943 resultados para Data Envelopment Analysis


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In this paper we analyze state level data for total manufacturing constructed from the Annual Survey of Industries for the period 1986-2000 using the nonparametric method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). We assess the extent of surplus labor in the manufacturing sector in the individual states in India. The study also investigates whether the same states show the maximum incidence of surplus labor every year in the sample period and if there any evidence that the extent of surplus labor in manufacturing has been reduced or eliminated in the post-reform era. Our study shows the presence of considerable measure of surplus labor in all of the years in a majority of the states. Things have worsened rather than improved after the reform. Also, the regional distribution of surplus labor has remain fairly unchanged with the same states performing inefficiently both before and after the reform.


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We propose a nonparametric model for global cost minimization as a framework for optimal allocation of a firm's output target across multiple locations, taking account of differences in input prices and technologies across locations. This should be useful for firms planning production sites within a country and for foreign direct investment decisions by multi-national firms. Two illustrative examples are included. The first example considers the production location decision of a manufacturing firm across a number of adjacent states of the US. In the other example, we consider the optimal allocation of US and Canadian automobile manufacturers across the two countries.


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The Long Term Acute Care Hospitals (LTACH), which serve medically complex patients, have grown tremendously in recent years, by expanding the number of Medicare patient admissions and thus increasing Medicare expenditures (Stark 2004). In an attempt to mitigate the rapid growth of the LTACHs and reduce related Medicare expenditures, Congress enacted Section 114 of P.L. 110-173 (114) of the Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP Extension Act (MMSEA) in December 29, 2007 to regulate the LTCAHs industry. MMSEA increased the medical necessity reviews for Medicare admissions, imposed a moratorium on new LTCAHs, and allowed the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to recoup Medicare overpayments for unnecessary admissions. ^ This study examines whether MMSEA impacted LTACH admissions, operating margins and efficiency. These objectives were analyzed by comparing LTACH data for 2008 (post MMSEA) and data for 2006-2007 (pre-MMSEA). Secondary data were utilized from the American Hospital Association (AHA) database and the American Hospital Directory (AHD).^ This is a longitudinal retrospective study with a total sample of 55 LTACHs, selected from 396 LTACHs facilities that were fully operational during the study period of 2006-2008. The results of the research found no statistically significant change in total Medicare admissions; instead there was a small but not statistically significant reduction of 5% in Medicare admissions for 2008 in comparison to those for 2006. A statistically significant decrease in mean operating margins was confirmed between the years 2006 and 2008. The LTACHs' Technical Efficiency (TE), as computed by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), showed significant decrease in efficiency over the same period. Thirteen of the 55 LTACHs in the sample (24%) in 2006 were calculated as efficient utilizing the DEA analysis. This dropped to 13% (7/55) in 2008. Longitudinally, the decrease in efficiency using the DEA extension technique (Malmquist Index or MI) indicated a deterioration of 10% in efficiency over the same period. Interestingly, however, when the sample was stratified into high efficient versus low efficient subgroups (approximately 25% in each group), a comparison of the MIs suggested a significant improvement in Efficiency Change (EC) for the least efficient (MI 0.92022) and reduction in efficiency for the most efficient LTACHs (MI = 1.38761) over same period. While a reduction in efficiency for the most efficient is unexpected, it is not particularly surprising, since efficiency measure can vary over time. An improvement in efficiency, however, for the least efficient should be expected as those LTACHs begin to manage expenses (and controllable resources) more carefully to offset the payment/reimbursement pressures on their margins from MMSEA.^


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The Kingdom of Bhutan is a small landlocked country in South Asia, located in the eastern Himalayas, and bordered by India and China. Bhutan is a small and fragile economy with a population of about 687,000. Nevertheless, its banking system plays an essential role in the growth and development of the country. This paper analyzes the financial performance, the development and growth of bank and non-bank financial institutions of Bhutan for the period 1999-2008 using both traditional and data envelopment analysis (DEA). The DEA analysis shows that financial institutions in are efficient and Bhutan National Bank has been the most efficient one. Overall, the paper finds that the ROE of the financial institutions in Bhutan are comparable to the international banks.


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En estos tiempos de crisis se hace imperativo lograr un consumo de recursos pblicos lo ms racional posible. El transporte pblico urbano es un sector al que se dedican grandes inversiones y cuya prestacin de servicios est fuertemente subvencionada. El incremento de la eficiencia tcnica del sector, entendida como la relacin entre produccin de servicios y consumo de recursos, puede ayudar a conseguir una mejor gestin de los fondos pblicos. Un primer paso para que se produzca una mejora es el desarrollo de una metodologa de evaluacin de la eficiencia tcnica de las compaas de transporte pblico. Existen diferentes mtodos para la evaluacin tcnica de un conjunto de compaas pertenecientes a un sector. Uno de los ms utilizados es el mtodo frontera, en el que se encuentra el anlisis envolvente de datos (Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA, por sus siglas en ingls). Este mtodo permite establecer una frontera de eficiencia tcnica relativa a un determinado grupo de compaas, en funcin de un nmero limitado de variables. Las variables deben cuantificar, por un lado, la prestacin de servicios de las distintas compaas (outputs), y por el otro, los recursos consumidos en la produccin de dichos servicios (inputs). El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar, mediante el uso del mtodo DEA, la eficiencia tcnica de los servicios de autobuses urbanos en Espaa. Para ello, se estudia el nmero de variables ms adecuado para conformar los modelos con los que se obtienen las fronteras de eficiencia. En el desarrollo de la metodologa se utilizan indicadores de los servicios de autobs urbano de las principales ciudades de las reas metropolitanas espaolas, para el periodo 2004-2009. In times of crisis it is imperative achieve a consumption of public resources as rational as possible. Urban public transport is a sector devoted to large investments and whose services are heavily subsidized. Increase the technical efficiency of the sector, defined as the ratio of service output and resource consumption, can help achieve a better management of public funds. One step to produce an improvement is the development of a methodology for evaluating the technical efficiency of the public transport companies. There are different methods for the technical evaluation of a set of companies within an industry. One of the most widely used methods is the frontier method, in particular the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). This method allows the calculation of a technical efficiency frontier on a specific group of companies, based on a limited number of variables. Variables must quantify, on the one hand, the provision of services of different companies (outputs), and on the other hand, the resources consumed in the production of such services (inputs). The objective of this thesis is to analyze, using the DEA method, the technical efficiency of urban bus services in Spain. For this purpose, it is studied the more suitable variables that can be used in the models to obtain the efficiency frontiers. In developing the methodology are used indicators of urban bus services in major cities of the Spanish metropolitan areas for the period 2004-2009.


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Este artculo analiza la relacin entre la eficiencia productiva y las Redes Sociales Virtuales (RSV) en las empresas de telecomunicaciones en Espaa. En una primera etapa, se aplica el anlisis envolvente de datos (DEA) incorporando varios indicadores de actividad ?Social Media?. En una segunda etapa, se utiliza una regresin logstica para caracterizar las empresas eficientes. Los resultados muestran que la capacidad de absorcin y utilizacin de las RSV es un factor determinante en la mejora de la eficiencia productiva. La utilizacin combinada y las distintas capacidades de gestin de las RSV permiten identificarlas como un recurso heterogneo. Este trabajo presenta un modelo para la evaluacin del desempeo estratgico al abordar su presencia y actividad en RSV. ABSTRACT. This paper analyzes the relationship between the productive efficiency and the Online Social Networks - OSN in the Spanish telecommunications firms. First, a data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used and several indicators of business "Social Media" activities are incorporated. In a second stage, a logistic regression model regression is applied to characteri ze the efficient enterprises. Results show that the company's ability to absorb and utilize this OSN is a key factor in improving the productive efficiency. These results on the combined use and different management capabilities of OSN point to a definitio n of OSN as a heterogeneous resource. This paper presents a model for assessing the strategic performance to address their presence and activity in OSN.


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No Brasil, o sistema de sade composto por duas estruturas: pblica, representada pelo Sistema nico de Sade (SUS) e privada suplementar, composta por 1.268 operadoras de planos de sade, supervisionadas pela Agncia Nacional de Sade (ANS). No entanto, as operadoras tm sido consideradas ineficientes tanto na gerao de resultados financeiros quanto na prestao de servios aos beneficirios, destacando-se a necessidade e relevncia para a sade pblica ao se buscar avaliar o seu desempenho sob essas perspectivas. O objetivo do trabalho foi, para um mesmo nvel de eficincia na prestao de servios, identificar as prticas administrativas que diferenciam as operadoras de planos de sade (OPS) financeiramente sustentveis. Para tanto, inicialmente foi aplicada a tcnica da Anlise Envoltria de Dados (DEA) no intuito de identificar operadoras eficientes em transformar inputs em outputs e, a partir dos escores obtidos, selecionar duas OPS de nvel de servios semelhantes e desempenho financeiro opostos para que fossem comparadas por meio de um estudo de mltiplos casos. A anlise quantitativa indicou que as OPS de medicina de grupo apresentaram maior eficincia do que as demais modalidades. J o estudo de mltiplos casos identificou que a gesto de polticas de crdito, de captao e aplicao de recursos, o planejamento tributrio, a adoo de polticas de promoo e preveno sade, as formas de remunerao dos mdicos e a estratgia de composio de receitas diferenciaram a OPS de melhor desempenho.


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As cooperativas de crdito so instituies financeiras que tm como finalidade principal a prestao de servios bancrios e de intermediao financeira voltando-se para a gerao de benefcios ao cooperado, atravs de benefcios econmicos encontrados sob a forma cooperativada. Considerando o objetivo destas organizaes, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficincia das mesmas considerando duas vertentes: 1) a atividade de intermediao financeira; e 2) a atividade de prestao de servios bancrios, a partir de variveis contbeis. A tcnica utilizada para a avaliao da eficincia foi a Anlise Envoltria de Dados e foram analisados os determinantes da eficincia por meio de regresses do tipo Tobit. A amostra composta por 315 cooperativas singulares listadas na base de dados do Banco Central do Brasil e foram utilizados os dados dos balancetes anuais e semestrais (soma dos semestres para as contas de resultado de cada ano) apresentados para perodo de 2007 a 2014. Os resultados indicaram baixa eficincia das cooperativas na prestao de servios bancrios, com 73% da amostra apresentando ineficincia ao longo de todos os anos do perodo em anlise. Na atividade de intermediao financeira 20 cooperativas foram eficientes ao longo do perodo completo, com as demais apresentando graus de ineficincia abaixo de 16% em todos os anos. Quanto aos determinantes da eficincia, verificou-se como principais fatores na atividade de intermediao financeira a Imobilizao, a Insolvncia, o Descasamento Passivo e as Despesas Administrativas, enquanto na atividade de prestao de servios os principais determinantes foram a Captao por Floating e as Despesas Administrativas. Os resultados da eficincia na intermediao financeira indicaram baixos graus de ineficincia, enquanto os altos graus de ineficincia na prestao de servios bancrios alertaram para a pouca importncia dada ao fornecimentos destes servios e para a importncia de se utilizar dois modelos distintos para a avaliao da eficincia em cooperativas de crdito, dado o comportamento desvinculado entre as duas atividades avaliadas.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estimar la eficiencia productiva y de escala con la que operan los intermediarios del sector minorista espaol de distribucin turstico. Adicionalmente, se pretende examinar los determinantes de la eficiencia en trminos de la integracin vertical, concentracin horizontal, tamao y resultados de las entidades. La metodologa aplicada se apoya en diversas tcnicas de medicin de eficiencia (paramtrica de naturaleza estocstica y no paramtrica del Anlisis Envolvente de Datos, DEA), as como en modelos tobit para conocer el impacto de los factores del mercado y de la empresa sobre los niveles de eficiencia. La aplicacin emprica realizada en una muestra de 50 agencias de viaje de nuestro pas evidencia, por un lado, unos elevados ndices de ineficiencia tcnica y de escala, destacando en el ltimo caso los rendimientos decrecientes; y por otro, que el tamao y el ROA son los factores determinante de la eficiencia de escala, mientras que la concentracin del mercado explica la eficiencia tcnica.


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El objetivo del trabajo consiste en analizar la eficiencia de las empresas que integran una marca colectiva en una industria productora de bienes de experiencia. El supuesto bsico es que la marca colectiva tiene un impacto positivo en la eficiencia de las empresas acogidas a la misma, el cual viene explicado porque la reputacin colectiva fomenta una inversin eficiente en calidad. Sin embargo, la marca colectiva tambin puede tener un efecto opuesto sobre los incentivos de una empresa a una inversin en calidad ya que dicha marca puede crear un incentivo a free ride. Nuestra propuesta defiende que la interaccin entre estos factores opuestos, reputacin colectiva y free ride, viene moderada por las caractersticas de la marca colectiva y de la propia empresa. La metodologa aplicada en el contraste de estas hiptesis se apoya en el Anlisis Envolvente de Datos para estimar la eficiencia, as como en modelos economtricos para explicar la eficiencia empresarial mediante caractersticas de la marca colectiva y de la empresa. Los resultados obtenidos en el mbito de las bodegas espaolas evidencian que las marcas colectivas tienen un impacto positivo sobre la eficiencia, el cual viene moderado por el tamao de la marca colectiva generando una relacin curvilnea en forma de U invertida. Adicionalmente, el volumen de produccin de la marca colectiva y el tamao de las bodegas ejercen un efecto moderador en el impacto del tamao de la marca colectiva sobre la eficiencia. En general, los resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de las marcas colectivas cuando se investigan industrias donde la calidad no es solamente sealizada por una marca tpica individual.


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This paper analyses the productivity growth of the SUMA tax offices located in Spain evolved between 2004 and 2006 by using Malmquist Index based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models. It goes a step forward by smoothed bootstrap procedure which improves the quality of the results by generalising the samples, so that the conclusions obtained from them can be applied in order to increase productivity levels. Additionally, the productivity effect is divided into two different components, efficiency and technological change, with the objective of helping to clarify the role played by either the managers or the level of technology in the final performance figures.


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This study evaluates the technical efficiency of the learning-teaching process in higher education using a three-stage procedure that offers advances in comparison to previous studies and improves the quality of the results. First, it utilizes a multiple stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with contextual variables. Second, the levels of super efficiency are calculated in order to prioritize the efficiency units. And finally, through sensitivity analysis, the contribution of each key performance indicator (KPI) is established with respect to the efficiency levels without omission of variables. The analytical data was collected from a survey completed by 633 tourism students during the 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 academic course years. The results suggest that level of satisfaction with the course, diversity of materials and satisfaction with the teacher were the most important factors affecting teaching performance. Furthermore, the effect of the contextual variables was found to be significant.


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We demonstrate a portable process for developing a triple bottom line model to measure the knowledge production performance of individual research centres. For the first time, this study also empirically illustrates how a fully units-invariant model of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) can be used to measure the relative efficiency of research centres by capturing the interaction amongst a common set of multiple inputs and outputs. This study is particularly timely given the increasing transparency required by governments and industries that fund research activities. The process highlights the links between organisational objectives, desired outcomes and outputs while the emerging performance model represents an executive managerial view. This study brings consistency to current measures that often rely on ratios and univariate analyses that are not otherwise conducive to relative performance analysis.


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We develop foreign bank technical, cost and profit efficiency models for particular application with data envelopment analysis (DEA). Key motivations for the paper are (a) the often-observed practice of choosing inputs and outputs where the selection process is poorly explained and linkages to theory are unclear, and (b) foreign bank productivity analysis, which has been neglected in DEA banking literature. The main aim is to demonstrate a process grounded in finance and banking theories for developing bank efficiency models, which can bring comparability and direction to empirical productivity studies. We expect this paper to foster empirical bank productivity studies.


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In this paper we propose a range of dynamic data envelopment analysis (DEA) models which allow information on costs of adjustment to be incorporated into the DEA framework. We first specify a basic dynamic DEA model predicated on a number or simplifying assumptions. We then outline a number of extensions to this model to accommodate asymmetric adjustment costs, non-static output quantities, non-static input prices, and non-static costs of adjustment, technological change, quasi-fixed inputs and investment budget constraints. The new dynamic DEA models provide valuable extra information relative to the standard static DEA models-they identify an optimal path of adjustment for the input quantities, and provide a measure of the potential cost savings that result from recognising the costs of adjusting input quantities towards the optimal point. The new models are illustrated using data relating to a chain of 35 retail department stores in Chile. The empirical results illustrate the wealth of information that can be derived from these models, and clearly show that static models overstate potential cost savings when adjustment costs are non-zero.