961 resultados para Commercial egg-laying
An experiment was conduced to evaluate the inclusion of sunflower meal (SBM) in commercial layer diets formulated on total or digestible amino acids basis. One hundred forty-four 41-week-old Lohmann LSL layers were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design in a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement with three replications of six birds each. Treatments consisted of a combination of four SBM inclusion levels SBM(0%, 4%, 8%, and 12%) and feed formulation according two amino acid recommendations (total or digestible). The experimental period was divided into five periods of fourteen days. Performance parameters (egg production, feed intake, feed conversion, egg mass) were evaluated for each period. In the last two days of each period, three eggs per replication were collected to evaluate egg quality (Haugh units, specific gravity, egg weight, eggshell thickness, and eggshell percentage). Hens fed on total amino acid recommendation presented the highest values for egg weight. Diets formulated on digestible amino acids basis showed an improvement in eggshell percentage and egg specific gravity. SBM addition in commercial layer diets did not influence performance; however, increasing SBM dietary levels SBM improved eggshell quality.
The objective of the presente study was to evaluate the effects on different dietary fiber sources and crude protein levels on the intestinal morphometry of commercial layers. Isa Brown® layers with 48 weeks of age were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with a 3 x 2 + 1 factorial arrangement, resulting in seven treatments with seven replicates of eight birds each. At the end of the fourth experimental period (28 days each), birds were 64 weeks of age and were randomly chosen (two birds per replicate, totaling 14 birds per treatment), weighed and sacrificed by neck dislocation. Their intestine was dissected and the duodenum, jejunum and ileum were collected for subsequent analysis of intestinal morphometry. Treatments consisted of diets containing three different fiber sources (cottonseed hulls, soybean hulls or rice husks) and two crude protein levels (12% or 16%). Soybean hulls and 16% crude protein level promoted, in general, an increase in villus height and crypt depth in the three intestinal segments. In the duodenum, the control diet resulted in higher villus height and crypt depth relative to the diets containing fiber. In the jejunum, higher crypt depth values. In the ileum, dietary fiber increased villus height as compared to the control diet.
Dois experimentos foram realizados para estudar os efeitos da relação (Na + K)/Cl na dieta de poedeiras comerciais no final do ciclo de postura, pela adição de bicarbonato de sódio (NaHCO3), cloreto de sódio (NaCl), cloreto de potássio (KCl) e cloreto de amônia (NH4Cl), avaliando-se os parâmetros produtivos e características do plasma sangüíneo. O primeiro experimento envolveu cinco tratamentos: 0,30% de NaCl; 0,30% de NaCl + 0,95% de NaHCO3; 0,38% de KCl + 0,67% de NaHCO3; 0,38% de KCl + 1,62% de NaHCO3; e 0,38% de KCL + 2,56% de NaHCO3. A relação (Na + K)/Cl foi, respectivamente, 3,46; 4,46; 4,46; 5,46; e 6,46. O segundo experimento envolveu quatro tratamentos: 0,30% NaCl; 0,47% de NaHCO3 + 0,19 de NH4Cl; 1,17% NaHCO3 + 0,19% de NH4Cl; e 1,88% de NaHCO3 + 0,19% de NH4Cl. A relação (Na + K)/Cl foi 3,46; 4,46; 5,46; e 6,46, respectivamente. No primeiro experimento, o maior consumo alimentar foi observado nas aves alimentadas com dietas contendo 0,30% de NaCl. As aves que consumiram KCl apresentaram melhor conversão alimentar. Foi observado aumento no fósforo e pH do plasma sangüíneo. Aves que receberam dietas em que a relação (Na +K)/Cl foi de 5,46 apresentaram maiores níveis de fósforo no plasma sangüíneo. O aumento do pH no plasma sangüíneo foi observado em aves que receberam dietas com relações de (Na + K)/Cl de 4,46 e 6,46. No segundo experimento, o peso do ovo diminuiu com o aumento do NaHCO3 da dieta.
Foram utilizadas poedeiras comerciais com 27 semanas de idade, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, com três repetições de seis aves por tratamento. Os fatores consistiram de três métodos de estimativa da composição de aminoácidos em ingredientes (tabelas brasileiras, equações de predição e fator para correção de aminoácido em função do teor de proteína do ingrediente) e três recomendações de aminoácidos, sendo duas de aminoácidos digestíveis e uma de aminoácidos totais. Os métodos de estimativa da composição de aminoácidos nos ingredientes afetaram apenas a conversão alimentar e a espessura de casca, que apresentaram os melhores resultados com a utilização das tabelas brasileiras. Embora as recomendações de aminoácidos tenham determinado diferenças em todos os parâmetros de desempenho, não afetaram a qualidade dos ovos. O desempenho das aves foi prejudicado pelos níveis de aminoácidos digestíveis, entretanto, ambas as recomendações promoveram desempenho semelhante e inferior ao de aminoácidos totais. O pior desempenho das aves alimentadas com as rações formuladas com aminoácidos digestíveis pode ser atribuído à deficiência em nitrogênio para a síntese de aminoácidos não-essenciais, visto que o nível protéico foi reduzido (12,5% PB), ou ainda à deficiência nos aminoácidos arginina, histidina, isoleucina, leucina e valina, cujos requerimentos mínimos não foram considerados na formulação das rações.
Este experimento foi conduzido para avaliar as exigências de triptofano e o padrão de recuperação do desempenho de poedeiras alimentadas com rações deficientes em triptofano. Foram utilizadas 160 poedeiras comerciais da linhagem Hisex White distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco níveis de triptofano nas dietas (0,13; 0,15; 0,17; 0,19 e 0,21%), com oito repetições de quatro aves. As poedeiras permaneceram por duas semanas em adaptação (51 a 52 semanas), por seis semanas para avaliação da exigência de triptofano (53 a 58 semanas) e por quatro semanas para determinação do padrão de recuperação do desempenho (59 a 62 semanas). A produção e a massa de ovos foram prejudicadas quando as poedeiras foram alimentadas com rações contendo 0,13% de triptofano, no entanto, o desempenho foi recuperado após uma semana de alimentação com ração contendo 0,21% desse aminoácido. A qualidade interna dos ovos não foi influenciada pelos níveis de triptofano estudados (ingestão de 137,1 a 228,0 mg triptofano/dia). As exigências de triptofano foram estabelecidas entre 161 e 188 mg/dia, dependendo da característica avaliada (produção ou massa de ovos) e do modelo de regressão aplicado (polinomial, exponencial ou segmentado).
The factorial approach has been used to partition the energy requirements into maintenance, growth, and production. The coefficients determined for these purposes can be used to elaborate energy requirement models. These models consider the body weight, weight gain, egg production, and environmental temperature to determine the energy requirements for poultry. Predicting daily energy requirement models can help to establish better and more profitable feeding programs for poultry. Studies were conducted at UNESP-Jaboticabal to determine metabolizable energy (ME) requirement models for broiler breeders, laying hens, and broilers. These models were evaluated in performance trials and provided good adjustments. Therefore, they could be used to establish nutritional programs. This review aims to outline the results found at UNESP studies and to show the application of models in nutritional programs for broiler breeders, laying hens, and broilers.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar traços de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos, em ovos de poedeiras alimentadas com dietas comerciais com inclusão de ingredientes vegetais alternativos e leveduras. A detecção foi feita pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis do carbono e do nitrogênio. Foram utilizadas 384 poedeiras, distribuídas aleatoriamente em oito tratamentos. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma dieta-controle - à base de milho e farelo de soja - e sete dietas com inclusão de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos, acrescidas ou não de outros ingredientes (farelo de trigo, quirera de arroz, farelo de algodão, glúten de milho, levedura de cana e levedura de cerveja). No 35º dia, foram tomados aleatoriamente 24 ovos por tratamento: 12 para análise de ovo e 12 para análise de gema e albúmen, em separado. Após análise isotópica de carbono e nitrogênio, os resultados foram submetidos à análise multivariada de variância. As médias dos pares isotópicos dos ovos, gema e albúmen, em todos os tratamentos, diferiram daquelas do tratamento-controle. A técnica dos isótopos estáveis permite detectar, nos ovos, gema e albúmen, a farinha de carne e ossos bovinos utilizada na dieta de poedeiras, mesmo com a inclusão de outros ingredientes vegetais e leveduras.
This study aimed at evaluating the effects of trace mineral levels and sources supplemented to diets fed to semi-heavy layers in their second laying cycle on the quality of eggs stored for 14 days at different temperatures. The experimental diets consisted of the inclusion of inorganic trace minerals (T1 - control: 100% ITM) and five supplementation levels of organic trace minerals (carboaminophopho chelates) (110, 100, 90, 80, and 70% OTM). Trace mineral inclusion levels (mg/kg feed) were: T1: control - 100% ITM: Zn (54), Fe (54), Mn (72), Cu (10), I (0.61) Se (0.3); T2 - 110% OTM: Zn (59.4), Fe (59.4), Mn (79.2), Cu (11.88), I (1.21) Se (0.59); T3 - 100%: OTM: Zn (54), Fe (54), Mn (72), Cu (10.8), I (1.10) Se (0.54); T4 - 90% OTM: Zn (48.6), Fe (48.6), Mn (64.8), Cu (9.72), I (0.99) Se (0.49); T5 - 80% OTM: Zn (43.2), Fe (43.2), Mn (57.6), Cu (8.64), I (0.88), Se (0.43); T6 - 70% OTM: Zn (37.8), Fe (37.8), Mn (50.4), Cu (7.56), I (0.77) Se (0.38). A completely randomized experimental design in a split-plot arrangement with 60 treatments of four replicates each was applied. The combination of six diets versus storage temperature (room or under refrigeration) was randomized in plots, whereas the sub-plots consisted of storage times (0, 3, 7, 10, and 14 days). Data were submitted to analysis of variance of a model in slip-plots in time using the software package SAS (2000) at 5% probability level. It was concluded that 70% OTM supplementation can be used with no damage to egg quality, independently from storage temperature or time. The quality of refrigerated eggs stored up to 14 days is better than those stored at room temperature.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
With the objective to establish the best metabolizable energy (ME) intake for layers, and the best dietary vegetable oil addition level to optimize egg production, an experiment was carried out with 432 30-week-old Hisex Brown layers. Birds were distributed into nine treatments with six replicates of eight birds each according to a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement, consisting of three daily metabolizable energy intake (280, 300 or 320 kcal/bird/day) and three oil levels (0.00; 0.75 and 1.50 g/bird/day). Daily feed intake was limited to 115, 110 and 105 g/bird in order to obtain the desired energy and oil intake in each treatment. The following parameters were evaluated: initial weight, final weight, body weight change, egg production, egg mass, feed conversion ratio per dozen eggs and per egg mass and energy conversion. There was no influence of the treatments on egg production (%) or egg mass (g/bird/day). Final weight and body weight change were significantly affected by increasing energy intake. Feed conversion ratio per egg mass, feed conversion ratio per dozen eggs and energy conversion significantly worsened as a function of the increase in daily energy intake. An energy intake of 280 kcal/bird/day with no addition of dietary oil does not affect layer performance.
This study aimed at determining the minimum time required for the penetration of Salmonella Heidelberg inside the eggs after contact with contaminated material. Recently-collected brown and white eggs from laying hens between 45-50 weeks of age, reared in a commercial poultry house, were artificially contaminated by contact with wood shavings moistened with liquid inoculum of Salmonella Heidelberg in stationary-growth phase (10³-10(4) CFU g-1). According to type (white or brown), eggs were distributed into three different groups, with four replicates each: negative control group (no artificial contamination), positive control group (analyzed externally immediately after contamination and internally after the maximum storage period of the test group) and test group. Eggs were stored at controlled environmental temperature varying from 25ºC to 30ºC. In the test group, eggs contents (yolk and albumen) were pooled and analyzed after 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, and 4:00 hours after contamination for the presence of Salmonella Heidelberg in 25g of this pool. The experimental unit consisted of five eggs in each test. The analysis protocol included pre-enrichment, selective enrichment, plating on selective agar, and biochemical and serological tests. The results obtained were submitted to logistic regression, which indicated that the presence of Salmonella Heidelberg was verified after 2:16 h and 2:44 h of contact with white and brown eggs, respectively.