746 resultados para Childbirth satisfaction


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L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’étudier l’impact différencié de la satisfaction envers les bonis individuels et les bonis collectifs sur l’intention de rester (au sein d’une entreprise donnée) des travailleurs du secteur des technologies de l’information et des communications. Afin d’étudier cette question, trois hypothèses de recherche ont été émises à l’aide des théories suivantes : 1- la théorie de l’agence, 2- la théorie des attentes et 3- la théorie de l’échange social de Blau (1964). Selon la première hypothèse, la satisfaction envers les bonis individuels contribue à accroître l’intention de rester des travailleurs du secteur des TIC. La seconde hypothèse avance que la satisfaction envers les bonis collectifs contribue à accroître l’intention de rester des travailleurs du secteur des TIC. Enfin, la dernière hypothèse soutient que la satisfaction envers les bonis individuels a un impact plus important sur l’intention de rester des travailleurs du secteur des TIC que la satisfaction envers les bonis collectifs. Les données utilisées pour valider nos hypothèses ont été recueillies dans le cadre d'une enquête portant sur « les relations entre la rémunération, la formation et le développement des compétences avec l’attraction et la rétention des employés clés ». Ces données de nature longitudinale, proviennent d'une entreprise canadienne du secteur des TIC. La population étudiée regroupe les nouveaux employés embauchés entre le 1er avril 2009 et le 30 septembre 2010. Nos résultats confirment l’Hypothèse 1 voulant que la satisfaction envers les bonis individuels contribue à accroître l’intention de rester des travailleurs du secteur des TIC. À l’inverse, ces résultats infirment l’Hypothèse 2. La satisfaction envers les bonis collectifs n’a donc pas d’impact significatif sur l’intention de rester. Malgré un problème de colinéarité, nos résultats suggèrent de confirmer l’Hypothèse 3 voulant que la satisfaction envers les bonis individuels ait un impact plus important sur l’intention de rester des travailleurs du secteur des TIC que la satisfaction envers les bonis collectifs. Les résultats indiquent également que le niveau de scolarité et l’engagement organisationnel ont un impact positif sur l’intention de rester des travailleurs. Les analyses longitudinales révèlent que les différences entre les caractéristiques des travailleurs expliquent davantage l’intention de rester, que les différences à travers les temps chez un même travailleur.


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Le monde actuel, marqué par une augmentation incessante des exigences professionnelles, requiert des enseignants une adaptation constante aux changements sociaux, culturels et économiques. Si, pour les enseignants expérimentés, l’accommodation à ces transformations est accompagnée de plusieurs défis, pour les nouveaux enseignants qui ne maîtrisent pas complètement tous les aspects de la profession, l’intégration au milieu scolaire peut être extrêmement difficile ou même insupportable, au point où certains quittent le métier. Néanmoins, à force de persévérance, un certain nombre des nouveaux enseignants franchissent les obstacles imposés par la profession. Dans leur cas, la satisfaction et l’engagement professionnel peuvent être des caractéristiques importantes qui les incitent à continuer à exercer leurs activités d’enseignement. Dans ce contexte, l’étude vise l’analyse des éléments liés à la construction de l’identité professionnelle des enseignants lors de leur insertion dans le métier, à partir des perceptions des nouveaux enseignants et de celles des gestionnaires des écoles primaires et secondaires. L’harmonie entre la perception de ces deux groupes d’acteurs scolaires peut constituer un important facteur du rendement des professionnels dans leur métier et de l’efficacité des institutions d’enseignement. Ainsi, du côté des nouveaux enseignants, l’étude examine les variables qui peuvent être liées à leur engagement professionnel et de celui des gestionnaires, elle vise à analyser les éléments qui peuvent être liés à leur satisfaction sur le travail effectué par les nouveaux enseignants. La présente étude, de type quantitatif, est constituée des analyses secondaires des données issues des enquêtes pancanadiennes auprès des directions et des enseignants d’écoles primaires et secondaires du Canada, menées en 2005 et 2006 par une équipe de professeurs de différentes universités canadiennes. Les analyses statistiques sont basées sur deux modèles théoriques : (1) l’engagement professionnel des nouveaux enseignants et (2) la satisfaction des gestionnaires sur le travail effectué par les nouveaux enseignants. Ces modèles sont examinés en suivant la théorie classique des tests (TCT) et celle des réponses aux items (TRI) afin de profiter des avantages de chacune des méthodes. Du côté de la TCT, des analyses de cheminement et des modélisations aux équations structurelles ont été effectuées pour examiner les modèles théoriques. Du côté de la TRI, des modélisations de Rasch ont été utilisées pour examiner les propriétés psychométriques des échelles utilisées par la recherche afin de vérifier si les données sont bien ajustées aux modèles et si les items se regroupent de façon logique pour expliquer les traits latents à l’étude. Les résultats mettent en évidence le rapport humain qui définit la profession enseignante. Autrement dit, pour les nouveaux enseignants, les émotions en classe, conséquence du processus d’interaction avec leurs élèves, sont le facteur majeur lié à l’engagement professionnel. Dans le même sens, la relation des nouveaux enseignants avec les divers membres de la communauté scolaire (parents des élèves, gestionnaires, personnel de l’école et autres enseignants) est un facteur-clé de la satisfaction des gestionnaires quant au travail des nouveaux enseignants. Les analyses indiquent également l’importance de la satisfaction au travail dans le modèle des nouveaux enseignants. Cette variable est un important déterminant de l’engagement professionnel et peut être associée à tous les autres éléments du modèle des nouveaux enseignants. Finalement, les résultats indiquent le besoin de construction des variables latentes avec un plus grand nombre d’items pour mieux positionner les personnes dans l’échelle de mesure. Ce résultat est plutôt important pour le modèle des gestionnaires qui indique de mauvais ajustements items-personnes.


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Contexte. Plusieurs déterminants influencent les pratiques alimentaires des jeunes Québécois. Les aliments offerts dans les établissements scolaires ainsi que les politiques publiques figurent parmi ces facteurs d’influence. En 2011, la Commission scolaire de Montréal (CSDM) a adapté la Politique pour une saine alimentation. Toutefois, depuis sa parution, très peu de données concernant l’application de la politique des écoles de la CSDM ont été recueillies. Objectifs. Évaluer la satisfaction et la perception des élèves de troisième cycle du primaire et du secondaire à l’égard des services alimentaires de la CSDM. Méthode. Soixante-cinq écoles primaires et 27 écoles secondaires ont été ciblées par cette enquête. La collecte de données s’est déroulée sur une période de six semaines par le biais de deux questionnaires distincts disponibles sur le site internet Fluid Survey. La satisfaction et la perception des élèves ont été évaluées à l’aide de questions portant sur leur utilisation du service alimentaire, leurs préférences, ainsi que leurs attitudes et opinions. Analyse statistique. À partir des résultats obtenus, des statistiques descriptives ont été générées. De plus, des tests de Chi-deux ont été produits afin d’évaluer l’association de certaines variables. Résultats. Au total, 4 446 questionnaires ont été retenus aux fins d’analyses. Sommairement, le goût et la propreté des lieux sont deux aspects pour lesquels un grand nombre de jeunes du troisième cycle du primaire et du secondaire accordent de l’importance. Toutefois, la variété de l’offre alimentaire est l’aspect le plus apprécié par les deux groupes de jeunes. Les élèves du primaire sont plus nombreux que ceux du secondaire à accorder de l’importance à l’attrait santé des aliments. Par ailleurs, les plus jeunes élèves choisissent davantage leurs aliments pour contrôler leur poids. Les résultats montrent aussi que la majorité des jeunes du primaire et du secondaire accordent de l’importance à la qualité de leur alimentation, et ce, depuis quelque temps. Finalement, l’opinion des pairs et de la famille semble avoir très peu d’influence sur les choix alimentaires des jeunes, notamment chez les élèves du secondaire. Conclusion. Bien que plusieurs autres déterminants doivent encore être étudiés, ce projet de recherche confirme la pluralité des facteurs d’influence sur les pratiques alimentaires des enfants et des adolescents. Cela dit, en plus d’être un indicateur précieux pour l’évaluation de ses services alimentaires, les résultats obtenus suggèrent également une multitude de pistes d’action pour les intervenants de la CSDM.


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Introduction Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is the most frequent subtype of vulvodynia. Women report negative consequences of PVD on their sexual and romantic relationships. Researchers have recently highlighted the importance of examining interpersonal factors such as intimacy, and of including both women and their partners in study designs. Aim The aim of this study was to investigate sexual and relationship intimacy as defined by the Interpersonal Process Model of Intimacy and their associations with sexual satisfaction, sexual function, pain self-efficacy, and pain intensity among women with PVD and their partners. Methods Ninety-one heterosexual women (M age = 27.38, SD = 6.04) diagnosed with PVD and their partners (M age = 29.37, SD = 7.79) completed measures of sexual and relationship intimacy, sexual satisfaction, sexual function, pain self-efficacy, and pain intensity. Main Outcome Measures Dependent measures were the (i) Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction Scale; (ii) Female Sexual Function Index; (iii) Painful Intercourse Self-Efficacy Scale; and (iv) visual analog scale of pain intensity during intercourse. Results After controlling for women's age, women's greater sexual intimacy (β = 0.49, P < 0.001) was associated with women's greater sexual satisfaction and higher pain self-efficacy (β = 0.39, P = 0.001), beyond the effects of partners’ sexual intimacy. Also, women's greater sexual intimacy (β = 0.24, P = 0.05) and women's greater relationship intimacy (β = 0.54, P = 0.003) were associated with greater women's sexual function, beyond the effects of partners’ sexual and relationship intimacy. Conclusions Women's self-reported sexual and relationship intimacy in the couple relationship may promote higher sexual satisfaction, sexual function, and pain self-efficacy, as well as possibly foster greater sexual well-being among women with PVD. The authors discuss implications for the inclusion of emotional and interpersonal aspects of the couple's dynamic in clinical interventions and future research in PVD.


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Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a chronic, recurrent vulvo-vaginal pain condition affecting 12% of the general population, and is associated with sexual dysfunction, psychological distress, and reduced quality of life. There is growing interest in the role of interpersonal variables in PVD, which have been widely neglected. In a sample of 175 couples, the present study examined the mediating roles of partner and participant catastrophizing and self-efficacy in the association between solicitous partner responses and pain intensity, and that of dyadic adjustment in the association between solicitous and negative partner responses and sexual satisfaction. Couples completed measures of partner responses, catastrophizing, self-efficacy, dyadic adjustment, and depression. Women also completed measures of pain, sexual satisfaction, and sexual function. Controlling for depression and solicitousness perceived by the other member of the couple, catastrophizing and self-efficacy partially mediated the association between higher solicitous responses and higher pain during intercourse, accounting for 26 and 25% of the variance in this association for participant and partner-perceived responses, respectively. For both participant and partners, only pain catastrophizing was a unique mediator. Controlling for depression, sexual function and partner-perceived responses, dyadic adjustment partially mediated the association between higher participant-perceived solicitous responses and higher sexual satisfaction, and between higher participant-perceived negative responses and lower sexual satisfaction, accounting for 26% of the variance in each association. The current findings suggest that catastrophizing and dyadic adjustment may constitute a route by which partner responses exacerbate pain and increase or decrease sexual satisfaction in PVD couples.


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Introduction.  Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a highly prevalent vulvovaginal pain condition that negatively affects women's emotional, sexual, and relationship well-being. Recent studies have investigated the role of interpersonal variables, including partner responses. Aim.  We examined whether solicitous and facilitative partner responses were differentially associated with vulvovaginal pain and sexual satisfaction in women with PVD by examining each predictor while controlling for the other. Methods.  One hundred twenty-one women (M age = 30.60, SD = 10.53) with PVD or self-reported symptoms of PVD completed the solicitous subscale of the spouse response scale of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory, and the facilitative subscale of the Spouse Response Inventory. Participants also completed measures of pain, sexual function, sexual satisfaction, trait anxiety, and avoidance of pain and sexual behaviors (referred to as “avoidance”). Main Outcome Measures.  Dependent measures were the (i) Pain Rating Index of the McGill Pain Questionnaire with reference to pain during vaginal intercourse and (ii) Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction Scale. Results.  Controlling for trait anxiety and avoidance, higher solicitous partner responses were associated with higher vulvovaginal pain intensity (β = 0.20, P = 0.03), and higher facilitative partner responses were associated with lower pain intensity (β = −0.20, P = 0.04). Controlling for sexual function, trait anxiety, and avoidance, higher facilitative partner responses were associated with higher sexual satisfaction (β = 0.15, P = 0.05). Conclusions.  Findings suggest that facilitative partner responses may aid in alleviating vulvovaginal pain and improving sexual satisfaction, whereas solicitous partner responses may contribute to greater pain.


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Introduction.  Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a highly prevalent vulvovaginal pain condition that results in significant sexual dysfunction, psychological distress, and reduced quality of life. Although some intra-individual psychological factors have been associated with PVD, studies to date have neglected the interpersonal context of this condition. Aim.  We examined whether partner responses to women's pain experience—from the perspective of both the woman and her partner—are associated with pain intensity, sexual function, and sexual satisfaction. Methods.  One hundred ninety-one couples (M age for women = 33.28, standard deviation [SD] = 12.07, M age for men = 35.79, SD = 12.44) in which the woman suffered from PVD completed the spouse response scale of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory, assessing perceptions of partners' responses to the pain. Women with PVD also completed measures of pain, sexual function, sexual satisfaction, depression, and dyadic adjustment. Main Outcome Measures.  Dependent measures were women's responses to: (i) a horizontal analog scale assessing the intensity of their pain during intercourse; (ii) the Female Sexual Function Index; and (iii) the Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction Scale. Results.  Controlling for depression, higher solicitous partner responses were associated with higher levels of women's vulvovaginal pain intensity. This association was significant for partner-perceived responses (β = 0.29, P < 0.001) and for woman-perceived partner responses (β = 0.16, P = 0.04). After controlling for sexual function and dyadic adjustment, woman-perceived greater solicitous partner responses (β = 0.16, P = 0.02) predicted greater sexual satisfaction. Partner-perceived responses did not predict women's sexual satisfaction. Partner responses were not associated with women's sexual function. Conclusions.  Findings support the integration of dyadic processes in the conceptualization and treatment of PVD by suggesting that partner responses to pain affect pain intensity and sexual satisfaction in affected women.


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The present research is carried out to understand how psychological empowerment, job satisfaction and job related stress are related.In banking sector, employees are less satisfied and less motivated than employees in other lines of work (Kelley, 1990; Bajpai, Naval and Deepak, 2004). The banking industry also suffers from high employee turnover rate (Branham, 2005; Nelson, 2007) and high level of stress (Chen and Lien, 2008). There are no adequate studies linking psychological empowerment and job satisfaction, stress, turnover etc. among employees of banking sector. Lack of psychological empowerment could be a reason for these problems faced by banking sector. Further majority of studies in psychological empowerment are carried out in manufacturing sector and studies in service sector are concentrated on hotel industry and hospitals. Empowerment takes different forms in different contexts (Zimmerman, 1995). In the light of above discussion, the present research is directed to explore the dimensions of psychological empowerment of employees in banking sector and to find out whether high psychological empowerment can increase job satisfaction and reduce job related stress among employees in banking sector


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Earlier studies on measurement of customer satisfaction are based on either transaction specific or overall approaches. The transaction specific approach evaluates customer satisfaction with single components in the whole purchase process but the overall satisfaction was based on all the encounters or experiences to the customer throughout the purchase process. Consumers will comment on particular events of their purchase process when asked about transaction-specific satisfaction and they will comment their overall impression and general experiences in overall satisfaction (Bitner & Hubbert 1994) Through a critical review on the literature, it has been identified a new approaches to customer satisfaction, say, cumulative approaches that can be more useful than overall and transaction specific approaches for strategic decision making (Fornell et al 1996). The cumulative approach to customer satisfaction doesn’t study earlier due to the difficulty in operationalization of the concept. But the influencers of customer satisfaction are context specific and the prevailing models doesn’t give the sources of variations in the satisfaction, the importance of cumulative approaches to customer satisfaction has emerges that lights to a new research. The current study has focused to explore the influencers of overall customer satisfaction to form individual elements that can be used to identify the cumulative customer satisfaction.


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This study focuses on psychological empowerment of employees in banking sector because of the reasons stated below: Firstly, very little research has been conducted in understanding empowerment as a psychological construct. Majority of the studies have been conducted on the various empowerment practices in the organizations. Secondly, there is no empirical evidence that the empowerment practice will create a subjective feeling of empowerment within the individual. Employee empowerment will be effective only if the employees actually experience the empowerment. Even if the organizations have the empowerment practices like providing power and open communication it is not necessary that the employee is empowered. Empowerment describes only the condition of work environment. It does not describe employees’ response to these conditions. These responses form the basis for psychological empowerment


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The component structure of a 34-item scale measuring different aspects of job satisfaction was investigated among extension officers in North West Province, South Africa. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 40 extension officers from which data were collected. A structured questionnaire consisting of 34 job satisfaction and 10 personal characteristic items was administered to the extension officers. Items on job satisfaction were measured at interval level and analyzedwith Principal ComponentAnalysis. Most of the respondents (82.5%) weremales, between 40 to 45 years, 85% were married and 87.5% had a diploma as their educational qualification. Furthermore, 54% of the households size between 4 to 6 persons, whereas 75% were Christians. The majority of the extension officers lived in their job area (82.5), while 80% covered at least 3 communities and 3 farmer groups. In terms of number of farmers covered, only 40% of the extension officers covered more than 500 farmers and 45% travelled more than 40 km to reach their farmers. From the job satisfaction items 9 components were extracted to show areas for job satisfaction among extension officers. These were in-service training, research policies, communicating recommended practices, financial support for self and family, quality of technical help, opportunity to advance education, management and control of operations, rewarding system and sanctions. The results have several implications for motivating extension officers for high job performance especially with large number of clients and small number of extension agents.


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Personality traits have often been highlighted to relate to how people cope with stressful events. The present paper focuses on character strengths as positive personality traits and examines two basic assumptions that were derived from a core characteristic of character strengths (i.e., to determine how individuals deal with adversities): (1) character strengths correlate with coping and (2) buffer the effects of work-related stress on job satisfaction. Two different samples (i.e., a mixed sample representing various occupations [N = 214] and a nurses sample [N = 175]) filled in measures for character strengths, coping, work-related stress, and job satisfaction. As expected, intellectual, emotional, and interpersonal strengths were related to coping. Interpersonal strengths played a greater role for coping among nurses, as interactions with others are an essential part of their workday. Furthermore, intellectual strengths partially mediated the negative effect of work-related stress on job satisfaction. These findings open a new field for research on the role of personality in coping with work-related stress. Character strengths are trainable personal characteristics, and therefore valuable resources to improve coping with work-related stress and to decrease the negative effects of stress. Further research is needed to investigate this assumed causality.


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Customer satisfaction and retention are key issues for organizations in today’s competitive market place. As such, much research and revenue has been invested in developing accurate ways of assessing consumer satisfaction at both the macro (national) and micro (organizational) level, facilitating comparisons in performance both within and between industries. Since the instigation of the national customer satisfaction indices (CSI), partial least squares (PLS) has been used to estimate the CSI models in preference to structural equation models (SEM) because they do not rely on strict assumptions about the data. However, this choice was based upon some misconceptions about the use of SEM’s and does not take into consideration more recent advances in SEM, including estimation methods that are robust to non-normality and missing data. In this paper, both SEM and PLS approaches were compared by evaluating perceptions of the Isle of Man Post Office Products and Customer service using a CSI format. The new robust SEM procedures were found to be advantageous over PLS. Product quality was found to be the only driver of customer satisfaction, while image and satisfaction were the only predictors of loyalty, thus arguing for the specificity of postal services


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In this research we explore several aspects of quality of life in young people, working with factors such as self-esteem, locus of control, perceived social support, values, and so on. We examine the correlations among factors that influence the values and life satisfaction of adolescents aged 12-16. Furthermore, we analyze the data obtained from the children, on the one hand, and their parents, on the other, we explore the relationships between the factors and we consider the agreements and discrepancies between the responses of parents and their offspring