996 resultados para Conflicto Kuwait-Irak, 1990-1991
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Description based on: 1980; title from cover.
"August 3, 1990"--Pt. 2.
The levels of the soluble carbohydrates ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured in individual lobes of the lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ach. Lobes were collected from a north and a south facing slate rock surface in South Gwynedd, Wales, U.K. on 4 days during 1990-1991. On each day sampled, the most significant variation in soluble carbohydrate levels was between the individual lobes of a thallus. In addition, carbohydrate levels were significantly greater on the south facing rock surface on 2 of the 4 days sampled. Factorial analyses of variance suggested that the levels of individual carbohydrates varied significantly between days but not between north and south facing rock surfaces. Mannitol levels varied less between days than arabitol levels. Levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were positively correlated in individual lobes. A stepwise multiple regression suggested that on the north facing rock surface, arabitol and mannitol levels could be explained by variations in the level of ribitol. By contrast, on the south facing rock surface, the levels of fungal carbohydrates were less dependent on the level of ribitol and there was evidence of a relationship between arabitol and mannitol. Variations in carbohydrate production, allocation and metabolism could help to explain lobe growth variation in foliose lichens and the radial growth of lobes over a longer period of time. Greater carbohydrate production rather than differences in allocation and metabolism may explain the increased growth and frequency of P. conspersa on south facing rock surfaces in South Gwynedd. © 1994.
Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.)Ach. is a foliose lichen found more frequently on south facing compared with north facing rock surfaces in South Gwynedd, Wales, UK. The radial growth of thalli of P. conspersa from a north and a south facing rock surface was measured in situ at intervals of two months for 1 yr during 1990/1991. Mean annual radial growth rates were greater on the south compared with the north facing rock surface. In addition, the pattern of radial growth varied during the year with maximum growth recorded in the Feb/Mar. period especially on the south facing rock surface. The levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured in individual lobes of P. conspersa collected from the same rock surfaces on 4 days (2 Jun; 7 July and 30 Nov. 1990 and 29 Mar. 1991) during 1990/1991. The total of the three carbohydrates varied between days; the levels of arbitol and ribitol being significantly lower in the 7 July sample on both north and south facing rock surfaces. In addition, the levels ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were higher on the south facing rock surface especially in the summer samples. The ratio of arabitol plus mannitol to ribitol and the mannitol/arabitol ratio varied more between days sampled than between north and south facing rock surfaces. The level of ribitol in individual thalli was positively correlated with arabitol on the north facing and with mannitol on the south facing slope. These results suggest that differences in the radial growth of P. conspersa thalli with aspect are more likely to reflect higher rates of photosynthesis on the south facing rock surface rather than large difference in the way carbohydrates were partitioned on the different surfaces. Lower radial growth rates may place P. conspersa at a competitive disadvantage on north facing rock surfaces.
Cognitive linguistics scholars argue that metaphor is fundamentally a conceptual process of mapping one domain of experience onto another domain. The study of metaphor in the context of Translation Studies has not, unfortunately, kept pace with the discoveries about the nature and role of metaphor in the cognitive sciences. This study aims primarily to fill part of this gap of knowledge. Specifically, the thesis is an attempt to explore some implications of the conceptual theory of metaphor for translation. Because the study of metaphor in translation is also based on views about the nature of translation, the thesis first presents a general overview of the discipline of Translation Studies, describing the major models of translation. The study (in Chapter Two) then discusses the major traditional theories of metaphor (comparison, substitution and interaction theories) and shows how the ideas of those theories were adopted in specific translation studies of metaphor. After that, the study presents a detailed account of the conceptual theory of metaphor and some hypothetical implications for the study of metaphor in translation from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. The data and methodology are presented in Chapter Four. A novel classification of conceptual metaphor is presented which distinguishes between different source domains of conceptual metaphors: physical, human-life and intertextual. It is suggested that each source domain places different demands on translators. The major sources of the data for this study are (1) the translations done by the Foreign Broadcasting Information Service (FBIS), which is a translation service of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the United Sates of America, of a number of speeches by the Iraqi president Saddam Hussein during the Gulf Crisis (1990-1991) and (2) official (governmental) Omani translations of National Day speeches of Sultan Qaboos bin Said of Oman.
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the role of spirituality in Mezirow's (1978, 1990, 1991, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2003) 10-phase process of transformative learning. This study used Mezirow's transformative learning theory as its theoretical framework. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, transcribed, and analyzed for 12 doctoral students and candidates who had a transformative learning experience and who identified themselves as being spiritual. Interview data were analyzed using inductive, deductive, and comparative analyses. Four themes emerged from the inductive analysis of the data: (a) the nature of spirituality, (b) the variety of emotions, (c) the influences of spirituality, and (d) the nature of personal changes. The theory's 10 phases were used as a guide in deductively analyzing data concerning the participants' experiences. The deductive analysis revealed that spirituality played a role in at least 7 of the 10 phases of transformative learning for each participant. Overall, from the participants' perspectives, the role of spirituality was that of a guide in influencing their cognition and behavior, and that of a supporter in influencing their emotions. The comparative analysis revealed that at least three of the four themes from the inductive analysis were reflected in each of the 10 phases of transformative learning used in the deductive analysis. Based on the findings from this study, the researcher proposed a modification of Mezirow's phases of transformative learning. An additional phase was identified: framing and naming the transformed perspective, and two phases were renamed. The findings from this study imply that given the importance of the role participants attributed to spirituality in their transformative learning in influencing their cognition, behavior, and emotions, the role of spirituality should be considered for inclusion in transformative learning theory. Recommendations for further research on the validation and replicability of the proposed modification to transformative learning theory are given.
Class has always been at the heart of the television crime drama. Whether it is the post-war paternalism of Dixon of Dock Green (1955 – 1976), the harsh social realism of The Sweeney (1975-1978), or the almost mythical evocations of Britain in Heartbeat (1992 – 2010) and Midsomer Murders (1997- present), class and crime have always been seen as being inextricably linked. Since the 1990s, the British crime drama has been influenced by successive waves of cultural imports from, firstly, the US and then from Scandinavia. There is now a recognisable ‘genre’ for what we might think of as British TV Noir. Beginning with shows such as Cracker (1993 – 2006), Prime Suspect (1991 – 2006) and Messiah (2001) and continuing with dramas like Red Riding (2008), Southcliffe (2013) and Hinterland (2013 – present), the British TV Noir employs narratives and stylistic tropes that might usually be associated with the cinema of the 1940s. Although drawing influence from high profile shows such as Twin Peaks (1990 – 1991), Millennium (1996) and (latterly) The Wire (2002 – 2008), CSI (2000 – present) and The Killing (2007) these British Noir shows also articulate the nation’s shifting class system. As Susan Sydney-Smith has ably demonstrated, the crime drama is “historically contingent” (Sydney-Smith, 2002, p. 5) and shaped by the surrounding socio-political, as well aesthetic, context. To this end, this chapter traces the depiction of class in three key crime series – Prime Suspect, Red Riding and Southcliffe - and explores how social class, and more importantly, its changing face provides a constant background to the narratives and characterisations. These three texts were each produced at pivotal moments in Britain’s relationship to class – Prime Suspect was shown 6 months after Margaret Thatcher vacated office; Red Riding was produced in the midst of the global recession in 2008 and Southcliffe was made in the shadows of stringing welfare and immigration reforms. These texts span three successive political administrations and over two decades of social and political change. Understanding the relationship between criminal activity and class in these dramas however is far more complicated than simply reading the historical context through the text. Commensurate with its cinematic incarnation, TV Noir is both reflective and productive, employing visual and narrative tropes to manipulate, as well reflect, its audience’s moral and social positioning. The picture that emerges from an examination of class and the British TV Noir is one of suspicion and discontent. As Andrew Spicer suggests (with reference to British cinema) the Noir sensibility both depicts and critiques a society that it sees as being “class-ridden, racist and misogynist” (Spicer, 2002, p.202). This is certainly the case with the texts that are being examined here, as social positions and taxonomies are constantly being redefined and renegotiated.
Cette étude examine l'effet de la révision du chapitre 3480 du Manuel de l'I.C.C.A. relatif aux éléments extraordinaires sur la valeur prédictive du bénéfice avant éléments extraordinaires. Le choix du critère de la valeur prédictive repose sur le fait que l'I.C.C.A. reconnaît qu'il s'agit ici d'une caractéristique essentielle à l'obtention d'une information comptable utile. Ainsi, le resserrement de la définition des éléments extraordinaires par l'ajout d'un troisième critère a contribué à une réduction du nombre de ces éléments dans les états financiers des entreprises canadiennes. En effet, la description de l'échantillon a montré que plusieurs catégories d'éléments extraordinaires considérées avant la révision de la norme canadienne dans la partie non courante de l'état des résultats sont déplacées, par l'effet de la révision, à la partie courante de cet état. L'examen des éléments inhabituels après la révision a permis de retrouver la majorité des éléments qui auraient pus être qualifiés d'extraordinaires si on avait appliqué l'ancienne définition. Les éléments qui ne satisfont pas les trois critères sont, en fait, considérés dans le calcul du bénéfice mais sont maintenant présentés dans la partie courante de l'état des résultats. Le bénéfice avant éléments extraordinaires incluera dorénavant un plus grand nombre d'éléments non récurrents. Par conséquent, il est possible que l'ajout du troisième critère à la définition des éléments extraordinaires entraine une diminution de la valeur prédictive du bénéfice avant éléments extraordinaires. La période d'analyse s'étale sur les six années qui entourent la révision, soit trois ans avant la révision (1987, 1988 et 1989) et trois ans après la révision (1990, 1991 et 1992). Le modèle auto régressif de premier ordre a été retenu pour la prédiction des bénéfices par action avant éléments extraordinaires de chaque période. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que la valeur prédictive du bénéfice par action avant éléments extraordinaires a diminué à la suite de la révision du chapitre 3480 du Manuel. Il ressort de cette étude que les débats sur la manière dont les éléments extraordinaires devraient être définis et présentés dans les états des résultats des entreprises canadiennes ne sont pas résolus par cette révision.
Selon Schaefer (1991), il y aurait un manque de connaissance des caractéristiques parentales qui seraient liées à la performance académique et aux habiletés adaptatives des élèves du primaire et du secondaire. Une meilleure compréhension de ces caractéristiques pourrait permettre d'intervenir directement sur le milieu d'éducation primaire du jeune, soit la famille, pour améliorer ses performances scolaires et ses comportements adaptatifs. Krieller, entre autres, (1976; voir Schaefer, 1991), s'est intéressé aux caractéristiques parentales : selon lui, les normes de comportements favorisés par les parents pour eux-mêmes et les enfants seraient directement liées aux croyances et aux comportements de l'enfant. Plusieurs chercheurs rapportent que des caractéristiques parentales telles le niveau d'éducation (Kohn, 1969, Alwin, 1984; voir Schaefer, 1991), les attitudes et les valeurs face à l'éducation (Schaefer et Edgerton, 1985; voir Schaefer, 1991), seraient liées aux pratiques éducatives des parents. Par exemple, l'autoritarisme parental serait lié à un faible niveau de scolarité des parents et à un système de valeurs axé sur l'encadrement rigide et l'obéissance, alors que le style parental démocratique serait lié à un plus haut niveau d'éducation et à des valeurs axées sur l'encadrement souple et l’autonomisation (Becker et Krug, 1985; voir Schaefer, 1991). D'autres chercheurs ont établi qu'il existait un lien entre le type de croyance parentale et les pratiques éducatives et la performance scolaire et l'adaptation des élèves (Baumrind, 1971, 1973; voir Dornbush, 1987 : Dornbuah, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992); par exemple, les jeunes qui ont des parents démocratiques (qualité de la supervision) bénéficient d'une meilleure supervision et ils sont mieux adaptés et plus performants en milieu scolaire. L'ensemble des recherches précitées établit clairement qu'il existe des liens significatifs entre les croyances parentales, les pratiques éducatives et l'adaptation et la performance des jeunes en milieu scolaire.
Os ovos de Broca das cucurbitáceas são postos nas flores, e sabe-se que as da abobrinha italiana exercem maior atração que as de pepino. Nos anos de 1988 e 1989, foram instalados dois experimentos, nos campos do CNF defesa da agricultura, em blocos casualisados com três repetições. Os experimentos tiveram o objetivo de testar o efeito da colocação de plantas de abobrinha entre as do pepino. Os tratamentos testados foram uma fileira de abobrinha; duas de pepino; uma fileira de abobrinha; quatro de pepino; uma fileira de abobrinha; seis fileiras de pepino; plantas de abobrinha colocadas ao acaso na parcela e testemunha sem abobrinha. A parcela útil consistiu de vinte e quatro plantas centrais de pepino, avaliando-se a porcentagem de frutos brocados e o numero de frutos produzidos. Não houve diferenças significativas, pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade, entre as respostas aos tratamentos, devido a livre passagem dos insetos entre as parcelas. No primeiro experimento, que teve de ser interrompido prematuramente devido a antracnose, ao tempo de avaliações as abobrinhas ainda não haviam entrado em florescimento, ao passo que no segundo experimento, todas as avaliações foram feitas com abobrinhas em florescimento. Observou-se que as porcentagens de frutos infestados foram menores no segundo experimento, para todos os tratamentos.
El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar la situación vivida entre los Estados de la cuenca del Sistema Tigris-Éufrates, un recurso hídrico transfronterizo entre 1990 y el 2003. Se estudia y explica cómo el Interés Nacional de Turquía, Siria e Irak, Estados ribereños del Sistema supuso un obstáculo para la implementación de la Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos sobre la cuenca, al impedir la cooperación y coordinación de las políticas gubernamentales, dificultando la protección de la cuenca y la garantía del acceso al recurso de forma equitativa. Este trabajo se enmarca en los estudios sobre Seguridad Ambiental, particularmente en la teoría de la Escasez Ambiental de Thomas Homer-Dixon y el Grupo de Toronto, referente a la relación entre la escasez de un recurso natural renovable y el surgimiento de un conflicto.
Contiene: I. Guía didáctica, bibliografía y vocabulario - II. Documentos
From March 1990 to December 1992, the National Institute for Quality Control of Health-INCQS Research Collection received 1476 bacterial samples isolated from human cerebrospinal fluid of patients suspect of meningitis in Rio de Janeiro, from the São Sebastião State Institute of Infectious Diseases (IEISS). Neisseria meningitidis was found in most of these materials, followed in smaller number by Haemophilus sp. and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The great majority of N. meningitidis strains was serogroup B, followed by serogroup C and a few strains of serogroup W135. More than 50 of the isolated bacterial agents came from the predominant 0-4 years age group. The majority of the strains were from patients in the region known as "Baixada Fluminense" (Low Lands). The aim of the work presented here is to obtain samples of meningitis cases in at least 70 of the State of Rio de Janeiro and develop a collaborative research between INCQS-FIOCRUZ and the IEISS, in order to set up a collection of strains for future studies. However, despite work being carried out in a rather satisfactory way, difficulties still arise and have to be overcome, to survey data.