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Underfeeding causes a significant increase of postoperative complications, particularly respiratory and infectious complications. Thoracic surgery is frequently required in patients suffering wasting diseases (cancer, COPD, cystic fibrosis), which increase the risk of malnutrition. The most important risk factors are preoperative hypoalbuminemia and BMI < 20. The deleterious effects of underfeeding may be corrected by a preoperative nutritional support for 7 to 15 days using oral supplements or enteral feeding: respiratory muscle strength is improved, immunity is restored, and overall complications are reduced. Therefore preoperative diagnosis of underfeeding is of utmost importance. In case of emergency surgery, the nutritional assessment on admission enables the introduction of early postoperative artificial feeding.
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a subacute/chronic vasculitis and represents the most common form of systemic vasculitis in people over the age of 50 years. The absence of clear and specific diagnostic criteria with the highly variable clinical presentation is a diagnostic challenge requesting a multidisciplinary approach. Yet, GCA is an emergency and the treatment must be initiated very rapidly due to the risk of blindness. This article presents a review of GCA as well as the diagnostic and therapeutic institutional guidelines of the University Hospital of Lausanne.
Atopic dermatitis is the most frequent dermatosis in childhood. Numerous studies underscored the central role of skin barrier alterations in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory skin lesions. The management of atopic dermatitis has to be multidimensional. It combines among others some daily local care and a sporadic topical anti-inflammatory treatment during the acute flare-ups. The objective of this article is to summarize, in light of the recent European guidelines, the general principles of management of atopic dermatitis, for the general practitioner.
The Iowa DOT reviewed Corps of Engineers accounting records to determine the costs of operating and maintaining a 300 mile section of the Mississippi River. This document reviews the details the study.
As psychiatric disorders attacking the body, anorexia and bulimia may have severe psychological, physical and social consequences, often requiring a long-standing interdisciplinary, coordinated and individualized approach. Recently the canton of Vaud has initiated and developed an interinstitutional structure--between the University Hospital (CHUV) and the hospitals of the Northern region of the canton (eHnv)--for the care of patients suffering from eating disorders. This structure, allowing the above mentioned approach for the treatment of eating disorders, consists of an outpatient facility located in the CHUV and an inpatient unit in the hospital of Saint Loup of the eHnv. Within this structure, the general practitioner plays a crucial role in the prevention of the chronification of these disorders by means of their early detection and management.
Along with the decrease in kidney function arises a secondary hyperparathyroidism, which constitutes one of the most important risk factor for mortality in patients suffering from renal insufficiency. Treating secondary hyperparathyroidism is challenging, as most of the parameters of mineral metabolism are interconnected. We review here the pathophysiology and treatment options of this entity.
In 2001, it became evident that the domiciliary care nurses needed a tool to assist them in treating patients with chronic wounds. A protocol was therefore developed which could be used not only by the nurses but also by doctors and other health care professionals working in home care. As a parallel measure, a network of nurses specialised in wound care and available for advice and consultation was established.
Shoulder pain is one of the most common reasons for bone and joint consultations in general practice. In most situations, it is due to a lesion of the rotator cuff. A detailed history can often exclude a cervical or visceral origin of the pain. A full clinical examination especially active and passive mobility provides a good diagnostic approach. It can be refined by specific clinical tests that must nevertheless be interpreted with caution. The management of pathologies of the rotator cuff does not require imaging immediately. Ultrasound is increasingly recognized as the imaging procedure of choice in most situations. For abarticular shoulder pathologies, therapy is primarily conservative. The exact role of infiltration of steroids remains unclear. Only an acute traumatic rupture of the rotator cuff warrants prompt surgical intervention.
With an incidence of 1/6000 pregnancies, per-partum lymphoma is a rare but not an exceptional event, which gynaecologists and family physicians can be confronted in the course of their career The diagnosis, without a peripheral adenopathy, can be challenging because symptoms, such as fatigue or dyspnoea, can easily be attributed to the pregnancy. Although the therapeutic management is complex, because it involves the mother and her embryos, it can be optimal in the majority of cases. The multidisciplinary management, with modern diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, greatly improved the prognosis of these young women. Today, it generally allows the safekeeping of the baby with an outcome for the mother identical to the one observed in the population at large.
L'hypothyroïdie infraclinique est fréquemment rencontrée et sa prévalence augmente avec l'âge. Les recommandations relatives au dépistage et au traitement de l'hypothyroïdie infraclinique sont controversées. Une enquête internationale auprès des médecins de famille, à laquelle la Suisse a participé, a mis en évidence de fortes variations dans la prise en charge de l'hypothyroïdie infraclinique entre les pays. Ces différences de traitement traduisent avant tout le manque de données fiables quant à la prise en charge de cette condition. L'essai clinique randomisé européen TRUST devrait permettre de clarifier les indications pour le dépistage et la substitution par thyroxine. Une collaboration avec les médecins de famille et le soutien des Instituts universitaires de médecine générale à Lausanne et à Berne pour le recrutement des patients devraient permettre d'obtenir des données directement applicables à une population représentative de la médecine ambulatoire. Subclinical hypothyroidism is a common condition, and its prevalence increases with age. Currently, guidelines regarding the screening and treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism are controversial. An international survey of general practitioners (GPs), to which Swiss GPs also contributed, showed large inter-country variations in treatment strategies for subclinical hypothyroidism. These differences are mainly explained by the lack of strong evidence for the management of this condition. The European randomized-controlled clinical trial TRUST should help clarify recommendations for screening and thyroxin replacement for the elderly with subclinical hypothyroidism. Working in close collaboration with GPs in Switzerland for the recruitment of patients will ensure that the findings from this study will be applicable to primary care settings.
Considerable progress was realized these last years in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms and the treatment of the GIST. Their diagnosis remains based on the morphology and immunohistochemistry. The evaluation of GIST prognosis was till know difficult to establish but a new histopronostic classification currently used allows a better therapeutic approach. The search for KIT and PDGFRA mutations is recommended to adapt a targeted therapy by KIT inhibitors. The pathologist plays a crucial role in the management of the GIST because it is on him that is based the diagnosis, the evaluation of the prognosis and the treatment (surgery and kit inhibitors).
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most frequent malignant tumors worldwide and its incidence has increased over the last years in most developed countries. The majority of HCCs occur in the context of liver cirrhosis. Therefore, patients with cirrhosis and those with hepatitis B virus infection should enter a surveillance program. Detection of a focal liver lesion by ultrasound should be followed by further investigations to confirm the diagnosis and to permit staging. A number of curative and palliative treatment options are available today. The choice of treatment will depend on the tumor stage, liver function and the presence of portal hypertension as well as the general condition of the patient. A multidisciplinary approach is mandatory to offer to each patient the best treatment.