929 resultados para Cultural historical psychology


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A tese que ora findamos visa a obtenção do grau de doutora em Educação, na Especialidade de Desenvolvimento Curricular, pelo Departamento do Currículo e Tecnologia Educativa, do Instituto de Educação e Psicologia, da Universidade do Minho. Intitulado o dualismo cultural: os luso-caboverdianos entre a escola, a família e a comunidade, o presente estudo centra-se numa abordagem crítica da escolaridade básica obrigatória, no qual procurámos compreender e explicar as condições de realização deste nível de ensino pelos jovens de ascendência caboverdiana, nascidos em Portugal, na qualidade de sujeitos biculturais em consequência da simbiose das culturas caboverdeana e portuguesa. Isto para concluirmos se na oferta do serviço educativo e de formação estão acautelados os seus direitos de cidadania e de participação na sociedade em que se encontram inseridos e a que pertencem de facto. Nesta investigação foi fundamental analisar a oferta de educação básica, entender as representações de alunos lusocaboverdeanos acerca da sua identidade cultural e das suas percepções sobre a formação académica que recebem; reconhecer representações e percepções de professores acerca da realidade educativa portuguesa, o enquadramento da multiculturalidade e a docência em turmas com alunos luso-caboverdianos, e compreender as percepções de pais e encarregados da educação caboverdeanos acerca da realidade educativa portuguesa e do enquadramento dos seus filhos na escola, para perceber se o insucesso educativo dos luso-caboverdeanos está relacionado com a condição de aluno “culturalmente diferente” ou se tem a sua origem na escola e no currículo da escolaridade obrigatória e, assim, contribuir com subsídios teóricos e práticos para o aprofundamento da problemática da multiculturalidade em Portugal, com vista à sua potenciação e normalização no sistema educativo. Estando perante uma sociedade de formação multicultural reafirmada com a colonização, justifica-se, em Portugal, a preocupação com a temática da diversidade cultural nas políticas educativas, resultante da consciencialização da manifestação da diversidade cultural no contexto escolar, podendo a sua omissão constituir num factor de insucesso educativo. Por isso, integramos nesta investigação matérias como: uma conceptualização do multiculturalismo com vista a questionar e clarificar os conceitos e as perspectivas inerentes a este fenómeno. Uma tentativa de desocultar para perceber o conteúdo simbólico e os porquês das políticas de integração das minorias etnicoculturais que, ao que parece, nos tempos que correm, por quase toda a parte, se converteram numa prioridade absoluta e inadiável. Estabelecemos uma ponte entre a génese do campo curricular e a construção de um currículo multi e/ou intercultural, merecendo devida atenção as tendências que dominam as discussões e a produção científica actuais nestes domínios. Problematizámos o currículo e identidade na escolaridade obrigatória nas dimensões inserção sociocultural, promoção da igualdade de sucesso educativo e inclusão dos sujeitos e o currículo e a educação para o exercício da cidadania numa escola que se quer plural. Neste último debatemos o conteúdo político da educação para a cidadania, as políticas educativas e curriculares e a escolaridade básica obrigatória como uma proposta que continua em aberto, por isso, passível de adequação às necessidades de uma educação da e para a diversidade. Procurámos fazer uma análise das políticas de integração socioeducativa da diversidade cultural, com destaque para o quadro legal que regula a integração das minorias étnicas na escola básica portuguesa, com particular incidência sobre as crianças pertencentes à comunidade caboverdeana nascidas em território português, procurando concluir acerca da existência, ou não, de posições e opções de políticas educativas concretas face à necessidade de dar prosseguimento à educação multicultural neste contexto. Tratou-se de uma investigação qualitativa holística, que permitiu desenvolver compreensões profundas dos fenómenos a partir das evidências reunidas, do estudo das representações dos sujeitos sobre quem recaem os resultados da investigação, mas também de sujeitos que, assim como o meio envolvente, estabelecem uma relação indirecta com os mesmos resultados. Circunscrito a um estudo de caso, a reflexão e a partilha de conhecimento e informações possibilitou desenvolver uma compreensão sobre a problemática estudada. Dos resultados obtidos, destacámos aqui que, em Portugal, apesar da absorvência da diversidade cultural nas política educativa, não se concretizou, ainda, uma proposta que, na prática, crie a reciprocidade entre as questões etnicoculturais e o sucesso e/ou insucesso educativos das minorias em educação com ganhos decisivos no combate ao insucesso e ao abandono escolar. Continua-se a desenvolver uma educação igualitarista monocultural pela via da homogeneização curricular, assente na noção de que povos e grupos podem estar em condições de igualdade se reunidos numa cultura comum. Aparentemente sob pilares democráticos, esta educação multicultural segue a concepção liberal associando essencialismo, universalismo e igualitarismo, resultando num propósito civilizacional excludente das minorias etnicoculturais. As conclusões chegadas permitem-nos defender a dessacralização do currículo nacional comum e uniforme e a defesa de uma proposta curricular baseada numa cultura científica global e necessária, de acordo com as faixas etárias e níveis de ensino, com campos de integração obrigatória de conteúdos territorializados alicerçados no interculturalismo como estratégia promotora da interacção crítica e solidária entre diferentes sujeitos e grupos culturais, permissiva da construção de identidades próprias e da confissão da diferença cultural, associada ao intraculturalismo como uma via permeabilizadora da educação democrática como garante da cidadania plena a todos os indivíduos, como condição fundamental para o estabelecimento das condições de igualdade e de garantia de sucesso em educação.


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En el siguiente trabajo se exponen las bases teóricas y se ilustran algunas aplicaciones de una visión de la psicología cultural alrededor del concepto de “vivencia” y “geografía vital”. Según esta perspectiva, el desarrollo humano es el resultado de la participación en prácticas educativas a través de las cuales nos apropiamos de los “signos”, “tecnología cultural” o formas explícitas e implícitas de vida compartida. Se postulan dos supuestos y tres características. Los supuestos son que la experiencia psicológica se debe estudiar en el contexto o situación donde ésta se expresa y construye, siendo la “dieta cultural” el alimento de nuestra mente (nuestros recuerdos, temores, percepciones, sentimientos, pensamientos). Las características nos remiten a considerar la vivencia humana como unidad de análisis, en tanto realidad dinámica situada y distribuida y, finalmente, en tanto producto o resultado de la participación en particulares geografías o contextos de vida. Se esbozan aplicaciones en el campo de la psicología clínica y la rehabilitación, en el terreno socioeducativo y en el ámbito de las organizaciones o psicología del trabajo, como ejemplos de prácticas acordes a una psicología orientada culturalmente. Finalmente, se concluye considerando la necesidad de vertebrar la dimensión subjetiva, social y política de la cultura con el objetivo de ofrecer vías de comprensión ecológicas de la mente y conducta humana


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Concerning improvements to the State Capitol Grounds including placement of the Allison memorial and Soldiers and Sailor's momuments; removal of heating plant and relieving the state of coal, ashes, gas and smoke; provision of office space to the Adjutant General; an eventual executive mansion; provision of office buildings; and for a Supreme Court building where together with its library auxiliaries will have perpetual growth and constant accessbility; and propose restoration of natural scenic value of the capitol site.


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Information brochure on the State of Iowa Historical Building


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The public library movement f the early twentieth century was a national phenomenon, in which Iowa, along with its neighboring states, played a prominent role. In 1900, the Iowa Library Commission noted 48 free public libraries in the state. Today there are approximately 500, in towns ranging in size from Beaman, with a population of 222, the Des Moines, the state capitol. Iowans took enthusiastic advantage of Andre Carnegie's library philanthropy. In 1919, the Carnegie Corporation stopped funding libraries, 101 building has been erected in Iowa with Carnegie funds. Iowa place fourth among the states in terms of the number of communities obtaining Carnegie buildings, fifth in dollar appropriation per one hundred population and eighth in the total amount of money given by Carnegie to a state. These figures provide some measure by which interest in popular education among Iowans of the period can be judged. Today these early libraries, often the most distinctive public libraries in small or medium-sized towns, are physical foci in the townscapes of their communities and centers for a variety of educational and social activities. This survey was initiated by the Division of Historic Preservation in 1977. It grew out of the need to provide a framework within which libraries could be evaluated for National Register action. Several libraries (Des Moines, Grinnell, Eagle Grove, Carroll) has been recent candidates for the Register. There was every indication that enthusiasm for old library buildings was increasing and that more nominations could be expected in the future. The attrition rate among early library buildings was (and is) growing. Most libraries were built on limited budgets (Carnegie did not squander his money) and, despite the fact that future expansion was usually a conscious consideration in their design, they are rapidly becoming obsolete, due to expanding collections and changing styles of librarianship. If the protection of the threatened with demolition or alteration, action needed to be taken.


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In recent years historical research seems to be the State Historical Society's main function, although it was formed with the principal functions of collection, preservation and exhibition. Now, instead of simply attempting to make the largest possible collection of historical materials in one place, this society will now endeavor to compile, publish and distribute accurate and scientific historical literature. The book also lists publications, information on the library and on membership.


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In 1891 Théodore Flournoy (1854-1920) became the first Professor of Psychology to be appointed at the University of Geneva, and his teaching regularly included references to religion. His successor, Georges Berguer, who taught psychology of religion, began as privat-docent in 1910 and received a full professorship in Religious Psychology and the History of Religion in 1928. French-speaking Switzerland is one of the rare places in the world where psychology of religion has been taught continuously since the very beginning of the 20th century. The aim of this article is to shed light on this tradition and especially on Georges Berguer (retired in 1944) and Edmond Rochedieu (retired in 1965) who succeeded Flournoy. This historical enterprise concludes with some reflections on the role of the psychology of religion at the intersection of psychology and the study of religions.


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This research project conducted in the Psychology Department of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) evaluated the therapeutic alliance with Hispanic American Patients. From the patient's perspective, the therapeutic alliance was explored in two types of frameworks: the dyadic and the triadic setting. The dyadic setting is the encounter between a therapist (health professional) and a patient who ideally share the same language. The triadic setting is the encounter of a therapist and a patient who speak different languages, but are able to interact using the help of an interpreter. My specific interest focuses on studying the therapeutic alliance in a cross- cultural setting through a mixed methodology. As part of the quantitative phase, non- parametric tests were used to analyze 55 questionnaires of the Therapeutic Alliance for Migrants - Health Professionals' version (QALM-PS). For the qualitative phase, a thematic analysis was used to analyze 20 transcript interviews. While no differences were found concerning the strength of the therapeutic alliance between the triadic and dyadic settings, results showed that the factors that enrich the therapeutic alliance with migrant patients depend more on an emotional alliance (bond) than on a rational alliance (agreements). Indeed, the positive relationship with the interpreter, and especially with the therapist, relies considerably on human qualities and moral values, bringing the conception of humanity as an important need when meeting foreign patients in health care settings. In addition, the quality of communication, which could be attributed to the type of interpreter in the triadic setting, plays an important role in the establishment of a positive therapeutic relationship. Ce projet de recherche mené au Département de psychologie de l'Université de Lausanne (Suisse) a évalué l'alliance thérapeutique avec les patients hispano-américains. Du point de vue du patient, l'alliance thérapeutique a été étudiée dans deux types de dispositifs: le cadre dyadique et triadique. Le cadre dyadique est la rencontre d'un thérapeute (professionnel de la santé) et d'un patient qui, idéalement, partagent la même langue. Le cadre triadique est la rencontre d'un thérapeute et d'un patient qui parlent différentes langues, mais sont capables d'interagir grâce à l'aide d'un interprète. Mon intérêt porte en particulier sur l'étude de l'alliance thérapeutique dans un cadre interculturel au travers d'une méthodologie mixte. Dans la phase quantitative, des tests non paramétriques ont été utilisés pour les analyses des 55 questionnaires de l'alliance thérapeutique pour les migrants, version - professionnels de la santé (QALM-PS). Pour la phase qualitative, une analyse thématique a été utilisée pour l'analyse des 20 entretiens transcrits. Bien qu'aucune différence n'a été constatée en ce qui concerne la force de l'alliance thérapeutique entre les cadres dyadiques et triadiques, les résultats montrent que les facteurs qui enrichissent l'alliance thérapeutique avec les patients migrants dépendent plus de l'alliance émotionnelle (lien) que sur une alliance rationnelle (accords). En effet, la relation positive avec l'interprète, et en particulier avec le thérapeute, repose en grande partie sur des qualités humaines et des valeurs morales, ce qui porte la conception de l'humanité comme un besoin important lors de la rencontre des patients étrangers dans un cadre de santé. En outre, la qualité de la communication, qui pourrait être attribuée au type d'interprète dans le cadre triadique, joue un rôle important dans l'établissement d'une relation thérapeutique positive.


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The Historical Society of Iowa presents a series of lectures written by early professional men and women of the Iowa territorial days in this book. Lectures of pioneer physicians, teaches, lawyers, and clergymen are included.


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This book is the address delivered at Iowa City, Iowa, before the State Historical Society of Iowa on May 25, 1910 by Laenas Gifford Weld. His speech covers the history and the discovery of the territory of the Mississippi Valley and Iowa. He talks about early pioneers and explorers, the routes they took and how they navigated into this newly discovered territory.


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Research on achievement goals usually defines mastery goals as the desire to acquire knowledge, and performance goals as the desire to outperform (or not to underperform) others. Educational contexts are most of the time social contexts, involving various persons and groups, of various hierarchical positions, and various cultural and ideological contexts. Surprisingly, most research in the achievement goal field has been conducted at an individual level of analysis. In the present paper, we will review the social consequences and antecedents of goal endorsement. This research indicates that goals strongly affect the way one behaves with co-learners. Moreover, it suggests that more than merely individual dispositions, goals reflect the social relation students have with other persons, institutions, and with the society to which they belong. We conclude this paper by setting an agenda for future achievement goal research.


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The Department of Cultural Affairs was created in the state government reorganization in 1986. The department’s two divisions, the Iowa Arts Council and the State Historical Society (SHSI) have a much longer history of service to Iowans. With such a rich history, it is fitting that the Department of Cultural Affairs calls the State Historical Museum home, a facility which collects, preserves and showcases Iowa’s treasures that itself can trace its roots in state government back 120 years. Generations of Iowans have been touched by the programs and services provided through this department. Though organized as one department, the DCA has never undergone strategic planning as a single, cohesive organization. With a desire to move forward as a stronger, more unified entity, a departmentwide strategic planning process becomes critical to future success as the department continues to better assess its resources and expertise internally, while ensuring it is focused on the common goal of leveraging cultural resources across the state of Iowa.


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This study is one of the first studies to approach workplace bullying cross-culturally. It sought to compare employees' understanding of workplace bullying in two different world regions: Central America and Southern Europe, regarding three aspects of workplace bullying: psychological vs. physical harassment, hierarchical vs. horizontal bullying, and direct vs. indirect aggression. A convenience sample of 246 workers provided their own definition of workplace bullying through a single, open-ended question. The results showed that employees from Central America emphasized the physical component of workplace bullying more than the Southern European employees. However, similarities in the conceptualization of workplace bullying across both cultures were found as well. Both Southern European and Central American employees defined workplace bullying mainly as a hierarchical phenomenon, where the aggression took the form of direct strategies. Such differences and similarities bring to the field some positive inputs for the development and implementation of different strategies for dealing effectively with this phenomenon.


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This study is one of the first studies to approach workplace bullying cross-culturally. It sought to compare employees' understanding of workplace bullying in two different world regions: Central America and Southern Europe, regarding three aspects of workplace bullying: psychological vs. physical harassment, hierarchical vs. horizontal bullying, and direct vs. indirect aggression. A convenience sample of 246 workers provided their own definition of workplace bullying through a single, open-ended question. The results showed that employees from Central America emphasized the physical component of workplace bullying more than the Southern European employees. However, similarities in the conceptualization of workplace bullying across both cultures were found as well. Both Southern European and Central American employees defined workplace bullying mainly as a hierarchical phenomenon, where the aggression took the form of direct strategies. Such differences and similarities bring to the field some positive inputs for the development and implementation of different strategies for dealing effectively with this phenomenon.