863 resultados para Day-clinic


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There is no doubt that the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery is a success story. In 2011, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of this professional organization. In 2012, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. In addition, two other journals have been initiated, Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery and the Multimedia Manual of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, and all of them can be accessed through CTSnet (www.ctsnet.org). The most recent development was the birth of EACTS House, and it was to celebrate the official opening of EACTS House on 10 February 2011, that we held the second Strategic meeting, 'EACTS in the Future'. On this occasion, the EACTS council and delegates of the EACTS Domains (Domain of Thoracic Disease, Domain of Vascular Disease, Domain of Congenital Cardiac Disease and Domain of Adult Cardiac Disease) came together with representative thoracic and cardio-vascular surgeons from North America, Asia and BRICS countries as well as senior managers from industry in order to decide where to go from there. As a basis for starting the discussions, a sector analysis of the activities of the Department of Cardio-Vascular Surgery at CHUV in Lausanne, Switzerland was performed in order to identify the trends in the activities of our group of surgeons by pulling the consolidated data for the period running from 1 January 1995 to 31 December 2010. Interestingly enough, the most frequent procedures like coronary artery bypass graft and valve repair/replacement did not increase despite a growing programme. In our setting, the compensation came mainly from vascular surgery and mechanical circulatory support. These data have to be put in perspective by the reports provided by the EACTS domain chairs in order to identify the challenges and opportunities for the future development of our specialties.


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The correct use of closed field chambers to determine N2O emissions requires defining the time of day that best represents the daily mean N2O flux. A short-term field experiment was carried out on a Mollisol soil, on which annual crops were grown under no-till management in the Pampa Ondulada of Argentina. The N2O emission rates were measured every 3 h for three consecutive days. Fluxes ranged from 62.58 to 145.99 ∝g N-N2O m-2 h-1 (average of five field chambers) and were negatively related (R² = 0.34, p < 0.01) to topsoil temperature (14 - 20 ºC). N2O emission rates measured between 9:00 and 12:00 am presented a high relationship to daily mean N2O flux (R² = 0.87, p < 0.01), showing that, in the study region, sampling in the mornings is preferable for GHG.


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OBJECTIVES: Although personality traits are considered significant predictors of both physical and mental health, their specific impact on treatment outcome in elderly patients with depression remains largely unexplored. Impact of personality traits on the evolution of depressive symptoms, quality of life, and perception of clinical progress was assessed in a psychotherapeutic community. DESIGN: A prospective longitudinal study was conducted in 62 elderly outpatients. SETTING: Day hospital treatment as usual combined group and individual therapies, pharmacological treatment, as well as family and network meetings. PARTICIPANTS: Patients presented with major depression or a depressive episode of bipolar disease. MEASUREMENTS: The Geriatric Depression Scale, the Short Form Survey, and the Therapeutic Community Assessment scale were administrated at admission, 3, 6, 12 months, and at discharge. Personality was evaluated with the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory. RESULTS: Outcome revealed reduced depression and improved mental quality of life and clinical progress. Higher Geriatric Depression Scale scores were found in individuals with higher levels of Neuroticism (and its Vulnerability facet). Better self-perception of clinical progress was observed in individuals with lower levels of the Depressiveness and Modesty facets and higher openness to action. Improvement in quality of life was predicted by high Positive emotions facet. All these associations remained significant after controlling for age, gender, and treatment length. CONCLUSION: Personality traits may predict clinical outcome in psychotherapeutic hospital day care for elderly patients with depression.


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Selostus: Ayrshire-ensikoiden koelypsykohtaisen maidontuotannon perinnölliset tunnusluvut laktaation eri vaiheissa


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Want to know what conditions to expect over the next stage of RAGBRAI? How hilly will it be, what towns and parks are between here and there, or what services are coming up in the next town?


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The University of Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist and Team Archaeology are back on RAGBRAI for another year of Archaeology on the Road, and pleased to partner this year with the IDNR: Geological and Water Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey under the theme “Human and Natural History Partners.” Archaeology on the Road brings you the unique cultural history and prehistory of Iowa on the RAGBRAI route, pointing out interesting and significant archaeological sites and sharing Iowa’s past along the way. Look for our booth at Expo and then again on Days 1, 5 and 6 on the route, and also keep an eye out for our Team Archaeology


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The University of Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist and Team Archaeology are back on RAGBRAI for another year of Archaeology on the Road, and pleased to partner this year with the IDNR: Geological and Water Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey under the theme “Human and Natural History Partners.” Archaeology on the Road brings you the unique cultural history and prehistory of Iowa on the RAGBRAI route, pointing out interesting and significant archaeological sites and sharing Iowa’s past along the way. Look for our booth at Expo and then again on Days 1, 5 and 6 on the route, and also keep an eye out for our Team Archaeology


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The University of Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist and Team Archaeology are back on RAGBRAI for another year of Archaeology on the Road, and pleased to partner this year with the IDNR: Geological and Water Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey under the theme “Human and Natural History Partners.” Archaeology on the Road brings you the unique cultural history and prehistory of Iowa on the RAGBRAI route, pointing out interesting and significant archaeological sites and sharing Iowa’s past along the way. Look for our booth at Expo and then again on Days 1, 5 and 6 on the route, and also keep an eye out for our Team Archaeology


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The University of Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist and Team Archaeology are back on RAGBRAI for another year of Archaeology on the Road, and pleased to partner this year with the IDNR: Geological and Water Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey under the theme “Human and Natural History Partners.” Archaeology on the Road brings you the unique cultural history and prehistory of Iowa on the RAGBRAI route, pointing out interesting and significant archaeological sites and sharing Iowa’s past along the way. Look for our booth at Expo and then again on Days 1, 5 and 6 on the route, and also keep an eye out for our Team Archaeology.


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The University of Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist and Team Archaeology are back on RAGBRAI for our third year of Archaeology on the Road, and pleased to partner this year with the IDNR: Geological and Water Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey under the theme “Human and Natural History Partners.” Archaeology on the Road brings you the unique cultural history and prehistory of Iowa on the RAGBRAI route, pointing out interesting and significant archaeological sites and sharing Iowa’s past along the way. Look for our booth at Expo and then again on Days 1, 5 and 6 on the route, and also keep an eye out for our Team Archaeology


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The University of Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist and Team Archaeology are back on RAGBRAI for our third year of Archaeology on the Road, and pleased to partner this year with the IDNR: Geological and Water Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey under the theme “Human and Natural History Partners.” Archaeology on the Road brings you the unique cultural history and prehistory of Iowa on the RAGBRAI route, pointing out interesting and significant archaeological sites and sharing Iowa’s past along the way. Look for our booth at Expo and then again on Days 1, 5 and 6 on the route, and also keep an eye out for our Team Archaeology.


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Among 645 obese patients examined at an out-patient clinic for obese patients by physical examination and a computerized questionnaire, two subgroups of patients could be identified according to their nutritional preferences: 177 patients preferred carbohydrates exclusively (group A) and 73 patients fat exclusively (group B). No definite preferences were formulated by the other patients. Among patients under 25 years, only 3 belonged to group B and 49 to group A, while in older patients no significant differences were found. Among patients with BMI less than 30, there were significantly fewer patients from group B than from group A (p = 0.006), while in patients with BMI greater than 30 no significant difference was observed. There were significantly more men in group B than in group A. 57% of the patients of group B complained of physical symptoms related to their obesity, compared to 37% in group A (p = 0.006). 26% of group B suffered from joints and muscles compared to 13% of group A (p = 0.003). Hyperglycemia (greater than 5,6 mmol/l) was found in 21% of group A and in 40% of group B (p less than 0.005). Hypercholesterolemia (greater than 6.5 mmol/l) was found in 20% of group A and in 32% of group B (p less than 0.05). In conclusion, obese patients who prefer fat have more general symptoms related to obesity, more abnormal physical signs, and more frequently have hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia than patients who prefer carbohydrates.


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Rapport de synthèse : La satisfaction des patients concernant leur prise en charge fait maintenant partie intégrante de la qualité des soins. Elle a été évaluée à maintes reprises chez des patients adultes ou pédiatriques, mais rarement chez des patients adolescents. Les attentes des adolescents par rapport aux services de soins ont par contre été souvent étudiées et certains facteurs semblent particulièrement importants. Parmi ceux-ci, citons la confidentialité, le respect, l'honnêteté, l'écoute, l'accès aux soins ou le fait d'avoir des informations compréhensibles. L'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé a développé le concept de 'Youth-friendly health services' pour répondre aux besoins et attentes particuliers des adolescents. Il est basé sur sept principes : l'accessibilité, l'équité, l'efficience, l'efficacité, le fait d'être approprié et compréhensible. Notre objectif était d'évaluer la satisfaction des adolescentes consultant dans une clinique multidisciplinaire pour adolescents basée sur le modèle 'Youth-friendly health services' et de déterminer les facteurs qui y sont associés. Nous avons fait une enquête transversale dans une clinique pour adolescents à Lausanne entre mars et mai 2008 moyennant un questionnaire anonyme auto-administré. Tous les patients qui avaient consulté au moins une fois auparavant étaient éligibles. Nous avons ensuite éliminé les garçons, en très petit nombre et donc de faible valeur statistique. Trois cents onze patientes âgées de 12 à 22 ans ont été inclues dans l'étude. Nous avons effectué des analyses bivariées pour comparer les patientes satisfaites et non satisfaites puis avons construit un modèle log- linéaire afin de déterminer les facteurs directement ou indirectement liés à la satisfaction des patientes. Nonante-quatre pourcent des patientes étaient satisfaites. Les facteurs significativement associés à la satisfaction des adolescentes étaient les suivants : Les jeunes filles se sentaient plus écoutées en ce qui concerne leurs plaintes, et avaient plus l'impression que le soignant les comprenait. Elles avaient aussi moins changé de soignant durant le suivi, avaient plus l'impression d'avoir bénéficié du traitement adéquat et pensaient avoir plus suivi les conseils du soignant. Le modèle log-linéaire que nous avons effectué a mis en avant quatre facteurs directement liés à la satisfaction des patientes, qui sont la continuité des soins, le résultat de la prise en charge, l'adhérence au traitement et le sentiment d'être comprise par le soignant. Ces résultats mettent en avant l'importance de la relation interpersonnelle entre le soignant et le patient, mais rendent aussi attentif à des aspects qui pourraient être améliorés, en ce qui concerne par exemple la continuité des soins. En effet, une clinique comme la nôtre fait partie d'un hôpital de formation et le tournus fréquent des soignants est inévitable. Les changements de médecins et autres soignants devraient alors être préparés et expliqués aux patients avec la plus grande attention. L'adhérence au traitement semble être fortement liée à la satisfaction des patients, mais la nature de notre étude ne permet pas de conclure à une relation de cause à effet. Nous pouvons tout de même supposer qu'elle est une conséquence de la satisfaction des patients. Enfin, la confidentialité et l'accès aux soins souvent cités comme essentiels à la satisfaction des patients dans la littérature étaient secondaires dans notre étude. En conclusion, la satisfaction des adolescentes était principalement basée sur une relation de confiance de longue durée avec leurs soignants. Les pédiatres occupent une place privilégiée pour répondre à ces besoins parce qu'ils connaissent leurs patients depuis l'enfance. Ils devraient cependant garder à l'esprit que la relation avec le patient change au moment de l'adolescence et que les jeunes sont très sensibles à la relation de confiance interpersonnelle qu'ils ont avec leur médecin.