899 resultados para Desenvolvimento regional - Vale do Ribeira (SP)
The current debate on rural development focuses on the territorial approach, recognizing the multifunctional character of rural areas. Emphasize the use of endogenous forces, the need of implement policies which valorize local specificities, the participation of social actors in revitalization of rural areas. In this context tourism enters as a means to induce a new dynamic to rural areas, since the activity is regarded as a channel for the upgrading of the natural and cultural resources and the rural way of life. This study focuses on local-based tourism as a promoter of rural development, giving an analysis of the social reality and potential for this tourism in the district of Dondo. In it, is proposed to analyze the potential for development of local-based tourism in the district of Dondo, assessing the extent to which local reality enables the inclusion of the community in the management of local tourism resources. For this, was showed the inclusion of local-based tourism in the current context of rural development, was identified and organized systematically the factors that influence the implementation of local-based tourism in the study area and was verified as far as possible the study area corresponds to the constraints identified, showing how local-based tourism can best been encouraged. Was adopted a qualitative methodological approach to both the procedures and data processing, but also by critical approach, using bibliographical research, semi-structured interviews that fell on the group of public administrators who work in tourism and community leaders. The critical analysis was based on the principles of sustainability o Sachs particular ecological, social, cultural, economic, space, beyond the analysis of political and institutional aspects. The survey results show that the district of Dondo has a potential for implementing a model of tourism development on a local basis, since it is rich in natural and cultural research, benefits from good network accessibility in the context of the market in the region, the population live according to their habits and customs and value their identity. There is also a good cooperation between community members, although not in tourism, a fact which is observed through the lever of community participation in associations, cooperatives, working in areas such as agriculture, fishing, environment, civic education etc. It also has public funding sources to augment or stimulate local investment. Despite obstacles such as inexistence of policies and local plans for tourism development, lack of awareness of tourism, lack of basic infrastructure, as well as equipment and facilities to support tourism, the results shows that these problems can be solved through a public commitment from both government, and community through a joint planning and participation
This study analyzed the perception of ethics on the part of students of Post-graduation in Tourism, to develop their academic research. It is characterized as exploratory-descriptive, being considered quantitative with some elements analyzed qualitatively. Data were collected through an electronic questionnaire, originated in google docs and sent via e-mail to 54 students in three graduate programs in Tourism: The Tourism Master of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), the Master in Tourism and Hospitality of the University of Vale do Itajai (UNIVALI) and Master of Tourism at the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), resulting in 22 responses. The study presents a profile of the dissertation research of post-graduate students, their perception about research ethics, as well as the difficulties encountered in the research process. Notes that research of dissertation are geared mostly for the historical and cultural aspects of tourism and the choice of topics for the essays came in first place, due to the influence of the guiding lines of research and, secondly, due to social relevance. The methods used in post-graduate research are descriptive, the literature and exploratory. It also notes that most students graduate in tourism (81%) attaches great importance to ethics in carrying out their dissertation research, students claim that ethics brings credibility and seriousness to research. Furthermore, it was realized that they have no knowledge about the practice of misconduct by researchers in the field of Tourism. Demonstrate that the major ethical challenge encountered by students is in relationship with the research subject, what happens during data collection. It also notes that none of the respondents sent any project to be evaluated by an Ethics Committee (CEP), moreover, most do not know the resolution 196/96, which has the main guidelines on research ethics at national level. Concludes that the students post-graduate in tourism have little knowledge about the standards and guidelines on research ethics. They demonstrate ignore the benefits of research ethics in regarding the protection and preservation of the participant, as well as the benefits it generates for society
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This study is about the primary stakeholder management - the resident community, given its participation and support for the development of tourism in touristic destinations. It has as a general aim to analyze the factors that are capable to influence the residents‟ support to the development of religious tourism in Santa Cruz, RN, and the existing interrelationships between factors. In order to achieve this objective, it was necessary to use exploratory and descriptive research, followed by a quantitative approach through questionnaires with 422 residents of Santa Cruz -RN. The study was based on the variables relationship model proposed by Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012), it was also used the technique of Structural Equation Modeling - SEM, aiming to explain the relationships between the constructs studied. The results found on the survey suggest that the more residents realize the benefits generated by tourism, as well as trust in government actors in charge of tourism development, the more there will be a propensity to support the development of religious tourism. This result is similar to the one found in the study of Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012). We conclude that the structural model that best represents the reality of Santa Cruz -RN is composed of the factors: benefits, costs, and confidence in governmental actors, which are able to influence the support of Santa Cruz‟s residents for the development of religious tourism. It is also noteworthy that it was found a highly significant connection between the factors benefits perceived from tourism and confidence in governmental actors and between both of them, the political support for tourism
The tourist activity , which appropriates spaces and natural , cultural , social and economic scenarios in a given locality , requires a model of integrated development necessarily reconciling the support of residents. In this perspective , this study aims to analyze the factors influencing the support of residents in tourism development in archaeological sites , specifically in the two counties of Parelhas and Carnaúba dos Dantas , in Rio Grande do Norte, in the region of Seridó Potiguar as well as the interrelationship existing between these factors . To achieve the proposed objective of the research , a descriptive -exploratory and quantitative study based on the study of Nunkoo and Hamkisson (2012 ) , using the technique of Structural Equation Modeling - SEM to explain the relationships of the constructs used in this research. Data collection was performed during the periodof May 2013 to July 2013. Among other studies, results indicate that , for the profile of the interviewees used , the higher the confidence of the community residing in the government agencies responsible for, the largest tourism will support the resident to the tourism development and that this supply relationship institutions and government agencies an opportunity to enhance their development strategies and social thinking of the resident agent of tourism . It was also found that the analysis model proposed has a better structural relationship when used interviewees who have knowledge about the activities in the archaeological sites , then suggesting the need for further research on the effect of the level of knowledge of the interviewee on the object and support of residents to tourism development
This paper analyzes the influence of trade and services in the reconfiguration of urban space in Natal, with the Avenues Bernardo Vieira end Roberto Freire Engineer as privileged analysis. Initially, we discussed the concepts of production and reproduction of urban space, urban centralities, decentralized, services and public policies, especially transport and tourism. Then, we show the construction of urban space from Natal, highlighting the historical formation of the districts of Ribeira, Cidade Alta and Alecrim, pioneers in the service sector, noting that currently there is an ongoing process of decentralization in the city of such activities, to other areas of the urban fabric of Natal. Later, we studied the Avenues Bernardo Vieira to Roberto Freire Engineer, noting, in both the distribution of commercial activities and services, and issues related to transportation, traffic, tourism and socio-economic problems, identified them. Finally, testify that Natal, from the 1980s, underwent a process of decentralization of services, both to the south, and north of the city on the ball. In this process of decentralization we ascertain the role of public policies on transport and tourism, complementing the action of private enterprise, through the real estate market, on Avenue Roberto Freire Engineer.
The generation of direction, sensemaking, is the process where the actors start to perceive the events around them establishing and creating meanings in their actions that they play daily. At the moment where they happen the interactions in a net business-oriented between the actors are that sensemaking is generated. A business-oriented example of a relationship net is the work developed for the Committee of Associations and Regional Cooperatives of Handcraft of Seridó - CRACAS. This organization, with headquarters in the city of Caicó - Rio Grande of North exists with the objective to manage the net of craftsmen of the region of the norteriograndense Seridó. The present inquiry had as objective generality to understand the generation of sensible of the activities carried through for the organizational, inserted actors in the CRACAS in Caicó/RN, directed toward the use of the resources in its daily business-oriented. The specific objectives had been) To identify the resources used for the organizational actors of the CRACAS; b) To apprehend the way for which the craftsmen play activities directed toward the control and use of the available resources in its environment business-oriented; c) To identify the role played for the organizational actors (craftsmen) in its business-oriented daily activities; d) To understand as the organizational actors of the CRACAS they generate sensible of its business-oriented activities and finally e) To verify the principles that guide the interactions of the craftsmen. Of this process of empirical inquiry, the methodology used in the inquiry consisted of a Study of Case in the CRACAS and the seven Associations of the Embroidering it. It was concluded that sensemaking happens during the accomplishment of the activity as during the confection of the products. In accordance with craftsman the financial resources do not come from the CRACAS. One evidenced that the seven cities of the business-oriented embroidering interact as a net of the handcraft and that it exists a lack of resources and infrastructure in the associations
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de periodontite agressiva localizada, periodontite agressiva generalizada e periodontite incipiente em uma população de 15 a 25 anos de idade (19,4 ± 3,44) da região do Vale do Paraíba - SP que procuraram tratamento odontológico clínico geral no Departamento de Odontologia da Universidade de Taubaté, SP. Seiscentos pacientes, 244 do sexo masculino e 356 do sexo feminino, foram incluídos neste estudo. A condição periodontal da população estudada foi determinada em 6 sítios por dente por meio da avaliação das medidas de profundidade à sondagem e nível clínico de inserção, e confirmada por meio de exame radiográfico. Dez indivíduos (1,66%) apresentaram periodontite agressiva localizada, 2 do sexo masculino (18,5 ± 2,12) e 8 do sexo feminino (19,2 ± 3,91), 22 (3,66%) receberam diagnóstico de periodontite agressiva generalizada, sendo 6 do sexo masculino (19,1 ± 3,06) e 16 do sexo feminino (20,1 ± 2,71) e 86 (14,3%) foram diagnosticados com periodontite incipiente, 29 do sexo masculino (20,2 ± 2,87) e 57 do sexo feminino (21,1 ± 2,79). Houve correlação positiva entre sexo feminino e doença periodontal.
En ce travail nous discutons les limitation et les possibilites du développement qui rèsultent du process d'implantation d'une Association Intermunicipalee de la regiòn centrale du Estado São Paulo - Brasil. C èst une iniciative locale, sous les règles de la coopération Brasil-Italia. Les participants des cette association sont les villes du Araraquara, Ibaté, Gavião Peixoto, Ribeirão Bonito e São Carlos. En l'article ce sont aporteè les limitatiòn y les possibilitees de la gestion publique en la region. L association est proposeè comme un instrument du gestiòn de la politique locale.
O principal problema ambiental causado pelo uso do solo em áreas de preservação permanente longitudinais aos rios é a supressão da mata ciliar. O tipo e a intensidade desse uso alteram a estrutura do solo e comprometem as funções físicas dessas áreas, principalmente próximo aos cursos d'água. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sustentabilidade estrutural, a partir do ensaio de compressão uniaxial, de três classes de solo (Cambissolo Háplico, Argissolo Amarelo e Gleissolo Háplico) e o impacto de diferentes tipos de usos do solo - não permitido pela legislação ambiental - de áreas de preservação permanente na sub-bacia do rio Ribeira de Iguape, SP. Foram delimitadas na área experimental três classes de solo: Cambissolo, Argissolo e Gleissolo. Numa primeira etapa, compararam-se as três classes de solos sob mata nativa e sob pastagem. Na segunda, avaliou-se a influência de diferentes tipos de uso do solo - cultivo de banana, pastagem degradada, uso silvipastoril e mata nativa - sobre a estrutura de um Cambissolo. A pressão de preconsolidação mostrou-se ferramenta capaz de identificar a degradação nos solos. O uso do solo nas áreas de preservação permanente altera a pressão de preconsolidação do solo, causando sua degradação estrutural, colocando em risco a sustentabilidade das terras, e não deve ser permitido. O Gleissolo mostrou maiores valores de pressão de preconsolidação em função de teores crescentes de água e, portanto, maior capacidade de suporte de carga em relação ao Cambissolo e Argissolo. O cultivo de banana foi o tipo de uso que mais degradou os solos das áreas de preservação permanente.
O chá preto é uma das bebidas mais consumidas no mundo. Essa bebida é feita a partir da infusão de folhas processadas de Camellia sinensis, que é cultivada em mais de 30 países, tendo grande importância socioeconômica. Estudos sugerem que o chá tem efeito protetor contra diversos tipos de câncer e doenças cardiovasculares devido à presença de polifenóis denominados catequinas, que são oxidadas enzimaticamente durante o processamento das folhas, gerando uma mistura constituída principalmente de teaflavinas, teasinensinas e tearubiginas. A produção mundial de chá tem aumentado mais do que o consumo, provocando redução do preço que, juntamente com o aumento no custo de produção, implica a necessidade de alta produtividade e qualidade. Apesar disso, ainda não foram estabelecidos critérios precisos e eficientes para predizer a qualidade do chá a partir das folhas, bem como quais práticas agronômicas contribuem para o aumento da qualidade. No Brasil, a cultura do chá se concentra no Vale do Ribeira, em São Paulo (SP), sendo quase toda produção exportada. Apesar de o produto brasileiro não ser de alta qualidade, tem conseguido bons preços no mercado internacional. A produção brasileira, a área de produção e o número de indústrias de chá vêm diminuindo ao longo dos últimos anos, o que demonstra a necessidade de investimentos.
The main goal of this work is to present a supplier's management method based on evaluation of audits performed at suppliers during products development phase. Audits are prioritized according to the impact of supplied parts on the development and its main goals are identification of risks, to propose and perform action plans and to evaluate periodically the supplier's performance to prevent problems. It is proposed that if the audits in the development phase be efficient, the supplied products will have good maturity to entry into service and stable performance. This issue was evaluated in a aeronautic company and the analyzed results in 2006 were considered good.
This paper proposes a discussion on the need to prepare a history of development through effective approaches and methods of its own history. The objective is to show how, until now, historians have not produced a history of development in light of the discussions and disputes related to the structuring of history as a field of knowledge. To this end, it was demonstrated how history can help to identify the borders of history that allowed the consecration of a limited development model and tied only to criteria of economic performance.