832 resultados para Deep Belief Network, Deep Learning, Gaze, Head Pose, Surveillance, Unsupervised Learning


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We study the problem of detecting sentences describing adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and frame the problem as binary classification. We investigate different neural network (NN) architectures for ADR classification. In particular, we propose two new neural network models, Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) by concatenating convolutional neural networks with recurrent neural networks, and Convolutional Neural Network with Attention (CNNA) by adding attention weights into convolutional neural networks. We evaluate various NN architectures on a Twitter dataset containing informal language and an Adverse Drug Effects (ADE) dataset constructed by sampling from MEDLINE case reports. Experimental results show that all the NN architectures outperform the traditional maximum entropy classifiers trained from n-grams with different weighting strategies considerably on both datasets. On the Twitter dataset, all the NN architectures perform similarly. But on the ADE dataset, CNN performs better than other more complex CNN variants. Nevertheless, CNNA allows the visualisation of attention weights of words when making classification decisions and hence is more appropriate for the extraction of word subsequences describing ADRs.


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Nowadays robotic applications are widespread and most of the manipulation tasks are efficiently solved. However, Deformable-Objects (DOs) still represent a huge limitation for robots. The main difficulty in DOs manipulation is dealing with the shape and dynamics uncertainties, which prevents the use of model-based approaches (since they are excessively computationally complex) and makes sensory data difficult to interpret. This thesis reports the research activities aimed to address some applications in robotic manipulation and sensing of Deformable-Linear-Objects (DLOs), with particular focus to electric wires. In all the works, a significant effort was made in the study of an effective strategy for analyzing sensory signals with various machine learning algorithms. In the former part of the document, the main focus concerns the wire terminals, i.e. detection, grasping, and insertion. First, a pipeline that integrates vision and tactile sensing is developed, then further improvements are proposed for each module. A novel procedure is proposed to gather and label massive amounts of training images for object detection with minimal human intervention. Together with this strategy, we extend a generic object detector based on Convolutional-Neural-Networks for orientation prediction. The insertion task is also extended by developing a closed-loop control capable to guide the insertion of a longer and curved segment of wire through a hole, where the contact forces are estimated by means of a Recurrent-Neural-Network. In the latter part of the thesis, the interest shifts to the DLO shape. Robotic reshaping of a DLO is addressed by means of a sequence of pick-and-place primitives, while a decision making process driven by visual data learns the optimal grasping locations exploiting Deep Q-learning and finds the best releasing point. The success of the solution leverages on a reliable interpretation of the DLO shape. For this reason, further developments are made on the visual segmentation.


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Dopo lo sviluppo dei primi casi di Covid-19 in Cina nell’autunno del 2019, ad inizio 2020 l’intero pianeta è precipitato in una pandemia globale che ha stravolto le nostre vite con conseguenze che non si vivevano dall’influenza spagnola. La grandissima quantità di paper scientifici in continua pubblicazione sul coronavirus e virus ad esso affini ha portato alla creazione di un unico dataset dinamico chiamato CORD19 e distribuito gratuitamente. Poter reperire informazioni utili in questa mole di dati ha ulteriormente acceso i riflettori sugli information retrieval systems, capaci di recuperare in maniera rapida ed efficace informazioni preziose rispetto a una domanda dell'utente detta query. Di particolare rilievo è stata la TREC-COVID Challenge, competizione per lo sviluppo di un sistema di IR addestrato e testato sul dataset CORD19. Il problema principale è dato dal fatto che la grande mole di documenti è totalmente non etichettata e risulta dunque impossibile addestrare modelli di reti neurali direttamente su di essi. Per aggirare il problema abbiamo messo a punto nuove soluzioni self-supervised, a cui abbiamo applicato lo stato dell'arte del deep metric learning e dell'NLP. Il deep metric learning, che sta avendo un enorme successo soprattuto nella computer vision, addestra il modello ad "avvicinare" tra loro immagini simili e "allontanare" immagini differenti. Dato che sia le immagini che il testo vengono rappresentati attraverso vettori di numeri reali (embeddings) si possano utilizzare le stesse tecniche per "avvicinare" tra loro elementi testuali pertinenti (e.g. una query e un paragrafo) e "allontanare" elementi non pertinenti. Abbiamo dunque addestrato un modello SciBERT con varie loss, che ad oggi rappresentano lo stato dell'arte del deep metric learning, in maniera completamente self-supervised direttamente e unicamente sul dataset CORD19, valutandolo poi sul set formale TREC-COVID attraverso un sistema di IR e ottenendo risultati interessanti.


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Reinforcement Learning is an increasingly popular area of Artificial Intelligence. The applications of this learning paradigm are many, but its application in mobile computing is in its infancy. This study aims to provide an overview of current Reinforcement Learning applications on mobile devices, as well as to introduce a new framework for iOS devices: Swift-RL Lib. This new Swift package allows developers to easily support and integrate two of the most common RL algorithms, Q-Learning and Deep Q-Network, in a fully customizable environment. All processes are performed on the device, without any need for remote computation. The framework was tested in different settings and evaluated through several use cases. Through an in-depth performance analysis, we show that the platform provides effective and efficient support for Reinforcement Learning for mobile applications.


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Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have revolutionized a wide range of applications beyond traditional machine learning and artificial intelligence fields, e.g., computer vision, healthcare, natural language processing and others. At the same time, edge devices have become central in our society, generating an unprecedented amount of data which could be used to train data-hungry models such as DNNs. However, the potentially sensitive or confidential nature of gathered data poses privacy concerns when storing and processing them in centralized locations. To this purpose, decentralized learning decouples model training from the need of directly accessing raw data, by alternating on-device training and periodic communications. The ability of distilling knowledge from decentralized data, however, comes at the cost of facing more challenging learning settings, such as coping with heterogeneous hardware and network connectivity, statistical diversity of data, and ensuring verifiable privacy guarantees. This Thesis proposes an extensive overview of decentralized learning literature, including a novel taxonomy and a detailed description of the most relevant system-level contributions in the related literature for privacy, communication efficiency, data and system heterogeneity, and poisoning defense. Next, this Thesis presents the design of an original solution to tackle communication efficiency and system heterogeneity, and empirically evaluates it on federated settings. For communication efficiency, an original method, specifically designed for Convolutional Neural Networks, is also described and evaluated against the state-of-the-art. Furthermore, this Thesis provides an in-depth review of recently proposed methods to tackle the performance degradation introduced by data heterogeneity, followed by empirical evaluations on challenging data distributions, highlighting strengths and possible weaknesses of the considered solutions. Finally, this Thesis presents a novel perspective on the usage of Knowledge Distillation as a mean for optimizing decentralized learning systems in settings characterized by data heterogeneity or system heterogeneity. Our vision on relevant future research directions close the manuscript.


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The aim of this dissertation is to describe the methodologies required to design, operate, and validate the performance of ground stations dedicated to near and deep space tracking, as well as the models developed to process the signals acquired, from raw data to the output parameters of the orbit determination of spacecraft. This work is framed in the context of lunar and planetary exploration missions by addressing the challenges in receiving and processing radiometric data for radio science investigations and navigation purposes. These challenges include the designing of an appropriate back-end to read, convert and store the antenna voltages, the definition of appropriate methodologies for pre-processing, calibration, and estimation of radiometric data for the extraction of information on the spacecraft state, and the definition and integration of accurate models of the spacecraft dynamics to evaluate the goodness of the recorded signals. Additionally, the experimental design of acquisition strategies to perform direct comparison between ground stations is described and discussed. In particular, the evaluation of the differential performance between stations requires the designing of a dedicated tracking campaign to maximize the overlap of the recorded datasets at the receivers, making it possible to correlate the received signals and isolate the contribution of the ground segment to the noise in the single link. Finally, in support of the methodologies and models presented, results from the validation and design work performed on the Deep Space Network (DSN) affiliated nodes DSS-69 and DSS-17 will also be reported.


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In medicine, innovation depends on a better knowledge of the human body mechanism, which represents a complex system of multi-scale constituents. Unraveling the complexity underneath diseases proves to be challenging. A deep understanding of the inner workings comes with dealing with many heterogeneous information. Exploring the molecular status and the organization of genes, proteins, metabolites provides insights on what is driving a disease, from aggressiveness to curability. Molecular constituents, however, are only the building blocks of the human body and cannot currently tell the whole story of diseases. This is why nowadays attention is growing towards the contemporary exploitation of multi-scale information. Holistic methods are then drawing interest to address the problem of integrating heterogeneous data. The heterogeneity may derive from the diversity across data types and from the diversity within diseases. Here, four studies conducted data integration using customly designed workflows that implement novel methods and views to tackle the heterogeneous characterization of diseases. The first study devoted to determine shared gene regulatory signatures for onco-hematology and it showed partial co-regulation across blood-related diseases. The second study focused on Acute Myeloid Leukemia and refined the unsupervised integration of genomic alterations, which turned out to better resemble clinical practice. In the third study, network integration for artherosclerosis demonstrated, as a proof of concept, the impact of network intelligibility when it comes to model heterogeneous data, which showed to accelerate the identification of new potential pharmaceutical targets. Lastly, the fourth study introduced a new method to integrate multiple data types in a unique latent heterogeneous-representation that facilitated the selection of important data types to predict the tumour stage of invasive ductal carcinoma. The results of these four studies laid the groundwork to ease the detection of new biomarkers ultimately beneficial to medical practice and to the ever-growing field of Personalized Medicine.


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Grazie all’evoluzione degli strumenti di calcolo e delle strutture digitali, le intelligenze artificiali si sono evolute considerevolmente negli ultimi anni, permettendone sempre nuove e complesse applicazioni. L’interesse del presente progetto di tesi è quello di creare un modello di studio preliminare di intelligenza artificiale definita come Rete Neurale Convoluzionale, o Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), al fine di essere impiegata nel campo della radioscienza e dell’esplorazione planetaria. In particolare, uno degli interessi principali di applicazione del modello è negli studi di geodesia compiuti tramite determinazione orbitale di satelliti artificiali nel loro moto attorno ai corpi celesti. Le accelerazioni causate dai campi gravitazionali planetari perturbano le orbite dei satelliti artificiali, queste variazioni vengono captate dai ricevitori radio a terra sottoforma di shift Doppler della frequenza del segnale, a partire dalla quale è quindi possibile determinare informazioni dettagliate sul campo di gravità e sulla struttura interna del corpo celeste in esame. Per poter fare ciò, occorre riuscire a determinare l’esatta frequenza del segnale in arrivo, il quale, per via di perdite e disturbi durante il suo tragitto, presenterà sempre una componente di rumore. Il metodo più comune per scindere la componente di informazione da quella di rumore e ricavarne la frequenza effettiva è l’applicazione di trasformate di Fourier a tempo breve, o Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT). Con l’attività sperimentale proposta, ci si è quindi posto l’obiettivo di istruire un CNN alla stima della frequenza di segnali reali sinusoidali rumorosi per avere un modello computazionalmente rapido e affidabile a supporto delle operazioni di pre-processing per missioni di radio-scienza.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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The sustainability of intensive swine production demands alternative destinations for the generated residues. Ashes from swine rice husk-based deep bedding were tested as a mineral addition for cement mortars. The ashes were obtained at 400 to 600ºC, ground and sieved through a 325 mesh sieve (# 0.045 mm). The characterization of the ashes included the determination of the index of pozzolanic activity with lime. The ashes were also tested as partial substitutes of Portland cement. The mortars were prepared using a cement:sand proportion of 1:1.5, and with water/cement ratio of 0.4. Three percentages of mass substitution of the cement were tested: 10, 20 and 30%. Mortar performances were assessed at 7 and 28 days determining their compressive strength. The chosen condition for calcinations at the laboratory scale was related to the maximum temperature of 600ºC since the resulting ashes contained vitreous materials and presented satisfactory values for the pozzolanic index under analysis. The pozzolanic activity indicated promising results for ashes produced at 600ºC as a replacement of up to 30% in cement masses.


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A new species of Trichomycterus is described for the rio Iguaçu drainage in Southern Brazil. Trichomycterus igobi, new species, is readily distinguishable from all other species currently in the genus by its extremely large head (23.8-26.8 % SL), which is proportionally the largest head in any Trichomycteridae. That characteristic plus the relatively deep body result in a very short-bodied overall aspect, the most extremely such case in the genus Trichomycterus. Other diagnostic features that distinguish the new species from most or all of its congeners include a short caudal peduncle (15.4-19.7 % SL); an almost entirely cartilaginous second hypobranchial (with only vestigial ossification); a mesial expanded palatine ossification; a narrow cleithrum, falciform in shape; and the lack of a proximal posterior concavity on the third ceratobranchial. The new species seems to form a monophyletic group with T. stawiarski and other undescribed species (T. sp. C), also endemic to the rio Iguaçu. As putative synapomorphies, the three species share a rigid spine-like morphology of individual procurrent caudal-fin rays, an extended area of dorsal caudal-fin procurrent rays, and numerous branchiostegal rays (ten or eleven).


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Shallow-water tropical reefs and the deep sea represent the two most diverse marine environments. Understanding the origin and diversification of this biodiversity is a major quest in ecology and evolution. The most prominent and well-supported explanation, articulated since the first explorations of the deep sea, holds that benthic marine fauna originated in shallow, onshore environments, and diversified into deeper waters. In contrast, evidence that groups of marine organisms originated in the deep sea is limited, and the possibility that deep-water taxa have contributed to the formation of shallow-water communities remains untested with phylogenetic methods. Here we show that stylasterid corals (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Stylasteridae)-the second most diverse group of hard corals-originated and diversified extensively in the deep sea, and subsequently invaded shallow waters. Our phylogenetic results show that deep-water stylasterid corals have invaded the shallow-water tropics three times, with one additional invasion of the shallow-water temperate zone. Our results also show that anti-predatory innovations arose in the deep sea, but were not involved in the shallow-water invasions. These findings are the first robust evidence that an important group of tropical shallow-water marine animals evolved from deep-water ancestors.


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Equatorial podzols are soils characterized by thick sandy horizons overlying more clayey horizons. Organic matter produced in the topsoil is transferred in depth through the sandy horizons and accumulate at the transition, at a depth varying from 1 to more than 3 m, forming deep horizons rich in organic matter (Bh horizons). Although they cover great surfaces in the equatorial zone, these soils are still poorly known. Studying podzols from Amazonia, we found out that the deep Bh horizons in poorly drained podzol areas have a thickness higher than 1m and store unexpected amounts of carbon. The average for the studied area was 66.7 +/- 5.8 kgCm(-2) for the deep Bh and 86.8 +/- 7.1 kgCm(-2) for the whole profile. Extrapolating to the podzol areas of the whole Amazonian basin has been possible thanks to digital maps, giving an order of magnitude around 13.6 +/- 1.1 PgC, at least 12.3 PgC higher than previous estimates. This assessment should be refined by additional investigations, not only in Amazonia but in all equatorial areas where podzols have been identified. Because of the lack of knowledge on the quality and behaviour of the podzol organic matter, the question of the feedback between the climate and the equatorial podzol carbon cycle is open.


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Background: While microRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in tissue differentiation and in maintaining basal physiology, little is known about the miRNA expression levels in stomach tissue. Alterations in the miRNA profile can lead to cell deregulation, which can induce neoplasia. Methodology/Principal Findings: A small RNA library of stomach tissue was sequenced using high-throughput SOLiD sequencing technology. We obtained 261,274 quality reads with perfect matches to the human miRnome, and 42% of known miRNAs were identified. Digital Gene Expression profiling (DGE) was performed based on read abundance and showed that fifteen miRNAs were highly expressed in gastric tissue. Subsequently, the expression of these miRNAs was validated in 10 healthy individuals by RT-PCR showed a significant correlation of 83.97% (P<0.05). Six miRNAs showed a low variable pattern of expression (miR-29b, miR-29c, miR-19b, miR-31, miR-148a, miR-451) and could be considered part of the expression pattern of the healthy gastric tissue. Conclusions/Significance: This study aimed to validate normal miRNA profiles of human gastric tissue to establish a reference profile for healthy individuals. Determining the regulatory processes acting in the stomach will be important in the fight against gastric cancer, which is the second-leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide.