1000 resultados para Co-dependência (Psicologia)
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Adhesive bonding has become more efficient in the last few decades due to the adhesives developments, granting higher strength and ductility. On the other hand, natural fibre composites have recently gained interest due to the low cost and density. It is therefore essential to predict the fracture behavior of joints between these materials, to assess the feasibility of joining or repairing with adhesives. In this work, the tensile fracture toughness (Gc n) of adhesive joints between natural fibre composites is studied, by bonding with a ductile adhesive and co-curing. Conventional methods to obtain Gc n are used for the co-cured specimens, while for the adhesive within the bonded joint, the J-integral is considered. For the J-integral calculation, an optical measurement method is developed for the evaluation of the crack tip opening and adherends rotation at the crack tip during the test, supported by a Matlab sub-routine for the automated extraction of these quantities. As output of this work, an optical method that allows an easier and quicker extraction of the parameters to obtain Gc n than the available methods is proposed (by the J-integral technique), and the fracture behaviour in tension of bonded and co-cured joints in jute-reinforced natural fibre composites is also provided for the subsequent strength prediction. Additionally, for the adhesively- bonded joints, the tensile cohesive law of the adhesive is derived by the direct method.
Em 1999 a Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia aprovou o financiamento do projecto “Behaviour of Heavy Metals on the Thermal Treatment of Residues” cujo acrónimo era Bimetal. Este projecto, cujos parceiros eram o Departamento de Engenharia Energética e Controlo Ambiental do Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial (INETI) e o Grupo de Disciplinas de Ecologia da Hidrosfera (GDEH) da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, tinha como objectivo a avaliação do comportamento de metais pesados durante a combustão de resíduos. Neste sentido, a equipa do INETI efectuou quatro ensaios de incineração: dois de mono-combustão de uma lama residual urbana, um de co-combustão de lama residual urbana e carvão e, finalmente, um de mono-combustão de carvão. Cada ensaio de incineração produziu uma cinza de fundo e duas cinzas volantes, provenientes de dois ciclones. A equipa do GDEH foi responsável pela caracterização físico-química e ecotoxicológica das cinzas provenientes dos ensaios realizados pela equipa do INETI. A avaliação incidiu em dois aspectos: 1) a determinação da composição das cinzas, relativamente a um dado conjunto de parâmetros físico-químicos considerados; e 2) produção de lixiviados a partir do contacto das cinzas com um agente lixiviante. Estes lixiviados foram submetidos à caracterização físico-química, relativamente a um dado conjunto de parâmetros físico-químicos e, ainda, à caracterização ecotoxicológica, recorrendo a dois indicadores biológicos. A determinação da composição das cinzas permitiu efectuar um balanço de massas dos ensaios de incineração realizados e, com isto, determinar as taxas de emissão, dos parâmetros analisados, para a atmosfera. Os ensaios de lixiviação permitiram classificar, de acordo com a metodologia de classificação de resíduos a que se recorreu, as doze cinzas produzidas pela equipa do INETI e os materiais que lhes deram origem, a areia do leito, o carvão e a lama residual urbana. De um modo geral, as duas cinzas volantes apresentaram uma concentração superior, dos parâmetros considerados, relativamente à cinza de fundo. Entre as duas cinzas volantes, a cinza do 2º ciclone apresentou um maior teor, relativamente aos parâmetros analisados, do que as cinzas do 1º ciclone.
OBJETIVO: Analisar questões não redundantes sobre independência nas atividades da vida diária de idosos que representem o espectro de dependência em idosos.MÉTODOS: Projeto multicêntrico com amostra populacional probabilística de 5.371 idosos residentes em São Paulo, SP, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Bambuí, MG, e Fortaleza, CE, em 2008. Foi realizado inquérito domiciliar e aplicado questionário com 20 atividades da vida diária dos idosos para autoavaliação da dificuldade/necessidade de ajuda para realizá-las. As respostas foram analisadas segundo: a prevalência de alguma dificuldade ou necessidade de ajuda para cada atividade da vida diária; a frequência de não resposta; e o agrupamento das atividades numa análise fatorial.RESULTADOS: As atividades pessoais (e.g., vestir-se) tiveram prevalência de dificuldade ou necessidade de ajuda referida baixa quando comparadas às atividades instrumentais (e.g., fazer compras), além de terem taxas de respostas inválidas mais baixas. Foram identificados três fatores de agrupamento das atividades da vida diária: mobilidade (andar 100 m); necessidades pessoais (tomar banho); e o que outra pessoa pode fazer pelo idoso (lavar roupa). As atividades da vida diária com maiores autovalores em cada grupo foram analisadas à luz da prevalência de necessidade de ajuda referida e da proporção de respostas válidas. Três atividades foram selecionadas como representativas do espectro de dependência e bem compreendidas pelos idosos: levantar da cama, banhar-se e andar 100 m.CONCLUSÕES: Com três atividades da vida diária podemos ter um instrumento de rastreio simples e confiável capaz de identificar idosos com necessidade de ajuda no dia a dia. A estimativa de demanda por cuidados na vida diária é um indicador importante para o planejamento e gestão dos serviços de saúde dentro do paradigma das doenças crônicas e do envelhecimento populacional.
The development of scaffolds that combine the delivery of drugs with the physical support provided by electrospun fibres holds great potential in the field of nerve regeneration. Here it is proposed the incorporation of ibuprofen, a well-known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, in electrospun fibres of the statistical copolymer poly(trimethylene carbonate-co-ε-caprolactone) [P(TMC-CL)] to serve as a drug delivery system to enhance axonal regeneration in the context of a spinal cord lesion, by limiting the inflammatory response. P(TMC-CL) fibres were electrospun from mixtures of dichloromethane (DCM) and dimethylformamide (DMF). The solvent mixture applied influenced fibre morphology, as well as mean fibre diameter, which decreased as the DMF content in solution increased. Ibuprofen-loaded fibres were prepared from P(TMC-CL) solutions containing 5% ibuprofen (w/w of polymer). Increasing drug content to 10% led to jet instability, resulting in the formation of a less homogeneous fibrous mesh. Under the optimized conditions, drug-loading efficiency was above 80%. Confocal Raman mapping showed no preferential distribution of ibuprofen in P(TMC-CL) fibres. Under physiological conditions ibuprofen was released in 24h. The release process being diffusion-dependent for fibres prepared from DCM solutions, in contrast to fibres prepared from DCM-DMF mixtures where burst release occurred. The biological activity of the drug released was demonstrated using human-derived macrophages. The release of prostaglandin E2 to the cell culture medium was reduced when cells were incubated with ibuprofen-loaded P(TMC-CL) fibres, confirming the biological significance of the drug delivery strategy presented. Overall, this study constitutes an important contribution to the design of a P(TMC-CL)-based nerve conduit with anti-inflammatory properties.
O objectivo principal deste trabalho relaciona-se com a compreensão dos mecanismos de formação de H2S e HCl durante a co-gasificação de C.D.R com carvão. A presença de material inorgânico nas cinzas dos combustíveis utilizados poderá ter alguma influência na formação e subsequentes reacções de H2S e HCl, tornando-se importante compreender qual a extensão da influência destes materiais na formação destas espécies, encaradas como contaminantes do gás produzido. A utilização de misturas de C.D.R. com carvão em gasificação poderá contribuir para a redução das quantidades de resíduos depositadas em aterro. Sendo a gasificação um processo menos poluente do que a incineração, a gasificação destes materiais poderá traduzir-se num menor impacto ambiental. Os C.D.R. são materiais heterogéneos e portanto as quantidades de S, Cl e material inorgânico poderão variar tornando relevante o estudo de potenciais sinergias entre os C.D.R. e o carvão com o objectivo de 1) minimizar a emissão de poluentes gasosos, 2) minimizar a quantidade de cinza produzida e 3) aproveitar o material inorgânico, que pode desempenhar actividade catalítica conduzindo à redução da formação de H2S e HCl. Com este estudo foi determinada uma aparente relação linear entre os teores de enxofre nos combustíveis e a formação de H2S, sendo que no entanto a forma sob a qual o enxofre se encontra nos combustíveis poderá desempenhar um importante papel na conversão do enxofre em H2S. No caso do HCl, a referida relação não pareceu ser tão clara. Foi igualmente determinado que maiores temperaturas de operação promovem a formação de H2S, ao mesmo tempo que reduzem a formação de HCl, e que enquanto o aumento da quantidade de oxigénio poderá conduzir à redução da formação de H2S, não terá impacto significativo na formação de HCl. No que diz respeito aos metais foi verificado que Ca, Fe e Zn terão um papel importante na redução da formação de H2S e HCl, enquanto que K e Na terão apenas influência na formação de HCl e o Al e a Si, não afectaram nem a formação de H2S nem a de HCl.
Contrary to fungi, exposure to mycotoxins is not usually identified as a risk factor present in occupational settings. This is probably due to the inexistence of limits regarding concentration of airborne mycotoxins, and also due to the fact that these compounds are rarely monitored in occupational environments. Despite the optimal conditions for fungal growth and, consequently, for mycotoxins production in all the waste management chain, only a few articles were dedicated to study occupational exposure to mycotoxins in this occupational setting. Aim of study: A study was developed in Portugal aiming to assess occupational co-exposure to mycotoxins in the waste management setting.
The most common scenario in occupational settings is the co-exposure to several risk factors. This aspect has to be considered in the risk assessment process because can alter the toxicity and the health effects when dealing with a co-exposure to two or more chemical agents. A study was developed aiming to elucidate if there is occupational co-exposure to aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and ochratoxin (OTA) in Portuguese swine production. To assess occupational exposure to both mycotoxins, a biomarker of internal dose was used. The same blood samples from workers of seven swine farms and controls were consider to measure AFB1 and OTA. Twenty one workers (75%) showed detectable levels of AFB1 with values ranging from <1 ng/ml to 8.94 ng/ml and with significantly higher concentration when compared with controls. In the case of OTA, there wasn't found a statistical difference between workers and controls and the values for workers group ranged from 0.34 ng/ml to 3.12 ng/ml and 1.76 ng/ml to 3.42 ng/ml for control group. The results suggest that occupational exposure to AFB1 occurs. However, in the case of OTA results, seems that food consumption plays an important role in both groups exposure. The results claim attention for the possible implications on health of this co-exposure.
Today all kinds of innovations and research work is done by partnerships of competent entities each having some specialized skills. Like the development of the global economy, global innovation partnerships have grown considerably and form the basis of most of the sophisticated innovations today. To further streamline and simplify such cooperation, several innovation networks have been formed, both at local and global levels. This paper discusses the different types of innovations and how cooperation can benefit innovation in terms of pooling of resources and sharing of risks. One example of an open global co-innovation network promoted by Tata Consultancy Services, the TCS COIN is taken as a case. It enables venture capitalists, consultants, research agencies, companies and universities form nodes of the network so that each entity can play a meaningful role in the innovation network. Further, two innovation projects implemented using the COIN are discussed. Innovation Networks like these could form the basis of a unique global innovation network, which is not owned by any company and is used by innovation partners globally to collaborate and conduct research and development.
One-pot template condensation of CCl3C=N with ammonia on a metal source [MnCl2 center dot 4H(2)O, FeCl3 center dot 6H(2)O or Co(CH3COO)(2)center dot 4H(2)O] in DMSO led to the formation of tris(2,4-bis(trichloromethyl)-1,3,5-triazapentadienato)-M(III) complexes, [M(NH=C(CCl3)NC(CCl3)=-NH}(3)]center dot n(CH3)(2)SO [M = Mn, n = 1 (1); M = Fe, n = 2 (2); M = Co, n = 2 (3)1, which were characterized using elemental analysis, and IR, ESI-MS and single-crystal X-ray analysis. The role of inter- and intramolecular non-covalent halogen and hydrogen bonds in the synthesis of 1-3 is discussed. It is shown that the crystal ionic radii of the metal ions [68.5 (Co) < 69 (Fe) < 72 (Mn), pm] are related to the corresponding Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl distances [3.178 (3) > 3.155 (2) > 3.133 (1) Al. Compounds 1-3 and the related di(triazapentadienato)-Cu(v) complex [Cu(NH=C(CCl3)NC(CCl3)=NH}2]center dot 2(CH3)(2)SO (4) act as catalyst precursors for the additive-free microwave (MW) assisted homogeneous oxidation of 1-phenylethanol with tert-butylhydroperoxide (TBHP), leading to the formation of acetophenone with yields up to 99% and TONs up to 5.0 x 10(3) after 1 h of low power (10 W) MW irradiation.
The very high antiproliferative activity of [Co(Cl)(H2O)(phendione)(2)][BF4] (phendione is 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione) against three human tumor cell lines (half-maximal inhibitory concentration below 1 mu M) and its slight selectivity for the colorectal tumor cell line compared with healthy human fibroblasts led us to explore the mechanisms of action underlying this promising antitumor potential. As previously shown by our group, this complex induces cell cycle arrest in S phase and subsequent cell death by apoptosis and it also reduces the expression of proteins typically upregulated in tumors. In the present work, we demonstrate that [Co(Cl)(phendione)(2)(H2O)][BF4] (1) does not reduce the viability of nontumorigenic breast epithelial cells by more than 85 % at 1 mu M, (2) promotes the upregulation of proapoptotic Bax and cell-cycle-related p21, and (3) induces release of lactate dehydrogenase, which is partially reversed by ursodeoxycholic acid. DNA interaction studies were performed to uncover the genotoxicity of the complex and demonstrate that even though it displays K (b) (+/- A standard error of the mean) of (3.48 +/- A 0.03) x 10(5) M-1 and is able to produce double-strand breaks in a concentration-dependent manner, it does not exert any clastogenic effect ex vivo, ruling out DNA as a major cellular target for the complex. Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy studies are indicative of a strong and specific interaction of the complex with human serum albumin, involving one binding site, at a distance of approximately 1.5 nm for the Trp214 indole side chain with log K (b) similar to 4.7, thus suggesting that this complex can be efficiently transported by albumin in the blood plasma.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Matemática, especialidade de Estatística, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
A swift chemical route to synthesize Co-doped SnO2 nanopowders is described. Pure and highly stable Sn1-xCoxO2-delta (0 <= x <= 0.15) crystalline nanoparticles were synthesized, with mean grain sizes <5 nm and the dopant element homogeneously distributed in the SnO2 matrix. The UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectra of the Sn1-xCoxO2-delta samples reveal red shifts, the optical bandgap energies decreasing with increasing Co concentration. The samples' Urbach energies were calculated and correlated with their bandgap energies. The photocatalytic activity of the Sn1-xCoxO2-delta samples was investigated for the 4-hydroxylbenzoic acid (4-HBA) degradation process. A complete photodegradation of a 10 ppm 4-HBA solution was achieved using 0.02% (w/w) of Sn0.95Co0.05O2-delta nanoparticles in 60 min of irradiation. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Co-deposition of nickel and cobalt was carried out on austenitic stainless steel (AISI 304) substrates by imposing a square waveform current in the cathodic region. The innovative procedure applied in this work allows creating a stable, fully developed, and open porous three-dimensional (3D) dendritic structure, which can be used as electrode for redox supercapacitors. This study investigates in detail the influence of the applied current density on the morphology, mass, and chemical composition of the deposited Ni-Co films and the resulting 3D porous network dendritic structure. The morphology and the physicochemical composition were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (W). The electrochemical behavior of the materials was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The results highlight the mechanism involved in the coelectrodeposition process and how the lower limit current density tailors the film composition and morphology, as well as its electrochemical activity.