800 resultados para Creative ability -- Psychological aspects


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En la actualidad las organizaciones se encuentran inmersas en un ambiente en extremo cambiante y competitivo que las obliga a estar siempre a la vanguardia y hacer de la innovación un proceso sistemático, que se alimenta no solo de las prospectivas científico-tecnológicas y la inteligencia competitiva, sino también del potencial creativo de su gente -- Pero ¿cómo se potencializa, entonces, la innovación en las organizaciones a partir de la gestión de la creatividad con sus colaboradores? Ése fue el gran interrogante que se planteó en este trabajo de investigación y para contribuir a su solución se diseñó y validó un modelo teórico conceptual que cruza variables que afectan la creatividad y potencializan la innovación, en el marco de posturas de autores reconocidos como Kerrie Unsworth, que trabaja diferentes tipos de creatividad en las personas a través de una matriz que relaciona los problemas de las organizaciones con el nivel de compromiso de los empleados, y Teresa Amabile, con su modelo de creatividad organizacional para la innovación, que permite identificar variables como la motivación, el engagement el liderazgo y la cultura organizacional, entre otras -- Dichas posturas se constituyeron en elementos importantes por considerar para la construcción del modelo, que con posterioridad se validó en dos momentos: el primero con expertos en el tema por medio del método Delphi y el segundo en la organización Griffith Foods S. A. S., a través de una face validity con los gerentes de la compañía -- Con estas validaciones se ajustó el modelo, lo que permitió incorporar otra variable que no se había considerado, el conocimiento, y se identificó la posibilidad de aplicarlo en las diferentes unidades de negocio en la organización -- Por último, como aplicación experimental del mismo, se formularon las recomendaciones para que fuese implementado, no sólo en la organización Griffith Foods S. A. S. como objeto de estudio, sino en otras que deseen potencializar la innovación a partir de la creatividad en las personas y en sus equipos de trabajo


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la construcción social del conocimiento en Actividad física desde dos planteamientos teóricos de la salud centrando el análisis en la relación con la imagen corporal y las condiciones de vida. Se trata de un estudio teórico desde el análisis de contenido de corte narrativo de 98 artículos desarrollado en cinco etapas a través de: rastreo de documentos en bases de datos en el periodo 2000-2014, revisión de artículos, y análisis y hallazgos de significados, sentidos o contenidos. Como hallazgo importante se puede mencionar que en la literatura científica relacionada con la triada Actividad física-imagen corporal-condiciones de vida predomina la construcción del conocimiento a partir de modelos hegemónicos y dominantes que priorizan la intensidad, la frecuencia y el tiempo dedicado a la AF, la estandarización en la comparación de la apariencia física y la medición de elementos materiales en el modo de vivir de las personas, principalmente desde el abordaje de los determinantes sociales de la salud. Se concluye que es necesario revisar las poblaciones que incluyendo en los estudios al estar concentrados el conocimiento en solo unos grupos; así como se hace explícita la necesidad de revisar cuales son los aportes de la Educación Física y otras disciplinas (ciencias sociales) para una mayor comprensión teórica y práctica de la AF.


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Attraverso questa tesi, si intente centrare l'attenzione del mondo accademico e di quello teatrale sugli apporti delle pratiche performative al posizionamento sociale e la qualità della vita delle persone cieche e ipovedenti. Questa tesi tenta di fornire strumenti che avvicinino le persone con disabilità visive alla pratica delle attività teatrali basate su teorie scientifiche. Innanzitutto, a questo fine, ho reperito, sintetizzato e messo in reciproca relazione contributi di taglio psicologico, fisiologico e sociologico. Da questo lavoro esplorativo è risultato un quadro compressivo delle condizioni psicofisiche delle persone con disabilità visive. I loro aspetti psicologici presentano disturbi depressivi, ansie, problematiche circa la concezione di sé e l’autostima, rischi di suicidio, mentre quelli fisici includono stabilità posturale, coordinamento bilaterale e diverse forme di attività. A questi elementi vanno inoltre associati controllo dell'espressione, socialità e memoria. Combinando questi insiemi di caratteristiche alle possibilità e alle dinamiche del laboratorio teatrale, si sono quindi elaborate, progettate e sperimentate diverse serie di esercizi teatrali per non vedenti e ipovedenti. Tuttavia, a causa degli impedimenti oggettivi causati dalla pandemia del Covid, questa parte sperimentale della ricerca è in gran parte restata allo stato embrionale. Infine, sono stati documentati con descrizioni e interviste due laboratori teatrali per non vedenti rappresentativi della realtà italiana. A questi ho aggiunto riferimenti su iniziative e istituzioni di carattere teatrale: New Life, Teatro Ciego, XINMU Laboratorio teatrale, EXTANT, Theater Breaking, CRE Outreach. Si spera che, attraverso questo ricerca, non solo le persone con disabilità visive si famigliarizzino con le risorse offerte dalle pratiche formative, ma anche gli studiosi interessati possano sinteticamente accedere ad una complessiva e preliminare delle attività teatrali per i non vedenti, contribuendo, così, allo sviluppo sistematico della ricerca in questo campo.


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Els jugadors de futbol sotmesos a una reconstrucció de LCA es veuen afectats per dos vessants. La primera és a nivell funcional de l’articulació del genoll, entenent aquesta com la capacitat que presenta el genoll a suportar pes, generar força, realitzar moviments i mantenir-se estable durant la practica esportiva (Mattacola et. al., 2002). La segona és a nivell psicològic en seguretat amb un mateix i en seguretat a l’acció motriu (Brewer et. al., 1993). Aquesta recerca presenta un estudi sobre la funcionalitat i l’estat psicològic de deu jugadors de futbol amateur un cop ja han estat rehabilitats i readaptats a la practica esportiva. L’objectiu de l’estudi és conèixer la relació entre les respostes funcionals i subjectives. El procés s’ha dividit en tres fases, la primera ha estat la selecció del grup i realització del qüestionari de creació pròpia QSCFEG 2014 (que permet extreure el nivell de seguretat en l’acció motriu i el nivell de seguretat amb un mateix), la segona fase ha consistit en passar les quatre proves del HOP Test i mesurar els perímetres i l’amplitud de moviment de les extremitats inferiors (per mesurar l’índex de simetria de les extremitat inferior i veure el nivell funcional) i la última la recopilació de dades, anàlisi dels resultats i extracció de conclusions. A l’analitzar el grup s’ha comprovat que tots els subjectes presenten un nivell funcional superior al paràmetre mínim, que segon Barber et. al (1990) és del 85%. Tot i això, la gran majoria presenten mancances a nivell psicològic, ja que han demostrat una puntuació baixa en relació als mínims establerts als nivells de seguretat motriu (40 punts mínim) i seguretat amb un mateix (20 punts mínim).


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Malgré des recherches intensives portant sur l’hérédité et les aspects biologiques de la rétinite pigmentaire (RP), peu de recherches fondées ont porté sur les aspects psychologiques. Ces quelques études suggèrent que les personnes atteintes de rétinite pigmentaire s’adaptent différemment à la déficience visuelle. Le but de la présente étude était donc de vérifier si les personnes atteintes de rétinite pigmentaire s’adaptaient différemment d’un point de vue psychologique par rapport à des personnes ayant une déficience visuelle causée par une autre pathologie. Des entrevues téléphoniques incluant des personnes ayant la rétinite pigmentaire, la rétinopathie diabétique (RD) et l’albinisme ont été menées. Cinq questionnaires ont été utilisés afin d’évaluer le bien-être psychologique et de recueillir les données démographique. Les résultats de la première étude démontrent qu’il n’existe aucune différence entre les individus atteints de rétinite pigmentaire et ceux ayant d’autres pathologies visuelles d’un point de vue « bien-être psychologique ». En fait, les facteurs démographiques, la baisse de vision, les fluctuations et le type de perte de vision semblent être les seuls facteurs directement corrélés à l’adaptation et au bien-être psychologique. Dans la deuxième étude, aucune différence n’a pu être établie entre les trois types de pathologies. Ce sont plutôt, des facteurs comme la perception des capacités fonctionnelles, l’identité personnelle, l’appréhension de la perception sociale et le niveau d’indépendance qui étaient davantage reliés au bien-être psychologique associé à la déficience visuelle. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que les personnes atteintes de Rétinite pigmentaire ne présentent pas de différences au niveau du bien-être psychologique et de l’adaptation. Les facteurs démographiques et psychologiques sont plus importants que la pathologie elle-même.


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Abstract Background The present article briefly reviews the weight loss processes in combat sports. We aimed to discuss the most relevant aspects of rapid weight loss (RWL) in combat sports. Methods This review was performed in the databases MedLine, Lilacs, PubMed and SciELO, and organized into sub-topics: (1) prevalence, magnitude and procedures, (2) psychological, physiological and performance effects, (3) possible strategies to avoid decreased performance (4) organizational strategies to avoid such practices. Results There was a high prevalence (50%) of RWL, regardless the specific combat discipline. Methods used are harmful to performance and health, such as laxatives, diuretics, use of plastic or rubber suits, and sauna. RWL affects physical and cognitive capacities, and may increase the risk of death. Conclusion Recommendations during different training phases, educational and organizational approaches are presented to deal with or to avoid RWL.


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The psychological refractory period (PRP) refers to a delay of response times (RT) to the second of two stimuli when these stimuli are presented in rapid succession. If this limitation of rapidly processing the second stimulus contributes to the well-known differences in speed of information processing between individuals with higher and lower mental ability, individuals with lower mental ability should exhibit a more pronounced PRP effect than individuals with higher mental ability. Previous studies on this question, however, yielded inconsistent results. In the present study, we assessed mental ability-related differences in the PRP by measuring lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs) to separate premotor and motor aspects of speed of information processing in 95 individuals with higher and 95 individuals with lower mental ability. Although individuals with higher mental ability processed information faster than individuals with lower mental ability as indicated by shorter RTs and shorter premotor LRP latencies, the PRP effect was equally pronounced in both groups. These findings suggest that the processes underlying the PRP effect do not contribute to mental ability-related differences in speed of information processing. Rather, these differences seem to occur at an earlier stage of information processing such as stimulus encoding, stimulus analysis, or stimulus evaluation.


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Background: The aging process involves a decline in immune functioning that renders elderly people more vulnerable to disease. In residential programs for the aged, it is vital to diminish their risk of disease, promote their independence, and augment their psychological well-being and quality of life. Methods: We performed a randomized controlled study, evaluating the ability of a relaxation technique based on Benson’s relaxation response to enhance psychological well-being and modulate the immune parameters of elderly people living in a geriatric residence when compared to a waitlist control group. The study included a 2-week intervention period and a 3-month follow-up period. The main outcome variables were psychological well-being and quality of life, biomedical variables, immune changes from the pre-treatment to post-treatment and follow-up periods. Results: Our findings reveal significant differences between the experimental and control groups in CD19, CD71, CD97, CD134, and CD137 lymphocyte subpopulations at the end of treatment. Furthermore, there was a decrease in negative affect, psychological discomfort, and symptom perception in the treatment group, which increased participants’ quality of life scores at the three-month follow-up. Conclusions: This study represents a first approach to the application of a passive relaxation technique in residential programs for the elderly. The method appears to be effective in enhancing psychological well-being and modulating immune activity in a group of elderly people. This relaxation technique could be considered an option for achieving health benefits with a low cost for residential programs, but further studies using this technique in larger samples of older people are needed to confirm the trends observed in the present study. Trial registration: International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Register ISRCTN85410212.


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There is a strong relationship between orthographic-motor integration related to handwriting and students' ability to produce creative and well-structured written text. This relationship is thought to be due to the cognitive load which results when attention is required by writers to write letters and words on the page. Lack of automaticity in orthographic-motor integration means that writers do not have sufficient cognitive resources to accomplish the more demanding aspects of text production such as ideation, text monitoring, and pragmatic awareness. A systematic handwriting program can significantly improve the quality of written text by young children experiencing problems with orthographic-motor integration. This study investigated the effectiveness of a handwriting program in remediating older students' problems in orthographic-motor integration and consequently enhancing their written language skills. Two groups of students in Grades 8 and 9 were provided with either practice in handwriting or daily completion of a written journal. There were no differences between the two groups at pre-test. However, at post-test, the handwriting group had significantly higher scores in orthographic-motor integration as well as for the length and quality of the text they wrote.


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Supported living and retirement villages are becoming a significant option for older adults with impairments, with independence concerns or for forward planning in older age, but evidence as to psychological benefits for residents is sparse. This study examined the hypothesis that the multi-component advantages of moving into a supported and physically and socially accessible “extra care” independent living environment will impact on psychological and functioning measures. Using an observational longitudinal design, 161 new residents were assessed initially and three months later, in comparison to 33 older adults staying in their original homes. Initial group differences were apparent but some reduced after three months. Residents showed improvement in depression, perceived health, aspects of cognitive function, and reduced functional limitations, while controls showed increased functional limitations (worsening). Ability to recall specific autobiographical memories, known to be related to social-problem solving, depression and functioning in social relationships, predicted change in communication limitations, and cognitive change predicted changes in recreational limitations. Change in anxiety and memory predicted change in depression. Findings suggest that older adults with independent living concerns who move to an independent but supported environment can show significant benefits in psychological outcomes and reduction in perceived impact of health on functional limitations in a short period. Targets for focussed rehabilitation are indicated, but findings also validate development of untargeted general supportive environments.


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Land-based aquaculture facilities experience occasional hypercapnic conditions due to the accumulation of the metabolic waste product carbon dioxide. Pre-gonadal Lytechinus variegatus (horizontal diameter=20 mm) were exposed to control (608 µatm pCO2, pH 8.1) or hypercapnic conditions (1738 µatm pCO2, pH 7.7) in synthetic seawater for 14 weeks. Sea urchins exposed to hypercapnic conditions exhibited significantly slower growth (reduced dry matter production), primarily due to reduced test production. Higher fecal production rates and lower ash absorption efficiency (%) in individuals exposed to hypercapnic conditions suggest the ability to process or retain dietary carbonates may have been affected. Significant increases in neutral lipid storage in the gut and increased soluble protein storage in the gonads of individuals exposed to hypercapnic conditions suggest alterations in nutrient metabolism and storage. Furthermore, organic production and energy allocation increased in the lantern of those individuals exposed to hypercapnic conditions. These results suggest chronic exposure to hypercapnic conditions alters nutrient allocation to organ systems and functions, leading to changes in somatic and reproductive production.


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Background: Interventions to increase cooking skills (CS) and food skills (FS) as a route to improving overall diet are popular within public health. This study tested a comprehensive model of diet quality by assessing the influence of socio-demographic, knowledge- and psychological-related variables alongside perceived CS and FS abilities. The correspondence of two measures of diet quality further validated the Eating Choices Index (ECI) for use in quantitative research.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a quota-controlled nationally representative sample of 1049 adults aged 20–60 years drawn from the Island of Ireland. Surveys were administered in participants’ homes via computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) assessing a range of socio-demographic, knowledge- and psychological-related variables alongside perceived CS and FS abilities. Regression models were used to model factors influencing diet quality. Correspondence between 2 measures of diet quality was assessed using chi-square and Pearson correlations.
Results: ECI score was significantly negatively correlated with DINE Fat intake (r = -0.24, p < 0.001), and ECI score was significantly positively correlated with DINE Fibre intake (r = 0.38, p < 0.001), demonstrating a high agreement. Findings indicated that males, younger respondents and those with no/few educational qualifications scored significantly lower on both CS and FS abilities. The relative influence of socio-demographic, knowledge, psychological variables and CS and FS abilities on dietary outcomes varied, with regression models explaining 10–20 % of diet quality variance. CS ability exerted the strongest relationship with saturated fat intake (β = -0.296, p < 0.001) and was a significant predictor of fibre intake (β = -0.113, p < 0.05), although not for healthy food choices (ECI) (β = 0.04, p > 0.05).
Conclusion: Greater CS and FS abilities may not lead directly to healthier dietary choices given the myriad of other factors implicated; however, CS appear to have differential influences on aspects of the diet, most notably in relation to lowering saturated fat intake. Findings suggest that CS and FS should not be singular targets of interventions designed to improve diet; but targeting specific sub-groups of the population e.g. males, younger adults, those with limited education might be more fruitful. A greater understanding of the interaction of factors influencing cooking and food practices within the home is needed.