1000 resultados para Casas : Século XX
RESUMO Introdução O Relatório Flexner é considerado o ponto de partida para a discussão do ensino da medicina no século XX. Após amplas discussões, em 2001, o Ministério da Educação homologa as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Medicina (DCN). Tais diretrizes objetivam a formação de um médico generalista, humanista, reflexivo, crítico, que atue como promotor da saúde integral do ser humano. A Pediatria é a área da medicina onde a promoção da saúde integral é de extrema importância, pois a criança é o adulto do futuro. Objetivo Discutir as questões: O que se espera do médico geral, em relação à Pediatria, no século XXI? E a questão dela derivada: Mudanças nas diretrizes para o ensino de Pediatria são necessárias a partir das DCN? Métodos Ensaio reflexivo com base em dois documentos: Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Medicina (DCN) e Diretrizes para o Ensino de Pediatria (DEP) propostas por Eduardo Marcondes. Discussão Este artigo discorre a respeito das percepções de Marcondes acerca do ensino de Pediatria, correlacionando-as com as DCN e discutindo aspectos importantes na formação do médico, tais como: promoção, prevenção, proteção e reabilitação em saúde e educação médica em Pediatria. Considerações finais As Diretrizes para o Ensino de Pediatria propostas por Marcondes em 1993 parecem se manter extremamente atuais no contexto brasileiro do século XXI, ressalvando-se apenas diferenças de mortalidade e morbidade infantil.
Desde el siglo xix, con la formación de los Estados nacionales en Latinoamérica, se han promovido proyectos integracionistas aún no concluidos. Actualmente se resalta la necesidad de la integración entre países en distintos aspectos: económico, político, militar, diplomático.El primer propósito es analizar históricamente los proyectos de integración en América Latina y dar una mirada al concepto de “panamericanismo”, que surgió en 1890 tras la Conferencia Internacional Americana: examinando el “panamericanismo” como concepto y como política que estuvo estrechamente ligada al surgimiento de Estados Unidos como potencia mundial, y el “panamericanismo”, desde la posición latinoamericana, entendido como el esfuerzo por parte del gobierno norteamericano por controlar política y militarmente a las distintas naciones del continente para favorecer en última instancia su expansión económica (Bobbio, Matteucci y Pasquino, 2002).El propósito final es destacar los intentos de integración en el siglo xx, especialmente desde los proyectos aparecidos en la década del sesenta hasta la formación del Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur) en 1994; asimismo, observar las dificultades que ha tenido históricamente la comunidad regional, y analizar la experiencia del Mercosur como el más serio proceso de integración latinoamericano –vigente en los comienzos del siglo xxi– en el ámbito económico e, incluso, político.---Integration projects in Latin America during the 20th century: the ‘Mercosur’ and the dream that continues effectiveFrom the nineteenth century, with the formation of the national states in Latin America, have promoted an integrationist projects unfinished. Nowadays, the need of the integration is highlighted between countries in different aspects: economic, political, military man, diplomat.The first intention is to analyze historically the projects of integration in Latin America, and to give a look to the concept “Pan Americanism”, which arose in 1890 after the International American Conference: examining the “Pan Americanism” as concept and as politics that was closely linked to the emergence of The United States as world power, and the “Pan Americanism”, from the Latin-American position, understood as the effort on the part of the North American government for controlling politics and militarily to the different nations of the continent to promote its eventual economic expansion (Bobbio, Matteucci and Pasquino, 2002).The final intention is to emphasize the attempts of integration in the twentieth century, specially, from the projects appeared in the decade of sixty up to the formation of the Common Market of the South (Mercosur) in 1994. Likewise, to observe the difficulties that the regional community has had historically, and to analyze the experience of the Mercosur as the most serious Latin-American process of integration –in force in the beginning of the twenty-first century– in the economic area and, enclosedly, political.Key words: Latin America, pan americanism, integration, Mercosur, twentieth century---Projetos de interrogação na América Latina durante o século xx: O Mercosul e o sonho que continua vigenteDesde o século XIX, com a formação dos Estados nacionais na Latino-América, se têm promovido projetos integracionistas ainda não concluídos. Atualmente se ressalta a necessidade da integração entre países em distintos aspectos: econômico, político, militar, diplomático.O primeiro propósito é analisar historicamente os projetos de interrogação na América Latina e dar uma olhada ao conceito de “pan-americanismo”, que surgiu em 1890 depois da Conferencia Internacional Americana: examinado o “panamericanismo” como conceito e como política que esteve estreitamente ligada ao surgimento de Estados Unidos como potencia mundial, e o “pan-americanismo”, desde a posição latino-americana, entendido como o esforço por parte do governo norte-americano por controlar política e militarmente às distintas nações do continente para favorecer em última instância sua expansão econômica (Bobbio, Matteucci e Pasquino, 2002).O propósito final é destacar as tentativas de interrogação no século XX, especialmente desde os projetos aparecidos na década do sessenta até a formação do Mercado Comum do Sul – Mercosul (Mercado Común del Sur – Mercosur) em 1994; assim mesmo, observar as dificuldades que tem tido historicamente a comunidade regional, e analisar a experiência do Mercosul como mais importante processo de integração latino-americano –vigente a princípios do século XXI- no âmbito econômico e, inclusive, político.Palavras chave: Latino-américa, pan-americanismo, integração, Mercosul, século XX
O século XXI, é o período das grandes oportunidades para o Mundo, em especial para o Continente Africano. Com o final do século XX, o Mundo despediu-se do “Homem Velho”, procurando renascer para uma nova etapa. Terminadas as duas grandes catástrofes que assolaram o Mundo, em especial a Europa – I e II Guerras Mundiais, terminado o processo de Independências Africanas, é chegada a hora de criar pontes que elevem a dimensão humana deste “Planeta Azul” à mais alta esfera da dignidade humana. Esta ponte, permite que seja para os países com maiores dificuldades – como é o caso dos Africanos, possam ver nessa mesma ponte um espaço privilegiado de oportunidades. A intensificação das apostas por parte de África na formação de quadros, a boa governação, o combate à pobreza, a gestão de conflitos, o respeito pelos direitos humanos, poderão ser sinais dessas oportunidades. A aproximação da Europa a África, como ficou patente na recente Cimeira “Europa / África”, poderá transmitir aos Africanos um sinal de que não estão sozinhos nesta caminhada e que juntos, poderemos ser mais fortes face às adversidades. Contudo, convém não esquecer, que muito há fazer da parte dos africanos e dos não africanos. Este trabalho de equipa é importante, para que as interrogações e as preocupações possam ser mais facilmente superadas. É necessário que a luta pela dignificação das populações continue, com o esforço de todos, “porque isso aproveita à África e aos Africanos”
Expondo os planos: as exposições universais do século XX e seus planos urbanísticos. Esta dissertação versará sobre as exposições de caráter universal, expoentes da cultura e do pensamento de uma respectiva época. Mais precisamente abordará seus planejamentos e seus projetos urbanos e a capacidade destes eventos de absorverem ou gerarem e propagarem idéias e pensamentos. Desta forma, tomando-se como base às exposições universais e as teorias urbanísticas buscar-se-á fazer um cruzamento que evidencie aspectos das relações entre os planos urbanísticos de algumas das mais significativas exposições universais do século XX (Exposição Internacional de Barcelona 1929, Internacional de Paris 1937, Universal de Bruxelas 1958, Universal de Sevilha 1992, Internacional de Lisboa 1998 e Universal de Hannover 2000) e os principais pensamentos urbanísticos desenvolvidos durante este período. Tudo isso dentro de um contexto onde os pensamentos dominantes, as ideologias e os conceitos sofreram grandes e constantes mudanças, mas onde o aspecto da internacionalização ou universalização está sempre presente.
Tendo em vista as mudanças nos processos das organizações, e na forma de gestão e gerência das equipes para acompanharem tais mudanças, o objetivo desta dissertação é identificar quais ferramentas da administração podem ser utilizadas pelos gestores para facilitar este processo de mudança, aumentando a produtividade das pessoas e processos de uma área de Tecnologia da Informação (TI). Adicionalmente, nesta dissertação, busca-se verificar se as ferramentas de administração das três primeiras décadas do século XX, período em que o paradigma Fordista se fazia muito presente, e das três últimas décadas deste mesmo século, período marcado pelo paradigma da Flexibilização, ainda são utilizadas para gestão da área de TI de uma empresa em que todo o seu processo produtivo está baseado em sistemas e equipamentos controlados por computadores. O estudo é fundamentado por uma seção empírica, na qual se relata um caso real, focalizando as transformações ocorridas na área de TI da empresa Infoglobo Comunicações, onde processos importantes da área foram alterados para adequar a produtividade e qualidade dos serviços prestados pela área aos novos patamares definidos pela Diretoria da empresa.
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This text is organized through discussions undertaken in the area of the History of Education in Rio Grande do Norte, circumscribed to the History of Women from the first decades of the Brazilian Republic, and to the analysis of what was expected of this education. We examined representations of women in Natal, between 1889 and 1914, with the goal of configuring relations between the sexes with the emphasis on moral, intellectual and pedagogical aspects required of these women. As documental sources we utilized the educational, civil and criminal Legislation, on a National scope, as well as on a State and Municipal scope. We circumscribed our search to the newspaper A República, in which we found literature that circulated in Natal in the form of pamphlets, short stories and poetry, as well as other texts by authors that were part of the corpus of analysis of this study, located in public and private archives in Rio Grande do Norte, such as the Historical and Geographic Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN) and the State Public Archive of Rio Grande do Norte (APE-RN). The use of the indexing method and the propositions of Cultural History were the appropriate theoretical-methodological framework to complete studies of this nature. This operational perspective permitted us to elaborate nuances about this time of transition from the 19th to the 20th Century, and to spotlight the fire of the women from this period. The basis of the argument that related women to maternity and domesticity, and within the ideals of abnegation and religious leadership, aligned to a demand coming from the increase in the quantity of schools for women, allocated women as the most appropriate for superior in educational performance in the country, based on its foundations: primary education. Beyond the universe of formal education, the other side of women appeared in republican politics. The mother-spouse and the institutionalization of domestic education associated the female gender with the role of educator at home as well. Be it in the public sphere, as a teacher, or in private, as mother-spouse, female care is perceived in this configuration, as an educational base that the Republic, and in transition, bequeathed to the Brazilian 20th Century
The diachronic studies marked the first decades of the 20th century in Brazilian linguistics, passing by an ostracism period after the 50s. Mainly from the 90s especially with the project, created in 1997, Para a história do português brasileiro (PHPB), which has systemized, in national ambit, the programme related to the area of diachrony the historical studies retake forces and have gradually increased since then. Our work is set in the new scene of Brazilian historical linguistics and it is associated to two research programmes: i) the constitution of a diachronic corpus; ii) the diachrony of text and discourse. As regards the first programme, we made effort to constitute a diachronic corpus of official letters about Rio Grande do Norte, we called cartas oficiais norte-rio-grandenses, written in 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The chosen for bureaucrat letters occurred for they represent a textual category very productive in historical contexts, mostly 18th and 19th centuries, in which the command of writing was the least and also because they bring, almost always explicitly, the information of where, when, for whom and from whom, as remembers Fonseca (2003). The rules for constituting the corpus were based, although not strictly, on the orientation from PHPB. In respect to the second programme, we set up on the ideas of coserian base came from the studies on discourse traditions (TD) (Koch, 1997; Kabatek, 2006) amongst which that the texts are shaped so as to follow their own tradition (Coseriu, 2007), and we turned to Diplomatics (Belloto, 2002) in order to do the characterization of this corpus by the application of concepts from Diplomatics and TD as well as by the presentation of the structures that form those official letters: their textual genres, a kind of TD, with their macrostructures; and some of their formulaic expressions (microstructures), another sort of TD. This stage of characterizing will pay attention, as far as possible, to the dynamic between tradition and innovation that happen in the actualization of those textual structures along the centuries. This work intends to contribute with the researches connected to Historical Linguistics in Rio Grande do Norte, more specifically the ones related to the constitution of diachronic corpora and to TD; and with the study of official documents, textual category about which there are almost no studies (cf. Silveira, 2007)
This dissertation is a research on the marked topic construction (CT) in Brazilian personal letters from eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The goal of our research is to verify if CT are present in the writing of Brazilians born in the centuries in question. Our research focus is based on the assumptions of generative theory (CHOMSKY 1981; 1986), which states that grammar is internalized in the mind / brain of the writers, with the emphasis on studies of grammatical change, as pointed texts by Paixão de Sousa (2004), Carneiro (2005); Galves, Namiuti and Paixão de Sousa (2006) and Martins (2009). Our corpus was extracted from Projeto Para a História do Português Brasileiro (PHPB) and Cartas Brasileiras coletânea de fontes para o estudo do português. We selected forty-six correspondents who should be inserted into the two criteria set out in this research: to be Brazilian and be born in the centuries mentioned above, so that we could find legitimate topic constructions of PB. This work is based on researches by Pontes (1987), Mateus et al. (2003), Araujo (2006, 2009), Berlinck, Duarte and Oliveira (2009), which actively support us in the study of this linguistic phenomenon in Portuguese. The results show that the marked topic construction in our corpus appear on the writing of Brazilians since the second half of the eighteenth century, while the typical constructions in Brazilian Portuguese locative topic, subject topic and copy topic - are already reflected in the I-language of the writers born in the second half of the nineteenth century and the first of the twentieth century
This work aims to understand how the installation of sugar culture along the river Ceará-Mirim defined the spatial organization of the Valley, and thus setting the landscape. This space has begun to be defined only in the second half of the nineteenth century, when the sugarcane growth had atarted on land located on the banks of the river Ceará-Mirim. The passage of this period of great prosperity can be seen through the heritage material which is still presented in the region. Walking through the Valley, we found a considerable number of architectural buildings, many in ruins, linked to this historical moment. This perception, caused by these buildings, will take us on a trip to the past, back to a time characterized by great-houses, mills, sugarcane plantations, planters, slaves, etc. The references that lead us to consider the sugar mills located along the valley of Ceará Mirim as a patrimony, which carry an entire historical baggage, guide us to the first half of the twentieth century. During this period, the role of intellectuals from the Rio - Sao Paulo through the modernist movement will be decisive in the formation of a national identity. The heritage material identified along the valley of Ceará Mirim defined its current spatial organization, setting the landscape. But we must conceive this landscape into two ways: first, as a material representation of social practices carried out in this space, where social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects have interacted to their training; as well as a landscape that carries a whole historical baggage which was built throughout the twentieth century
The academic work Bar Corners: sociability and bohemia in the Natal City (1946-1960) has as objective the study of a representation of the literary bohemia in Natal in the second half of the 1940 s and 50 s, by means of analyses of the memory books and the chronicles of the newspapers A Ordem and A República. In order to have a better understanding concerning the subject, in the first chapter we try to show the transformations which have occurred in Natal and, consequently, within Natal sociability during the first half of the twentieth century. The bohemia, demonstrated in this dissertation as a way of sociability, expressed itself through the meetings in bars and the serenades. In the second chapter, the study conducted a mapping of the bohemian spaces (cafes, candy stores, bars and prostituition houses) and established the differences between these spaces. We ideated the spaces as the stage of interpersonal relations, as people went to these places in the attempt to participate of the conversation groups that were found there, choosing them according to their affinity and personal interests. The last chapter has the purpose of investigating the bohemia in Natal through the experience of the chronicler Newton Navarro, who used to roam the dark streets of Ribeira in search for open bars, extending bohemia until dawn. The intellectual activity was associated with his bohemian practices. As he frequented the marginal areas in Natal, Navarro wrote about them in the major newspapers of the city
This research aimed to analyze the forms of ownership and use of urban land in Cidade Nova, third official neighborhood of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte), between 1901 and 1929. During this period, the city and state authorities began an urban renewal, trying to transform the city, represent it as a new, modernized, able to track the progress and the new political condition of the capital of a republican state. It is observed in Cidade Nova construction of a new material and symbolic territory: the area that was once occupied by huts built by refugees of drought and some summer houses, was, from 1901, transformed, scanned through a urban plan. In Natal various municipal resolutions published between 1901-1929, showed the desires of the group leader to build on Cidade Nova neighborhood a delightful, modernized its structures to reflect the new political condition of the capital of a republican state. The analyzes of the edicts of the materials published in the newspapers A Republica and Diário do Natal, and especially the study of letters of aforamento, demonstrated how many laws were not enforced or resignified, highlighting the existing continuities. Thus, throughout the paper aims to examine how this territory was occupied and used by its inhabitants, such as the granting of land in aforamento may exemplify this practice and noncompliance and how the land was used to consolidate relations of influence and power. After all, the values given to a space, turning it into territory, resulting from the social dimension of this space, in other words, the social categories that use it. Cannot be, therefore, analyze the ways of appropriation and use of urban land in the third neighborhood of Natal without studying individuals who appropriated and used this territory. The study of the allocation of extant aforamentos of land located in this neighborhood process demonstrated the formation of a specific type of market that were at stake not only economic exchanges, but also, and above all symbolic exchanges involving political and social capital. The analysis of such personnel developed market with the lands of Cidade Nova may indicate the existing relations of power between state government, Stewardship and tenants, providing a significant example of this modernization Natal early twentieth century process, guided by a more wealthy group and influential and characterized by limited social changes
thèse de maîtrise, qui a été idealizée et exécutée à partir de la réunion et les relations dialogiques établies entre la géographie et l'histoire, et l'espace et le temps, a considéré l'environnement urbain comme le thème général et, comme la référence empirique, l'espace urbain de Caicó, incrusté dans les terres semi-arides du Sertão do Seridó Potiguar, plus précisément à la mi-sud de l'État du Rio Grande do Norte. Dans cet espace, à travers de recherche des fragments de mémoires acquis de diverses sources historiques, on a tenté de faire des investigations sur les transformations urbaines qui ont eu lieu dans la ville au cours des années 50 et 60 du XXe siècle. Ces transformations, dans l espace urbain de Caicó à un moment du pic de l'activité de développement de coton, reflétaient et conditionnaient les propres projets de modernization urbaine qui représentants des élites locales eurent conçu avec l'objectif de la construction d une ville idéal dans les regions isolées du Seridó: moderne, civilisé, progressive et capitale régionale du Seridó. Pour cette construction, les nouveaux équipements et services urbains ont passé du plan imaginaire à l espace réel, installés dans plusieurs quartiers de la ville en transformant le paysage urbain. Face à cette situation, cinémas, magasins, station de radio, énergie électrique, institutions de l'éducation, téléphonie, maison de soins infirmiers, usine de bénéficiement de coton, banques, politiques urbaines, hygiéniques et sanitaires, modes de comportement, sociabilités urbaines distincttes, parmi d'autres éléments géographiques se sont institués à travers la réalisation de certains idéaux de progrès social et dans un esprit de modernité urbaine, dans de nouveaux espaces et pratiques inventés, tramés et éprouvés sur les rochers et entre le cours d eau au milieu d'un quotidien urbain marqué par ruptures et permanence de certaines coutumes et habitudes antiques et de certains paysages et environnement ridé
Esta pesquisa se insere dentro da história da agricultura no Brasil, especialmente no Estado de São Paulo, a partir da segunda metade do século XIX, início do século XX. As propostas de modernização agrícola giravam em torno de diferentes assuntos, mas sempre interligados, como: diversificação da agricultura, adubação química e natural, cultura intensiva do solo, mão de obra, povoamento e colonização, instalação de núcleos coloniais dentro dos moldes da moderna agricultura então desejada, instrução agrícola por meio de campos de experiências e demonstração, ensino agrícola para diferentes graus, a mecanização da lavoura, o que era chamado, na época, de Moderna Agricultura, em substituição ao que era considerado como agricultura rotineira ou atrasada, praticada desde o início da agricultura no Brasil.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)