta ltima representava a base de toda a moral, ordem e harmonia do pas, assim como os jovens destas famlias representavam o futuro da Nao. A Organizao Nacional Mocidade Portuguesa fora instituda pelo decreto-lei n. 26.611, de 19 de maio de 1936, em execuo da lei n. 1.941, de 11 de abril do mesmo ano pelo Ministro da Educao, Antnio Faria Carneiro Pacheco. Ela representava toda a juventude do pas dos sete aos vinte e cinto anos, escolar ou no, e tinha por finalidade estimular o desenvolvimento integral da capacidade fsica, formao do carter e a devoo Ptria, no sentimento da ordem, disciplina e no culto do dever militar.


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Esta dissertao buscou compreender o papel educativo desempenhado pela Seo de Extenso Cultural (SEC) do Museu Nacional entre os anos de 1943 a 1946, perodo em que o educador e signatrio do Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educao Nova Paschoal Lemme ocupou a chefia desta Seo. Interessou-nos estudar os aspectos que contriburam para o fortalecimento da funo educativa do Museu, buscando identificar possveis pontos de aproximao entre as atividades museais desenvolvidas pela SEC e as aspiraes pedaggicas do movimento da Escola Nova. Criada por Regimento Interno de 1941, durante a gesto institucional da antroploga Helosa Alberto Torres, este departamento estruturava-se em trs servios especficos: o Servio de Exposies, o Servio de Publicaes e o Servio de Assistncia ao Ensino, nos quais se proclamava como objetivo comum a vulgarizao dos conhecimentos cientficos e a difuso das estratgias de um ensino dinmico e prtico dos saberes cientficos. Auxiliou-nos na apreenso deste objeto o dilogo com as anlises construdas por Santos (2008), Berrio (2001), Peixoto (2005), Chagas (2009), Meneses (1994) e Pessanha (1988) acerca da educao como um processo de preservao, produo e comunicao de conhecimentos constitutivos dos patrimnios culturais, consolidando-se, a partir desta perspectiva, no apenas em espaos ditos escolares de formao, mas tambm em espaos no formais de ensino, a exemplo dos museus e de outras instituies de Cultura. As pesquisas de S e Domingues (1996), Pereira (2010), Sily (2012), Sily; Santos (2011), Duarte (2004) e Rangel (2011) foram fundamentais para a compreenso das dimenses e funes educativas do Museu Nacional. Constatamos que a Seo de Extenso Cultural se constituiu entre os anos de 1943 a 1946, como um veculo de difuso dos ideais museais e pedaggicos do movimento da Educao Nova, atravs da publicao de peridicos destinados especialmente para o pblico escolar, de aulas prticas realizadas no interior do Museu Nacional, alm de visitas de especialistas a instituies de ensino com o objetivo de organizar museus escolares.


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Charles Henry Gilbert (1859-1928) was a pioneering ichthyologist who made major contributions to the study of fishes of the American West. As chairman of the Department ofZoology at Leland Stanford Junior University in Palo Alto, Calif., during 1891-1925, Gilbert was extremely devoted to his work and showed little patience with those ofa different mindset. While serving as Naturalist-in-Charge of the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross during her exploratory expedition to the Hawaiian Islands in 1902, Gilbert engaged in an acrimonious feud with the ship's captain, Chauncey Thomas, Jr. (1850-1919), U.S.N., over what Gilbert perceived to be an inadequate effort by the captain. This essay focuses on the conflict between two strong figures, each operatingf rom different world views, and each vying for authority. Despite the difficulties these two men faced, the voyage of the Albatross in 1902 must be considered a success, as reflected by the extensive biological samples collected, the many new species of animals discovered, and the resulting publication of important scientific papers.


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Fishery science pioneers often faced challenges in their field work that are mostly unknown to modern biologists. Some of the travails faced by ichthyologist and, later, fishery biologist Charles Henry Gilbert (1859-1928) during his service as Naturalist-in-Charge of the North Pacific cruise ofthe U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross in 1906, are described here, as are accomplishments of the cruise. The vessel left San Francisco, Calif., on 3 May 1906, just after the great San Francisco earthquake, for scientific exploration of waters of the Aleutian islands, Bering Sea, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and Japan, returning to San Francisco in December. Because the expedition occurred just after the war between Japan and Russia of 1904-05 floating derelict mines in Japanese waters were often a menace. Major storms caused havoc in the region, and the captain of the Albatross, Lieutenant Commander LeRoy Mason Garrett (1857-1906), U.S.N., was lost at sea, apparently thrown from the vessel during a sudden storm on the return leg of the cruise. Despite such obstacles, Gilbert and the Albatross successfully completed their assigned chores. They occupied 339 dredging and 48 hydrographic stations, and discovered over 180 new species of fishes and many new species of invertebrates. The expedition's extensive biological collections spawned over 30 descriptive publications, some of which remain today as standards of knowledge.


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Fishes of the genus Barbodes in Yunnan have been reviewed and 2 new species are described on the basis of specimens deposited in Kunming institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Counts and measurements follow Chu and Chen (1989). Barbodes heterostomus is distinguished by its terminal mouth, with gape being horizontal in the male, and acclivitous in the female, last unbranched dorsal ray smooth with upper 1/3 articulated; dorsal fin origin anterior to pelvic fin origin; no dark lateral band on sides of body; gill rakers 13-19; lateral line scales 24-29; longest caudal ray length about 2 times that of shortest. It is distributed in Longchuanjiang and Dayingjiang (upper Irrawaddy). Barbodes baoshanensis is distinguished by its smooth last unbranched dorsal ray with upper 1/3-1/2 articulated; dorsal fin origin anterior to pelvic fin origin; sides of body with a dark longitudinal band; gill rakers 13-14; lateral line scales 23-28. It occurs in Nujiang (upper Salween) and Longchuanjiang. A key to the species of Barbodes in Yunnan is provided.


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A key challenge in achieving good transient performance of highly boosted engines is the difficulty of accelerating the turbocharger from low air flow conditions (turbo lag). Multi-stage turbocharging, electric turbocharger assistance, electric compressors and hybrid powertrains are helpful in the mitigation of this deficit, but these technologies add significant cost and integration effort. Air-assist systems have the potential to be more cost-effective. Injecting compressed air into the intake manifold has received considerable attention, but the performance improvement offered by this concept is severely constrained by the compressor surge limit. The literature describes many schemes for generating the compressed gas, often involving significant mechanical complexity and/or cost. In this paper we demonstrate a novel exhaust assist system in which a reservoir is charged during braking. Experiments have been conducted using a 2.0 litre light-duty Diesel engine equipped with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and variable geometry turbine (VGT) coupled to an AC transient dynamometer, which was controlled to mimic engine load during in-gear braking and acceleration. The experimental results confirm that the proposed system reduces the time to torque during the 3rd gear tip-in by around 60%. Such a significant improvement was possible due to the increased acceleration of turbocharger immediately after the tip-in. Injecting the compressed gas into the exhaust manifold circumvents the problem of compressor surge and is the key enabler of the superior performance of the proposed concept.