348 resultados para Concordant clines


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BACKGROUND: The Bispectral Index (BIS) reportedly reflects anesthetic depth. It is recommended that anesthetic agents should be titrated to maintain the BIS between 40 and 60 arbitrary BIS units during anesthesia. For anesthesia providers to follow this recommendation, the monitor should be predictably affected by different anesthetic agents and have good interpatient and intrapatient reproducibility. The authors hypothesized that when two BISxp devices (Aspect Medical Systems, Newton, MA) are placed concurrently on the same patient, their readings are concordant throughout the anesthetic period. METHODS: Simultaneous BIS recordings from two BISxp monitors were obtained during anesthesia at 5-s intervals from 12 participants. RESULTS: In total 22,860 concurrent paired BIS readings were obtained. For 10.7% of the time, there were sustained periods of 30 s or greater where the readings suggested a different depth of anesthesia. For 6% of the time, there were sustained periods of 30 s or greater where the readings differed by 10 or more arbitrary BIS units. The regression coefficient (R) for the two devices was 0.65 (range, 0.35-0.92). There was zero bias between the devices, and the 95% limits of agreement ranged between -18 and +17. CONCLUSION: A conflicting anesthetic management was suggested by the simultaneous BIS readings 10.7% of the time. These results suggest that BISxp does not always provide a reproducible single number. Anesthesia providers should not rely exclusively on the BIS reading when assessing depth of anesthesia.


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Genotyping platforms such as Affymetrix can be used to assess genotype-phenotype as well as copy number-phenotype associations at millions of markers. While genotyping algorithms are largely concordant when assessed on HapMap samples, tools to assess copy number changes are more variable and often discordant. One explanation for the discordance is that copy number estimates are susceptible to systematic differences between groups of samples that were processed at different times or by different labs. Analysis algorithms that do not adjust for batch effects are prone to spurious measures of association. The R package crlmm implements a multilevel model that adjusts for batch effects and provides allele-specific estimates of copy number. This paper illustrates a workflow for the estimation of allele-specific copy number, develops markerand study-level summaries of batch effects, and demonstrates how the marker-level estimates can be integrated with complimentary Bioconductor software for inferring regions of copy number gain or loss. All analyses are performed in the statistical environment R. A compendium for reproducing the analysis is available from the author’s website (http://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~rscharpf/crlmmCompendium/index.html).


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AIMS: To investigate the relationship between extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF) exposure and mortality from leukaemia and brain tumour in a cohort of Swiss railway workers. METHODS: 20,141 Swiss railway employees with 464,129 person-years of follow-up between 1972 and 2002 were studied. Mortality rates for leukaemia and brain tumour of highly exposed train drivers (21 muT average annual exposure) were compared with medium and low exposed occupational groups (i.e. station masters with an average exposure of 1 muT). In addition, individual cumulative exposure was calculated from on-site measurements and modelling of past exposures. RESULTS: The hazard ratio (HR) for leukaemia mortality of train drivers was 1.43 (95% CI 0.74 to 2.77) compared with station masters. For myeloid leukaemia the HR of train drivers was 4.74 (95% CI 1.04 to 21.60) and for Hodgkin's disease 3.29 (95% CI 0.69 to 15.63). Lymphoid leukaemia, non-Hodgkin's disease and brain tumour mortality were not associated with magnetic field exposure. Concordant results were obtained from analyses based on individual cumulative exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Some evidence of an exposure-response association was found for myeloid leukaemia and Hodgkin's disease, but not for other haematopoietic and lymphatic malignancies and brain tumours.


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Colour pattern diversity can be due to random processes or to natural or sexual selection. Consequently, similarities in colour patterns are not always correlated with common ancestry, but may result from convergent evolution under shared selection pressures or drift. Neolamprologus brichardi and Neolamprologus pulcher have been described as two distinct species based on differences in the arrangement of two dark bars on the operculum. Our study uses DNA sequences of the mitochondrial control region to show that relatedness of haplotypes disagrees with species assignment based on head colour pattern. This suggests repeated parallel evolution of particular stripe patterns. The complete lack of shared haplotypes between populations of the same or different phenotypes reflects strong philopatric behaviour, possibly induced by the cooperative breeding mode in which offspring remain in their natal territory and serve as helpers until they disperse to nearby territories or take over a breeding position. Concordant phylogeographic patterns between N. brichardi/N. pulcher populations and other rock-dwelling cichlids suggest that the same colonization routes have been taken by sympatric species and that these routes were affected by lake level fluctuations in the past. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Stent thrombosis (ST) after percutaneous coronary intervention has been the focus of intense interest because of its attendant morbidity and mortality. There is controversy about several facets of the problem. These include the frequency of ST with drug-eluting stents (DES) versus bare-metal stents (BMS), the timing of the event, clinical consequences, risk factors, adjunctive therapy, and new preventive approaches. Information has accrued rapidly from several sources, including randomized controlled clinical trials of DES versus BMS in carefully selected subsets of patients and registry experiences in larger patient groups, which provide a more universal real-world picture. The results from these different data sets are not completely concordant. However, several general conclusions can be made: 1) ST is an infrequent but very severe complication of both BMS and DES; 2) at the present time, during 4 years of follow-up from randomized controlled trials that compared DES and BMS, there is no apparent difference in overall ST frequency, although the time course for occurrence appears to differ, with a relative numeric excess of ST late after DES implant; 3) despite this relative imbalance, no differences in the end points of death or death and infarction between DES and BMS are observed; 4) longer-term follow-up of these patients as well as larger angiographic and clinical subsets of patients who receive this technology outside of randomized trials are required to fully study this issue; and 5) advances in stent platforms for drug elution as well as adjunctive pharmacologic therapy are being evaluated to enhance long-term safety.


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Shear-wave splitting can be a useful technique for determining crustal stress fields in volcanic settings and temporal variations associated with activity. Splitting parameters were determined for a subset of local earthquakes recorded from 2000-2010 at Yellowstone. Analysis was automated using an unsupervised cluster analysis technique to determine optimum splitting parameters from 270 analysis windows for each event. Six stations clearly exhibit preferential fast polarization values sub-orthogonal to the direction of minimum horizontal compression. Yellowstone deformation results in a local crustal stress field differing from the regional field dominated by NE-SW extension, and fast directions reflect this difference rotating around the caldera maintaining perpendicularity to the rim. One station exhibits temporal variations concordant with identified periods of caldera subsidence and uplift. From splitting measurements, we calculated a crustal anisotropy of ~17-23% and crack density ~0.12-0.17 possibly resulting from stress-aligned fluid filled microcracks in the upper crust and an active hydrothermal system.


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OBJECTIVE: We analysed the production of soluble tumour necrosis factor receptors sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 at sites of inflammation and measured their plasma concentrations to evaluate them as biological markers of disease activity. METHODS: Plasma samples of 35 patients with Behçet's disease (BD) were collected prospectively at monthly intervals and grouped for inactive disease, active BD without arthritis, and active BD with arthritis. sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 concentrations were measured using immunoassays and compared with other biological disease activity parameters. Plasma sTNFR levels were compared to synovial fluid (SF) levels in seven patients. Sixteen tissue samples of mucocutaneous lesions were stained for TNFR2 expression by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 were found at increased plasma concentrations in active BD, with the highest concentration in active BD with arthritis (p<0.001). Concentrations of both sTNFRs were at least three times higher in SF of arthritic joints than in the corresponding plasma samples (p = 0.025). A change of more than 1 ng/mL of sTNFR2 plasma concentrations correlated with a concordant change in arthritic activity (96% confidence interval). Sensitivity to change was superior to that of sTNFR1, and other biological disease activity parameters such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), immunoglobulin (Ig)G, IgA, and interleukin (IL)-10 plasma concentrations. A strong staining for TNFR2 was found in mucocutaneous lesions, where mast cells were identified as the major source for this receptor. CONCLUSIONS: This longitudinal study demonstrates that sTNFR2 plasma concentrations are closely linked with active BD, and especially with arthritis. Taken together with the expression of TNFR molecules in mast cells of mucocutaneous lesions, our results indicate a fundamental role for the TNF/TNFR pathway in BD.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) is associated with a mortality rate of up to 18%, therefore requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment. Our aim was to evaluate the diagnostic value of perfusion CT (PCT) in the differential diagnosis of NCSE versus postictal states in patients presenting with persistent altered mental states after a preceding epileptic seizure. We hypothesized that regional cortical hyperperfusion can be measured by PCT in patients with NCSE, whereas it is not present in postictal states. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nineteen patients with persistent altered mental status after a preceding epileptic seizure underwent PCT and electroencephalography (EEG). Patients were stratified as presenting with NCSE (n = 9) or a postictal state (n = 10) on the basis of clinical history and EEG data. Quantitative and visual analysis of the perfusion maps was performed. RESULTS: Patients during NCSE had significantly increased regional cerebral blood flow (P > .0001), increased regional cerebral blood volume (P > .001), and decreased (P > .001) mean transit time compared with the postictal state. Regional cortical hyperperfusion was depicted in 7/9 of patients with NCSE by ad hoc analysis of parametric perfusion maps during emergency conditions but was not a feature of postictal states. The areas of hyperperfusion were concordant with transient clinical symptoms and EEG topography in all cases. CONCLUSIONS: Visual analysis of perfusion maps detected regional hyperperfusion in NCSE with a sensitivity of 78%. The broad availability and short processing time of PCT in an emergency situation is a benefit compared with EEG. Consequently, the use of PCT in epilepsy may accelerate the diagnosis of NCSE. PCT may qualify as a complementary diagnostic tool to EEG in patients with persistent altered mental state after a preceding seizure.


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Adaptive and non-adaptive evolutionary processes are likely to play important roles in biological invasions but their relative importance has hardly ever been quantified. Moreover, although genetic differences between populations in their native versus invasive ranges may simply reflect different positions along a genetic latitudinal cline, this has rarely been controlled for. To study non-adaptive evolutionary processes in invasion of Mimulus guttatus, we used allozyme analyses on offspring of seven native populations from western North America, and three and four invasive populations from Scotland and New Zealand, respectively. To study quantitative genetic differentiation, we grew 2474 plants representing 17 native populations and the seven invasive populations in a common greenhouse environment under temporarily and permanently wet soil conditions. The absence of allozyme differentiation between the invasive and native range indicates that multiple genotypes had been introduced to Scotland and New Zealand, and suggests that founder effects and genetic drift played small, if any, roles in shaping genetic structure of invasive M. guttatus populations. Plants from the invasive and native range did not differ in phenology, floral traits and sexual and vegetative reproduction, and also not in plastic responses to the watering treatments. However, plants from the invasive range produced twice as many flower-bearing upright side branches than the ones from the native populations. Further, with increasing latitude of collection, vegetative reproduction of our experimental plants increased while sexual reproduction decreased. Plants from the invasive and native range shared these latitudinal clines. Because allozymes showed that the relatedness between native and invasive populations did not depend on latitude, this suggests that plants in the invasive regions have adapted to the local latitude. Overall, our study indicates that quantitative genetic variation of M. guttatus in its two invasive regions is shaped by adaptive evolutionary processes rather than by non-adaptive ones. (C) 2007 Gesellschaft fur Okologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The reliable quantification of gene copy number variations is a precondition for future investigations regarding their functional relevance. To date, there is no generally accepted gold standard method for copy number quantification, and methods in current use have given inconsistent results in selected cohorts. In this study, we compare two methods for copy number quantification. beta-defensin gene copy numbers were determined in parallel in 80 genomic DNA samples by real-time PCR and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA). The pyrosequencing-based paralog ratio test (PPRT) was used as a standard of comparison in 79 out of 80 samples. Realtime PCR and MPLA results confirmed concordant DEFB4, DEFB103A, and DEFB104A copy numbers within samples. These two methods showed identical results in 32 out of 80 samples; 29 of these 32 samples comprised four or fewer copies. The coefficient of variation of MLPA is lower compared with PCR. In addition, the consistency between MLPA and PPRT is higher than either PCR/MLPA or PCR/PPRT consistency. In summary, these results suggest that MLPA is superior to real-time PCR in beta-defensin copy number quantification.


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Fractures and soft-tissue injuries of the neck are of great importance in forensic pathology, as they help in assessing whether strangulation took place, and if so, how severely. In this study, we examined the usefulness of post-mortem imaging with multislice computed tomography (MSCT) in detecting lesions of the laryngohyoid structures and the surrounding soft-tissues. For this purpose, we examined MSCT images of the neck of eight deceased persons who had suffered different types of strangulation and compared the findings with those obtained at the subsequent forensic autopsy. In six of the eight cases (75%), the fracture findings at autopsy were concordant with those found with MSCT. In the two non-congruent cases, MSCT revealed fractures, which were not discovered at autopsy. Soft-tissue haemorrhages were detected by autopsy in five cases, but only in one case with MSCT. MSCT does not suffice in detecting soft-tissue injuries. These preliminary results are promising regarding the detection of fractures in strangulation cases. If these results can be confirmed in larger studies, we believe that post-mortem MSCT may serve - in combination with a thorough external examination and a profound incident-scene investigation - as a useful decision-making tool regarding the necessity of further examinations, i.e. autopsy.


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The genetic determinants and phenotypic traits which make a Staphylococcus aureus strain a successful colonizer are largely unknown. The genetic diversity and population structure of 133 S. aureus isolates from healthy, generally risk-free adult carriers were investigated using four different typing methods: multilocus sequence typing (MLST), amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis (AFLP), double-locus sequence typing (DLST), and spa typing were compared. Carriage isolates displayed great genetic diversity which could only be revealed fully by DLST. Results of AFLP and MLST were highly concordant in the delineation of genotypic clusters of closely related isolates, roughly equivalent to clonal complexes. spa typing and DLST provided considerably less phylogenetic information. The resolution of spa typing was similar to that of AFLP and inferior to that of DLST. AFLP proved to be the most universal method, combining a phylogeny-building capacity similar to that of MLST with a much higher resolution. However, it had a lower reproducibility than sequencing-based MLST, DLST, and spa typing. We found two cases of methicillin-resistant S. aureus colonization, both of which were most likely associated with employment at a health service. Of 21 genotypic clusters detected, 2 were most prevalent: cluster 45 and cluster 30 each colonized 24% of the carrier population. The number of bacteria found in nasal samples varied significantly among the clusters, but the most prevalent clusters were not particularly numerous in the nasal samples. We did not find much evidence that genotypic clusters were associated with different carrier characteristics, such as age, sex, medical conditions, or antibiotic use. This may provide empirical support for the idea that genetic clusters in bacteria are maintained in the absence of adaptation to different niches. Alternatively, carrier characteristics other than those evaluated here or factors other than human hosts may exert selective pressure maintaining genotypic clusters.


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Altitudinal gradients offer valuable study systems to investigate how adap- tive genetic diversity is distributed within and between natural populations and which factors promote or prevent adaptive differentiation. The environ- mental clines along altitudinal gradients tend to be steep relative to the dispersal distance of many organisms, providing an opportunity to study the joint effects of divergent natural selection and gene flow. Temperature is one variable showing consistent altitudinal changes, and altitudinal gradi- ents can therefore provide spatial surrogates for some of the changes antici- pated under climate change. Here, we investigate the extent and patterns of adaptive divergence in animal populations along altitudinal gradients by sur- veying the literature for (i) studies on phenotypic variation assessed under common garden or reciprocal transplant designs and (ii) studies looking for signatures of divergent selection at the molecular level. Phenotypic data show that significant between-population differences are common and taxo- nomically widespread, involving traits such as mass, wing size, tolerance to thermal extremes and melanization. Several lines of evidence suggest that some of the observed differences are adaptively relevant, but rigorous tests of local adaptation or the link between specific phenotypes and fitness are sorely lacking. Evidence for a role of altitudinal adaptation also exists for a number of candidate genes, most prominently haemoglobin, and for anony- mous molecular markers. Novel genomic approaches may provide valuable tools for studying adaptive diversity, also in species that are not amenable to experimentation.


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PURPOSE Abundant expression of somatostatin receptors (sst) is a characteristic of neuroendocrine tumors (NET). Thus, radiolabeled somatostatin analogs have emerged as important tools for both in vivo diagnosis and therapy of NET. The two compounds most often used in functional imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) are (68)Ga-DOTATATE and (68)Ga-DOTATOC. Both analogs share a quite similar sst binding profile. However, the in vitro affinity of (68)Ga-DOTATATE in binding the sst subtype 2 (sst2) is approximately tenfold higher than that of (68)Ga-DOTATOC. This difference may affect their efficiency in detection of NET lesions, as sst2 is the predominant receptor subtype on gastroenteropancreatic NET. We thus compared the diagnostic value of PET/CT with both radiolabeled somatostatin analogs ((68)Ga-DOTATATE and (68)Ga-DOTATOC) in the same patients with gastroenteropancreatic NET. PATIENTS AND METHODS Twenty-seven patients with metastatic gastroenteropancreatic NET underwent (68)Ga-DOTATOC and (68)Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT as part of the workup before prospective peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT). The performance of both imaging methods was analyzed and compared for detection of individual lesions per patient and for eight defined body regions. A region was regarded as positive if at least one lesion was detected in that region. In addition, radiopeptide uptake in terms of the maximal standardized uptake value (SUV(max)) was compared for concordant lesions and renal parenchyma. RESULTS Fifty-one regions were found positive with both (68)Ga-DOTATATE and (68)Ga-DOTATOC. Overall, however, significantly fewer lesions were detected with (68)Ga-DOTATATE in comparison with (68)Ga-DOTATOC (174 versus 179, p < 0.05). Mean (68)Ga-DOTATATE SUV(max) across all lesions was significantly lower compared with (68)Ga-DOTATOC (16.9 ± 6.8 versus 22.1 ± 12.0, p < 0.01). Mean SUV(max) for renal parenchyma was not significantly different between (68)Ga-DOTATATE and (68)Ga-DOTATOC (12.6 ± 2.6 versus 12.6 ± 2.7). CONCLUSIONS (68)Ga-DOTATOC and (68)Ga-DOTATATE possess similar diagnostic accuracy for detection of gastroenteropancreatic NET lesions (with a potential advantage of (68)Ga-DOTATOC) despite their evident difference in affinity for sst2. Quite unexpectedly, maximal uptake of (68)Ga-DOTATOC tended to be higher than its (68)Ga-DOTATATE counterpart. However, tumor uptake shows high inter- and intraindividual variance with unpredictable preference of one radiopeptide. Thus, our data encourage the application of different sst ligands to enable personalized imaging and therapy of gastroenteropancreatic NET with optimal targeting of tumor receptors.


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Resistance of tumors to pharmacologic agents poses a significant problem in the treatment of human malignancies. This study overviews the scope of clinical resistance and focuses upon current research attempts toward investigation of the phenomenon of multidrug resistance (MDR).^ The objective of this investigation was to determine whether gene amplification had a role in the development of the MDR phenotype in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) primarily selected for resistance to vincristine (VCR). A DNA fragment, previously shown to be amplified in two independently derived Chinese hamster cell lines exhibiting the MDR phenotype, was also amplified in VCR hamster lines. Sequences flanking this fragment were shown to contain coding information for a 4.3 kb transcript overproduced in VCR cells. These sequences were not enriched in double minute DNA preparations isolated from VCR cells. There was an approximately forty-fold increase in both the level of gene amplification and transcript overproduction in the VCR cell lines, independent of the level of primary resistance. This DNA amplification and overproduction of the 4.3 kb transcript was also demonstrated in CHO cells independently selected for resistance to Adriamycin and vinblastine.^ All the DNA sequences of two hamster cDNA clones containing 785 and 932 base pair inserts showed direct homology to the published mouse mdr sequences (about 90%). This sequence conservation held for only portions of the gene when the human mdr1 sequences were compared with those from either the mouse or hamster.^ Somatic cell hybrids, constructed between VCR CHO cells and sensitive murine cells, were used to determine whether there was a functional relationship between the chromosome bearing the amplified sequences and the MDR phenotype. Concordant segregation between vincristine resistance, the MDR phenotype, the presence of MDR-associated amplified sequences, overexpression of the mRNA encoded by these sequences, overexpression of the mRNA encoded by these sequences, and CHO chromosome Z1 was consistent with the hypothesis that there is an amplified gene on chromosome Z1 of the VCR CHO cells which is responsible for MDR in these cells. ^