799 resultados para Comfort


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Due to their high adsorption capacity of water vapor, earthen plasters can act as a moisture buffer, contributing to balance the relative humidity of the indoor environment of buildings. As a consequence of this capacity earthen plasters may also contribute to the perception of thermal comfort, since a high relative humidity increases the thermal conductivity of air and restricts skin evaporation, increasing the discomfort associated with the perception of heat or cold. Simultaneously, earthen plasters may also contribute to the indoor air quality. In one hand, by mitigating health problems of the respiratory system associated with indoor environment with high relative humidity, in which increases the risk of development of microorganisms usually responsible for infections, allergies or asthma. In the other hand, by mitigating the probability of inflammation of the respiratory system airways associated to exceedingly dry indoor environments. Therefore it also becomes expectable that earthen plasters may contribute for reducing the needs for air conditioning and mechanical ventilation in buildings and, thereby, also allowing the reduction of the associated energy consumption. The «Barrocal» region, located in the sedimentary basin of Algarve, South Portugal, presents geomorphological characteristics that promote the occurrence of soils with a clay mineralogy dominated by illite, which is a clay mineral characterized by a high adsorption capacity of water vapor and low expansibility. This fact turns expectable that these soils have a high potential for interior plastering. In order to evaluate this potential four mortars were formulated with an increasing content of clayey soil extracted from a selected clay quarry from «Barrocal» region. The results from the preliminary characterization campaign confirmed the reduced linear shrinkage of these mortars, as well as their high adsorption-desorption capacity, that is positively correlated with the content of clayey soil present in mortar formulation. However, the mechanical tests showed that the mechanical resistance of these mortars should be improved, for instance through the addition of natural fibers for reinforcement, which will be investigated in future research. This research contributed to increase certainty regarding the potential of clayey soils of the «Barrocal» sub-region of Algarve to produce mortars suitable for eco-efficient interior plastering.


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High reflective paints (cool paints) are used on flat roofs to reduce heat gains from the incidence of solar radiation and thus improve the thermal comfort and energy efficiency of buildings, especially in summer periods. Given the application potential of these paints on vertical surfaces, a research study has been developed to evaluate the thermal performance of reflective paints on walls under real exposure conditions. Accordingly, different reflective paints have been applied as the final coating of an ETICS type solution, on the facades of a full scale experimental cell built at LNEC campus. For being applied in an ETICS system a paint has to fulfill several requirements, whether aesthetic or functional (such as the adhesion between the coating layers or the durability of the insulation), essential for its efficient performance. Since this construction coating system is subject to a prolonged sun exposure, various problems may arise, such as paint degradation or deterioration of the thermal insulation properties, particularly when dark colors are applied. To evaluate the thermal performance of the chosen paints, the method of non-destructive analysis by Infrared Thermography was used. Thermography allows knowing the temperature distribution of facades by measuring the radiation emitted by their surfaces. To complement the thermographic diagnosis, thermocouples were placed between the insulation and the paint system of the experimental cell. Additional laboratory tests allowed the characterization of the optical properties (reflectance and emittance) of the different reflective paints used in this study. The comparative analysis of the thermal performance of reflective and conventional paints revealed that the reflective paint allows a reduction of the facade surface temperature, reducing the risk of loss of insulating properties of the ETICS system and thus ensuring its longevity and functionality. The color of the paint used affects, naturally, the reflective ability of the surface and may have an important role in energy balance of the building. This paper also showed the potential of infrared thermography in the evaluation of the thermal performance of reflective paints.


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Evaporative cooling is a traditional strategy to improve summer comfort, which has gained renewed relevance in the context of the transition to a greener economy. Here, the potential for evaporative cooling of two common porous building materials, natural stone and ceramic brick, was evaluated. The work has relevance also to the protection of built heritage becauseevaporation underlies the problems of dampness and salt crystallization, which are so harmful and frequent in this heritage. It was observed that the drying rate of the materials is, in some cases, higher than the evaporation rate of a free water surface. Surface area measurements by a three-dimensional optical technique suggested, as probable cause of this behavior, that surface irregularity gives rise to a large effective surface of evaporation in the material. Surface temperature measurements by infrared were performed afterward during evaporation experiments outside during a hot summer day in Lisbon. Their results indicate that ordinary building materials can be very efficient evaporative media and, thus, may help in achieving higher energy efficiency while maintaining a simultaneous constructive or architectural function.


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The superfluous consumption of energy is faced by the modern society as a Socio-Economical and Environmental problem of the present days. This situation is worsening given that it is becoming clear that the tendency is to increase energy price every year. It is also noticeable that people, not necessarily proficient in technology, are not able to know where savings can be achieved, due to the absence of accessible awareness mechanisms. One of the home user concerns is to balance the need of reducing energy consumption, while producing the same activity with all the comfort and work efficiency. The common techniques to reduce the consumption are to use a less wasteful equipment, altering the equipment program to a more economical one or disconnecting appliances that are not necessary at the moment. However, there is no direct feedback from this performed actions, which leads to the situation where the user is not aware of the influence that these techniques have in the electrical bill. With the intension to give some control over the home consumption, Energy Management Systems (EMS) were developed. These systems allow the access to the consumption information and help understanding the energy waste. However, some studies have proven that these systems have a clear mismatch between the information that is presented and the one the user finds useful for his daily life, leading to demotivation of use. In order to create a solution more oriented towards the user’s demands, a specially tailored language (DSL) was implemented. This solution allows the user to acquire the information he considers useful, through the construction of questions about his energy consumption. The development of this language, following the Model Driven Development (MDD) approach, took into consideration the ideas of facility managers and home users in the phases of design and validation. These opinions were gathered through meetings with experts and a survey, which was conducted to the purpose of collecting statistics about what home users want to know.


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Clayish earth-based mortars are been recognized, all over the world, as eco-efficient products for plastering. Apart from being a product with low embodied energy when compared to other types of plasters, their application on the interior surface of walls may give a strong contribution for the health and comfort of inhabitants. As part of an ongoing research regarding earth-based plasters this work assesses the influence of the addition of two types of natural fibres – oat straw and typha fiber-wool – on the characteristics of plastering mortars made with a clayish earth. Mechanical and physical characteristics were tested, showing that addition of these fibers contribute to decrease linear drying shrinkage and thermal conductivity, as well as promoting the adhesion strength of plaster to the substrate. The improvement of mechanical resistance reveal to be dependent on the type of fiber added while the hygroscopic capacity of the plaster is maintained regardless of the fiber additions.


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Along with the food and the comfort, safety has always been one of the human priorities. In pursuit of this objective, man developed self-preservation mechanisms, went to live in society and created rules to control the community life. In the West and in the late eighteenth century, with the creation of states as we know them today, the monopoly of security, among other powers, has been preserved untouched until the last quarter of this century. With the bankruptcy of the welfare state and the rise of the regulatory state, many of the essential tasks for the community have also been carried out by private companies or institutions, including education, health care and security. Although not easy, education and health care have been more opened to be managed by the private sector. Instead, the privatization of the security sector has seen much more resistance. Still, especially in the West, the states have delegated some of the security competences to private companies. Portugal is no exception to the rule and, after a few years of unregulated activity, in 1982 was published the first law regulating the private security. After the initial stages of development (evolution and maturation), which lasted until the early years of the 2000‘s, the private security now seems to have reached maturity. Today, now with a new legal system, composed by Law no. 34/2013, of 16 may, its regulations and complementary legislation, now private security encompasses other activities and competences - becoming, an increasingly complement to public safety. It has also increased the pre-requisites and control mechanisms for private security companies, and strengthened the rules that limit their scope of activity.


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Earthen plastering mortars are becoming recognized as highly eco-efficient. The assessment of their technical properties needs to be standardized but only the German standard DIN 18947 exists for the moment. An extended experimental campaign was developed in order to assess multiple properties of a ready-mixed earth plastering mortar and also to increase scientific knowledge of the influence of test procedures on those properties. The experimental campaign showed that some aspects related to the equipment, type of samples and sample preparation can be very important, while others seemed to have less influence on the results and the classification of mortars. It also showed that some complementary tests can easily be performed and considered together with the standardized ones, while others may need to be improved. The plaster satisfied the requirements of the existing German standard but, most importantly, it seemed adequate for application as rehabilitation plaster on historic and modern masonry buildings. Apart from their aesthetic aspect, the contribution of earthen plasters to eco-efficiency and particularly to hygrometric indoor comfort should be highlighted.


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Clayish earth-based mortars can be considered eco-efficient products for indoor plastering since they can contribute to improve important aspects of building performance and sustainability. Apart from being products with low embodied energy when compared to other types of mortars used for interior plastering, mainly due to the use raw clay as natural binder, earth-based plasters may give a significant contribution for health and comfort of inhabitants. Due to high hygroscopicity of clay minerals, earth-based mortars present a high adsorption and desorption capacity, particularly when compared to other type of mortars for interior plastering. This capacity allows earth-based plasters to act as a moisture buffer, balancing the relative humidity of the indoor environment and, simultaneously, acting as a passive removal material, improving air quality. Therefore, earth-based plasters may also passively promote the energy efficiency of buildings, since they may contribute to decreasing the needs of mechanical ventilation and air conditioning. This study is part of an ongoing research regarding earth-based plasters and focuses on mortars specifically formulated with soils extracted from Portuguese ‘Barrocal’ region, in Algarve sedimentary basin. This region presents high potential for interior plastering due to regional geomorphology, that promote the occurrence of illitic soils characterized by a high adsorption capacity and low expansibility. More specifically, this study aims to assess how clayish earth and sand ratio of mortars formulation can influence the physical and mechanical properties of plasters. For this assessment four mortars were formulated with different volumetric proportions of clayish earth and siliceous sand. The results from the physical and mechanical characterization confirmed the significantly low linear shrinkage of all the four mortars, as well as their extraordinary adsorption-desorption capacity. These results presented a positive correlation with mortars´ clayish earth content and are consistent with the mineralogical analysis, that confirmed illite as the prevalent clay mineral in the clayish earth used for this study. Regarding mechanical resistance, although the promising results of the adhesion test, the flexural and compressive strength results suggest that the mechanical resistance of these mortars should be slightly improved. Considering the present results the mortars mechanical resistance improvement may be achieved through the formulation of mortars with higher clayish earth content, or alternatively, through the addition of natural fibers to mortars formulation, very common in this type of mortars. Both those options will be investigated in future research.


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In the early nineties, Mark Weiser wrote a series of seminal papers that introduced the concept of Ubiquitous Computing. According to Weiser, computers require too much attention from the user, drawing his focus from the tasks at hand. Instead of being the centre of attention, computers should be so natural that they would vanish into the human environment. Computers become not only truly pervasive but also effectively invisible and unobtrusive to the user. This requires not only for smaller, cheaper and low power consumption computers, but also for equally convenient display solutions that can be harmoniously integrated into our surroundings. With the advent of Printed Electronics, new ways to link the physical and the digital worlds became available. By combining common printing techniques such as inkjet printing with electro-optical functional inks, it is starting to be possible not only to mass-produce extremely thin, flexible and cost effective electronic circuits but also to introduce electronic functionalities into products where it was previously unavailable. Indeed, Printed Electronics is enabling the creation of novel sensing and display elements for interactive devices, free of form factor. At the same time, the rise in the availability and affordability of digital fabrication technologies, namely of 3D printers, to the average consumer is fostering a new industrial (digital) revolution and the democratisation of innovation. Nowadays, end-users are already able to custom design and manufacture on demand their own physical products, according to their own needs. In the future, they will be able to fabricate interactive digital devices with user-specific form and functionality from the comfort of their homes. This thesis explores how task-specific, low computation, interactive devices capable of presenting dynamic visual information can be created using Printed Electronics technologies, whilst following an approach based on the ideals behind Personal Fabrication. Focus is given on the use of printed electrochromic displays as a medium for delivering dynamic digital information. According to the architecture of the displays, several approaches are highlighted and categorised. Furthermore, a pictorial computation model based on extended cellular automata principles is used to programme dynamic simulation models into matrix-based electrochromic displays. Envisaged applications include the modelling of physical, chemical, biological, and environmental phenomena.


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The way in which electricity networks operate is going through a period of significant change. Renewable generation technologies are having a growing presence and increasing penetrations of generation that are being connected at distribution level. Unfortunately, a renewable energy source is most of the time intermittent and needs to be forecasted. Current trends in Smart grids foresee the accommodation of a variety of distributed generation sources including intermittent renewable sources. It is also expected that smart grids will include demand management resources, widespread communications and control technologies required to use demand response are needed to help the maintenance in supply-demand balance in electricity systems. Consequently, smart household appliances with controllable loads will be likely a common presence in our homes. Thus, new control techniques are requested to manage the loads and achieve all the potential energy present in intermittent energy sources. This thesis is focused on the development of a demand side management control method in a distributed network, aiming the creation of greater flexibility in demand and better ease the integration of renewable technologies. In particular, this work presents a novel multi-agent model-based predictive control method to manage distributed energy systems from the demand side, in presence of limited energy sources with fluctuating output and with energy storage in house-hold or car batteries. Specifically, here is presented a solution for thermal comfort which manages a limited shared energy resource via a demand side management perspective, using an integrated approach which also involves a power price auction and an appliance loads allocation scheme. The control is applied individually to a set of Thermal Control Areas, demand units, where the objective is to minimize the energy usage and not exceed the limited and shared energy resource, while simultaneously indoor temperatures are maintained within a comfort frame. Thermal Control Areas are overall thermodynamically connected in the distributed environment and also coupled by energy related constraints. The energy split is performed based on a fixed sequential order established from a previous completed auction wherein the bids are made by each Thermal Control Area, acting as demand side management agents, based on the daily energy price. The developed solutions are explained with algorithms and are applied to different scenarios, being the results explanatory of the benefits of the proposed approaches.


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The present Working Project aims at studying the topic of assurance mapping in a specific organizational context of a Portuguese retail company. For this purpose, an assurance map framework was designed to support the decision making process of stakeholders, through the delivery of comfort concerning risks, operations and control. In the end, the framework was successfully implemented for the process sourcing of goods in two business units of the company. Although, further implementation of the framework proved not to be feasible during the project’s timespan, it is expected to occur in the near future.


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The construction industry is responsible for high energy and raw materials consumption. Thus, it is important to minimize the high energy consumption by taking advantage of renewable energy sources and reusing industrial waste, decreasing the extraction of natural materials. The mortars with incorporation of phase change materials (PCM) have the ability to regulate the temperature inside buildings, contributing to the thermal comfort and reduction of the use of heating and cooling equipment, using only the energy supplied by the sun. The simultaneous incorporation of PCM and fly ash (FA) can reduce the energy consumption and the amount of materials landfilled. However, the addition of these materials in mortars modifies its characteristics. The main purpose of this study was the production and characterization in the fresh and hardened state of mortars with incorporation of different contents of PCM and FA. The binders studied were aerial lime, hydraulic lime, gypsum and cement. The proportion of PCM studied was 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% of the mass of the sand. The content of fly ash added to the mortars was 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% of the mass of the binder. It was possible to observe that the incorporation of PCM and fly ash in mortars caused differences in properties such as workability, microstructure, water absorption, compressive strength, flexural strength and adhesion.


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Currently we are witnessing a huge concern of society with the parameters of comfort of the buildings and the energetic consumptions. It is known that there is a huge consumption of non-renewable sources of energy. Thus, it is urgent to develop and explore ways to take advantage of renewable sources of energy by improving the energy efficiency of buildings. The mortars with incorporation of phase change materials (PCM) have the ability to regulate the temperature inside buildings, contributing to the thermal comfort and reduction of the use of heating and cooling equipment, using only the energy supplied by the sun. However, the incorporation of phase change materials in mortars modifies its characteristics. The main purpose of this study was mechanical and thermal characterization of mortars with incorporation of PCM in mortars based in different binders. The binders studied were aerial lime, hydraulic lime, gypsum and cement. For each type of binder a reference composition (0% PCM) and a composition with incorporation of 40% of PCM were developed. It was possible to observe that the incorporation of PCM in mortars caused differences in properties such as workability, compressive strength, flexural strength and adhesion, however leads to an improvement of thermal behavior.


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By taking advantage of the appropriate use of cement and polymer based materials and advanced computational tools, a pre-fabricated affordable house was built in a modular system. Modular system refers to the complete structure that is built-up by assembling pre-fabricated sandwich panels composed of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) outer layers that are connected by innovative glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) connectors, resulting in a panel with adequate structural, acoustic, and thermal insulation properties. The modular house was prepared for a typical family of six members, but its living area can be easily increased by assembling other pre-fabricated elements. The speed of construction and the cost of the constructive elements make these houses competitive when compared to traditional solutions. In this paper the relevant research subjacent to this project (LEGOUSE) is briefly described, as well as the construction process of the built real scale prototype.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Construção e Reabilitação Sustentável