914 resultados para DNA-organic hybrid materials, polymer colloidsm
We developed a facile two-step hydrothermal procedure to prepare hybrid materials of LiV3O8 nanorods on graphene sheets. The special structure endows them with the high-rate transportation of electrolyte ions and electrons throughout the electrode matrix, resulting in remarkable electrochemical performance when they were used as cathodes in rechargeable lithium batteries. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
A utilização combinada de espectroscopia vibracional e de cálculos envolvendo a teoria do funcional de densidade (DFT) possibilita o estudo de ligações de hidrogénio em fase condensada, assim como a análise da estrutura molecular dos sistemas em estudo. Por um lado, a espectroscopia vibracional permite a detecção de associações moleculares, enquanto os métodos computacionais auxiliam na obtenção de informação referente aos mecanismos de associação, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à possível estrutura de dímeros e compostos de inclusão em ciclodextrinas e às energias de interacção e de inclusão. O estudo que originou a presente dissertação pretende contribuir para o reforço da aplicação de estudos espectroscópicos e computacionais na elucidação de diversos fenómenos químicos, com especial destaque para o papel desempenhado por interacções intermoleculares fracas na estrutura e propriedades de materiais moleculares. No âmbito desta tese foram investigados os seguintes tópicos: polimorfismo e pseudopolimorfismo em sólidos farmacêuticos, transições de fase em misturas binárias de ácidos gordos, inclusão em ciclodextrinas, interacção de compostos farmacêuticos com superfícies metálicas e formação de agregados de água em materiais híbridos orgânicos-inorgânicos. Os sistemas foram analisados utilizando a espectroscopia vibracional – particularmente a espectroscopia de difusão de Raman – como técnica fundamental. Para uma melhor caracterização de processos envolvendo transições de fase, foram efectuados estudos com variação de temperatura, variação de humidade relativa e substituição isotópica. O estudo da interacção com superfícies metálicas foi realizado por espectroscopia de Raman intensificada à superfície. Dada a complexidade dos sistemas em estudo, a informação obtida por espectroscopia vibracional foi complementada por resultados de cálculos mecânico-quânticos. Em particular, os cálculos DFT foram utilizados para a optimização de geometrias e previsão de frequências vibracionais de moléculas e associações moleculares, permitindo assim a análise e interpretação de espectros vibracionais e a caracterização da estrutura de materiais.
Esta dissertação teve como objectivo principal a preparação de novos materiais luminescentes contendo lantanopolioxometalatos. Foram utilizados polioxometalatos (POMs) do tipo Keggin, Wells-Dawson e [Ln(M5O18)2]9- com M (VI) = W, Mo contendo diferentes iões lantanídeo. Foram sintetizados materiais híbridos orgânico-inorgânicos com base em lantanopolioxometalatos e ligandos orgânicos. O efeito da coordenação destes ligandos orgânicos na luminescência dos iões lantanídeo (efeito de antena) foi investigado para os ácidos picolínico e 3-hidroxipicolínico. Os estudos de fotoluminescência destes materiais permitiram mostrar a existência de um processo de sensitização da emissão dos iões lantanídeo através de fenómenos de transferência de energia dos ligandos e do POM para o centro emissor. No caso particular dos materiais híbridos contendo POMs do tipo Wells-Dawson, a introdução do ligando orgânico levou à intensificação da absorção de energia através do POM, a qual era praticamente inexistente nos correspondentes lantanopolioxometalatos. Prepararam-se nanocompósitos do tipo “core/shell” contendo POMs e híbridos orgânico-inorgânicos como núcleo rodeados por uma camada de sílica. Os nanocompósitos preparados apresentam uma estrutura “core/shell” bem definida com um diâmetro médio de aproximadamente 35 nm. As técnicas de microscopia electrónica, nomeadamente o mapeamento por EDX, permitiram confirmar a presença dos POMs no núcleo das nanopartículas de sílica. A biofuncionalização destes nanocompósitos com um anticorpo foi estudada, com vista à potencial aplicação destes sistemas como biomarcadores ópticos. Os estudos de microscopia de fluorescência permitiram observar a emissão do Eu3+ presente nas nanopartículas biofuncionalizadas com o anticorpo, utilizando excitação na zona do ultravioleta. Estes resultados reforçam a viabilidade da aplicação destes sistemas como marcadores celulares em alternativa a “quantum dots” e corantes orgânicos. No âmbito dos nanomateriais, foi também preparado um material constituído por partículas de Na9[Eu(W5O18)2] de dimensões nanométricas, utilizando micelas invertidas como nanoreactores, de forma a limitar o tamanho das partículas. Foi realizada a preparação de novos materiais lamelares luminescentes por intercalação de POMs e respectivos materiais híbridos em argilas aniónicas de zinco e alumínio. A intercalação foi realizada através de um método de troca aniónica directa usando uma argila contendo nitrato como anião precursor. O estudo por difracção de raios-X revelou-se uma técnica fundamental na caracterização destes materiais, nomeadamente através da determinação da altura de galeria. A partir deste parâmetro foi possível verificar a orientação da espécie intercalada na argila. No caso da intercalação do anião do tipo Keggin, o estudo por RMN de 31P MAS permitiu identificar a espécie intercalada na argila. As propriedades de luminescência foram estudadas para a generalidade dos novos materiais preparados.
O objectivo desta tese é a utilização de materiais híbridos orgânicos-inorgânicos, designados por di-ureiasis modificados pela adição de tetra-propóxido de zircónio (Zr(i-OPr)4) estabilizado com ácido metacrílico (CH2=C(CH3)COOH), obtidos pela via sol-gel, para aplicações em dispositivos ópticos integrados de baixo custo. A estrutura local dos di-ureiasis com diferentes concentrações de propóxido de zircónio (20 a 80 % mol) foi estudada por difracção de raios-X, espalhamento de raios X a baixos ângulos, microscopia de força atómica, ressonância magnética nuclear dos núcleos dos átomos de 29Si e 13C, espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier, espectroscopia de Raman por transformada de Fourier e termogravimetria. A influência dos parâmetros de síntese, concentração de tetra propóxido de zircónio e rácio tetra propóxido de zircónio: ácido metacrilico na estrutura e propriedades das amostras em monólito e filmes finos (depositados pela técnica de deposição por rotação do substrato) foram avaliadas, permitindo obter amostras transparentes, fotopolimerizáveis e estáveis termicamente até aos 100 ºC. Foram determinadas as propriedades dos guias planares em substratos de vidro borosilicato e silício oxidado (1
Ordered mesoporous silicas with a channel structure of well-defined geometries and dimensions at nanometer scale are excellent candidates to host intercalation reactions. In recent years, our research group has shown that mesoporous silicas of the M41S class combined with metallocene complexes give rise to excellent supported catalysts for ethylene polymerisation. Due to the support characteristics, the reaction is allowed to occur in the channels and in this way hybrid organic-inorganic materials can be prepared within a large range of nanofiller concentration. These HDPE/MCM-41 nanocomposites exhibit an improved mechanical performance and an easier degradability due to the additional role of MCM-41 as a promoter for PE degradation.
Réalisé en cotutelle, sous la direction du Pr. Bernold Hasenknopf, à l'Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI, France) et dans le cadre de l'Ecole Doctorale "Physique et Chimie des Matériaux" - Spécialité Chimie Inorganique (ED397).
The rapid developments in fields such as fibre optic communication engineering and integrated optical electronics have expanded the interest and have increased the expectations about guided wave optics, in which optical waveguides and optical fibres play a central role. The technology of guided wave photonics now plays a role in generating information (guided-wave sensors) and processing information (spectral analysis, analog-to-digital conversion and other optical communication schemes) in addition to its original application of transmitting information (fibre optic communication). Passive and active polymer devices have generated much research interest recently because of the versatility of the fabrication techniques and the potential applications in two important areas – short distant communication network and special functionality optical devices such as amplifiers, switches and sensors. Polymer optical waveguides and fibres are often designed to have large cores with 10-1000 micrometer diameter to facilitate easy connection and splicing. Large diameter polymer optical fibres being less fragile and vastly easier to work with than glass fibres, are attractive in sensing applications. Sensors using commercial plastic optical fibres are based on ideas already used in silica glass sensors, but exploiting the flexible and cost effective nature of the plastic optical fibre for harsh environments and throw-away sensors. In the field of Photonics, considerable attention is centering on the use of polymer waveguides and fibres, as they have a great potential to create all-optical devices. By attaching organic dyes to the polymer system we can incorporate a variety of optical functions. Organic dye doped polymer waveguides and fibres are potential candidates for solid state gain media. High power and high gain optical amplification in organic dye-doped polymer waveguide amplifier is possible due to extremely large emission cross sections of dyes. Also, an extensive choice of organic dye dopants is possible resulting in amplification covering a wide range in the visible region.
The thesis presented the fabrication and characterisation of polymer optical fibers in their applications as optical amplifier and smart sensors.Optical polymers such as PMMA are found to be a very good host material due to their ability to incorporate very high concentration of optical gain media like fluorescent dyes and rare earth compounds. High power and high gain optical amplification in organic dye-doped polymer optical fibers is possible due to extremely large emission cross sections of oyes. Dye doped (Rhodamine 6G) optical fibers were fabricated by using indigenously developed polymer optical fiber drawing tower. Loss characterization of drawn dye doped fibers was carried out using side illumination technique. The advantage of the above technique is that it is a nondestructive method and can also be used for studying the uniformity in fiber diameter and doping. Sensitivity of the undoped polymer fibers to temperature and microbending were also studied in its application in smart sensors.Optical amplification studies using the dye doped polymer optical fibers were carried out and found that an amplification of l8dB could be achieved using a very short fiber of length lOcm. Studies were carried out in fibers with different dye concentrations and diameter and it was observed that gain stability was achieved at relatively high dye concentrations irrespective of the fiber diameter.Due to their large diameter, large numerical aperture, flexibility and geometrical versatility of polymer optical fibers it has a wide range of applications in the field of optical sensing. Just as in the case of conventional silica based fiber optic sensors, sensing techniques like evanescent wave, grating and other intensity modulation schemes can also be efficiently utilized in the case of POF based sensors. Since polymer optical fibers have very low Young's modulus when compared to glass fibers, it can be utilized for sensing mechanical stress and strain efficiently in comparison with its counterpart. Fiber optic sensors have proved themselves as efficient and reliable devices to sense various parameters like aging, crack formation, weathering in civil structures. A similar type of study was carried out to find the setting characteristics of cement paste used for constructing civil structures. It was found that the measurements made by using fiber optic sensors are far more superior than that carried out by conventional methods. More over,POF based sensors were found to have more sensitivity as well.
The assembly of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into nanostructured films is attractive for producing functionalized hybrid materials and (bio-)chemical sensors, but this requires experimental methods that allow for control of molecular architecturcs. In this study, we exploit the layer-by-layer (LbL) technique to obtain two types of sensors incorporating CNTs. In the first, LbL films of alternating layers of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) dispersed in polyarninoamide (PAMAM) dendrimers and nickel phthalocyanine (NiTsPc) were used in amperometric detection of the neurotransmitter dopamine (DA). The electrochemical properties evaluated with cyclic voltammetry indicated that the incorporation of MWNTs in the PAMAM-NT/NiTsPc LbL films led to a 3-fold increase in the peak current, in addition to a decrease of 50 mV in the oxidation potential of DA. The latter allowed detection of DA even in the presence of ascorbic acid (AA), a typical interferent for DA. Another LbL film was obtained with layers of PAMAM and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) employed in field-effect-devices using a capacitive electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor structure (EIS). The adsorption of the film components was monitored by measuring the flat-band voltage shift in capacitance-voltage (C-P) curves, caused by the charges from the components. Constant capacitance (ConCap) measurements showed that the EISPAMAM/SWNT film displayed a high pH sensitivity (ca. 54.5 mV/pH), being capable of detecting penicillin G between 10(-4) mol L(-1) and 10(-2) mol L-1, when a layer of penicillinase was adsorbed atop the PAMAM/SWNT film. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Two hybrid materials based on dodecatungstophosphoric acid (HPW) dispersed in ormosils modified with 3-aminopropiltrietoxysilane (APTS) or with N-(3-(trimethoxysilyl)-propyl)-ethylene-diamine (TSPEN) show reversible photochromic response induced by irradiation in the 200-390 nm UV range. A set of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques was used to analyze the structural properties of the main components of these hybrids (the HPW polyanion, the inorganic matrix, and the organic functionalities). For the ormosils, the use of (29)Si NMR, {(1)H}-(29)Si cross-polarization, and {(1)H}-(29)Si HETCOR revealed a homogeneous distribution of silicon species Q ``, T(2), and T(3) for the APTS hybrid, contrasting with the separation of T(3) species in the TSPEN hybrid. The combination of (31)P NMR, {(1)H}-(31)P cross-polarization and (31)P-{(1)H} spin-echo double resonance (SEDOR) revealed the dispersion of the HPW ions in the ormosil, occupying sites with a high number of close protons (>50). Differences in the molecular dynamics at room temperature, inferred from SEDOR experiments, indicate a state of restricted mobility of the HPW ion and the surrounding molecular groups in the TSPEN hybrid. This behavior is consistent with the presence of more amino groups in the TSPEN, acting as chelating groups to the HPW ion. This hybrid, with the strong chelate interaction of the diamine group, shows the most intense photochromic response, in agreement with the charge transfer models proposed to explain the photochromic effect. Electronic reflectance spectroscopy in irradiated samples revealed the presence of one-electron and two-electron reduced polyanions. The one-electron reduced species could be detected also by (31)P NMR spectroscopy immediately after UV irradiation.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This is a study of the structural transformations occurring in hybrid siloxane-polypropyleneglycol (PPG) nanocomposites, with different PPG molecular weight, along the drying process. The starting materials are wet gels obtained by the sol-gel procedure using as precursor the 3-(trietoxysilyl)propylisocyanate (IsoTrEOS) and polypropylenglycol bis(2-amino-propyl-ether) (NH2-PPG-NH2). The shrinkage and mass loss measurements were performed using a temperature-controlled chamber at 50 degreesC. The nanostructural evolution of samples during drying was studied in situ by small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The experimental results demonstrate that the drying process is highly dependent on the molecular weight of polymer. After the initial drying stage, the progressive emptying of pores leads to the formation of a irregular drying front in gels prepared from PPG of high molecular weight, like 4000 g/mol. As a consequence, an increase of the SAXS intensity due to the increase of electronic density contrast between siloxane clusters and polymeric matrix is observed. For hybrids containing PPG of low molecular weight, the pore emptying process is fast, leading to a regular drying front, without isolated nanopockets of solvents. SAXS intensity curves exhibit a maximum, which was associated to the existence of spatial correlation of the silica clusters embedded in the polymeric matrix. The spatial correlation is preserved during drying. These results also reveal that the structural transformation during drying is governed by capillary forces and depends on the entanglement of polymer chains.
The two-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic materials Zn-2-Cr and Zn-2-Al-LDHs (Layered Double Hydroxides) containing 4-(1H-pyrrol-1yl)benzoate anions as the interlayer anions were synthesized by the co-precipitation method at constant pH followed by subsequent hydrothermal treatment for 72 h. The materials were characterized by PXRD, C-13 CP-MAS NMR, ESR, TGA, and TEM. The basal spacing found by the X-ray diffraction technique is coincident with the formation of bilayers of the intercalated anions. Solid-state C-13 NMR and ESR data strongly suggest the partial in situ polymerization of the 4-(1H-pyrrol-1yl)benzoate anions during coprecipitation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hybrid transparent and flexible siloxane-polypropyleneglycol (PPG) materials with covalent bonds between the inorganic (siloxane) and organic (polymeric) phases were prepared by sol-gel process. In order to improve the quality of the mechanical properties of these materials, different amounts of methyltriethoxysilane (MTES) were added to the initial sol. The effect of MTES addition on the structure of the composites was studied by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) and Si-29 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Si-29 NMR). In absence of MTES, SAXS spectra exhibit a peak that is assigned to spatial correlation due to short range order between the siloxane clusters embedded in the polymeric phase. The experimental results indicate that, for low MTES concentrations ([MTES]/[O] less than or equal to 0.8, O: ether-type oxygen of PPG), the silicon species resulting from hydrolysis and condensation of MTES fill the open spaces between polymeric chains, interacting with the ether-type oxygens. For larger MTES content ([MTES]/[O] greater than or equal to 0.8), the number of free ether-type oxygen sites avalaible for reaction with such silicon species is not large enough. Consequently, a fraction of silicon species resulting from MTES addition graft to siloxane clusters formed by hydrolysis and condensation of the hybrid precursor. For all MTES concentrations the condensation degree of the siloxane phase, determined from Si-29 NMR spectroscopy, is high (> 69%), as expected under neutral pH synthesis conditions.