267 resultados para Cambodia


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The present study deals with the revision of the ichtyological work made by G. Tirant in 1929. After several years the first work required an updating of scientific names and classifications. The order followed in presenting species is the same used by Mr. Tirant and even the same large groups have been adopted such as fishes from the coast of Hué, fishes from Samrong-Tong, fishes from Cochinchina and Cambodia.


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The ichtyological research, conducted in Cambodia from 1938 to 1939 by the Oceanographic Institute, has greatly enriched the Indochinese freshwater wildlife inventory. 40 new species for Indochina were harvested. They have been divided into 12 families and 30 genera, 12 new species for Indochina. The 7 completly unknown species described in this note are: Clupea (Alosa) Thibaudeaui, Xenocheilichthys Loppei, Cosmochilus Pellegrini, Kryptopterus Cheveyi, Pangasius altifrons, Cybium cambodgiensis, Synaptura krempfi.


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The Cá linh banh, Thynnichthys thynnoides, is a very common small cyprinid in Cambodia. The material studied in this note was collected during a research cruise of "De Lanessan" vessel of the Oceanographic Institute of Indochina in December 1925. The technical operations have been exposed by the author. This study is part of the previous note by Mr. Marcelet on fish oil.


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Thanks to the initiative of the Superior Residence of Cambodia and the General Government, a fishery cooperative was founded in late December 1940 in Phnom Penh to ensure proper packaging and direct selling of dry fish. The Cooperative received and treated 10,000 tons of fish. In 1942, the Cooperative directed its efforts towards the Indochinese market and it obtained satisfactory results.


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The importance of water in Cambodia's economy has always greatly impressed scientists and their work. This trend is spread over a period of more than 70 years. There were three distinct phases in the history of fishing and fish research in Cambodia. The phase of isolated workers (1865-1923), the phase of the first gathered researches, corresponding to the beginning of the work of the Oceanographic Institute of Indochina (1923-1936), and finally close cooperation phase between the Institute Oceanographic and Protectorate, inaugurated in 1936. The purpose of this 5th Memoire is exposing the knowledge on fishing activities in Cambodia in 1936.


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In recent years, the analysis of trade in value added has been explored by many researchers. Although they have made important contributions by developing GVC-related indices and proposing techniques for decomposing trade data, they have not yet explored the method of value chain mapping—a core element of conventional value chain analysis. This paper introduces a method of value chain mapping that uses international input-output data and reveals both upstream and downstream transactions of goods and services induced by production activities of a specific commodity or industry. This method is subsequently applied to the agricultural value chain of three Greater Mekong Sub-region countries (i.e., Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia). The results show that the agricultural value chain has been increasingly internationalized, although there is still room for obtaining benefits from GVC participation, especially in a country such as Cambodia.


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In Remembering Genocide an international group of scholars draw on current research from a range of disciplines to explore how communities throughout the world remember genocide. Whether coming to terms with atrocities committed in Namibia and Rwanda, Australia, Canada, the Punjab, Armenia, Cambodia and during the Holocaust, those seeking to remember genocide are confronted with numerous challenges. Survivors grapple with the possibility, or even the desirability, of recalling painful memories. Societies where genocide has been perpetrated find it difficult to engage with an uncomfortable historical legacy.Still, to forget genocide, as this volume edited by Nigel Eltringham and Pam Maclean shows, is not an option. To do so reinforces the vulnerability of groups whose very existence remains in jeopardy and denies them the possibility of bringing perpetrators to justice. Contributors discuss how genocide is represented in media including literature, memorial books, film and audiovisual testimony. Debates surrounding the role museums and monuments play in constructing and transmitting memory are highlighted. Finally, authors engage with controversies arising from attempts to mobilise and manipulate memory in the service of reconciliation, compensation and transitional justice.


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Faith-based organisations (FBOs) have long been recognised as having an advantage in delivering programs and interventions amongst communities of the same faith. However, many FBOs today work across a variety of contexts, including with local partners and communities of different faiths. Likewise, secular NGOs and donors are increasingly partnering with faith-based organisations to work in highly-religious communities.Development Across Faith Boundaries explores the dynamics of activities by local or international FBOs that cross faith boundaries, whether with their partners, donors or recipient communities. The book investigates the dynamics of cross-faith partnerships in a range of development contexts, from India, Cambodia and Myanmar, to Melanesia, Bosnia, Ethiopia and Afghanistan. The book demonstrates how far FBOs extend their activities beyond their own faith communities and how far NGOs partner with religious actors. It also considers the impacts of these cross-faith partnerships, including their work on conflict and sectarian or ethnic tension in the relevant communities.This book is an invaluable guide for graduates, researchers and students with an interest in development and religious studies, as well as practitioners within the aid sector.


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Using critical feminist border ethnography, the thesis explores the healing of older Khmer women who endured the Khmer Rouge genocide and subsequent migration to Australia. A conceptual framework was developed to describe the process from immense suffering to embodied healing, thus contributing to international feminist justice work and decolonising academic research in the healing of women genocide survivors.


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Con el fin de la unipolaridad no sólo se fortalecieron mecanismos de gobernanza global como los Regímenes Internacionales, sino también se fortalecieron actores no estatales. A pesar de la importancia que tomaron estos dos elementos aún no existe una teoría que explique exhaustivamente la relación que existe entre ellos. Es por lo anterior que, la investigación busca responder de qué manera el rol de las Redes de Apoyo Transnacional ha incidido en la evolución del régimen de tráfico de personas en la Región del Mekong. Asimismo tiene como objetivo comprender las relación entre el Régimen y las Redes de Apoyo Transnacional a través de la formulación de un caso de estudio basado en metodologías cualitativas, específicamente, en el análisis teórico-constructivista y el análisis de contenido de documentos producidos por actores estatales y no estatales.


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El presente estudio de caso tiene como principal objetivo el de analizar la manera como las características sociopolíticas de los Estados del Mekong, específicamente en el caso de Camboya y Myanmar, dificultan la implementación de las normas enunciadas en el Protocolo de las Naciones Unidas para Prevenir, Reprimir y Sancionar la Trata de Personas, Especialmente Mujeres y Niños, también conocido como el Protocolo de Palermo. En este sentido, se parte de las características principales del Protocolo y de la manera como el tráfico de personas se presenta en el Mekong para posteriormente analizar la forma como la corrupción, la impunidad y la desigualdad de género representan retos sociopolíticos que obstruyen la implementación de los mandatos internacionales enmarcados en este instrumento


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar cómo las relaciones bilaterales entre China y Camboya son afectadas por el interés geopolítico chino, con el fin de demostrar que éste genera un fortalecimiento de sus relaciones puesto que además de suplir necesidades alimenticias, hídricas y en mano de obra barata, es el único país de la región del Sudeste Asiático que le permite a China tener acceso militar al Golfo de Tailandia y al Mar de China Meridional, donde se encuentra en desventaja con Estados Unidos. Así, se indica que la potencia asiática formula sus acuerdos bilaterales creando relaciones de dependencia por parte de países como Camboya para que este le entregue “obligatoriamente” lo que necesita. Esta investigación se llevará a cabo por medio de una monografía con un enfoque realista. Se utilizará el método de investigación cualitativo, que se servirá de fuentes primarias como los acuerdos bilaterales entre ambos Estados.