909 resultados para Coasting Down.
This article is a reflexive and critical examination of recent empirical research on effective practice in the management and ‘transformation’ of contested urban space at sectarian interfaces in Belfast. By considering the development of interfaces, the areas around them and policy responses to their persistence, the reality of contested space in the context of ‘peace building’ is apparent; with implications for local government as central to the statutory response. Belfast has developed an inbuilt absence of connectivity; where freedom of movement is particularly restricted and separation of contested space is the policy default position. Empirical research findings focus attention on the significance of social and economic regeneration and fall into three specific areas that reflect both long-term concerns within neighbourhoods and the need for adequate policy responses and action ‘on the ground’. Drawing on Elden and Sassen we reconfigure the analytical framework by which interfaces are defined, with implications for policy and practice in post-conflict Belfast. Past and current policy for peace-building in Northern Ireland, and transforming the most contested space, at interfaces in Belfast, is deliberately ambiguous and offers little substance having failed to advance from funding-led linguistic compliance to a sustainable peace-building methodology.
La educación en el Ecuador es uno de los principales problemas sociales debido a las carencias económicas, de infraestructura y pedagógicas existentes; uno de los sectores descuidados por parte de los gobiernos es la educación especial. Tomando en cuenta que aproximadamente 1´600.000 personas padecen algún tipo de deficiencia, y de éstas un 27% presentan deficiencias mentales, se analiza la “Factibilidad para la Instalación de un Instituto para Niños con síndrome de Down en la ciudad de Quito”, el mismo que pretende brindar una alternativa a los padres e hijos de mejorar la calidad de vida, la relación en la sociedad, el manejo de su discapacidad sin discriminaciones por medio de una capacitación lingüística, ocupacional, psicológica y educativa. En la actualidad existen institutos públicos y privados que atienden a personas con discapacidades, pero logran satisfacer únicamente al 2% de la población, por lo que resulta relativamente factible crear un nuevo centro de esta naturaleza, que busca brindar un servicio social a más de una rentabilidad.
Las personas con síndrome de Down tienen los mismos derechos que cualquier otra persona y, como ciudadanos en igualdad de condiciones, es importante que ellos mismos contribuyan al cambio social que se necesita para que el entorno no excluya a las personas que son distintas.
El objetivo de esta guía es mejorar la autodefensa de las personas con síndrome de Down a través del trabajo en colaboración con la familia y el entorno. Se trata de un texto con información útil y consejos prácticos para prevenir la discriminación, confirmar cuándo ésta está teniendo lugar y saber cómo actuar frente a ella.
Dissertação de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Área de especialização em Educação Intercultural), Universidade de Lisboa. Instituto de Educação, 2015
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Fundação Millennium bcp
Current explanatory models for binge eating in binge eating disorder (BED) mostly rely onmodels for bulimianervosa (BN), although research indicates different antecedents for binge eating in BED. This studyinvestigates antecedents and maintaining factors in terms of positive mood, negative mood and tension in asample of 22 women with BED using ecological momentary assessment over a 1-week. Values for negativemood were higher and those for positive mood lower during binge days compared with non-binge days.During binge days, negative mood and tension both strongly and significantly increased and positive moodstrongly and significantly decreased at the first binge episode, followed by a slight though significant, andlonger lasting decrease (negative mood, tension) or increase (positive mood) during a 4-h observation periodfollowing binge eating. Binge eating in BED seems to be triggered by an immediate breakdown of emotionregulation. There are no indications of an accumulation of negative mood triggering binge eating followed byimmediate reinforcing mechanisms in terms of substantial and stable improvement of mood as observed inBN. These differences implicate a further specification of etiological models and could serve as a basis fordeveloping new treatment approaches for BED.
Previous studies have demonstrated that a region in the left ventral occipito-temporal (LvOT) cortex is highly selective to the visual forms of written words and objects relative to closely matched visual stimuli. Here, we investigated why LvOT activation is not higher for reading than picture naming even though written words and pictures of objects have grossly different visual forms. To compare neuronal responses for words and pictures within the same LvOT area, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging adaptation and instructed participants to name target stimuli that followed briefly presented masked primes that were either presented in the same stimulus type as the target (word-word, picture-picture) or a different stimulus type (picture-word, word-picture). We found that activation throughout posterior and anterior parts of LvOT was reduced when the prime had the same name/response as the target irrespective of whether the prime-target relationship was within or between stimulus type. As posterior LvOT is a visual form processing area, and there was no visual form similarity between different stimulus types, we suggest that our results indicate automatic top-down influences from pictures to words and words to pictures. This novel perspective motivates further investigation of the functional properties of this intriguing region.
A field medic attends the injuries of a player during practice in the early 80s.
To explore the idea of education to close the ingenuity gap I use Thomas Homer-Dixon's work to define ingenuity. The notion that the supply of ingenuity to solve our technical and social problems is not keeping pace with the ingenuity required to solve those problems is called the ingenuity gap. Man-made technological developments are increasing the density, intensity, and pace of globalisation. People must reorganise decision-making organisations and problem-solving methods to pragmatically combat the growing ingenuity gap. John Dewey's work illustrates the fundamental attitudes for the thinking and judgment associated with educating for ingenuity. Howard Gardner's idea that truth, beauty, and morality ought to form the core values and tenets of the philosophy of educating for ingenuity is integral to this thesis. The act of teaching facilitates the invitation to the communication necessary to foster ingenuity. John Novak-discusses the five relationships of educational leadership that enhance an environment of ingenuity. The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an existing model of global education, one that defines some of the school experiences and academic development of core values of educating for ingenuity. Expanding upon the structure of the IB and other research within this thesis, I speculate upon what my school, where educating for ingenuity so as to close the ingenuity gap is the goal, would be like.
In this thesis, three main questions were addressed using event-related potentials (ERPs): (1) the timing of lexical semantic access, (2) the influence of "top-down" processes on visual word processing, and (3) the influence of "bottom-up" factors on visual word processing. The timing of lexical semantic access was investigated in two studies using different designs. In Study 1,14 participants completed two tasks: a standard lexical decision (LD) task which required a word/nonword decision to each target stimulus, and a semantically primed version (LS) of it using the same category of words (e.g., animal) within each block following which participants made a category judgment. In Study 2, another 12 participants performed a standard semantic priming task, where target stimulus words (e.g., nurse) could be either semantically related or unrelated to their primes (e.g., doctor, tree) but the order of presentation was randomized. We found evidence in both ERP studies that lexical semantic access might occur early within the first 200 ms (at about 170 ms for Study 1 and at about 160 ms for Study 2). Our results were consistent with more recent ERP and eye-tracking studies and are in contrast with the traditional research focus on the N400 component. "Top-down" processes, such as a person's expectation and strategic decisions, were possible in Study 1 because of the blocked design, but they were not for Study 2 with a randomized design. Comparing results from two studies, we found that visual word processing could be affected by a person's expectation and the effect occurred early at a sensory/perceptual stage: a semantic task effect in the PI component at about 100 ms in the ERP was found in Study 1 , but not in Study 2. Furthermore, we found that such "top-down" influence on visual word processing might be mediated through separate mechanisms depending on whether the stimulus was a word or a nonword. "Bottom-up" factors involve inherent characteristics of particular words, such as bigram frequency (the total frequency of two-letter combinations of a word), word frequency (the frequency of the written form of a word), and neighborhood density (the number of words that can be generated by changing one letter of an original word or nonword). A bigram frequency effect was found when comparing the results from Studies 1 and 2, but it was examined more closely in Study 3. Fourteen participants performed a similar standard lexical decision task but the words and nonwords were selected systematically to provide a greater range in the aforementioned factors. As a result, a total of 18 word conditions were created with 18 nonword conditions matched on neighborhood density and neighborhood frequency. Using multiple regression analyses, we foimd that the PI amplitude was significantly related to bigram frequency for both words and nonwords, consistent with results from Studies 1 and 2. In addition, word frequency and neighborhood frequency were also able to influence the PI amplitude separately for words and for nonwords and there appeared to be a spatial dissociation between the two effects: for words, the word frequency effect in PI was found at the left electrode site; for nonwords, the neighborhood frequency effect in PI was fovind at the right elecfrode site. The implications of otir findings are discussed.
In 2004, the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport (MHPS) established Active2010: Ontario’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategy. Active2010 demonstrates a strong provincial government policy emphasis regarding sport participation and physical activity (PA), and identifies the school system as a primary vehicle for enhancing PA levels. This study examines the sport and PA initiatives MHPS is undertaking within the school system. Theoretical context regarding neo-liberalism in Canada and Canadian sport frames this study, while a revised version of Van Meter and Van Horn’s (1975) top-down model of policy implementation guides the research process. A case study of the school-based PA system is conducted which relies on the analysis of 11 semi-structured interviews and 47 official organizational documents. Four emergent categories of Jurisdictional Funding, Coercive Policy, Sector Silos, and Community Champions are identified. Additional insight is provided regarding neo-liberalism, provincial level government, interministerial collaboration, and government/non-profit sector partnership.