888 resultados para Computer vision system
In this paper, we propose the use of specific system architecture, based on mobile device, for navigation in urban environments. The aim of this work is to assess how virtual and augmented reality interface paradigms can provide enhanced location based services using real-time techniques in the context of these two different technologies. The virtual reality interface is based on faithful graphical representation of the localities of interest, coupled with sensory information on the location and orientation of the user, while the augmented reality interface uses computer vision techniques to capture patterns from the real environment and overlay additional way-finding information, aligned with real imagery, in real-time. The knowledge obtained from the evaluation of the virtual reality navigational experience has been used to inform the design of the augmented reality interface. Initial results of the user testing of the experimental augmented reality system for navigation are presented.
To master changing performance demands, autonomous transport vehicles are deployed to make inhouse material flow applications more flexible. The socalled cellular transport system consists of a multitude of small scale transport vehicles which shall be able to form a swarm. Therefore the vehicles need to detect each other, exchange information amongst each other and sense their environment. By provision of peripherally acquired information of other transport entities, more convenient decisions can be made in terms of navigation and collision avoidance. This paper is a contribution to collective utilization of sensor data in the swarm of cellular transport vehicles.
There is great demand for easily-accessible, user-friendly dietary self-management applications. Yet accurate, fully-automatic estimation of nutritional intake using computer vision methods remains an open research problem. One key element of this problem is the volume estimation, which can be computed from 3D models obtained using multi-view geometry. The paper presents a computational system for volume estimation based on the processing of two meal images. A 3D model of the served meal is reconstructed using the acquired images and the volume is computed from the shape. The algorithm was tested on food models (dummy foods) with known volume and on real served food. Volume accuracy was in the order of 90 %, while the total execution time was below 15 seconds per image pair. The proposed system combines simple and computational affordable methods for 3D reconstruction, remained stable throughout the experiments, operates in near real time, and places minimum constraints on users.
Periacetabular Osteotomy (PAO) is a joint preserving surgical intervention intended to increase femoral head coverage and thereby to improve stability in young patients with hip dysplasia. Previously, we developed a CT-based, computer-assisted program for PAO diagnosis and planning, which allows for quantifying the 3D acetabular morphology with parameters such as acetabular version, inclination, lateral center edge (LCE) angle and femoral head coverage ratio (CO). In order to verify the hypothesis that our morphology-based planning strategy can improve biomechanical characteristics of dysplastic hips, we developed a 3D finite element model based on patient-specific geometry to predict cartilage contact stress change before and after morphology-based planning. Our experimental results demonstrated that the morphology-based planning strategy could reduce cartilage contact pressures and at the same time increase contact areas. In conclusion, our computer-assisted system is an efficient tool for PAO planning.
UNLABELLED OBJECTIVE; Virtual autopsy methods, such as postmortem CT and MRI, are increasingly being used in forensic medicine. Forensic investigators with little to no training in diagnostic radiology and medical laypeople such as state's attorneys often find it difficult to understand the anatomic orientation of axial postmortem CT images. We present a computer-assisted system that permits postmortem CT datasets to be quickly and intuitively resliced in real time at the body to narrow the gap between radiologic imaging and autopsy. CONCLUSION Our system is a potentially valuable tool for planning autopsies, showing findings to medical laypeople, and teaching CT anatomy, thus further closing the gap between radiology and forensic pathology.
Diet management is a key factor for the prevention and treatment of diet-related chronic diseases. Computer vision systems aim to provide automated food intake assessment using meal images. We propose a method for the recognition of already segmented food items in meal images. The method uses a 6-layer deep convolutional neural network to classify food image patches. For each food item, overlapping patches are extracted and classified and the class with the majority of votes is assigned to it. Experiments on a manually annotated dataset with 573 food items justified the choice of the involved components and proved the effectiveness of the proposed system yielding an overall accuracy of 84.9%.
Smartphone-App zur Kohlenhydratberechnung Neue Technologien wie Blutzuckersensoren und moderne Insulinpumpen prägten die Therapie des Typ-1-Diabetes (T1D) in den letzten Jahren in wesentlichem Ausmaß. Smartphones sind aufgrund ihrer rasanten technischen Entwicklung eine weitere Plattform für Applikationen zur Therapieunterstützung bei T1D. GoCARB Hierbei handelt es sich um ein zur Kohlenhydratberechnung entwickeltes System für Personen mit T1D. Die Basis für Endanwender stellt ein Smartphone mit Kamera dar. Zur Berechnung werden 2 mit dem Smartphone aus verschiedenen Winkeln aufgenommene Fotografien einer auf einem Teller angerichteten Mahlzeit benötigt. Zusätzlich ist eine neben dem Teller platzierte Referenzkarte erforderlich. Die Grundlage für die Kohlenhydratberechnung ist ein Computer-Vision-gestütztes Programm, das die Mahlzeiten aufgrund ihrer Farbe und Textur erkennt. Das Volumen der Mahlzeit wird mit Hilfe eines dreidimensional errechneten Modells bestimmt. Durch das Erkennen der Art der Mahlzeiten sowie deren Volumen kann GoCARB den Kohlenhydratanteil unter Einbeziehung von Nährwerttabellen berechnen. Für die Entwicklung des Systems wurde eine Bilddatenbank von mehr als 5000 Mahlzeiten erstellt und genutzt. Resümee Das GoCARB-System befindet sich aktuell in klinischer Evaluierung und ist noch nicht für Patienten verfügbar.
Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Automated tissue characterization is one of the most crucial components of a computer aided diagnosis (CAD) system for interstitial lung diseases (ILDs). Although much research has been conducted in this field, the problem remains challenging. Deep learning techniques have recently achieved impressive results in a variety of computer vision problems, raising expectations that they might be applied in other domains, such as medical image analysis. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a convolutional neural network (CNN), designed for the classification of ILD patterns. The proposed network consists of 5 convolutional layers with 2×2 kernels and LeakyReLU activations, followed by average pooling with size equal to the size of the final feature maps and three dense layers. The last dense layer has 7 outputs, equivalent to the classes considered: healthy, ground glass opacity (GGO), micronodules, consolidation, reticulation, honeycombing and a combination of GGO/reticulation. To train and evaluate the CNN, we used a dataset of 14696 image patches, derived by 120 CT scans from different scanners and hospitals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first deep CNN designed for the specific problem. A comparative analysis proved the effectiveness of the proposed CNN against previous methods in a challenging dataset. The classification performance (~85.5%) demonstrated the potential of CNNs in analyzing lung patterns. Future work includes, extending the CNN to three-dimensional data provided by CT volume scans and integrating the proposed method into a CAD system that aims to provide differential diagnosis for ILDs as a supportive tool for radiologists.
The technological advances in last decades have transformed the external resources of Vocational Counseling, Occupational Information and assessment of clients. Most computer systems follow a behaviorist-cognitive approach. However, the use of vocational counseling software is not exclusive to one conceptual approach. Computers are introduced in education from primary school; counselors and other educators are expected to use those systems. The attitude of counselors ranges from enthusiastic acceptance to complete refusal. Many counselors fear that computers will replace them. An underlying theory holds that counseling is based on the counselor-client interaction. A computer- client interaction cannot be considered vocational counseling. Counseling has five basic aims: prevention, assistance, education and development, service of diverse groups and research. The most relevant trends in computer-based counseling are: tests and questionnaires based on computers, adaptive development, computarized information, vocational counseling systems and research. Basic aims and the potential role of computers in achieving them are discussed. Present vocational counselors can use the technology of computers to link the past of our profession to its promising future. In view of these premises we have developed two computer systems that assist the vocational counseling process: "Professional Interests Questionnaire, Computer Version", and "Computer-based System of Vocational Counseling".
The technological advances in last decades have transformed the external resources of Vocational Counseling, Occupational Information and assessment of clients. Most computer systems follow a behaviorist-cognitive approach. However, the use of vocational counseling software is not exclusive to one conceptual approach. Computers are introduced in education from primary school; counselors and other educators are expected to use those systems. The attitude of counselors ranges from enthusiastic acceptance to complete refusal. Many counselors fear that computers will replace them. An underlying theory holds that counseling is based on the counselor-client interaction. A computer- client interaction cannot be considered vocational counseling. Counseling has five basic aims: prevention, assistance, education and development, service of diverse groups and research. The most relevant trends in computer-based counseling are: tests and questionnaires based on computers, adaptive development, computarized information, vocational counseling systems and research. Basic aims and the potential role of computers in achieving them are discussed. Present vocational counselors can use the technology of computers to link the past of our profession to its promising future. In view of these premises we have developed two computer systems that assist the vocational counseling process: "Professional Interests Questionnaire, Computer Version", and "Computer-based System of Vocational Counseling".
The technological advances in last decades have transformed the external resources of Vocational Counseling, Occupational Information and assessment of clients. Most computer systems follow a behaviorist-cognitive approach. However, the use of vocational counseling software is not exclusive to one conceptual approach. Computers are introduced in education from primary school; counselors and other educators are expected to use those systems. The attitude of counselors ranges from enthusiastic acceptance to complete refusal. Many counselors fear that computers will replace them. An underlying theory holds that counseling is based on the counselor-client interaction. A computer- client interaction cannot be considered vocational counseling. Counseling has five basic aims: prevention, assistance, education and development, service of diverse groups and research. The most relevant trends in computer-based counseling are: tests and questionnaires based on computers, adaptive development, computarized information, vocational counseling systems and research. Basic aims and the potential role of computers in achieving them are discussed. Present vocational counselors can use the technology of computers to link the past of our profession to its promising future. In view of these premises we have developed two computer systems that assist the vocational counseling process: "Professional Interests Questionnaire, Computer Version", and "Computer-based System of Vocational Counseling".
En esta tesis se aborda la detección y el seguimiento automático de vehículos mediante técnicas de visión artificial con una cámara monocular embarcada. Este problema ha suscitado un gran interés por parte de la industria automovilística y de la comunidad científica ya que supone el primer paso en aras de la ayuda a la conducción, la prevención de accidentes y, en última instancia, la conducción automática. A pesar de que se le ha dedicado mucho esfuerzo en los últimos años, de momento no se ha encontrado ninguna solución completamente satisfactoria y por lo tanto continúa siendo un tema de investigación abierto. Los principales problemas que plantean la detección y seguimiento mediante visión artificial son la gran variabilidad entre vehículos, un fondo que cambia dinámicamente debido al movimiento de la cámara, y la necesidad de operar en tiempo real. En este contexto, esta tesis propone un marco unificado para la detección y seguimiento de vehículos que afronta los problemas descritos mediante un enfoque estadístico. El marco se compone de tres grandes bloques, i.e., generación de hipótesis, verificación de hipótesis, y seguimiento de vehículos, que se llevan a cabo de manera secuencial. No obstante, se potencia el intercambio de información entre los diferentes bloques con objeto de obtener el máximo grado posible de adaptación a cambios en el entorno y de reducir el coste computacional. Para abordar la primera tarea de generación de hipótesis, se proponen dos métodos complementarios basados respectivamente en el análisis de la apariencia y la geometría de la escena. Para ello resulta especialmente interesante el uso de un dominio transformado en el que se elimina la perspectiva de la imagen original, puesto que este dominio permite una búsqueda rápida dentro de la imagen y por tanto una generación eficiente de hipótesis de localización de los vehículos. Los candidatos finales se obtienen por medio de un marco colaborativo entre el dominio original y el dominio transformado. Para la verificación de hipótesis se adopta un método de aprendizaje supervisado. Así, se evalúan algunos de los métodos de extracción de características más populares y se proponen nuevos descriptores con arreglo al conocimiento de la apariencia de los vehículos. Para evaluar la efectividad en la tarea de clasificación de estos descriptores, y dado que no existen bases de datos públicas que se adapten al problema descrito, se ha generado una nueva base de datos sobre la que se han realizado pruebas masivas. Finalmente, se presenta una metodología para la fusión de los diferentes clasificadores y se plantea una discusión sobre las combinaciones que ofrecen los mejores resultados. El núcleo del marco propuesto está constituido por un método Bayesiano de seguimiento basado en filtros de partículas. Se plantean contribuciones en los tres elementos fundamentales de estos filtros: el algoritmo de inferencia, el modelo dinámico y el modelo de observación. En concreto, se propone el uso de un método de muestreo basado en MCMC que evita el elevado coste computacional de los filtros de partículas tradicionales y por consiguiente permite que el modelado conjunto de múltiples vehículos sea computacionalmente viable. Por otra parte, el dominio transformado mencionado anteriormente permite la definición de un modelo dinámico de velocidad constante ya que se preserva el movimiento suave de los vehículos en autopistas. Por último, se propone un modelo de observación que integra diferentes características. En particular, además de la apariencia de los vehículos, el modelo tiene en cuenta también toda la información recibida de los bloques de procesamiento previos. El método propuesto se ejecuta en tiempo real en un ordenador de propósito general y da unos resultados sobresalientes en comparación con los métodos tradicionales. ABSTRACT This thesis addresses on-road vehicle detection and tracking with a monocular vision system. This problem has attracted the attention of the automotive industry and the research community as it is the first step for driver assistance and collision avoidance systems and for eventual autonomous driving. Although many effort has been devoted to address it in recent years, no satisfactory solution has yet been devised and thus it is an active research issue. The main challenges for vision-based vehicle detection and tracking are the high variability among vehicles, the dynamically changing background due to camera motion and the real-time processing requirement. In this thesis, a unified approach using statistical methods is presented for vehicle detection and tracking that tackles these issues. The approach is divided into three primary tasks, i.e., vehicle hypothesis generation, hypothesis verification, and vehicle tracking, which are performed sequentially. Nevertheless, the exchange of information between processing blocks is fostered so that the maximum degree of adaptation to changes in the environment can be achieved and the computational cost is alleviated. Two complementary strategies are proposed to address the first task, i.e., hypothesis generation, based respectively on appearance and geometry analysis. To this end, the use of a rectified domain in which the perspective is removed from the original image is especially interesting, as it allows for fast image scanning and coarse hypothesis generation. The final vehicle candidates are produced using a collaborative framework between the original and the rectified domains. A supervised classification strategy is adopted for the verification of the hypothesized vehicle locations. In particular, state-of-the-art methods for feature extraction are evaluated and new descriptors are proposed by exploiting the knowledge on vehicle appearance. Due to the lack of appropriate public databases, a new database is generated and the classification performance of the descriptors is extensively tested on it. Finally, a methodology for the fusion of the different classifiers is presented and the best combinations are discussed. The core of the proposed approach is a Bayesian tracking framework using particle filters. Contributions are made on its three key elements: the inference algorithm, the dynamic model and the observation model. In particular, the use of a Markov chain Monte Carlo method is proposed for sampling, which circumvents the exponential complexity increase of traditional particle filters thus making joint multiple vehicle tracking affordable. On the other hand, the aforementioned rectified domain allows for the definition of a constant-velocity dynamic model since it preserves the smooth motion of vehicles in highways. Finally, a multiple-cue observation model is proposed that not only accounts for vehicle appearance but also integrates the available information from the analysis in the previous blocks. The proposed approach is proven to run near real-time in a general purpose PC and to deliver outstanding results compared to traditional methods.
This paper proposes a novel design of a reconfigurable humanoid robot head, based on biological likeness of human being so that the humanoid robot could agreeably interact with people in various everyday tasks. The proposed humanoid head has a modular and adaptive structural design and is equipped with three main components: frame, neck motion system and omnidirectional stereovision system modules. The omnidirectional stereovision system module being the last module, a motivating contribution with regard to other computer vision systems implemented in former humanoids, it opens new research possibilities for achieving human-like behaviour. A proposal for a real-time catadioptric stereovision system is presented, including stereo geometry for rectifying the system configuration and depth estimation. The methodology for an initial approach for visual servoing tasks is divided into two phases, first related to the robust detection of moving objects, their depth estimation and position calculation, and second the development of attention-based control strategies. Perception capabilities provided allow the extraction of 3D information from a wide range of visions from uncontrolled dynamic environments, and work results are illustrated through a number of experiments.
The genus Diplotaxis, comprising 32 or 34 species, plus several additional infraspecific taxa, displays a considerable degree of heterogeneity in the morphology, molecular markers, chromosome numbers and geographical amplitude of the species. The taxonomic relationships within the genus Diplotaxis were investigated by phenetic characterisation of germplasm belonging to 27 taxa of the genus, because there is an increasing interest in Diplotaxis, since some of its species (D. tenuifolia, D. muralis) are gathered or cultivated for human consumption, whereas others are frequent arable weeds (D. erucoides) in many European vineyards. Using a computer-aided vision system, 33 morpho-colorimetric features of seeds were electronically measured. The data were used to implement a statistical classifier, which is able to discriminate the taxa within the genus Diplotaxis, in order to compare the resulting species grouping with the current infrageneric systematics of this genus. Despite the high heterogeneity of the samples, due to the great intra-population variability, the stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis method, applied to distinguish the groups, was able to reach over 80% correct identification. The results obtained allowed us to confirm the current taxonomic position of most taxa and suggested the taxonomic position of others for reconsideration.
El principal objetivo de esta tesis es dotar a los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs, por sus siglas en inglés) de una fuente de información adicional basada en visión. Esta fuente de información proviene de cámaras ubicadas a bordo de los vehículos o en el suelo. Con ella se busca que los UAVs realicen tareas de aterrizaje o inspección guiados por visión, especialmente en aquellas situaciones en las que no haya disponibilidad de estimar la posición del vehículo con base en GPS, cuando las estimaciones de GPS no tengan la suficiente precisión requerida por las tareas a realizar, o cuando restricciones de carga de pago impidan añadir sensores a bordo de los vehículos. Esta tesis trata con tres de las principales áreas de la visión por computador: seguimiento visual y estimación visual de la pose (posición y orientación), que a su vez constituyen la base de la tercera, denominada control servo visual, que en nuestra aplicación se enfoca en el empleo de información visual para controlar los UAVs. Al respecto, esta tesis se ocupa de presentar propuestas novedosas que permitan solucionar problemas relativos al seguimiento de objetos mediante cámaras ubicadas a bordo de los UAVs, se ocupa de la estimación de la pose de los UAVs basada en información visual obtenida por cámaras ubicadas en el suelo o a bordo, y también se ocupa de la aplicación de las técnicas propuestas para solucionar diferentes problemas, como aquellos concernientes al seguimiento visual para tareas de reabastecimiento autónomo en vuelo o al aterrizaje basado en visión, entre otros. Las diversas técnicas de visión por computador presentadas en esta tesis se proponen con el fin de solucionar dificultades que suelen presentarse cuando se realizan tareas basadas en visión con UAVs, como las relativas a la obtención, en tiempo real, de estimaciones robustas, o como problemas generados por vibraciones. Los algoritmos propuestos en esta tesis han sido probados con información de imágenes reales obtenidas realizando pruebas on-line y off-line. Diversos mecanismos de evaluación han sido empleados con el propósito de analizar el desempeño de los algoritmos propuestos, entre los que se incluyen datos simulados, imágenes de vuelos reales, estimaciones precisas de posición empleando el sistema VICON y comparaciones con algoritmos del estado del arte. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los algoritmos de visión por computador propuestos tienen un desempeño que es comparable e incluso mejor al de algoritmos que se encuentran en el estado del arte. Los algoritmos propuestos permiten la obtención de estimaciones robustas en tiempo real, lo cual permite su uso en tareas de control visual. El desempeño de estos algoritmos es apropiado para las exigencias de las distintas aplicaciones examinadas: reabastecimiento autónomo en vuelo, aterrizaje y estimación del estado del UAV. Abstract The main objective of this thesis is to provide Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with an additional vision-based source of information extracted by cameras located either on-board or on the ground, in order to allow UAVs to develop visually guided tasks, such as landing or inspection, especially in situations where GPS information is not available, where GPS-based position estimation is not accurate enough for the task to develop, or where payload restrictions do not allow the incorporation of additional sensors on-board. This thesis covers three of the main computer vision areas: visual tracking and visual pose estimation, which are the bases the third one called visual servoing, which, in this work, focuses on using visual information to control UAVs. In this sense, the thesis focuses on presenting novel solutions for solving the tracking problem of objects when using cameras on-board UAVs, on estimating the pose of the UAVs based on the visual information collected by cameras located either on the ground or on-board, and also focuses on applying these proposed techniques for solving different problems, such as visual tracking for aerial refuelling or vision-based landing, among others. The different computer vision techniques presented in this thesis are proposed to solve some of the frequently problems found when addressing vision-based tasks in UAVs, such as obtaining robust vision-based estimations at real-time frame rates, and problems caused by vibrations, or 3D motion. All the proposed algorithms have been tested with real-image data in on-line and off-line tests. Different evaluation mechanisms have been used to analyze the performance of the proposed algorithms, such as simulated data, images from real-flight tests, publicly available datasets, manually generated ground truth data, accurate position estimations using a VICON system and a robotic cell, and comparison with state of the art algorithms. Results show that the proposed computer vision algorithms obtain performances that are comparable to, or even better than, state of the art algorithms, obtaining robust estimations at real-time frame rates. This proves that the proposed techniques are fast enough for vision-based control tasks. Therefore, the performance of the proposed vision algorithms has shown to be of a standard appropriate to the different explored applications: aerial refuelling and landing, and state estimation. It is noteworthy that they have low computational overheads for vision systems.