988 resultados para Culture techniques
Biotechnology can currently be considered of importance in aquaculture. The increase in the production of aquatic organisms over the last two decades through the use of biotechnology indicates that in a few generations biotechnology may overtake conventional techniques, at least for the commercially more valuable species. In the last few years, genetics has contributed greatly to fish culture through the application of the more recent techniques developed in biotechnology and in genetic engineering. At present, the most commonly used methods in fish biotechnology are chromosome manipulation and hormonal treatments, which can be used to produce triploid, tetraploid, haploid, gynogenetic and androgenetic fish. These result in the production of individuals and lineages of sterile, monosex or highly endogamic fish. The use of such strategies in fish culture has as a practical objective the control of precocious sexual maturation in certain species; other uses are the production of larger specimens by control of the reproductive process and the attainment of monosex lines containing only those individuals of greater commercial value. The use of new technologies, such as those involved in gene transfer in many species, can result in modified individuals of great interest to aquaculturists and play important roles in specific programmes of fish production in the near future.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Three Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigens, namely a culture filtrate preparation, a somatic antigen and a mixture of equal parts of the two, were tested by two serological techniques against sera from patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, and in an in vivo delayed hypersensitivity model in mice. The antigen mixture was more sensitive than the two individual antigens for the evaluation of humoral and cellular immune response to P. brasiliensis, both in man and in experimental animals.
Objective: Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect of skin disinfection techniques is essential to avoid the transmission of infectious agents during blood transfusion. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of two methods of arm skin disinfection used in blood donors at a Hemotherapy Center in Brazil that represents an important centre for distributing haemocomponents to many cities in the country. Methods: Two skin disinfection techniques in 50 blood donors were evaluated. For the first arm, 10% povidone-iodine/two-stage technique was used. On the opposite arm, 0.5% chlorhexidine digluconate alcohol solution/one-stage technique was used. The swabs were seeded on three culture media: blood agar, mannitol salt agar and Mac Conkey agar. Automated bacterial classification based on biochemical tests/specific substrates was performed. Donor characteristics were collected using the computerised system of the Hemotherapy Center. Results: We found that microbial reduction was significantly higher for 10% povidone-iodine technique (98.57-98.87%) when compared with 0.5% chlorhexidine technique (94.38-95.06%). The species Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Staphylococcus hominis showed resistance to both disinfection techniques. We did not find statistically significant relationships between donor characteristics and microbial reduction. Conclusions: Arm skin disinfection with 10% povidone-iodine produced better antimicrobial activity. We must acknowledge that 10% povidone-iodine technique has the limitation of being a two-stage method. However, prevention of adverse events due to bacterial contamination and transfusion reactions should be prioritised. Production of hypoallergenic and stronger antiseptics that allowed a safe one-stage disinfection technique should be encouraged in health systems, not only in Brazil but also around the world.
The Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA) has discussed the mandatory culture of industrialized semen, both to ensure biosefety, and to prevent in vitro fertilization problems caused by oocyte contamination with ubiquitous and opportunistic bacteria from preputial microbiota. Pour plate, a quantitative technique recommended by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), is operationally difficult and costly for routine analysis in Artificial Insemination Centers (AICs). The objectives of this study were to evaluate and validate viable superficial bacteria counts (VSBC), in CFU/mL, compared with pour plate counts, in industrialized bull semen samples from AICs. Semen straws from Projeto Hungria - MAPA bulls were used. VSBC and pour plate were carried out in parallel in serial dilutions of the samples, from 10(-1) to 10(-5). CFU/mL means or medians recorded in each dilution and technique were compared, and no statistical differences were observed between the two techniques regarding the quantification of bacteria in CFU/mL, suggesting that it may be possible to replace pour plate for CBSV, a cheaper and more practical technique.
[EN]Meagre, Argyrosomus regius A., is a new species for aquaculture in south Atlantic and Mediterranean regions, that can reach a mean fresh weight of 8.02±2.51g. at 95dah. However, hatchery techniques must be improved to optimize culture performance and larval quality. Eggs of meagre were cultured under intensive (75 indv.l-1 in 2m3 tanks) and semi-intensive system (7.5 indv.l-1 in 40m3 tanks) to evaluate the effect of the intensification on biological features, stress resistance and skeletal deformities. At 30dah, despite in semi-intensive system reared larvae a higher total length (19.08± 2.3mm vs 16.00±1.54mm), dry body weight (13.09± 2.43mg vs 6.46±0.52mg), and survival after the activity test (75.0± 13.8% vs 53.3±11.5%) was found, the use of intensive systems were also very suitable and cost-effective for larval rearing of this species
[EN] Red porgy is one of the most interested new species for Spanish and other Mediterranean countries. Although no industrial procedures for fry production has been yet developed. The aim of this work was to develop an industrial scale larval rearing protocols testing the viability of two different rearing techniques (semi-intensive vs intensive) in pilot scale facilities. The second objective was to obtain information about the contribution of rearing system to the apparition of morphological abnormalities such as lordosis, opercular deformities and upper/lower jaws shortening which are considered as quality descriptors in commercial marine fish fry production and seem to be related with larval culture conditions in early larval stages. For that purpose, two different larval rearing systems semi-intensive and intensive were compared using the same live feed enrichments. Biochemical composition of larvae, preys and commercial products was analysed. At 50 days post hatching six hundred fish per treatment was individually studied under stereoscope and abnormalities frequency recorded. At 95 days post hatching fry were soft X ray monitored as well. Survival and abnormalities frequency were similar between treatments although a better growth in terms of total length was obtained in the semi-intensive system.
The intervertebral disc (IVD) is the joint of the spine connecting vertebra to vertebra. It functions to transmit loading of the spine and give flexibility to the spine. It composes of three compartments: the innermost nucleus pulposus (NP) encompassing by the annulus fibrosus (AF), and two cartilaginous endplates connecting the NP and AF to the vertebral body on both sides. Discogenic pain possibly caused by degenerative intervertebral disc disease (DDD) and disc herniations has been identified as a major problem in our modern society. To study possible mechanisms of IVD degeneration, in vitro organ culture systems with live disc cells are highly appealing. The in vitro culture of intact bovine coccygeal IVDs has advanced to a relevant model system, which allows the study of mechano-biological aspects in a well-controlled physiological and mechanical environment. Bovine tail IVDs can be obtained relatively easy in higher numbers and are very similar to the human lumbar IVDs with respect to cell density, cell population and dimensions. However, previous bovine caudal IVD harvesting techniques retaining cartilaginous endplates and bony endplates failed after 1-2 days of culture since the nutrition pathways were obviously blocked by clotted blood. IVDs are the biggest avascular organs, thus, the nutrients to the cells in the NP are solely dependent on diffusion via the capillary buds from the adjacent vertebral body. Presence of bone debris and clotted blood on the endplate surfaces can hinder nutrient diffusion into the center of the disc and compromise cell viability. Our group established a relatively quick protocol to "crack"-out the IVDs from the tail with a low risk for contamination. We are able to permeabilize the freshly-cut bony endplate surfaces by using a surgical jet lavage system, which removes the blood clots and cutting debris and very efficiently reopens the nutrition diffusion pathway to the center of the IVD. The presence of growth plates on both sides of the vertebral bone has to be avoided and to be removed prior to culture. In this video, we outline the crucial steps during preparation and demonstrate the key to a successful organ culture maintaining high cell viability for 14 days under free swelling culture. The culture time could be extended when appropriate mechanical environment can be maintained by using mechanical loading bioreactor. The technique demonstrated here can be extended to other animal species such as porcine, ovine and leporine caudal and lumbar IVD isolation.
In this thesis, I explore the meaning behind sustainable living among organic farmers and their families in two countries. It is based on original, ethnographic research that I conducted in New Zealand in fall 2012 and Peru in summer 2012 with support from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology Meerwarth Undergraduate Research Fund. In carrying out my research I relied on participant-observation, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and writing ethnographic fieldnotes. Drawing on contemporary scholarship in the anthropology of food and the environment, my thesis contributes to cross-culturally understandings of sustainability and local and global foodways. Specifically, I will interpret the meaning and significance of my informants’ decision to live sustainably through their participation in wwoofing. The global network of wwoofing aims to connect volunteers interested in learning about organic farming techniques with farmers looking for labor assistance. Volunteers exchange work for food, accommodation, knowledge, and experience. As a method of farming and a subjective ideological orientation, this global movement allows travelers from all over the world to experience organic lifestyles worldwide. In my thesis, I connect my experiences of organic living in Peru and New Zealand. In comparing wwoofing practices in these two field sites, I argue that despite observable differences in organic practices, a global organic culture is emerging. Here I highlight some shared features of this global organic culture, such as food authenticity, sustainability of the earth, and a personal connection of individuals to the land. The global organic culture emphasizes a conscious awareness of what is going into one’s body and why. Using food as an expression of values and beliefs, organic farmers reconnect to the land and their food in attempts to construct an alternative identity. By focusing on food authenticity, my informants develop vast relationships with the land, which shapes their identity and creates new forms of self-enhancement.
A major deficiency in disaster management plans is the assumption that pre-disaster civil-society does not have the capacity to respond effectively during crises. Following from this assumption a dominant emergency management strategy is to replace weak civil-society organizations with specialized disaster organizations that are often either military or Para-military and seek to centralize decision-making. Many criticisms have been made of this approach, but few specifically addresses disasters in the developing world. Disasters in the developing world present unique problems not seen in the developed world because they often occur in the context of compromised governments, and marginalized populations. In this context it is often community members themselves who possess the greatest capacity to respond to disasters. This paper focuses on the capacity of community groups to respond to disaster in a small town in rural Guatemala. Key informant interviews and ethnographic observations are used to reconstruct the community response to the disaster instigated by Hurricane Stan (2005) in the municipality of Tectitán in the Huehuetenango department. The interviews were analyzed using techniques adapted from grounded theory to construct a narrative of the events, and identify themes in the community’s disaster behavior. These themes are used to critique the emergency management plans advocated by the Guatemalan National Coordination for the Reduction of Disasters (CONRED). This paper argues that CONRED uncritically adopts emergency management strategies that do not account for the local realities in communities throughout Guatemala. The response in Tectitán was characterized by the formation of new organizations, whose actions and leadership structure were derived from “normal” or routine life. It was found that pre-existing social networks were resilient and easily re-oriented meet the novel needs of a crisis. New or emergent groups that formed during the disaster utilized social capital accrued by routine collective behavior, and employed organizational strategies derived from “normal” community relations. Based on the effectiveness of this response CONRED could improve its emergency planning on the local-level by utilizing the pre-existing community organizations rather than insisting that new disaster-specific organizations be formed.
Nostromo. A Tale of the Seaboard (1904), una de las novelas más experimentales del período modernista temprano, ha sido considerada la obra maestra de Joseph Conrad y su más grande lienzo. Un rasgo particular de la novela es que en ella coexisten la experimentación técnica del modernismo, la altamente difusa ficción del narrador y la situación de narración de historias y el paradigma narrativo de los subgéneros "degradados" de la novela de aventuras, el romance y el melodrama. Este estudio indaga las relaciones que se establecen entre dichos elementos, a todas luces anacrónicos o pertenecientes a espacios culturales diferentes, y se propone mostrar que estas discontinuidades no deben ser consideradas una falla sino índices de una tensión constitutiva de la novela.