440 resultados para Conoide de Sturm


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In order to better understand environmental factors controlling oxygen isotope shifts in autochthonous lacustrine carbonate sequences, we undertook an extensive one-year study (March, 1995 to February, 1996) of water-column chemistry and daily sediment trap material from a small lake in Central Switzerland. Comparisons between calculated equilibrium isotope values, using the fractionation equation of Friedman and O’Neil, (1977) and measured oxygen isotope ratios of calcite in the sediment-traps reveal that oxygen isotopic values of autochthonous calcite (δ18O) are in isotopic equilibrium with ambient water during most of the spring and summer, when the majority of the calcite precipitates. In contrast, small amounts of calcite precipitated in early-spring and again in late-autumn are isotopically depleted in 18O relative to the calculated equilibrium values, by as much as 0.8‰. This seasonally occurring apparent isotopic nonequilibrium is associated with times of high phosphorous concentrations, elevated pH (∼8.6) and increased [CO32−] (∼50 μmol/l) in the surface waters. The resulting weighted average δ18O value for the studied period is −9.6‰, compared with a calculated equilibrium δ18O value of −9.4‰. These data convincingly demonstrate that δ18O of calcite are, for the most part, a very reliable proxy for temperature and δ18O of the water.


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Stable isotope analyses of discrete seasonal layers from a 108-yr annually laminated freeze-core from Baldeg-gersee, a small, eutrophic lake in central Switzerland, provide information on the climatological and environmental factors, including lake eutrophication, that control oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of epilimnic biologically induced calcite precipitate. During the last 100 yr, Baldeggersee has undergone major increases in productivity and eutrophication in response to nutrient loading from agriculture and industrialization in the lake's watershed. Calibration of the isotopic signal in Baldeggersee to historical limnological data quantitatively links evidence of isotopic depletion in the sedimented calcite to trophic state of the lake. δ18O values from the spring/summer “light” sediment layers steadily diverged to more depleted values in response to historical eutrophication: measured δ18O values were up to 21.5‰ more negative than calculated equilibrium δ18O values. Evidence for 13C depletion in the calcite, relative to equilibrium values, is more difficult to ascertain because of an overall dominance of isotopic enrichment in the dissolved inorganic pool as productivity in Baldeggersee increases. A positive association exists between the degree of oxygen-18 depletion and the calcite crystal size. Thus, large amorphous calcite grains can be used as a proxy for recognizing apparent isotopic nonequilibrium in sediment sequences from highly productive lacustrine environments from all geologic time scales. In contrast to the light layers, the oxygen isotopic composition of the calcite in the late summer/fall “dark” sediment layers is unaffected by the apparent isotope nonequilibrium. Oxygen and carbon isotope values from the dark laminae in the Baldeggersee sediment therefore provide environmental and climatological proxies that can be calibrated with known environmental and regional climate data for the last century.


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Musik von Halevy. Nach dem Franz. des Scribe, übers. von Baron von Lichtenstein


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Vorlage d. Digitalisats aus d. Besitz d. Theol. Hochschule St. Georgen


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u.a.: Kapitel über die Sexualität; Naturwissenschaft; Kritik an Johann Karl Friedrich Rosenkranz und Spinoza; Kritik Richard Wagners an den Grundsätzen der Musik Schopenhauers; Übersetzung von "Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung" von Charles Dollfus in der Zeitschrift Revue Germanique; Studienarbeiten Kuno Fischers an der "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" von Immanuel Kant; Aufsatz in der "Sächsischen Constitutionellen Zeitung"; veröffentlichter Goethe Brief an Schopenhauer in der Zeitschrift "Findlinge" von Hoffmann von Fallersleben in der Ausgabe von 7.9.1815 im Zusammenhang der Schrift "Über das Sehen und die Farben"; Rezeption Schopenhauers bei Heribert Rau; Roman "Sturm und Compass"; Abbestellung der Zeitschrift "Ficht'sches Journal"; Kritik an der Abhandlung zu Goethes Faust von David Asher;


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frei nach dem Franz. von Heinrich Börnstein


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Musik von F. Halevy. [Text] von Eugen Scribe


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Musik von F. Halévy. Nach dem Franz. des Scribe und St. Georges von J. C. Grünbaum


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[Etienne Huard] Nach dem Franz. von Heinrich Börnstein


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Aufruf zur Mäßigung an die Wiener Arbeiter: "... nun brauchen wir nicht mehr zu kämpfen und Aufruhr zu machen, denn jede Verbesserung können wir auf gesetzlichem Wege erhalten ... Wir müssen der neuen Ordnung einige Zeit gönnen, sich wohlthätig zu entfalten ... Redliche Menschen gießen in solcher Zeit das Oehl in die aufgeregten Wogen, um den Sturm zu beschwichtigen, aber nicht in das Feuer um die Flamme anzufachen." Vom Wiener Nationalgardisten Leopold Schick


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nach dem Franz.: Les demoiselles de St. Cyr des Alexander Dumas von Heinrich Börnstein


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Adolf Knoblauch